Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Sui-Feng’s Sultry Jealousy

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Part XX): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXII): [LINK]

Sui-Feng slipped through Urahara’s club, avoiding the last few workers who were just about finished installing WLAN routers, or whatever they were called, so that everything worked as smoothly as possible during the grand opening. Right now, she was only interested in talking to one person.


She walked down a small hallway that led around the dance floor and towards the makeup room and showers. Both rooms were outfitted with the Human World’s best equipment. Makeup that she hadn’t even heard about before in the Soul Society and showers with options and settings that made Mayuri Kurotsuchi’s creations seem like mere child’s play. The former shopkeeper spared no costs to make everything, in and outside of his club, as luxurious as it could be. At this point, the only thing that was missing for the public opening in a few days were only some more employees. And finding and recruiting them proved to be more of a hurdle than Urahara probably ever imagined. All of Yoruichi’s attempts to recruit people for the club so far proved to be fruitless. Well, aside from one notable exception!


Hrrrrrgh!!!’ clenching her hands into fists, Sui-Feng passed another door and entered the backstage area of the club. Just thinking about that “one notable exception” was enough to make her lose her temper. And the worst thing about it was that she didn’t even know what to think of it. Did she hate that Arrancar for messing with the woman that she adored so much? Should she be thankful for all the bliss that Yoruichi-sama experienced thanks to Mila Rose? She didn’t know the answer!


But that was precisely the reason why she currently walked through the entire first floor. Urahara informed her about Yoruichi’s return from her latest failed attempt at recruiting that Fullbringer-girl, Riruka. The answer was apparently the exact same as last time, a resounding: NO!


Lots of different equipment, put in cardboard boxes, were scattered across the floor. They ranged from additional light bulbs for the spotlights, loudspeakers for his big speech at the opening ceremony and even some strange glitter that Urahara invented and that could look like either rain, snow, or ash, depending on the light that was reflected off of it.


Sui-Feng perked up as she picked up Yoruichi’s presence. She silently pushed open one last door and sneaked her way into the backyard, Sui-Feng’s eyes immediately locked onto Yoruichi, and there was no fighting her blush. The purplette was kneeling in front of an old-fashioned well, water pouring into it from a bamboo pipe. The calm aura spreading from the dark skinned beauty was something that she was all too familiar with. Yoruichi meditated, trying to set her mind at ease, after her recent failure. Her eyes were closed, her bountiful breasts gently heaving with each breath she took. One could have thought that she slept. Back when she still was a Captain, she often did this after her training didn’t go as expected or simply when her younger brother bothered her again. Although a bit overgrown with weed, the entire backyard proved to be a surprisingly good place to let the mind wander and relax.


The white halter top left most of Yoruichi’s back bare, while also exposing a generous amount of her breasts. And the yellow thong…Sui-Feng licked her suddenly dry lips, squeezing her legs together. The thong clung tightly to Yoruichi’s amazing ass, digging into her soft, supple flesh. The twin moons of her butt were there for the staring, and Sui-Feng had the sudden urge to rush forward and bury her face in them-


Gah!’ Shaking her head and gently slapping her face, Sui-Feng did her best to calm herself. As very tempting as that idea was, she had come here to ask Yoruichi some questions, not indulge her carnal lusts. ‘Though maybe later…


“Hey there, little bee. Are you just going to stare at me all day, or did you actually want to talk to me? Or, judging by your cute blushing face, maybe more than just talk~?”


Snapping her eyes to Yoruichi’s face, Sui-Feng felt her breath caught at the sight of the golden eyes looking at her with amusement. A faint blush on Yoruichi’s face made her even more enticing than usual, and Sui-Feng had to concentrate to get her feet moving.


“Yoruichi-sama, please don’t tease me,” Sui-Feng asked (not whined) as she approached.


Yoruichi’s face fell into an exaggerated pout. “Awww, but it’s so much fun!” Quick as lightning, her expression morphed into a smirk. “After all these years, you still haven’t gotten used to it, so I just can’t help myself.”


