Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Supervised Monster Fuck

Previous Story (Part XV): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XVII): [LINK]

“Haaaaaaah…” Cheelai sighed contentedly as she lay naked out in the sun. She was on the roof of the apartment building where she and Broly were living on Planet Busteez. She still didn’t know who it was that wished the city into existence, but she was grateful for it. Not that she didn’t mind roughing it in the wilds, she’d been ready to do that on Vampa until that Goku guy brought them a small house that somehow fit into a tiny pill container. And, honestly, roughing it here would have been a breeze in comparison.


Opening her bright pink eyes, Cheelai looked up at the sky and watched as the clouds moved overhead. Sitting up slowly, she looked around the roof area and saw Broly sitting over at a table scarfing down one large bowl of rice after the next. The plate that had the grilled meat was already empty, not that that surprised her. Saiyans had an almost insatiable appetite for meat, especially after training, which is what she’d watched Broly do all afternoon.


Smiling to herself, Cheelai got up and stretched her limbs before walking over to him. The big lug of a Saiyan was completely naked save for that pelt he always wore around his waist. At least it didn’t stink anymore. After some convincing, Broly had allowed Cheelai to clean the thing. She understood it had extreme sentimental value to him, so she wanted to make sure it would last. Whatever the creature it originally came from was called, it was easy to cure the pelt into proper leather. It had almost done it on its own, all Cheelai really did was shampoo the fur part and spray a kind of preservative on it.


“Ahhmmmh hmmmh mmmh hmmmmh…” grunted Broly as he continued to eat. His table manners were still atrocious, but Cheelai didn’t really care anymore, as she had gotten used to them by now, and didn’t see a point in trying to change him. There was something endearing about his wild nature.


The dark haired hulking Saiyan noticed her approach and stopped eating. He gulped down the mouthful of food he had and looked at her. She smiled back at him, “The food alright?” she asked, while walking over and moving to sit in his lap, making sure to rub her butt against his crotch.


“It’s fine. Did you want some?” asked Broly.


“Hmmmn, nah, I’m not really hungry for anything on the table here.” Cheelai said to him with a cheeky smile as she moved to wrap her arms around his shoulders.


“Hmm, well I can…” Broly began to say, but Cheelai cut him off by pressing her mouth to his in a passionate kiss!


NMMMMMMMMH!” The jade skinned girl cooed happily as her tongue forced itself into his mouth. Cheelai loved the way Broly tasted as she sucked his tongue back into her own mouth while swirling her own tongue around it. She smiled to herself as she felt something hot, thick, and very HARD rising against her green butt. She shifted her position on his lap, moving to straddle it with her thighs around his waist. She then began slowly grinding her pussy against his rapidly hardening Saiyan beefstick. The heat coming off him was so intense, it was almost enough to boil water. Although what was even stronger was the smell, a thick manly odor that got the platinum haired girl’s engine revving! Even without the weird curse mark thing someone had wished onto all the women living on this planet, Cheelai got horny just from that alone!


As she thought of that goofy dragon chick, Cheelai decided now was a good time to test out the wish she’d made for herself. A few days ago, the Dragon Ball of this planet crashed down on the beach where she’d been relaxing. She needed only to wait until the next day for it to recharge before summoning the dragon to make her wish.


“Hnmmmh, nmmmh, ah…” Broly gasped softly as she broke the kiss and pressed her crotch against his gigantic dick even more. She heard a soft wet squish as her dripping pussy drooled all over his length when she ever so slowly slipped off his lap. Cheelai then smiled down at him as she stood up, making sure he got a full view of her naked figure. The emerald skinned beauty then stepped back just a bit as she remembered exactly how she told the dragon to make her wish. Having heard a few stories about how wishes with that dragon could go awry, Cheelai was VERY careful with her wording.


