Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

A Temporary Nudist Beach

One of the downsides of having friends, family, and other people you cared about was that, occasionally, you had to do things that you really didn’t want to.


Ryuko was reminded of this when Uzu didn’t show up for the group beach picnic lunch. Personally, she was inclined to eat without him, but Satsuki had asked (not ordered, asked) her to go look for him while the rest of them finished setting things up.


As it turned out, Ryuko had a hard time turning down a request from her older sister. So, grumbling, she walked off to find the stupid swordsman.


Thankfully for her temper and Uzu’s well-being, it didn’t take long to find him. On the other hand…


“Oh for-OI! You damn exhibitionist! We aren’t in Nudist Beach anymore, so put on some damn clothes!”


To her increased irritation, Uzu merely lifted his head to look at her, giving her a smirk. “Hey Ryuko-san. Sorry, I was just admiring my new size.”


She blinked. “The hell does that mean?”


Still smirking, Uzu gestured at the cans around him. “Dr. Mankanshoku came up with this stuff; tastes like shit, so I was glad to have the cola on hand to wash out the taste, but damn if it doesn’t work! I was his guinea pig too, so he let me try it for free.”


Ryuko stared at him for a beat before slapping a hand to her face. “You’re so goddamn lucky to be alive. You do know he’s killed more patients then he’s saved, right? How did you know that stuff wouldn’t kill you, or worse?”


“Eh, I figured I was tough enough to survive anything the old sawbones came up with,” Uzu replied with a nonchalant shrug. “And hey, I’m sure not complaining about the results!” His eyes took on a mischievous gleam as he took in Ryuko in her skimpy beach outfit, styled to look like Senketsu. “Want to help me break it in?


As he spoke, his cock slowly swelled into an erection, sticking up from his prone body like a flagpole.


Blushing and scowling, Ryuko opened her mouth to give a scathing retort, then paused. Uzu clearly expected her to say no, and was probably already planning on teasing her about it. That alone made the perverse part of her want to agree.


And, she would admit to being curious. His dick was definitely big now, larger than any other one she had seen; how would it feel once it was inside her?


…fuck it.


“Sure, why not?” she said casually, almost giggling at the gobsmacked look on his face.


“Wait, seriously?!”


“Yeah.” Now it was her turn to smirk, eyes narrowed in challenge. “Unless you don’t think you’re up to it? You’re probably used to handling a smaller…sword; maybe you’re not ready to move up to the ‘big’ leagues.”


“Oh, it’s on now! Think you can handle my fat sword in your ass?!”


Ryuko faltered briefly before sneering. “The hell kind of question is that? We’ll see who can handle who.”


“Let’s do it then! We never did get a proper rematch, did we?” Uzu asked, sliding on a condom and laying back down. “Not exactly the fight I had in mind, but no complaints here.”


“We’ll see how long that lasts.” Despite her brave words, Ryuko was still a little nervous and blushing as she approached him. Pushing her bikini bottom to one side as she straddled his body, she took one more deep breath before slowly lowering herself, biting her lip as her ass was penetrated.


“God damn, you’re tight!” Uzu exclaimed, instinctively grabbing onto Ryuko’s ass and thighs as she fully settled on him. “Your ass is squeezing the hell out of my dick! Fuck!”


Though she felt like moaning, Ryuko managed to grin down at him. “Does that mean you’re giving up already? I mean, I didn’t expect much, but-”


She cut herself off with a squeal when Uzu abruptly began to bounce her up and down, adding hip thrusts to really drive his cock in deep. “SH-SHIT! A little warning next time!”


“A surprise strike is the best one!” Uzu told her with a laugh, loving not only how amazing fucking Ryuko’s ass felt, but also the lovely sight of her big tits bouncing and jiggling under her cut off shirt. More than once, they were almost bared completely, but somehow they always just managed to stay covered. Disappointing, but maybe later.


Right now, he had an ass fucking to deliver on.


“AH! DAMN! SHIT! FUCK!” Ryuko was quickly running through her list of foul language as Uzu managed to increase the speed of his thrusts. She was bouncing like crazy, almost getting launched all the way off his cock! And each time she came down, it felt like he was driving his dick even deeper into her. “FUCKING HELL!”


“Still think I don’t know how to use this?!” Uzu teased her, giving her ass a hard squeeze and thrilling at the way she gasped and moaned. He was actually pretty close to cumming, but he was sure she was as well.


“Mmmm…I guess…you’re not too bad-MOTHERFUCKER!” Ryuko screamed when his hand that had been on her leg abruptly started stroking her pussy. It was enough to send her over the edge; she glared at him even as pleasure surged through her body. “B-BASTARD!”


“Harsh but true-FUCK, MY TURN!” Uzu arched his back and unloaded into Ryuko’s amazing ass; from the shriek she let out, it gave her another orgasm, right on the heels of the last one. That was a nice little boost to his ego, and he grinned as they both slumped, panting slightly. “Time for one more?”


Pulling up another glare, only slightly ruined by the flush on her cheeks, Ryuko shook her head. “No,” she replied, and anyone who said there was even a trace of disappointment in her voice was going to get cut up. “They’re already going to be wondering where we are, and-”


Twin rumbles rang out, startling them both into laughter. “And we’re both hungry,” Uzu finished with a nod, letting Ryuko slide off of him. “Yeah, let’s get going.”