“Ugh…” Sui-Feng hung her head, her lips twitching as she did her best not to smile. If it made Yoruichi happy, she could put up with some embarrassment. Her amusement faded as she remembered why she had sought Yoruichi out.


“Um, Yoruichi-sama… I have something to ask you.”


“Of course, little bee; you know you can ask me anything.” her mentor replied, her voice warm and affectionate.


Taking a deep breath, Sui-Feng took the plunge. “That Arrancar, Mila Rose… she claimed that you and she…”


Her blush returning in full force, Yoruichi let out an awkward laugh, one hand coming up to rub the back of her head. “Ah. I’ve been expecting this, so I can’t say I’m surprised. Did she tell you? Or did Kisuke spill the beans?”


“S- She did. Although they were just some vague claims…” Sui-Feng answered, unable to look her mentor in the face as she tried to imagine once again what had happened between the two dark skinned women. She gulped, bracing herself for what she was about to ask next and the answer that might follow. “Are they true?”


Letting out a long, heavy sigh, Yoruichi patted the ground next to her. “Go ahead and sit down. This might take a while, so you might as well be comfortable.”


Automatically obeying, Sui-Feng did her best to ignore how close she and Yoruichi were. “You don’t have to tell me,” she assured the older woman, her own words inaudible to her due to her rapidly beating heart.


“It’s fine. You probably would have found out eventually.” Yoruichi fidgeted slightly for a moment before nodding decisively. “It all started like this…”


Sui-Feng listened raptly as Yoruichi talked about the first time she met Mila Rose, and how she had shown her around the club. Both of them were blushing like crazy at the end of it, Yoruichi from embarrassment, and Sui-Feng from the explicit details.


It was Sui-Feng who broke the silence that had fallen over them. “Why do you let that…that person treat you like that?!” she asked, curious about any further details.


Grimacing, Yoruichi shook her head. “I’m not sure either, little bee. Mila Rose… she’s just… different, I guess. The way she orders me around… how I feel this need deep inside of me to obey her every wish…” A dreamy smile spread across her face. Heady smelling scents filled the area as the ground beneath Yoruichi became soaked with her pussy juices. “I suppose it’s similar to our relationship, little bee. Unable to resist this… this urge to satisfy this other person, y’know? God, just thinking about her makes me all hot again!!”


A pang of jealousy hit Sui-Feng, and as it did, her earlier urges to indulge herself with Yoruichi came back to her mind. Before she could talk herself out of it or lose her nerve, she darted forward, pressing her lips against Yoruichi’s, ‘No way in hell I let this… woman come between me and Yoruichi-sama!’ The purplette’s scents and gushing pussy were like fuel to her as she pushed her tongue deep inside her mouth.


Wide golden eyes stared into determined gray ones before both pairs shut; the kiss deepened and Sui-Feng moaned softly into Yoruichi’s mouth, feeling the older woman’s lips curve up into a smile, “Mmmmmmmh…” She moaned as she put her arms around the black haired girl’s shoulders, pressing her ever so slightly against her. Sui-Feng stiffened in response but didn’t deter from her objective. Their tongues wrestled inside each other’s mouth for dominance as both women became getting more and more turned on.


Then she squeaked as Yoruichi’s fingers dug into her ass, steadily pulling down the flimsy excuse of a short that she wore, “Yoruichi-shama?!” She pulled her head away, a thin line of saliva connecting their mouths for a brief moment before snapping, “Here, in public?!” she gasped, her pussy already aching for more after just this short kiss.


Chuckling, Yoruichi leaned back enough to smirk down at Sui-Feng, her golden eyes dark with lust and desire. “You’re the one who kissed me first, little bee, If you start something, then you better finish it! Isn’t that something that I taught you all those years ago?!” she asked sarcastically before moving down to kiss the shorter girl’s exposed neck.


“Haaaaaa~!” Sui-Feng’s mind went into overdrive as Yoruichi kept kissing and nibbling on that sensitive spot of hers. For the briefest of moments she looked over her shoulder and towards the still open door, “Nnnnnngh…!!” literally anybody who walked past that door could hear and see them, ‘Yushiro-sama, Orihime, Urahara,… Mila Rose…’ her mind ran wild, thinking about all the possible candidates who could join their little fun time. “OHHH!!!


