Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Sticking his Dick in Crazy

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXVI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXVIII): [LINK]

Breathing deeply, Izuku pulled down on the bar for the weight trainer. Behind him, several iron plates stacked together lifted up slowly. The weight of the plates was only 90 kilograms, and he could easily do far more if he used One for All, but doing that would defeat the point. He needed to both maintain and boost his natural muscles, and strength training would be best for that.


A few years ago, Izuku had done this exact kind of training at a beach by cleaning the mountains of garbage that had accumulated there. He still went there regularly to keep the place clean, though the trash that appeared there now wasn’t nearly heavy enough to count as any kind of training. So when he heard that the Busteez Hero Agency had a fully stocked gym on the second floor, he decided to make use of it!


And boy, was it ever stocked!


There was equipment here he had no idea how to even use. As well as many of those home exercise things he saw on TV alongside the more traditional equipment. The iron plate weight made a loud clanking sound as he lowered them back down. His shoulders were starting to burn, and his right elbow was feeling tender from his old injuries. But that was a good thing, as it meant he was making progress. The sensation couldn’t be called pain, not yet anyway. He knew when to stop, but he wasn’t there yet.


Lifting the weight a few dozen more times, he stopped after two sets of a hundred pulls. Stepping away from the machine, Izuku grabbed a towel that he’d set against the back of the machine to wipe away his sweat.


“Hey nerd, I need a favor!” said the familiar voice of Katsuki Bakugo, who was on the other end of the gym. He was dressed only in a pair of training shorts, leaving his chest exposed, along with the scars over it where his heart had exploded. Kacchan never tried to hide those scars, Edgeshot had given his life for Kacchan, and the blonde didn’t want to dishonor that act by feeling any shame for the scar.


“What is it?” Izuku asked.


“Lemme borrow one of your girlfriends for a date.” Kacchan replied.


“Huh?” Izuku said.


“I got a meet and greet with this Pro Agency guy from Prague.” Kacchan said, “It’s at this big ball style event and I need a plus one. And I’d prefer it to be closer to an actual date than hiring one of them out officially. Optics and all that. And since you’re hooked up with all the girls in our class, I figured I’d be polite and get your permission first.”


“Oh… I, I see. Well, I don’t mind, but I’m not dating ALL of them!” Izuku said, sounding more defensive than he wanted.


“Heh, I’d ask your mom, but again, optics. Wouldn’t look good showing up with a woman old enough to be my mother.” Kacchan said with a grin. Izuku gave no outward reaction in regards to that. It bothered him a little, about what happened with Kacchan and his mother. But he didn’t want to really let it get to him. Both are consenting parties, and it IS part of the purpose of the Agency.


Izuku cleared his throat, “Well, like I said, I don’t mind. The girls let me see anyone I want in here, and it’d be really hypocritical if I didn’t let them do the same.”


Kacchan gave him a mild smirk, not a condescending one, but one that was almost respectful, “How progressive. Anybody in particular I can ask?”


“Not really, no, though if I were being honest, Ochaco might be the best bet, Tsu after that.” Izuku said.


“Awww, don’t wanna let me borrow Bazooka-tits?” Kacchan asked snidely.


How did you know she joined!?” Izuku asked, now sounding genuinely shocked. Momo had only just recruited her to his harem a couple days ago. He hadn’t even had time to talk with Rie about it yet.


HAH! The chick won’t stop gushing about it.” Kacchan said with a laugh. “I’d suggest you be careful. Dating a groupie can be dangerous.”


“Rie isn’t a groupie. She’s a hero, just like us.” Izuku said.


“Whatever you say, nerd. Then again, she’s just as much of a hero nerd as you, so at least you’ll have lots to talk about.” Kacchan said before taking a long gulp from the sports bottle he had. Izuku saw him pull a face at the taste.


“That the medicine they made for you?” he asked.


Swallowing bitterly, Kacchan nodded, “Yeah, tastes like shit, but it helps keep the nitro out of my bloodstream. I’m not gonna make that mistake ever again. No one else is ever gonna die for my sake!” Kacchan said, while placing a hand over the scar on his chest.


