Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

The Miraculous Mirai in Action

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 86): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 88): [LINK]

“Nice!” said C as he snapped his camera several times, “Keep it up!” he added, flashes going off rapidly. Mirai had to blink several times, but it still didn’t help the flares over her field of vision. They would clear after a few moments, but it was still irritating. She moved to strike a common bodybuilders pose as more flashes went off.


C was a man from the Hidden Cloud. He had a head of bright yellow hair and dark colored eyes. Unlike many men from Kumogakure, he was fair skinned, with a fit, but not bulky muscular build. His figure suggested his fighting style lent itself more towards hit and run type tactics instead of full on brawling. In the handful of days they’d spent together since her arrival here, Mirai had learned he was a Chunin from Kumogakure who specialized in recovery missions. Be it recovering intelligence, physical items, or even people, he was good at his job.


His opinion on Konoha women was marred a bit by observations he’d made of Sakura Uchiha of all people! Mirai had seen it for herself when she was at a club with C and had seen the pink haired woman debasing herself on stage with a complete stranger!


She couldn’t help but wonder what happened to the Medi-nin woman, but ultimately decided it wasn’t her business. Instead, Mirai turned her attention to the present. She was in a studio filled with camera equipment, and dressed in a rather racy swimsuit called a v-sling. They were a fairly common sight here on Ranko Island, at least, when women bothered to even WEAR anything at all!


She’d seen this room before, in a video that had become popular on the island of the current Hokage and Lady Tsunade! Though, there was no sign that the two of them had been here now. She hadn’t really expected there to be, but it was still a little eerie.


C finished snapping pics on his current roll and began rewinding it to change out the film. Of all the things she’d learned about the man, the fact that he was an old school photography buff was the most surprising. Seriously, who even used film anymore? Wasn’t everything digital now?


Mirai moved over to a pile of crates with a bunch of different camera equipment stowed in them, tripods, different lenses in padded boxes, and a crapton of batteries. She sat on the edge of one crate, feeling the wood threatening to stick splinters in her ass if she moved the wrong way and watched while C changed out the film roll.


“So, whaddaya wanna do after this?” she asked him. The two of them had mostly been hanging out together for several days now, not out of any serious liking for one another as far as Mirai could tell. She just hadn’t met anyone else yet who didn’t just want to fuck before actually talking a bit. Sex was great, yeah, she loved a good fuck. But stimulating conversation was almost as good. Also, she found she LIKED the way he looked at her even after her tits had shrunk down a bit.


C looked at her with his dark colored eyes, “Not sure. I am getting a little hungry though. Wanna grab a bite?” he asked her.


Even now, she felt her pussy tingle at the way his eyes leered at her body in this slutty swimsuit. He’d had a huge hard-on this entire time and still had one even now, after almost a full hour of snapping pictures of her. They’d come here because when Mirai bought this swimsuit on impulse, he told her he HAD to get a few shots of her in it. Mirai didn’t mind, though her mother would have a stroke if she ever saw any of the photos!


Then again, being here, some sexy pictures were the LEAST thing Kurenai needed to worry about. That thought made Mirai suppress a giggle as she eyed C’s dick openly. “I know my tits aren’t as big anymore, but I think they’re still enough to deal with that.” she told him.


C slapped the camera closed after loading a fresh roll of film into it. He turned his dark colored eyes towards her as Mirai shrugged herself out of the v-sling swimsuit. She smiled at him as he eyed her naked figure. She winked and stuck out her tongue at him while grabbing her own breasts. Mirai suppressed a giggle as C gulped audibly and set the camera down before walking over to her.


Mirai let go of her tits as C grabbed them. She moaned as he gave her tits a firm squeeze and leaned in close. She leaned her head to one side as he kissed and licked the side of her neck. Mirai could feel the heat of his dick between the two of their naked bodies and slipped her arms around him, hugging herself closer so she could feel more of that throbbing heat.




In the time it took to blink, C had shoved Mirai up against the wall of the studio, his hand caressing her outer thigh. She felt him gently biting the side of her neck as he pulled her leg up and around his hip.


The dark haired young woman sucked in a sharp breath as she felt his dick slipping inside her with a soft, wet noise. Mirai then put her other leg around his hips, letting C take her full weight as he began pumping his hips.


HAH, AHH, HAH!!!” Mirai cried, her arms going around his wide shoulders, “HARDERRR!!! FUCK ME HARDERRRRRR!!!” she demanded.


C grunted, moving his body faster, his lengthy cock slamming into her again and again. Mirai bounced up and down as she held onto him tightly, with the loud SMACK SMACK SMACK sound of raw sex only getting louder in the quiet studio. She chewed her lower light lightly, her nails digging at his back. She rocked her hips into his thrusts, forcing his dick to go even deeper inside her.


NMMMMMMH! YEAAAH, RIGHT THERE! RIGHT! FUCKING! THERE!!!” Mirai moaned as she felt the head of his cock battering at her cervix. “MORE, PRESS MY SKANK BUTTON MOOORE!!!


C grunted again and grinned, “HRAAAAAHHH!!!” he growled as he began pounding his length up and down. Mirai could feel his balls slapping against her ass every time he shoved it inside her. Every time she felt his cock pressing against the entrance to her womb, Mirai’s entire body shuddered in orgasm!


NMMMMMMMMGH, FUUUUUUUCK! DEEP, SO DEE! GIMME MORE! AHHH FUUUUCK!! I’M ALREADY CUMMING AGAIN! MY PUSSY FEELS SO GOOD, I CAN’T EVEN THIIIINK…!” screamed Mirai as C pulled her back from the wall, holding her ass in a seat formed with his hands, he stood in the center of the studio, fucking her in the air. The dark haired woman threw her head back and let out a long, throaty howl, with her pussy gushing hard.