By the time she came back to reality, Yoruichi had stripped her naked. She stopped nibbling the younger girl’s neck and instead started to pull off her own clothes, silencing any protests Sui-Feng might have made before she even made them. As usual, the sight of her mentor’s naked body rendered Sui-Feng temporarily speechless. Grinning from ear to ear, Yoruichi swayed her tits from side to side, making them bounce and wobble with the motion. “Like what you see?!”


Sui-Feng simply nodded, unable to find the right words. It was like her mind was overloaded as she took in the sight in front of her. Both breasts were easily bigger than her head and topped off with the most beautiful set of nipples that she had ever seen. Darker than chocolate and undoubtedly twice as sweet and addicting, they practically begged to be groped and sucked!


As if she had read her mind, Yoruichi’s eyes gleamed as she reached for her former protegee’s hands, “Here, dig in!” she grabbed her at her wrists and put her hands around her breasts. Almost instinctively, Sui-Feng clenched her hands around the dark mounds, the painfully stiff nipples digging into the palms of her hands. “Ahhhhhh, that’s a good girl! A little harder though…!”


“O- Okay, Yoruichi-sama!” Sui-Feng said and started fondling the Shinigami’s tits. She then moaned as Yoruichi reached around her back once more and began fondling her ass again. “Haaaaaa~!”


Yoruichi giggled, “What a cute little moan…” she smiled down at the other girl, a crimson red blush on her cheeks. “What would you do then, when I do… this!?”


OOOHH!!!!” Sui-Feng’s eyes went wide as her crush shoved two fingers into her tight asshole, a rush of her juices soaked the rocks as she climaxed. Her fingers flexed in response to the sudden pleasure surging through her, sinking even deeper into the purplette’s breasts. Unfazed by all of that, Yoruichi simply moved her two digits back and forth inside her ass, making Sui-Feng moan even louder and lewder. “AH, OHH, HAAA, GOOH, MWHHH!!!!


Sui-Feng whined in disappointment when Yoruichi then abruptly pulled away, a loud PLOP! signaled that her fingers left her butt, “Y- Yoruichi-samaAAAAHH!!!” whatever she wanted to say turned into a squeal when she was scooped up in her arms. Like the skilled martial artist that she was, Yoruichi then easily spun her upside down, bringing the little bee face to face with her soaking wet pussy. The sweet, musky smell of the dark-skinned beauty’s wet pussy flooded Sui-Feng’s nose, sending her own arousal into overdrive.


Then Yoruichi’s very talented tongue pushed deep into her pussy, making Sui-Feng scream in surprise and pleasure! She heard Yoruichi moan and then chuckle. “That felt really good, little bee, but you had better put that tongue to work! You won’t cum again until I do~!” This time, her tongue very slowly licked across Sui-Feng’s pussy, teasing her.


That lit a fire of motivation in Sui-Feng; reaching around Yoruichi’s body, she grabbed her ass, using it to pull herself even deeper between the thick dark thighs. She licked frantically, and when that didn’t work fast enough, she added sucking and even some small bites as well.


AHH! FUCK YEAH! MMM, THAT FEELS SO DAMN GOOD!” Yoruichi howled, her fingers digging into Sui-Feng’s ass to hold the smaller woman in place. “SO CLOSE, SO FUCKING CLOSE…!!!


You hear that, Mila Rose?!’ Sui-Feng thought as she gently nibbled on her idol’s swollen red clit. ‘Whatever you did with her is nothing special! As if just a little bit of licking is enough to break Yoruichi-sama!


She clenched her hands tighter around the dark skinned woman’s butt, pressing her own face deeper than before into the moist hole. A shudder went down her spine as Yoruichi did the exact same above her. The backyard was filled with a cacophony of carnal sounds as both women brought each other closer and closer to the verge of orgasm.