Izuku didn’t say anything, as telling him Edgeshot knew what he was doing wouldn’t make him feel any better. And he knew Kacchan didn’t blame himself. If anything he was just upset at his own weakness, or what he perceived as it. As Izuku looked over the equipment spread out through the gym, he was deciding which machine he’d use to work on his legs when the door to the gym hissed open. Just then, a nearly naked girl with blonde hair tied up into a pair of messy buns burst in!


DEKU!!! YOU ARE HERE!!!” shouted Himiko Toga as she ran up to grab his arm, “You gotta come with me, quick!” The blonde girl was dressed, or rather, undressed in a pair of thong panties that were a size too small. The straps all dug into her skin visibly. She’d clearly been to see Rie recently, as her breasts were absolutely ENORMOUS! Each one was the size of a yoga ball and capped with a soft pink nipple. The blonde had Rie boost her ass as well, giving her a sexy hourglass figure. She also had on bright yellow lipstick that constantly drew attention to her mouth.


“Toga-san! What’s going on!?” Izuku asked, actually having to trigger One for All at just under 1% to resist her pulling on him. The girl’s grip was like iron, and she was deceptively stronger than she looked. Ochaco had told him that she’d changed since coming to work at Busteez on some kind of Work Release. Midnight had said or done something to get the blonde girl to behave herself.


“It’s La Brava, she needs your help! We gotta hurry!” Toga said as she began pulling on his arm again.


“Just go, Deku.” Kacchan said, “I doubt it’s life or death. No villain in their right mind would try and attack this place.”


“It’s not, but it’s still really important. Come on!” Toga said, while still tugging on his arm, making her massive tits jiggle and wobble.


“Alright, just stop pulling.” Izuku said to her.



Toga all but dragged Izuku up to the seventh floor of the agency. It was Izuku’s first time on this level. He’d been to the fourth floor before, when visiting the pool with Cassie and Mirko. When the elevator doors slid open, Izuku expected to see another long hallway lined with doors leading to various rooms.


So it was a bit of a shock when the elevator opened up into a very wide space with several support pillars in strategic locations to bear the load of the floors above. He could see signs of recent construction. If he were to guess, he’d say that there WERE rooms here before, but the walls between them had all been knocked down. Now the walls were all a bleach white, making things glaringly bright. All around the floor was every kind of filming and photography equipment Izuku could imagine.


It was a studio!


“Hi Deku!!!” said a cheerful voice.


At the farthest end of the floor, Izuku spotted the familiar red hair of Manami Aiba done up in its usual twintails. Unlike Toga, Manami was completely naked, her bare breasts had shrunken a little from when he’d seen her last, though they were still larger than her head! Spread around Manami were several spotlights, reflectors, and background screens. There was also a very large Yoga mat laid out on the floor.


“Manami,” Izuku said with a greeting nod while trying not to look TOO hard at the two naked women directly. Sure, the girls said he was free to be with other girls, but he got the feeling Momo even silently encouraged it. Still, it felt kind of like a betrayal to be eyeing other women when he now had SIX girls he could call on at pretty much any time.


“What’s going on?” Izuku asked as he walked over to where Manami was. He stepped onto the yoga mat, it was made of some kind of memory foam, his feet felt like they were standing on a cloud almost.


“We wanna fuck!” Toga said excitedly.


“Himi-chan!” Manami said exasperatedly.


“Whaaaaaat?” Toga asked, “Mana-chan, you said you wanted to go another few rounds with Deku, didn’t you? That you could barely feel anything with the regular heroes. You even asked me to help out since Deku has so many girlfriends, you didn’t think you could bring him with just you…”


“Gheep!” Manami gulped, blushing a shade of red that nearly matched her hair. She then turned to look at Izuku again, with her movements becoming so stiff that Izuku could hear her neck creaking like it needed to be oiled.


“Ahh, aheheh…” Izuku chuckled nervously.


“It’s not just that, Deku, honest!!” Manami said quickly, while waving her arms wildly. “I need to do a photoset for this catalog of girls Midnight is making, and I thought it’d look good if I had a few shots of me getting all stretched out by your dick again!!” she told him, then turned a shade redder than her hair. “Now that I say it aloud that sounds even worse!!!”


