Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

The Bimbo and the Beast

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Part XIV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XVI): [LINK]

…and then she used her hair to fuck Lucy like crazy! It was SO HOT!” Levy McGarden exclaimed ecstatically as she retold the events of her last mission with Lucy, “Her hair just went ‘WOOOSH’ and ‘SHLLLG’ and… OOOOHH!!! I’ve never seen something like this before!” Stars danced in her eyes as she relived the memories of that day. “And Lucy’s moans… You should have heard her! She was so slutty and needy… And when she passed out from pleasure and too much cumming, and Flare turned to fuck me!? AAAAAAAAHH!!!! I never would have thought that she could use her hair in such a way! It’s just…”


“Uhuugh!” Her boyfriend, Gajeel Redfox, interrupted her with a nod and agonizing groan as he held his rumbling stomach.


“Are you even listening to me!?” Levy asked the man adjacent as she crossed her hands underneath her chest. The petite bluette sported a plain white top with a deep v-cut that would normally highlight a girl’s tits. Though, in Levy’s case, her tits were barely existent to begin with, which made the whole concept of the v-cut kinda redundant. Still, Gajeel did notice the fact that the top allowed him a gracious look at her slim and alluring midriff, even though his motion sickness prevented him from fully appreciating it.


“Guuurg…!!” He gave his girlfriend a weak thumbs-up while his face turned several shades more green, “Mhmmmm!” Gajeel nodded as he almost emptied his stomach into his hand. For better or for worse, he was able to hold back from actually puking, despite the sour taste it left in his mouth afterwards.


Levy pouted, “Seriously, you were the one to just grab me without any warning and declare that we have to go on a field trip now… Don’t act like you’re the victim now all of a sudden!” she chided him with a stern look in her beautiful hazelnut colored eyes while gently patting his back.


“I’m… not playing… victim…!” the black haired Dragon Slayer managed to grunt. “I just… wouldn’t have thought that… URRRRK… you would want to take the train to get there!”


“Gajeel! You told me that it’s ‘only fifty miles or something’! We’re not going all that way by foot!” she declared firmly.


“But… if we had run…”


“Attention all passengers! We will reach our next destination, Cedar Central Station, in a few minutes. The exit is to the left!” The metallic sounding voice of the motorman echoed throughout the vehicle, saving Gajeel from a potential punch to the head as Levy had already raised her fist in response to his stupid idea.


With shaking legs, Gajeel was able to push himself off his seat and stumble towards the exit of the small compartment where they had spent an agonizing two hours in, “We’re here…!” he informed Levy, who had already jumped up as well to support her swaggering boyfriend.


“Here? In Cedar?” the petite bluette asked with a raised eyebrow. Gajeel answered her question with a barely noticeable nod that she only saw by briefly looking up when she put her left hand around his waist.


Due to their luggage only consisting of the clothes they wore on their bodies and her purse, Levy was more than capable of keeping Gajeel upright by resting one of his hands over her shoulders while gently pushing him towards the door that would finally get him out of any Dragon Slayer’s personal nightmare. The salty smell of the close ocean greeted them the moment they stepped out of the vehicle that brought them over to the remote little harbor town at the edge of Fiore. Roofs in all the different colors of the rainbow stretched from one end of the horizon to the next, dazzling in the beams of the high standing summer sun. Beyond the houses, the ocean swayed in a steady and slow pace, looking just as beautiful and mesmerizing as always!


The moment that the young couple had left the train, Gajeel began walking more upright. After another couple steps out of the station, he walked all on his own again as if nothing had happened, “AAAAAHH!!!! That’s so much better!” he declared with a wide grin and spread out arms. “Thanks for your help, shrimp!”


EEEEP!!!” Levy squealed in surprise and embarrassment as he ran his fingers through her blue hair, messing it up more than it already was, “Hehehehe~ stop it!” she managed to push herself slightly away from him. She quickly tried to get her hair in shape again before joining Gajeel, who had no interest in waiting for her, again. “So… why are we here now? A mission?”