(With the others…)


Satsuki arched an eyebrow as her sister and Uzu finally appeared. “That took longer than expected; are you both all right?”


Uzu smirked while Ryuko suddenly found the food to be very enthralling. Before they could say anything…


“Oooh, I bet they were busy having sex!”


Everyone’s eyes swung to Mako, who was beaming at her best friend. Ryuko didn’t look nearly as happy, with her jaw dropped and eyes wide.


“Wow, she really is good at figuring shit like that out,” Uzu observe, smirk undiminished.


And of course that opened the floodgates.


“Sex in public?! Such behavior is-” Ira started to roar, only to be interrupted by Ryuko.


“Oh, don’t even start on that, you hypocrite!” she retorted, glaring up at him. “Like we all don’t know what you and Mako are up to when you go for walks.”


Mako giggled as Ira sputtered. “She really know us well, huh Ira-Kun?”


“A pity I didn’t have a chance to record it,” sighed Houka, adjusting his glasses. “It would have made wonderful blackmail material…”


“OI!” Ryuko barked, getting right up in his face. “You keep your damn voyeuristic lechery in check! If I see a single one of your cameras around me, I’ll shove it up your ass!”


“Always so quick to resort to violence,” the bespectacled man sniffed, though he did inch back from Ryuko.


“Funny, I would have thought that a perverted exhibitionist like you would get off on being filmed,” Nonon teased, an evil gleam in her eyes.


“At least I’m actually getting some, flat chest.”


“THE HELL DID YOU JUST SAY?!” the pinkette screeched, glaring daggers at Ryuko.


And of course, Houka couldn’t resist. “Actually, I think she’s jealous. Though I’m unsure if she’s jealous of Uzu or Ryuko; possibly both-”


That was as far as he got. Ryuko and Nonon froze, blushed, and then turned on him in unison, forcing him to run for his life.


As Uzu watched the chaos unfold, he couldn’t help but laugh. Ah, this is the life. Good friends, good food, good sex, and a good show.


He frowned thoughtfully. But why does it feel like I’m forgetting something-


A slim but deceptively strong hand clamped down on his shoulder, making him yelp. Slowly, he turned his head to stare into the deceptively calm face of his leader.


“Uzu-san, I think we need to have a little talk about your intentions towards my sister,” Satsuki said, voice as calm as her face, which threw up a ton of red flags for Uzu.


Oh, right. Ryuko is Lady Satsuki’s little sister, and she’s kind of overprotective of her.




(Story by User: S22132)

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4 years ago

this is surprising but welcoming to see ryuko and sanageyama together. whats next a skit between satsuki and iori where satsuki rewards iori for his years of dedication loyalty and friendship to her after their plan of killing her mother came to an end.

4 years ago

Well written story S22132! Not only to short anal sex, but but also keeping the personality tone of the characters and the humorous parts as well including the ending part. 👏

The image of Ryuko and her ass is at 3 stars above amazing, Rtenzo! Keep up the great work! 👍

Can’t wait to see more Kill la Kill fanarts and fanfictions in the future.

4 years ago
Reply to  NamelessR04

Thanks. I did my best to keep everyone in character, so I’m glad you liked it.

4 years ago

Nice! It’s been so long since we had KLK stuff! Hope that’s not the last of it.

4 years ago
Reply to  BroKey69

Thank you.

4 years ago

I couldn’t fap, to busy laughing! The organic dialogue is perhaps my favorite thing about these stories.

4 years ago
Reply to  Squally

Heh heh, thank you. I had a lot of fun coming up with the banter between the characters.

4 years ago

Damn it been a long time since we got a kill la kill piece put up and it was worth the wait. I’m hoping we get to see more of the other guys from the series because you got the art down and you can make them look real fine to plus the one shot aren’t bad from your writers if people on the patreon like the other pics and vote can’t wait to see them and hopefully an update in the preview page XD but as always good work

4 years ago
Reply to  Jojoleo

Thanks, I’m glad you like the one-shot type stories.

4 years ago

Great story please have one of Sukuyo and Ragyo the Milfs of the series

4 years ago
Reply to  Blackstriker94

Glad you liked it.

4 years ago

Nice work! Been a hot minute since we had a KLK story and picture, and this doesn’t disappoint.

The sex between Ryuko and Uzu was really something. Not only that, the chatter and interaction between them was great. Same with the other characters too. Plus the outfit being a tribute to Senketsu was a nice move.

I also liked and laughed my ass off when Mako and Ira got put on blast, same with Houka and Nonon there. LOL! And this leads me to Satsuki. I really liked how she was utilized here too, including the ending. Haha.

Well, overall, this was a very good one. Nice work again, gentlemen! Especially you, S22132. 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

I very much appreciate the kind words. Some stories really flow well for me, and this was one of them; I’m glad it came across so well. 🙂

Jinchuuriki Jay
Jinchuuriki Jay
4 years ago

Dude S22132, your the man. You did good on this story. Hot and warming good times
and funny asf at the same time. Keep up the good work !

4 years ago

Aww, thank you. I really liked it as well, so it’s nice that you and others did too.