“I get it,” Izuku said. He sighed inwardly. He’d heard about the new catalog from Setsuna the other day. He’d even helped her pick out some still shots from one of his streaming sessions with her to use for her page.


“What do you want me to do, exactly?” he asked after a moment.


“First, you’ll need this!” Toga said as she ran over to a small table and grabbed something from a plain looking brown box on the surface. When she returned, she held a familiar looking ampule in her hand that was filled with an almost glowing pink fluid.


“Woah, hold on a sec…” Izuku began, but it was already too late as the blonde haired girl snapped the thin glass in half along the intended breaking point. The liquid inside quickly turned to vapor, becoming a small cloud that almost seemed to have a mind of its own as it flew up his nose. The sensation was akin to when he drank that synthetic alcohol stuff, only instead of a warm sensation going down his throat, it was up his nose and into his chest. Izuku was glad he hadn’t changed out of his workout clothes made up of a pair of spandex shorts and a loose fitting tank top. Instead of his cock ripping through his shorts, the stretchy material simply rolled out of the way, allowing his dick to flop out as it swelled up in a few seconds. Izuku felt dizzy as the drug did its work and an almost pink fog settled over his brain. His entire body felt warm and his dick was throbbing almost painfully.


“Haaaaaah…” Toga gasped, with a look of awe on her face while hearts throbbed in her eyes as she looked up at his dick which now almost touched the ceiling!


“See, told you!” Manami said, “He only beats my Gentle in thickness though, really.”


“I’ll believe that when I see it! For now, ITADAKIMASU!!!!” said Toga as she practically RIPPED off her panties before hugging her huge tits around his cock as she began kissing it all over. Her lipstick was leaving kiss marks all over his cock as she rubbed the lower half up and down with her gigantic tits.


“Hahh…” Izuku groaned softly at the feeling, with his cock suddenly a hundred times more sensitive thanks to the aphrodisiac Mei created. His cock twitched against Toga’s incredibly soft skin as she hugged his length tighter.


“Nmmmmh, mwah, mwah, mwah… SOOOOO bhig!!! Ahhh, I don’t wanna waaaait, I gotta get this big yummy cocky in me naoow!!!” Toga whined, “MMMMMMMH, I can feel all the blood pumping through it, it’s making me soooo… Weeeeet….” she moaned as she started getting down on her knees, pulling his cock down with her. She then turned around, resting her body on top of her enormous tits as Izuku’s cock fell between the cheeks of her ass.


“Hey, no hogging it!!!” Manami complained, moving around the various camera equipment quickly. Izuku distantly heard a bunch of snaps, clicks, and whirs before the redhead ran over and jumped on top of his cock. The green haired youth’s dick was actually bigger than the girl’s entire torso! It was also nearly as tall as she was, which was luckily making it easy for her to straddle the upper half with her entire body. She weighed almost nothing against the strength of his erection, Izuku barely even noticed it, but he could FEEL her rubbing her entire naked body against him. She peppered his cock with kisses like Toga, all while letting out a cute little erotic moan.


“Ahhhh, it’s so hot and haaaard!!!” Manami cooed, “I love it, I love it! I love this diiick!!!” she moaned loudly.


The pink haze in Izuku’s brain turned into a pink maelstrom as he felt something like a bolt of lightning shooting through his dick! A soft pink aura enveloped his entire body as his hair began standing on end like when he shot OfA to full power! His already massive dick grew even bigger as Izuku let out a loud growl as he quickly pulled his cock back and SLAMMED it inside Toga’s tight cunt! Manami yelped lightly as she suddenly found herself lying on top of Toga’s naked body.


HWEEEEEEEEEEEEGH!!!! SO BHIIIIIIIIG, AHAAAAAH!!!!” Toga squealed in pleasure as her stomach tented up from the sheer size of Izuku’s cock. “SO GHOOOOOOD!!! AHHHH, CUMMING!!! I’M CUMMING JUST FROM IT BEING STUCK INSIIIIDE!!!