“Eh? Oh, no. Nothing like that! It’s just that… y’know…” Gajeel scratched the back of his head nervously, “It’s actually… Well, ever since we found that gig for you in Fortune City, we never had much time to go out. Just the two of us, I mean.”


Now it dawned on Levy, “OOOH!!! Do you want me to stop working there? Should I go and tell Nezort-san tha-!”


“What? Are you kidding me!?” Gajeel interrupted her. When she looked up at him she saw that his eyes were beaming with the childlike energy that he had whenever he got into another argument with Natsu, “Seeing you dance there is a blast! And the money we earn is something that I could definitely get used to! Unless you yourself want to quit being there, you can work there as long as you want!”


“So… you don’t mind me having sex with other guys there? Not even when it’s Jellal?” the bluette asked, now even more confused than before.


Gajeel waved her concern to the side, “Pffft! Jellal can fuck you as many times as he or Erza want to! You’re still my girl, and I’ll make sure that it stays this way!” he declared proudly while spanking her ass quickly but also rather firmly.


Once again, Levy squealed in surprise as she jumped a few feet forward. Her ass rippled in her hotpants due to the impact. The right pant leg in particular actually disappeared in between her juicy buns, giving Gajeel a good look at her creamy buttocks. As a result, his cock began to swell, though he contained himself. For the moment anyway! Instead, he locked arms with his girlfriend and led her away from the main street and towards a more narrow alley that went straight through the town.


After composing herself again and pulling her shorts back in place, so that it didn’t ride up her ass anymore, “You’re awfully full of yourself!” she said with the attempt of a pout on her face, though the rush of arousal she felt as Gajeel had spanked her made sure that she actually wanted to do it again! “What if I run into a customer who fucks me so good that I want to marry him instead?!”


GNIHIHIHIHIHI!!! You’re a feisty little one today, aren’t ya?! In that case, I guess I just have to fuck you even harder and make you forget all about him again!” Gajeel boasted while squeezing her ass roughly.


“Hrrrrrrrrmmm!!” Levy purred as she pushed her ass against his hand, signaling to him to fondle her some more, “So that’s why we’re here? To remind me that I’m your girl?!” she asked, although her words were nothing more than a hoarse whisper in Gajeel’s pierced ears.


“Smart as always, shrimp!” he praised her, all the while massaging her butt through the thin fabric of her clothes. “Though, you’re only partially correct!”


“Mmmmmhn? What do you meaAAAAAAHH!!!” The blue haired mage’s question turned into an elongated, high-pitched gasp as Gajeel lifted her off the ground and pressed her against the wall of one of the buildings. Before she could ask again, her lover moved in closer and covered her mouth with his own. “MMMMMMMMMHHH!!!!!


Her entire body felt like putty, with her entire weight now resting on Gajeel’s strong hands as he forced his tongue deep into her tight little mouth. A moan, made of lust and desire, escaped her lips as and echoed in Gajeel’s ears. It didn’t even take a full second until Levy then began to retaliate the kiss. Slithering her tongue over his lips, the shortstack made sure to lasciviously suck on his tongue as if it were his dick, all the while humping the lower half of her body against his stomach!


“Sheemsh like shomeone’sh enshoyingh themshelvesh…” Gajeel slurred into her mouth with a grin on his face, “Youw aww wet down thewe!” he stated, having pulled one of his hands away from her ass to instead the positively soaked front part of her shorts.


Levy could only nod, incapable of forming any coherent sentences as her arousal grew from a 7 to 9 out of 10 in just a few heartbeats, “HMMM!!! Yeph…!!” she moaned into her bf’s mouth, her pussy overflowing with juices as the primal desire to fuck overwhelmed all rational thoughts!


“Gnihihihihi!” right as she was getting used to this sensation of lightheadedness and feverish lust, Gajeel pulled his face away from hers again. A couple thin threads of saliva connected their lips for a couple seconds as she stared up into his crimson red eyes. “Seems like working in that club made you an even bigger slut than you were before!”


S- says the one who went to fuck me in the middle of a waterpark because he couldn’t keep it in his pants anymore…!” Levy replied after a quick moment of composing herself. “I’m not a slut!”