Grabbing her own tits in her dainty hands, Cheelai slowly traced her index fingers around her darker green nipples. Making two complete circles before pinching them both and tugging outward. As per her instructions, instead of her tits being pulled into a cone shape, they expanded outwards, swelling like a pair of balloons. She pulled until both her tits were nearly as big as her entire torso. The added weight would have thrown her center of balance off terrible if she hadn’t braced herself. Broly stared wide-eyed as she bounced her tits up and down with a grin on her face.


“You like?” she asked.


“I… Uhh…” Broly stammered as his enormous dick stood straight up, veins throbbing along the shaft.


“I’ll take that as a yes.” Cheelai said with a grin as she got down on her knees and sandwiched that gigantic dick between her now equally gigantic tits.


“But uh, ur not, that mark thing…” Broly said as she saw him shuddering in pleasure as she began stroking his cock up and down slowly.


“Who said I’m trying to have a baby right now?” she asked with a cheeky grin as she looked up at him with his cock pressed against the side of her face. She then turned her head to kiss the side of his cock before slowly dragging her tongue along the side and up towards the tip. ‘Ahhh, this smell is making me so dizzy, I love it!’ thought Cheelai as she reached the tip and kissed it playfully.


“Itadakimasu!” she said cheerfully, opening wide and sliding that thick, hard, huge length into her mouth! Her jaw instantly began to ache, but she didn’t care as she felt his cock sliding down her throat, making her neck bulge from the raw size.




“Oh, ah, haaahhh…” Broly groaned softly, leaning back in his seat, with his meal completely forgotten now. Cheelai let her gigantic tits fall away from his cock as she took it deeper into her mouth. She could feel it reaching down into her stomach, giving her a false feeling of fullness.


AHMMMMMPH, GUH, MMMMMPH, GUG, NMMMMMMMMHP, YESH, PHEELSH SHO GUUD, AHHH, WUV SHUCKING DISH CAAAAAWK…!” Cheelai moaned as she began moving her head back and forth faster.


“Oooh, ooooh…” groaned Broly again, leaning back in his seat more and pushing his lap out towards her. Cheelai used the new angle to take his cock even deeper! Her pussy twinged in want as she bobbed her head up and down, her lips pulling away from her face every time she pulled her head back.


“Nmmmmh, Cheelai…” Broly groaned softly, his eyes looking down at her. She smiled around his cock as best she could.


HMMMMPH, DUESH MUH MOUPH CUND PHEEL GUUD…!?” she asked, gagging loudly as she tried to speak.


“Ye… Yeah… It feels great, and your face looks so pretty…” he told her.


Cheelai giggled and began moving her head up and down again, letting out a long deep moan as she struggled to get his entire cock into her mouth and stomach. It felt so good, she could almost cum just from this alone!


AHHNMMMMMPH, GUG, NMMMMPH, GURK, HURK, GUGMMMMMPH…” Cheelai gagged as she found her nose buried in his thick pubic hairs. “HMMMMMMPH, AHHGUUUH, SHO GUUUD, AHGUGUH, PHUCK MUH MOUPH BWOWY, PWEASHE, AGUUUH, AYE WHANT ID WOUGHERRRRGH…” she gagged loudly around his cock.


“Uhhh, ahh… Alright…” Broly said softly as he reached down and ran his fingers through her short platinum hair.


HUUUUGUUUURK!!!” Cheelai gagged loudly, her pink eyes going wide as he shoved her head down on his cock even harder. The emerald skinned beauty let out a strangled gagging moan as her pussy let out a powerful spray of her own love juices as she came hard!


HUGUH, AGUH, GURK, GUGGLE, GURK AGUH, GUG, GUG, GUH, GUH, GUUUPH GUH GUH GUH…!” she choked as she found her head bobbing up and down even faster! Her pink eyes rolled back in her sockets as she let out a gagging moan, cumming every time she felt Broly’s massive cock pushing into her stomach and stretching out her belly!


Ahhhh, so good, I can’t!!! I can’t stop cumming!!!’ Cheelai thought as her pussy began gushing every time she felt Broly’s huge balls pressing against her chin.