AHHAAAAH… I… I CAAAAAN’T…” Izuku groaned, as he felt like One for All was fully triggered throughout his entire body, and as if something were pumping his cock full of liquid steel! He immediately began swinging his hips, pushing his massive dick in and out of Toga’s tight pussy. The feeling was incredible, he could feel every single inch of his cock being hugged by the blonde girl’s inner walls as he looked down at his cock. Her puffy pink pussy lips clung tightly to the surface of his manhood every time he pulled it back out. When he shoved in, her pussy would gush and Toga would squeal in orgasm. Izuku could actually FEEL her entire body clenching around his cock. It felt so intense, and also so good, he couldn’t stop moving!




The sound of his pelvis colliding with Toga’s wide ass echoed in the studio along with her wailing moans.




AHHHH, TO… TOGA-SAAAN…” Izuku groaned, as his balls were already about to dump a huge load into the blonde’s cunt.


NHOOOOOH, HIMIKOOOOOOOH….!!!” Himiko said with another moan, “AHHHH, I’M CUMMING!!!!” she told him, with her pussy clamping down on his cock again. It felt so good, perhaps too good, it bordered on painful as Izuku slammed his cock all the way inside the moaning blonde as he came!




Izuku’s cock surged inside Himiko, with a near constant stream of hot, thick, and sticky cum pouring into her. Himiko let out an erotic moan as she pushed herself back against him.


HWEEEEEEEEEEGH, AHHH, SO MUCH CUUUUUUM, MY INSIIIIDES!!! THEY’RE BEING PAINTED WHIIIITE!!!” Himiko moaned as the force of Izuku’s cum pushed her off his cock like a water rocket, flinging Manami up into the air. Without even thinking about it, Izuku extended both hands. Using Black Whip, he caught the short girl in mid-air as Himiko tumbled end over end, with his cum gushing back out of her pussy making a huge mess.


WAAAAHHIIIIIIIIIGH!!!” Manami moaned as Izuku used his Black Whip to pull her back, impaling her pussy on his gigantic fuckstick. Her body stretched around his cock like a condom as she let out a long cry of pleasure.


AHHHHH, YESSSSS, HARDER, DEEPER!!! FUCK MHEEEEEE!!!!” Manami screamed in pleasure, while her pink eyes began rolling back in their sockets as her mouth hung open, with her tongue hanging off her lips.


HAAH, AHHH, I CAN’T STOOOOOOP!!!!” Izuku yelled as he pumped Manami up and down his length as though she were a living cocksleeve.


NHOOOOOOH, DHON’T STOOOOOOP!!! FEELS SO GOOD, MY PUSSY, IT’S SO FULLLLL, I LOVE IT!!! I LOVE THIS HUGE COCK STUFFING MY PUSSY!!!” Manami screamed in pleasure as Izuku slammed her up and down, making her big tits jiggle wildly. “KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING, KEEP GOOOOHINNNGH!!!! AHHHAAA, CUMMINGH!!!


HAAAAH, NOOO, I MEAN… I CAAAAAN’T, AHHAAAH!!!” Izuku groaned, slamming Manami up and down on his cock again and again. The pleasure was so intense, it was like his limbs had a mind of their own. Holding Manami in his Black Whip tendrils, he pumped the redhead up and down even faster, ramming every inch of his cock into her and stretching her womb even more!


AHH, HAH, AHHH, HAAAH, MANA…MI…!” Izuku hissed through clenched teeth, “AHHHHHHHH…!!!!” he roared as he began moving her up and down even harder and faster.




HAH, HAH, HAH, HAH, AAAAHHHHHHH, CUM… CUMMING!!!” groaned Izuku as he YANKED Manami down onto his cock, burying every last millimeter inside her as he began cumming again.


OOOOoooOOOooooOOOooooh….” Manami moaned as Izuku’s cum stuffed her womb. He then used Black Whip to pull the red haired girl off his dick when he no longer felt her body clamping down on it.


“Me next, me next Deku, use my ass this time!!!” Himiko yelled, having fully recovered as she bent down in front of him, with her ass facing him as she pried the cheeks apart, exposing her twitching hole. Lashing out with Black Whip again, Izuku wrapped Himiko up in the black lines of energy that were outlined in green. With almost no effort, he pulled her back to him, sliding his cock up her asshole with a wet noise.