HMMMM!!! GUPH!! SHLKKK!! MPPPHH!!!! GLUGSHHH!!!!! SHO GHUUUUD!!!!” They continued to make out for what felt like hours! Every time Sui-Feng thought that she would cum, Yoruichi would simply stop lickin for a moment until all that build-up pleasure was nearly subsided. She truly held onto her promise!


At long last though, Yoruichi’s body became suddenly incredibly stiff as she arched her back, “GODDDDDDD… CUMMMMMMING!!!!!!” Sui-Feng choked and spluttered as a veritable flood of juices spilled across her face, filling her nostrils and mouth. Yoruichi’s legs clamped even tighter around her head, almost choking her as that sweet nectar continued flooding out of her pussy and onto the smaller girl’s face. Then the moment passed and Yoruichi relaxed, letting Sui-Feng breathe easier. “Haaa… haaa… haaa… Thanks… little bee…!”

“Gladly, Yoruichi-samaAAAAAAAAAH!!!” she suddenly screamed as Yoruichi began licking her out again as if she was possessed, “GOD!! FUCK! YORUICHI-SAMA!!!!” Sui-Feng screamed and shrieked in ecstasy, her eyes crossing and her fingers frantically clawing Yoruichi’s ass.


The first orgasm hit Sui-Feng like a truck. For a long breathless moment, she couldn’t make a sound as her entire body clenched. When she regained her voice, even Yoruichi’s thighs and pussy couldn’t completely muffle the strident screams as Sui-Feng begged for more.


Yoruichi howled as she came again, which vibrated through Sui-Feng’s pussy, making her cum as well! It was a cycle of pleasure that neither woman had any interest in breaking. It just kept on going. And during all of this, Sui-Feng could think only of one thing, ‘Was sex with Mila Rose the same or what makes that Arrancar so much better than me?!’





Yushiro stood with his hands on his hips, glaring down at his sister and Sui-Feng. Both of them just leaned against the well, watching the clouds drift through the sky. Sui-Feng grinned, happily resting her head on the dark skinned woman’s lap.


“You two had this much fun,” Yushiro whined plaintively, “and didn’t invite me?!” Like the flip of a switch, his mood changed, “WAAAAAH!” he bawled, comical tears streaming down his face. “Big sis and Sui-Feng-chan are so meeeeeaaaaaan!”


(Story by: Mr. Akrononym and S22132)

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Ichigo Kurosaki
2 years ago

excellent please Karin Kurosaki y Rinrin in the room Ichigo’s

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Maybe. If the artwork allows for it, then it can be included.

2 years ago

Nice work on this chapter. I think the title of this one really says it all. Haha.

Seriously, nice to see Sui-Feng and Yoruichi actually talking about what’s been going on, primarily about Mila Rose in particular. This also really shows the level of jealousy that Sui-Feng really has about her and her developing relationship with her mentor.

At the same time, this really shows off how their own relationship can be, given the right conditions and timing on their part. And did it show. I really liked how it went.

Same thing with the sexual side of things too. It was done quite well. And I liked the funny little part with Yushiro at the end. Haha.

Overall, well done. Can’t wait to see what’s next. 😀

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Glad to see that you like it. Most of the stories layout and interactions were done by S22132, I only added some more text to flesh it out a bit more. As for who’s next, just wait…

2 years ago

I like the bleach ones but 3 in a row do you know when next my hero or naruto is out

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Hey

MHA should come out as usual on saturdays. Don’t know about anything other though.

2 years ago

Yet another great story with great art to follow, though what’s with all the bleach recently? I’ve noticed there’s a lot of bleach compared to everything else

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Hey, thanks for the praise. And I think there will be more Bleach this month because of the anime coming back.

2 years ago

Yoruichi is such a blessing to humanity. Those big black cheeks and beautiful chocolate titties.Rtenzo draws her perfectly, that’s why he is my favorite.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  adam_hornyRP

Agreed. I’m certain that Yoruichi’s body is the secret for world peace. Make sure to tell Rtenzo your thoughts regarding his artworks.