YESH, MOOOOAR, PHUG MUH PHASHE HAWDERRRR!!! AGUH GUH GUH GUUUUUGH, GUUUMMING, AYE’M GUUMMING SHO HAAAAWD!!! AGUH GUG GUG GUH!!!” Cheelai moaned, long ropes of her own drool flinging away from her lips every time he pulled her head back up, then shoved it back down, making her cum again. Her pussy was on fire now, the juices running down her legs in long rivers as it almost screamed to be filled!


“Hah, hah, hurr, hurr, hurr…” grunted Broly, his breathing becoming more intense as he began bucking his hips into his thrusts now, making Cheelai feel as though she were being spitted every time. The dark black hair on his body began flashing a soft golden color as his eyes seemed to lose all color.


Yes, do it you big lovable ape!’ she thought right at him, knowing full well what was coming next!


“Hurr, hurR, HURR, HURR, HUUURRRRAAAAGH!!!!” Broly roared as his hair began standing out even more as it glowed a sickly golden green color as he stood up suddenly, lifting Cheelai with his cock alone. The entire world looked upside down as his cock pointed almost straight up. Cheelai felt her skin tingling from the energy coming off him in powerful waves that made some of the small pebbles covering the border of the roof begin to float.


AHGUUUUUPH… HAAAAH…” Cheelai gagged and gasped as Broly pulled her off his cock with one huge hand. Cheelai had noticed that his size changed when he got amped up. He was now almost twice as big as he was before, Broly could hold her slender figure with just one hand alone. Her enhanced tits jiggled and wobbled as he flipped her around so she was rightside up again.


AHHGWEEEEEEEEGH!!!!!” Cheelai screamed through clenched teeth as Broly brought her back down on his cock, spearing it into her pussy like a battering ram! She felt every solid inch of his cock as it burst into her womb, stretching up her stomach as he forced the entire thing inside!


HRAAAAAAAGH!!!!” Broly continued roaring as he instantly began pumping her up and down on his cock like a living onahole!


AHHAAAAAAH!!! SO BHIIIIIIG!!!! MY PUSSYYYYY!!! AHHHH, YOU’RE SPREADING ME SO WIIIIIIDE!!!!” Cheelai screamed at the top of her lungs as her entire body shook with pleasure.


HMMMM, HMMM, HMM…!!!” Broly grunted, his grip around her waist tight as he slammed her up and down on his cock. Cheelai’s normally flat belly tented up every time his cock slid into her as her huge tits bounced up and down wildly. Pleasure so intense, she couldn’t even think anymore assaulted her mind as she howled in pleasure again and again.


OH GAAAAWD, DHON’T STOOOOOOP!!! YES, DICK, DICK, DHIIIIIICK!!! AHHH, MY PUSSY, MY PUSSSSYYYYYYY!!! CUMMING, I’M CUMMING SO MUCH BROLYYYY!!! AHH, AHHH, AHHHH!!!!” Cheelai screamed, her limbs flailing about and her entire body limping like a ragdoll. She grit her teeth together tightly as her eyes went cross and she looked up at the clear blue skies.


YES YES YES, DON’T STOOOOP, KEEP GOING YOU BRUTE!!! OH FUUUUUCK, I CAN’T STOP CUMMINGH!!! HEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!!!” Cheelai hissed through clenched teeth as drool ran down the sides of her chin!


HURR HURRR HURRRR HAAAAARRRGH!!!!!!” Broly roared like a monster as he brought Cheelai down on his cock HARD! The tent in her stomach rose up even higher as Cheelai leaned her head back with her mouth open wide in a silent howl. She then felt a rush of heat flooding into her as Broly came inside her. The sensation of his cum stuffing her womb was almost enough to make her pass out as her toes all curled inward in intense orgasm.


When it was over, Cheelai let out a slight whimper as she felt his cock shrinking inside her as the glow of the Super Saiyan form faded and Broly’s size returned to normal overall. He very gently lifted her off of his cock, all his cum pouring back out of her as he set her down next to the table and quickly resumed eating with renewed gusto.