HURR, HURR, HUURRRR, HAHH, AH, HAH…” Izuku grunted and panted, pounding his cock in and out of Himiko’s asshole again and again with a loud wet SMACK SMACK SMACK sound. Every impact of his pelvis against her ass sent ripples moving across her skin.


HAAHHHH, SO TIIIIIIGHT! IT’S TOO MUCH!! I’M GONNA… I’M GONNA CUM AGAIIIIN… IT’S GONNA BE A HUGE LOAD!!!” Izuku groaned, while pounding his cock in and out faster and faster as his balls ached with the need for release. He grunted with every swing of his hips as he gripped Himiko’s ass tightly, with his fingers sinking deep into the soft, pliant skin. Once more, the green haired youth SMASHED his cock into Himiko, with his balls slapping against her thighs as he came.


HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! SO… MUCH… CUMMMMM!!! I FEEL IT FILLING MY STOMAAACH!!!” Himiko moaned, “AHHH, MY BELLY, MY BELLY IS BEING FILLED WITH DEKU’S CUUUUMMMMM!!! HAAH, SO GOOD, BEING FILLED WITH CUM IS THE BESSST!” moaned Himiko. She let out a long low moan that turned into a loud belching noise.




After several long minutes that felt almost like hours, Himiko slid off of Izuku’s cock with a sickening sound. She fell forward, held aloft by her gigantic tits. Cum poured out of her gaping asshole with GLUG GLUG GLUG sound like when someone had tipped over a five gallon water bottle.


“Ahh, ahah, ah hah…” Himiko gasped, still shuddering in pleasure. “Haaah, being used like a cock sleeve is da besshhht…” she said weakly as her body spasmed.


“Haaah… Not enough…” Izuku gasped, as his cock was still standing straight up, with the veins along the sides pulsating quickly. His cock was hurting without anything rubbing against it, while the long fleshy length slowly turning a bright red.


“Deku…? Are you okay?” Manami asked weakly, as she was still recovering from her earlier session.


“It’s not enough!!!” he groaned again, while flinging his arms out. Several lines of Black Whip extended out from his hands, grabbing both girls and pulling them in close before sandwiching them around his cock. Holding them there tightly, he began using them both to stroke his cock together. The feel of his dick rubbing between their soft naked bodies brought a mild relief from the pressure building inside.


“Aheeeeeeee!!!” Himiko moaned, “Deku’s cock is sooooo haaaard!!!”


“I-It’s not going inside me, but your cock feels good!!!” Manami moaned as she began humping herself against his cock as he used Black Whip to rub them both up and down faster.


“Yesssss, this works better than I would have thought!!! Ahhaaaah, so good, your dick is rubbing against my pussy so roughly!!!” Himiko moaned.


Izuku didn’t know what was even happening anymore, as his body was now moving on its own. All he could do was just try and hold onto his sanity as he pumped his cock back and forth between the two naked girls. He could feel the pressure in his cock continuing to build on top of itself as he panted for breath. Tied together around his cock, Himiko and Manami licked and kissed the tip of his cock. Occasionally, their tongues would meet and they would kiss each other in a sloppy erotic display.


“Ahhh, I can feel your clits rubbing against my diiiick…” Izuku groaned, “It… It feels gooood…” he said, panting harder as he moved them back and forth faster. He’d done this entirely in the moment, but he could already feel the pressure mounting in his balls.


“Haaah, I’m gonna cum agaaain…” he groaned breathlessly. It was crazy, like a whole new sensation as he began thrusting his hips as well, pumping his cock between the moaning girls.


“Ahhhh, I’m gonna cummmm!!!” Manami moaned.


“Me too, Mana-chaaaan!!! Ahhh, me TOOOOOOO!” Himiko moaned in pleasure.


“Ahhaaah, I’m cumming!!!” Izuku groaned. The trio then all called out as Izuku began cumming hard, as the tip of his cock erupting in a hot spray of thick, white, and sticky fluids that bathed both girls.




MHE TOOBUBUBLUB GLUG BLUB BUB…” moaned Manami as his cum washed over them both.