HEY! That was just because that dumb Salamander actually thought he was better than me!” Gajeel retaliated sharply. He then switched from pressing her against the cold, unforgiving bricks of the wall behind her, to putting her on his shoulders, “Now come on! There are definitely better places to have fun than in this stinkin’ alley!”


And just like that, Gajeel walked off. For the first time in a long while, Levy felt like a little girl again as he carried her on his shoulders like how her father did way, way back! Buildings and people alike appeared and disappeared from her sight faster than she had any chance to recognize and memorize any of them as Gajeel headed straight for the edge of the town. They slowed down only a little bit as the ground beneath his feet changed from cobblestone to sand, which gave Levy more time to actually appreciate the surrounding area.


By now, they were far enough away from the town that only the gentle lapping of waves and the wind in the trees to their right could be heard. At the very edge of the horizon, Levy spotted a couple of gray clouds gathering over the ocean, ‘Is it gonna rain?! I should have taken some warmer clothes!’ she thought to herself, but quickly shook her head. For now, however, the sun still shined down on them, making her feel even hotter than the foreplay with Gajeel already did.


“And… we’re here!” Gajeel declared, effectively cutting her thoughts short as he put her down again.


“Oh… WOW!” Levy’s eyes went big as dinner plates as she got her first look at the blanket set up in front of her. There were several plates with sandwiches, a single large platter with a strawberry cake that would have made Erza cum the second she saw it, five different kinds of drinks for her to choose from, ranging from lemonade, to coffee, to iced tea, and even a bowl filled with fruits that were so exotic, she only knew half of them! She turned around and looked at Gajeel with pure disbelief in her eyes. “You didn’t…!”


He chuckled, “GNIHIHIHIHI!!! Well, it’s been a while since our last time alone, so I thought, why not do something nice for the girl that single-handedly saved us from that big-ass bill?!” he teased her with yet another slap to the ass and a quick kiss to the forehead. “Especially since it’s been quite a while since our last time alone, with you doing all kinds of modeling jobs with Lucy and Mirajane now…


“J- Jerk!” was the only thing that Levy could mutter as tears of joy formed in her eyes at how thoughtful he was.


Gajeel sat down on the blanket and patted the place to his side, “So, what do you want first?” he asked while gesturing at the food in front of him with his other hand. “I didn’t know what most of the stuff was… I just ordered a little bit of everything from some restaurant here.”


Wiping away the last couple teardrops from the corner of her eyes, Levy knew exactly what she wanted!


“I think I go with… dessert first!” she told him, while tearing her top and shorts off of her like they were so much as tissue paper! Instead of a bra, she had opted to go with some rather unconventional yellow and heart-shaped pasties that covered only her nipples, and ONLY them! The rest of her tits were pure eye candy for her boyfriend to feast on! Further down, only the flimsiest excuse of a white thong covered her overly excited pussy.


“Oh?” Gajeel could only raise his eyebrow before already being tackled to the ground entirely by his girlfriend. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself stark naked, and with his dick being stroked tenderly, but quickly, by the petite bluette. “You definitely learned some nice new tricks at that club, I have to admit!”


“Hrmmmmm… Less talking, more hardening!” Levy moaned as she rubbed his length up and down with rapid strokes, “I want you to fuck me like you described it earlier! Make me forget about all other men and make me scream like a basic tavern whore!” she half-ordered, half-begged before spitting on his pierced dick to make the handjob feel all the more smooth!


Letting his head fall back against the blanket, Gajeel let out a long sigh, “Aaaaahh, you’ve gotten so much better at that!” he groaned while thrusting his hips in the same rhythm as she was stroking him. “But you know what would make this even better?”


“What?” Levy nestled her face on his thighs, gently licking one of his balls while speeding up the movements of her hand so that she would stay as the one in charge!


He put his arms behind his head and looked down on his girlfriend’s effort of servicing his dick, “Take a guess!” he said with a confidence that he would soon regret.


