Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Stopover Slut Time (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXVII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXIX): [LINK]

HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Daishi, PULL OVER MAN!” shouted the man riding in the passenger seat of a car moving down a long stretch of road along the coast of the island.


GAH!” Daishi yelped as he slammed on the brakes, there was a loud ear-splitting squealing noise as the car skidded on the road. Daishi could smell the acrid stench of rubber burning from the sudden friction. The car eventually jerked to a stop, and after waiting a moment for his heart to stop pounding so hard, Daishi rounded on his friend.


WHAT THE HELL, SOSHI!?” he roared, “You scared the hell out of me!” he said in a mildly calmer tone.


“Sorry, but look over there! Just look!” Soshi told him, pointing frantically.


Grumbling under his breath, Daishi turned his head… and promptly felt his jaw drop at what his eyes showed him. A beautiful and busty pink haired woman walking along the road, wearing nothing but a bikini bottom! Literally nothing but a camo patterned t-backed bikini bottom and a pair of sandals. Her beautiful tits were out for all to see. The pink nipples were stiff from the cool breeze blowing over her lightly sweaty body. Her short pink hair was clipped back in a small ponytail and held in place by both a hair clip and a band.


Daishi let out a low whistle, his dick popping wood on the spot. “…Daaaaayymn. Okay, I completely forgive you,” he told Soshi sincerely.


“Fuck, I had heard Ranko Island was wild, but I didn’t think it would be THIS wild. We just got off the boat and rented this car, and we’re already seeing a big titty topless chick?! Our long journey from Kumogakure is already paying off!” Soshi said breathlessly, a small trail of drool leaking from the corner of his mouth.


The two men had only just arrived on one of the last boats coming to the island. Once they had docked, they were informed trips back to the mainland would be suspended until further notice. That had Daishi a little worried as they only had enough funds for the two weeks they were planning to stay. But then they announced that lodging and such would be provided for those in need with no charge. The dark haired man didn’t really understand what was going on, but after that was announced the P.A. system went back to other mundane announcements.


Abruptly putting the car into park and shutting it off, Daishi almost threw his door open in his haste to get out. “Well, let’s not just sit here staring! C’mon, what do we have to lose?” he asked as he stood up and slammed the door back shut. He then began moving up the hill at not quite a run, but more than a jog.


Soshi was right beside him in an instant, jogging to keep up with him. It was odd since Daishi was the one more out of shape, and yet Soshi looked like the one having trouble keeping up. Daishi was a slightly overweight man with dark hair that had begun thinning just a bit in the front. He wasn’t ugly, but he wouldn’t call himself handsome either. Soshi was the opposite, looking slightly underweight for his height with a bit of an overbite. Something that gave his face a constant leering expression. Both of them were regular citizens of Kumogakure, having washed out of the ninja academy at an early age. They both worked in construction, Daishi was a plumber while Soshi was an electrician.


Both were damned good at their jobs too if you were to ask Daishi, though there wasn’t a lot of glamor in laying pipe work and fixing septic tanks. Messing around with wiring was slightly more dignified, though it didn’t help Soshi in scoring any ass either. It was why the two friends had come to this sex island. Word was the local women put out like a broken candy machine, and even scoring with the tourists wasn’t all that difficult. Women back home always wanted to hook up with the shinobi, which made getting even the most mediocre piece of tail challenging.


The pinkette smirked as they got closer, her pretty peridot eyes looking over them with interest. Once they managed to drag their eyes up from her bare tits, the friends noticed the tattoo on her forehead. And while they didn’t know exactly what it was, it was a sign, and once they started looking, they found more.


Muscle tone. The look in her eyes. The way she held herself.


This beauty was a kunoichi! No mistaking that presence. Which meant they should be careful. Sex with a kunoichi could be amazing, Daishi knew, because he’d managed to hook up with one once when she was doing her Sexcraft training. But pissing one off could lead to a fate worse than death! He’d heard tales of how a kunoichi could snip a man’s dick off inside her if she wanted, though he was pretty sure the guy he heard it from was bullshitting him.


Pretty sure.


“Hey there, pretty lady. Do you need a lift? I’m Daishi, and this is my friend, Soshi.” said Daishi, making a quick set of introductions.


Soshi waved, doing his best to get his lust under control. And not doing a very good job at the moment, with how his dick was making a huge tent in his shorts and the way he was breathing like some horny mutt. At least he wasn’t drooling anymore.