The green haired youth then fell back on his ass, a sudden wave of exhaustion washing over him. The lines of his Black Whips faded back into nothingness and both girls fell with him in a messy white heap. Three loud splats echoed in the studio space as they all lay in a massive puddle of cum that had formed on the floor. Izuku breathed heavily, with his cock still standing straight up, but no longer in pain as the pink aura that he’d seen around him earlier had finally faded away.


“Wow, that was fun!” said Himiko as she got up on her knees after a few seconds.


“Yeah, let’s do that again!” said Manami, as she then rubbed at the back of her head, “Especially since none of the camera’s were going off, so I don’t think we caught a single shot.”


Izuku blinked his green eyes once, twice, three times.


WHAAAAAAAAAT!?” he shouted, with his voice echoing all across the seventh floor of the Busteez Hero Agency.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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2 years ago

Hey. Because of life, could talk about last chapter, but you bring that up in this chapter, so I will say it. It a shame that we didn’t have moment with Rie talking about joining or be like: ” I love Deku so much” and Momo was there to talk to her about the harem. Feel like we miss something with that joining off screen.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mirag

That’s why we have flashbacks! 😀

2 years ago

Buen capitulo, con ganas de ver pronto un Izuku junto a Midnight :3

2 years ago
Reply to  126jojo

Me too

2 years ago

It ended up becoming a harem for izuku right?… well, goodbye other characters

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonimo

You wanna see the girls with other guys, join Enzo’s patreon at the correct tier and request it.

2 years ago

Damn, what a chapter! 👏 👏

Let’s start with the elephant in the room in Bakugo with Izuku at the top of the chapter. Believe me when I say that like some of you here, I personally am not a Bakugo fan. Make no mistake about it. But I believe that it serves a purpose here. Including the possible pairing of Bakugo and Ochaco/Tsuyu for that event he was talking about for probably later, as well as that bit about Inko. At least Izuku wasn’t oblivious to it. Thank fuck for that. 😤

Now then, onto the main piece of business. Manami and Himiko in that threesome they made Izuku take part of. This took up the majority of the story, so rather than go over everything in it, I’ll go into my broad strokes with it. 😁

Basically, I really loved the scenario here, in addition to how the seventh floor of the building was laid out. Not only that, I really like the dynamics between the two girls as well. Not to mention the sex becoming more intense and insane at the same time! Though this really pushed Izuku in the process. 😳

So overall, apart from the rather divisive start, I really enjoyed this chapter. Like, seriously enjoyed it.

Looking forward to what’s next. 😎👌

P.S That is a very accurate title, BTW. 😆

2 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Well, keep in mind, Deku is MUCH better at controling his temper than Bakugo! He’s had to be. As someone who’s been bullied like that in highschool, I can testify that we actually fear our temper, and the damage we could do if we ever gave into the anger we feel. Also, there’s another possible plot point I’m waiting on in the Manga first to be either confirmed of denied which could come any week now as AfO with his restored face comes closer to meeting Deku. Once that is out of the way, I’ll know what to do.

I FINALLY have a decent layout of the Busteez Building put together. This list is what I have planned for the moment, though some parts have yet to be introduced because they haven’t happened yet. But I needed to make a reference sheet so I could avoid conflicts with the floor by floor layouts. Suggestions for the tenth and eleventh floors are welcome.

First Floor:
Main Ballroom
Employee Apartments
Low Cost Rooms
Midnight’s Office
Glory Hole Room

Second Floor:
Tattoo parlor
Plain Rooms – Non-illusioned

Third Floor:
First Luxury Rooms
Two Suites

Fourth Floor: First Roof Entrance
Luxury Rooms – No Suites
Tanning Salon

Fifth Floor:
All Suites
Luxury Bath House

Sixth Floor:
VR Simulator – Entire Floor

Seventh Floor:
Photo Studio – Entire Floor

Eighth Floor:
Employee Lounge
Rec Area

Ninth Floor:
Melissa’s Lab
Mei’s Lab

Tenth Floor:

Eleventh Floor:

Twelfth Floor:  Roof
Observation Deck

S&M Dungeon

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

The dad for one theory hasn’t been confirmed yet ?