Using all the knowledge she had gathered during her time in the club, Levy used her tongue to tickle and distract him from the pleasure of her strokes. Groaning with a mix of growing arousal and slight uneasiness, Gajeel’s entire body went stiff as the I-beams he liked to eat from time to time. No matter how fast she would rub his now truly gargantuan cock, her occasional licks and brushes over the few stubbles of hair that covered his balls made sure to stop him from feeling too much at ease. Whenever she felt the veins in the palm of her hands pulsate as he was about to shoot his load all over her, she would stop masturbating entirely and only tickle his most sensitive area!


“Tell me now, or I’ll keep you at the edge like this for a looooooong time!” she threatened him with a childish gleam in her eyes!


OAAAAAAAARGH…!! You’re a little devil, ya know that!?” Gajeel asked as she blueballed him like this for the third time. Instead of answering however, Levy moved to tease him for the fourth time, “Okay, okay!” he raised his eyes in a placatory gesture. “This would be even better if you’d have a pair of some big tits to really worship my cock!”


Despite starting rather boastfully, his words turned into a slight whimper towards the end as he dreaded Levy’s reaction, “Is that so…?” she asked in a dangerous low tone while pressing her face against the side of his steaming hot cock. At the same time, she clenched both her hands tight around the base of his length in an attempt to stop the blood flow. “Not happy with the size of my tits anymore… You’d rather have it if I walked around with some big and soft bimbo tits like Lucy, Juvia, and Erza, eh?!”


“W- well…!” her boyfriend gulped as he watched Levy run her tongue over the side of his cock and the metal bolts that were pierced through them in a foreboding slow fashion while also pressing her B-cup breasts against the lower half of his cock.


“Say it!”


YES!” Gajeel shouted his answer. Sweat coated his face and ran down his muscular and heaving chest as he struggled for every breath of salty ocean air.


“See?! Was that so hard?” A smile spread across Levy’s face as she gave his cock one last kiss, leaving a crimson red swatch mark behind. She relieved his cock of the pressure as she instead rose to her feet again and looked down on her bewildered looking boyfriend. “Truth be told, I’ve been dying to test out some new Solid Script! Ever since I found out that I can actually mess with people’s feelings and preferences with my magic, I’ve been waiting for a chance to try this out on myself!”


As she explained herself, she pulled one of her pens from seemingly nowhere and, with practiced ease, wrote some words on her tits. BIMBO TITS! The magic letters glowed in a silvery white fashion that matched the rapidly darkening sky and the gray waves of the ocean that lapped with much more speed now against the beach. A hot second later, the words worked their magic as Levy’s tits ballooned out with a speed that nearly caused Levy to tip over due to the new and sudden weight increase in front of her. When they stopped growing, her tits now were easily bigger than her head and so sensitive, every gust of wind and drop of water on them caused her to moan in utmost pleasure! At the same time, what felt like a thick blanket laid over her mind, drowning out all thoughts, instead replacing them with something much, MUCH more primal and animalistic!


“Wowzers…!” Levy mumbled in a somewhat drunken tone as she actually stumbled a few steps back, “My head… it’s, like, totes empty all of a sudden!” she exclaimed while running the fingers of her right hand through her blue hair. She then locked eyes with Gajeel’s precum-oozing cock and licked her lips. “OH! EM! GEE! Like, is that for lil ol’ me!? Tihihihihi!! ”


With an erotic swing in her hips, the young mage strutted over to her completely flabbergasted boyfriend, “Damn… you changed, shrimp!” he commented on both her appearance and her demeanor as she positioned herself right over his pelvis, with his cock pointing straight up at her overflowing pussy.


“Bae~?” Levy asked while gyrating her hips in slow circles, “You look so totally hot and hard…” she moaned as she slowly squatted down. With one hand, she pulled her panties to the side. With the other, she made sure to hold his dick in place as it plunged into her pussy with a wet SQUISH!


OAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!” both Levy and Gajeel shouted at the same time.


CUMMING!!!! BAE, I’M CUMMING SO GOOD FROM YOUR DRAGON DICK!!!!!!” Levy screamed in pure ecstasy as her abdomen distended in a perfect outline of his cock. “IT FEELS, LIKE, SO GOOD!!! MY SLUTTY CUNT… YOU’RE TOTALLY SPLITTING ME IN TWO!!!!!!! IT’S SO DEEEEEEEEEPPP!!!!!!!