She then found herself down on all fours, rocking herself back and forth as C took her from behind! He rested his hands on her hips, while slapping her ass from time to time, making it wobble around as though it were made of jell-o.


AHHHN, MY PUSSY!!! MY PUSSY’S GOING CRAZY!!!” Mirai moaned, while she rocked herself back on his thrusts, feeling her big and heavy tits swaying beneath her like the udders of a cow! C then leaned over her, pressing his bare chest against her back as he moved his hands up to grab her swaying tits.


HNMMMMMH, YESH, SHQUEESHE DHEM MOAR…!!!” Mirai slurred as C moved his head over her shoulder and she turned her own head to kiss him. Their tongues swirled around one another, their combined drool running down her chin. “AHHHNNMMMH, AYE’M CUMMING AHGINN… ID PHEELSH SHO GUUD! AYE CAHN’T GIT ENUFF UV DISH!!!!


HRRRGH, HRRRGH, HRRRGH…!” C grunted again and again, pumping his thick rod back and forth. Mirai could feel every inch of him moving, as the fat tip scraped and dragged against her insides, sending tidal waves of pleasure through her.


OOOOOOOAAAAAAHHH!!! CUMMING!!!! I’M CUMMING SO HARD! DON’T YOU DARE STOP!” she screamed suddenly, breaking their kiss as her pussy sprayed everywhere. She couldn’t hold it in at all as she panted heavily. Cumming drained her stamina so much, but she didn’t want to stop!


The two of them rolled around on the floor, and Mirai sat up on her knees reverse cowgirl style. She swirled and rolled her hips, stirring his cock around inside her. She then leaned herself back, bracing her weight against her hands and planting her feet on the floor in front of herself. Next, Mirai began bucking her hips up and down quickly, moaning deeply as she felt the tip of his dick rubbing different spots inside her now!




“Yeah it is!” grunted C, grabbing her hips with his hands again and holding her in place as he began pounding his cock up and down like a piston! “HUUUUUURRRAAGH!!!” he roared, “HUUH HUUH HUUH HUUUH!!!” he grunted again and again in time with his movements.


HEEEEEEEK!!! SO ROOOOUGH!!! CUMMING! DO IT HARDER AND MAKE ME CUM SOME MOOORE!!!” begged Mirai, moaning long and loud.


They soon changed positions again, and Mirai found herself with her face pressed against the floor and her ass in the air. Her breath was almost steaming in the cool air of the studio as C power fucked her from behind again.


How long had they been fucking? Mirai couldn’t tell, but she was fairly sure there was still daylight out when they started. Now, stars dotted the sky outside the window beyond the wavy aurora in the air.


HURR, HUURRR, HUUURRRRGH, CUMMINGH!!” groaned C as he slammed his entire length inside her and came. Mirai could feel a sensation she could only describe as liquid warmth shooting into her. Thick, sticky white fluid leaked out of her pussy around C’s dick as she felt it continue to throb inside her.


With a loud sigh, the blonde haired man fell back, with his now soft dick pulling out of her with a SHLOCK sound. The two of them laid there for several minutes. Mirai was the first to recover and got up slowly. Her legs felt like they were made of rubber, and she was a little unsteady on her feet, but she could still move.


“So,” C asked from his spot on the floor, he was panting slightly, and his entire body was covered in sweat, “What now?” he asked.


Mirai found the camera he’d been using earlier and waved it at him, “We finish this little photo set, then… Dinner, I guess?” she suggested.


C sat up and took the camera from her before he stood up. He looked out the window and pulled a face, “I’ll have to change the flashes around now that the natural light is gone. Can you wait a few minutes?” he asked her.


“Sure,” Mirai agreed, “Say, wasn’t there a vending machine out in the hall? I’m gonna grab a drink. You want anything?” she asked C.


“Green tea if they got it, or some kind of sports drink. I think I’m a little dehydrated.” he replied.


Mirai felt more of his cum leaking out of her pussy and giggled, “Sure.” she said before walking out of the room while C rearranged the equipment.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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4 months ago

Short but sweet and straightforward. 👏 This one was a neat little chapter. ✍️

Good to see some more Mirai and what she was doing, for the first time in a long while no less. And she got it on with C, one of the Kumogakure guys on the Raikage detail, who happens to be an old school photographer here. Pretty neat detail, I admit. 🤔

But seriously, this was a really fun tale from beginning to end. Including the sexual parts, naturally. Though that’s probably an understatement. 😏

Overall, nicely done. Looking forward to seeing how things go next time. 😎

– Hiryu

4 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

I made the decision to have Mirai be the only girl on the island to have a NORMAL trip there. Complete with the summer fling.

4 months ago

Nice chapter! It’s good to see Mirai from time to time! Hope we get to see what’s up with boruto soon and more chapters this and next month.

Last edited 4 months ago by Bd7
4 months ago
Reply to  Bd7

I’m working on that right now actually.

4 months ago

Ohh yes, finally Mirai is back… wow, she really has stamina, her Kunoichi training gave very good results. hehehehe.xdd

4 months ago
Reply to  jojo


4 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

a question, will tsubaki or fuu appear in boruto’s lewd story ..?

4 months ago
Reply to  jojo

Fuu, maybe, who’s the other one?

4 months ago
Reply to  jojo

Doubt it, ask Enzo