2 years ago
Reply to  N


Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago

Really enjoyed what little we got about Midoriya’s and Bakugo’s relationship, after the latter fucked Inko. It’s not much but it’s definitely better than ignoring/not addressing it at all. Can’t wait to see a potential Bakugo X Uraraka/Tsuyu chapter in the future, given that it has the potential for some pretty nice character interaction. Other than that, Toga and La Brava’s part came a little but out of the blue, given that I initially thought we’d get a nice little team-up with Bakugo and Midoriya, but I won’t complain. Those two girls make for a surprisingly nice duo after all, considering that they’ve never met one another in the actual story. What I would find worthy of complaint however would be how… easily Midoriya accepts the fact that Toga is in Busteez as well. Sure, he’d have known about it for a pretty long while, when you remember that Toga didn’t join only yesterday, but Toga isn’t the same small-time criminal as La Brava either. She’s a full-on psychopath and unlike the last series, where I think she was pretty much high and constantly horny all the time due to some drug or something, she’s still pretty much her own old self here. So maybe a deeper look at Midoriya’s opinion her would have been great. Other than that, the sex was splendid and I seriously enjoyed the rough and chaotic sex. I like the fact that the aphrodisiac seems to become more effective over time or that something must have been going on with the stuff he inhaled in this chapter. I mean, just compare the wild ride and Midoriya’s constant grunting and “complaining” here with the stuff we got the chapter prior.

Makes me wonder if there will be consequences in the future to worry about (kinda doubt it though, given that Momo and the other girls are allowed to be pretty selfish and can do whatever they want with Midoriya with no second thoughts whatsoever).

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, I did the Bakugo/Deku discussion just to leave options open as far as story goes. Also, I didn’t want to just go into the Himiko and Manami stuff right off the bat. Having some male interaction makes for a decent change of pace. I DO want to show more with Izuku and his adventures with having his own harem, the good and bad. And by bad I mean things like needing to keep a lot of gatorade around and non-alcohol induced hangovers, LOL.

I do have a long term plan here though, and a fun reveal later.

Smiling Fiend
2 years ago

Love the title, don’t like the implication of Bakugou banging one of Deku’s girls in the next chapters, but I know you have to work with what you’re given and it’s not like the story will become cuckcentric out of nowhere so no hate for Sailor or Rtenzo.
To end this comment on a high note, I also love that Rie joined the harem and that she sounds so excited to be a part of it. The way she’s written is sure to make for some sweet interactions with Deku !

2 years ago
Reply to  Smiling Fiend

I put the thing with Bakugo there just to make an opening. I might recycle old images again.

2 years ago

Toga is allergic to L’s. La Brava is allergic to L’s. Everybody’s just great

2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior


2 years ago

Love it but i agree with Emperor-k9, not the biggest fan of Bakugo

Okay then, relationships recap for those left in the dark or not up to date with this series

1. Momo
2. Tsuyu
3. Uraraka
4. Setsuna
5. Toru
6. Horie

Sex Friends (Not In The Harem):
1. Mina
2. Kyoka
3. Itsuka
4. Mitsuki
5. Cassie
6. Mirko
7. Melissa
8. Camie
9. Manami

Oh, and before you retort about the name, read my response from previous chapter

Last edited 2 years ago by N0bod4
2 years ago
Reply to  N0bod4

Correct on the groupings

2 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Okay then, relationships recap for those left in the dark or not up to date with this series

1. Momo
2. Tsuyu
3. Uraraka
4. Setsuna
5. Toru
6. Horie

Sex Friends (Not In The Harem):
1. Mina
2. Kyoka
3. Itsuka
4. Mitsuki
5. Cassie
6. Mirko
7. Melissa
8. Camie
9. Manami
10. Toga

2 years ago

Personally, if I was Midoriya, I wouldn’t let that comment Bakugo made about Inko slide. Then again, it’s probably because I’m not exactly the biggest Bakugo fan in general.

Aside from that, I really enjoyed the chapter, and it’s great to finally see Himiko again. I still feel like she should join the harem, but that’s just me. As usual, it’s fun to see Izuku plowing a couple of sexy villain girls. I’d love to see it happen with Lady Nagant, or possibly even Curious since we’re seeing dead characters like Cathleen, Nemuri and Nana.

2 years ago
Reply to  Emperor-k9

I did cover how they’re back. Though I would like to use Nagant as well.