“Oooooh, FUCCCCCCK!!!!” the black haired Dragon Slayer groaned as his cock moved farther and farther into Levy’s pussy, “Who taught you to move like that!?” he wanted to know in regards to the rapid movement of her entire body as she basically jumped up and down on top of him like a bunny in mating season!


DOOOOOOOH… Do you like it, bae?” Levy bit down on her lower lip as Gajeel took more control of the sex by grabbing her by her thicc thighs. She then mewled and arched her back as he piston fucked her, his massive pierced cock easily reaching the deepest point of her extra tight pussy. “DOES… DOES MY TIGHT AND NAUGHTY LITTLE CUNNY FEEL GOOD!?


HELL YEAH IT DOES!!!” Gajeel answered her question without hesitation.


AAAH!!!! YES!!!! PROVE IT THEN, BAE!!!!” the newly transformed bimbo-girlfriend demanded while riding his cock as if she were an actual nymphomaniac. “PLOW YOUR THICK BITCHBREAKER HARDER IN ME! MAKE ME CUM AND CUM AND… CUMMMMMMMINNNNNGH!!!!!


Gajeel chuckled, “Heh! You don’t have to tell me twice!” he retorted.


The wet SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK of body against body echoed over the beach, even as the first few drops of rain began to fall down on them. Neither of them cared as they were far too obsessed with fucking like if it was the last day before the end of the world!


SO… GOOD…!!!!! HOOOOOOOOOO!! PLEASE… FILL ME WITH YOUR BABY BATTER ALREADY, BAE!!!!” Levy begged without shame on top of his cock. Her eyes have rolled so far back in their sockets, they were almost completely white. “TOTALLY STUFF ME FULL!!!! MAKE ME YOUR CUMDUMMMMMMMMPPPP!!!!!!


“You… asked for it! IRON DRAGON’S…” he breathed in as much air as he could while also pulling his dick all the way out of her gushing wet pussy. For a brief moment, Levy winced in neglect and pain as he stopped fucking her. “ROOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR!!!!!!!!


Before her lightheaded bimbo-brain could process it, Gajeel had RAMMED his cock all the way into her ass instead! At the same time as he emptied his balls straight into her butt, a silvery gray beam of his magic shot high into the dark sky!


CUMMMMM!!!!! YOU BLAST ME SO FULL OF YOUR DICK CREAM, BAE…!!!!” Levy moaned at length as liter after liter of the sticky white goo washed her insides clean. “IT’S MAKING ME CUM SO FRIGGING MUCH AS WELL!!!!! I’M GOING CRAAAAAAAZYYYY!!!!


“Yeah!! That’s it! Take it all, shrimp!” Gajeel ordered as more and more cum began oozing out around his cock. Solid five minutes passed until he finally stopped cumming.


“Ahaaahhaaa~!” the bluette whimpered silently as she was spun around on his cock. Skewered as she was, Gajeel pushed them into a doggy position, with her face resting on the blanket that now was completely drenched with a mix of sweat, her pussy juices, and her boyfriend’s cum.


His cock stirred around inside her as he leaned over her to nibble on her earlobe, “I hope you’re not done yet, shrimp!” he whispered into her ear while beginning to hump her once more. Thunder rumbled over them as his balls smacked against her thighs. “Cause I’m not done with you yet!”


Levy came again right then and there!



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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1 year ago

Levy going full on Caime with the dialouge was definitely the highlight of the chapter for me. Though I do think I perfer her having small boobs instead, and just makes up for it by having the fattest most juciest ass in all of Fairy Tail. Shortstack bodytypes like that are my absolute favorite.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Eh. Personally, I’m not the biggest fan of shortstacks, though I do see the appeal. That being said, nothing beats big tits.

1 year ago

Gajeel being wholesome and carrying Levy around before blowing her back out is *mwah* chef’s kiss

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Hehehe. Happy to read that you like the relationship between these two.