Putting her hands on her hips, the woman smirked at them as she scanned them with her eyes once again. Her eyes looked down at their crotches like she was appraising hunks of meat. She then slowly licked her lips when she settled her gaze on Daishi’s dick, which was peeking out from the edge of his right trunk leg.


“Not bad…” she said mostly to herself. She then looked at both of their faces again, “And no, I don’t need a lift… But, I could use some fun…” she told them, licking her lips. “I’m Sakura, by the way.” she said as she moved to rub her hand against her creamy thigh and up over her abdomen, tracing the outline of the pink tattoo over her womb.


No, not a tattoo, a seal, Daishi had heard of them, what this one did, he hadn’t a clue. Though going off this island’s reputation, it was likely a contraceptive marker or something like that.


“Nice to meet you!” Sakura said as she reached out with both hands, grabbing both mens dicks through the fabric of their shorts. She licked her lips again slowly as she stroked both their cocks for a moment before letting go and grabbing the waistbands of their shorts. She then pulled the stretchy material forward and down, releasing both their erections.


GREAT to meet you!” the two men chorused, already taking off their clothes, their cocks at full extension now that they weren’t held back by their shorts anymore.


Sakura chuckled as she slid smoothly to her knees. “Very eager; I like that,” she told them, taking an erection in each hand and caressing them with the expertise of a medic. Each one swelled even more under her ministrations… one more than the other.


Daishi was the first to notice Sakura’s expression; he smirked at his friend, crossing his arms smugly across his chest. “Told you, Soshi. Ladies love the big dicks.”


Soshi glared back at him. “Fuck you! It’s not how big it is, it’s what you do with it!”


“That’s what all the small dicks say. But hey, why don’t we ask the lady herself?” Daishi shot back.


They both looked down at Sakura, who grinned shamelessly. “Since coming here… I discovered that the bigger they are, the better! I’ve yet to meet a big dick I didn’t like, just ask anyone at D’s place.” she admitted, trying to keep her eyes off Daishi’s thick, pulsing, long schlong.


Soshi slumped in depression as Daishi gave him a look of mingled vindication and sympathy. “Oh…” he muttered, before perking back. “Bah, whatever! I’m still going to have the best time I can on Ranko Island! I’m sure I’ll find plenty of women that will appreciate what I’ve got!”


“That’s the spirit!” Sakura said, though her tone wasn’t exactly encouraging. She then pulled both men close, pressing their cocks together and dragging her tongue along both of them at once. Taking a deep breath, she pushed both cocks into her mouth, slowly swallowing them both down, much to the two men’s amazement. Her slender throat bulged from their combined girths as she let out a slutty moan.


OOOOOH GAAAAAWD!!! YESH, CAWKSH, DELISHOUSH CAAAAWKSH!!!” moaned Sakura as she began moving her head up and down on both dicks.


“Oh my gods…” Daishi breathed.


“Fuck, I didn’t even think that was possible,” Soshi nodded in awe.


Sakura only continued to moan, moving her head up and down even faster, her drool running down the length of both their cocks as the men groaned. “HMMMMMMPH!! CAWKSH!!! YEESSSH, CAWKSH!!! THERE’SH NOPHING AYE WAND MOAR PHAN CAWKSH WIGHT NAOW!!!” she moaned from deep in her throat.


Daishi and Soshi gaped at her, groaning as her tongue and throat muscles massaged their cocks. “Shiiiiiit…this is almost as good as fucking a pussy!” Daishi moaned, tightening his hands into fists.


“You’ve got that fucking right!” Soshi shouted, locking his trembling knees in place as his arousal spiked higher and higher.


With both erections in as deep as they would go, Sakura continued pumping them in and out of her mouth and throat. Her drool spilled out of her mouth, down her chin, and dripping onto her bare tits and the ground. Her slurps and moans were obscene, turning on the two friends even more.


GUGH, SLURP, GUG, SLURP, GUG, SLUUUURP…” Sakura gagged and moaned around both thick cocks. Her face was flushed with arousal as she bobbed her head up and down, ropes of saliva dripping down both cocks and hanging off the two mens balls like stalactites.


“Gods…I don’t think I can hold it much longer…” groaned Soshi


“Me neither… OH FUCK!” said Daishi.


They both came at the same time; Sakura’s cheeks ballooned out as their cum filled her mouth and poured down her throat. Swallowing most of it, she gradually pulled their slightly softer cocks out of her mouth with a duo of ‘POPS.


“Mmm,” she hummed in satisfaction, licking her lips. “Not bad. Now…” she said as she moved to get on all fours, then wiggled her ass at the two of them. She then reached behind herself and pulled aside the crotch of her bikini bottoms, showing off her pussy and asscheeks.