“My, I do wish the girls up north were as enthused about all of this.” said a voice from above.


Cheelai and Broly both looked up to see the blue skinned angel woman from the other universe. Vados, if Cheelai remembered correctly. She was that Whis guy’s sister.


“What, you mean Bulma and 18?” Cheelai asked. She might have been embarrassed at being caught in this situation… If the blue skinned woman wasn’t wearing an erotic outfit that consisted of several belts wrapped intricately around her body leaving her tits and crotch completely exposed. Cheelai even spotted what looked like the back end of a string of anal beads hanging down from her ass as she slowly lowered herself to the ground.


Vados shook her head, “Oh no, those two are doing just fine, I mean the lot up by the northern pole area. They’ve yet to produce one infant.” she explained. She then looked at the orb atop the staff she carried, closing one eye to focus on something only she could see, “Though it might not be the girls’ fault. I am impressed that this Chichi woman was able to get two sons from that Goku gentleman.”


“You wanna explain the get-up? And why were you playing the voyeur?” Cheelai asked, not hiding her annoyed tone.


“All part of my research into mortal mating practices.” Vados said plainly, “I must say, the wide variety of pageantry involved in such a simple practice is most fascinating.” she told her, then turned to show Cheelai her bare ass and the pink rubber string hanging out of her asshole, “These anal beads for instance…” she began,


“That’s okay! I don’t wanna know!!!” Cheelai interrupted.


“Pity, anyway, I do apologize for viewing without permission. I just happened to be passing by when I heard you screaming and couldn’t resist.” the angel told her. She then looked to Broly at the table, “My, that form certainly burns many calories, even Lord Champa cannot eat at such a rate when I prepare his favorite meals! Oh ho ho ho!!!” Vados said with a laugh. Cheelai turned to look at Broly and just smiled as he continued tearing into his meal like a savage animal.


The green skinned girl just shook her head, “While you’re here, you may as well join us for lunch.” she said to be polite.


“Tempting, but threesomes aren’t on my schedule yet.” Vados said.


“Hey, no one said anything about a threesome lady! You’ve been hanging with that pervy old man too much!” Cheelai snapped.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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2 years ago

If you enjoy these stories and like reading SailorIo’s fanfics, consider supporting him on his PATREON: [LINK]

It helps him pay the bills.

2 years ago

will Cheelai fuck other guys then broly? or will she just stick with broly the whole time?

2 years ago
Reply to  dingus

Depending on the images

2 years ago

More Roshi and Vados stuff in the future, please!


2 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Not up to me man. I keep saying, I don’t have creative control over the images. Yet people still seem to think I can just ask Enzo for anything.

2 years ago

The Art: 20/10
Cheelai: 20/10
Broly: 20/10

Happy days people. Happy fuckin days

2 years ago

New artstyle?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Once again, a really beautiful sex-centric story. I certainly love the fact that you addressed the fact that Vegeta and Goku are not interested at fucking in the slightest at the end. It adds to their character, without them actually having to appear in the story. The sex between Cheelai and Broly itself wasn’t anything special but I liked it nonetheless. Best part however was Whis and how she gradually gets more perverted as time goes on while keeping her objective/neutral outlook. I never watched/read Dragon Ball aside from the original, so I don’t know much about her, but this gimmick makes her one of my favorite girls in all of your stories, and that’s saying something!

Let’s hope we get some more Dragon Ball action in the future.

P.S. I’d love to support you on Patreon, but as of right now, money’s a little low for me since I don’t exactly earn that much money with my job to begin with. Weak excuse, I know, but it is what it is. Keep it up!

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Yeah, I figured it was past time to update on what those two were up to. I think you mean Vados though. Whis is her brother. I really love the idea of the angel girl falling into total depravity, but still able to function and perform her duties competently.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Vados. F*ck! You’re right XD.