“Who wants to fuck which hole?” she asked with an expression of open lust on her face. Her peridot eyes were open wide, looking almost insane with desire!


Daishi looked at Soshi; Soshi looked at Dasihi.


“Think the rest of our time here will be this awesome?” asked Soshi.


“We can only hope so.” grinned Daishi as he moved behind Sakura and grabbed the pink haired sluts bikini bottom, ripping it off in one shift motion! Sakura let out a soft yelp and Daishi worried for a moment that he’d gone too far.


MMMMMMMH! Don’t you dare stop!” she breathed in a throaty voice.


“Horny slut!” said Daishi as he mounted Sakura like the bitch she was, his cock sliding up her ass with ease!


HOOOHHHH!!! YEAH!!! RIGHT UP MY ASSSSS!!!” Sakura howled in pleasure as Daishi hooked his arms under her knees and lifted her up. Sakura squealed at the motion, finding herself helplessly suspended in a full nelson with her feet dangling in the air.




“Damn, bitch wants it double!” said Soshi as he moved to stand in front of Sakura. His friend held the pink haired woman aloft as he speared his cock into her pussy.




Daishi and Soshi both groaned as they began bouncing Sakura up and down between them, their dicks both sliding in and out at her at the same time. The pink haired slut only howled in pleasure, her head leaning back as her tongue lolled off her lower lip like a panting dog. Both men groaned as they began slamming their dicks in and out of her like a set of engine pistons. The wet SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH of their motions was the only the two of them could hear over her howling moans.




“Fuuuuuck, she’s squeezing me so tight! Oh daaamn… Fuck yeahhh…!” Daishi groaned in pleasure as he began slamming his cock up and down harder. Soshi grunted and began pumping his hips as well, moving in opposition to his friend.


AHHHH TWO COCKS!!! TWO COCKS ARE INCREDIBLE!!! GETTING FUCKED IN BOTH HOLES IS THE BHEEESST!!!” she moaned as her big tits bounced up and down from the force of their thrusts. “CUMMING, I’M CUMMINGGGG!!!!


“Yeah, yeah, yeah, fuuuuuuck!!!” Soshi groaned as he slammed his cock deep inside her.


AHHHH, DEEEP, SO DEEEEEEEEP!!!! IT FEELS SO GOOD, PLUGGING MY HOLES!!! AHHHHH!!! MORE, MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!” Sakura begged, her tongue hanging off her lips, droplets of saliva hanging off it as she panted like a bitch in heat.


Behind Sakura, Daishi grunted and groaned as he and his friend found a steady rhythm, thrusting in as the other pulled back. Between them, Sakura only panted and howled, her screams echoing in their ears as she wrapped one arm around Soshi’s shoulders before turning her head back and grabbing Daishi’s head in her other hand. She then pulled his face to hers and forced her tongue into his mouth, swirling it around his own as she tried to suck it back between her lips.


Groaning, Soshi leaned his head down to take her left nipple into his mouth, biting down on her nipple hard. Sakura moaned into Daishi’s mouth before pulling her head away and howling again.


AHHH FUUUUCK!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKING FUCK MY HOLES!!!!” Sakura moaned as both men slammed their cocks balls deep into her! Sakura’s peridot colored eyes crossed as their hot seed began pouring into her ass and cunt at the same time. “MMMMMMMMMH IT’S POURING INTO ME, YOUR CUM, IT’S FILLING MY HOLES!!!! MORE GIVE ME MORE!!!! MMMMMMH, I LOVE THIS, FEELING TWO COCKS DIGGING OUT MY INSIDESSSSS…!” she moaned as she leaned her head back and drooled in pleasure.


“Fuuuuuck yeah, you can’t get enough, can you, bitch?” Soshi asked her.




The two men both groaned as they came inside her again, their cum leaking back out around their dicks and dripping onto the ground below. Sakura panted in pleasure, her eyes crossed and rolled back into her head. Her face was locked in an expression of complete lust, insanity, and ecstasy as she drooled openly.


“Damn man, think there are more girls like this here?” Soshi asked.


“Mmmmmmmh…” Sakura purred, “Wait until I introduce you boys to my daughter…” she gasped.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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1 year ago

I said this before but once again, absolutely would never get tired of seeing this slutty pink haired MILF of a kunoichi getting her bitch holes pounded by random guys….. Very nice!!! Same goes for her whore daughter aswell keep up the good work m8

1 year ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Hehehe! The seas of depravity have no bottom, and Sakura will only continue sinking farther into their depths!