Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Size Queen Mina

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part II): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part IV): [LINK]

“Tah, hah, hiya!” Izuku “Deku” Midoriya called as he went through a series of Tai Jitsu moves. A punch, followed by a reverse kick and then a double palm strike. All of the moves were at forty percent of One for All’s full power. A set of power dampening armbands co-created by Melissa and Hatsume prevented the movements from backlashing on his body too much. Powerful waves of air pressure lanced out from each strike, flattening the walls made for him by Cementoss in the training center.


[Better, but you’re still putting too much power into the final motion. Relax, let One for All do the work.] the voice of the 4th User Hikage said in his mind.


Panting softly, Izuku wiped sweat from his forehead, “Right…” he breathed, “I wish we’d had more time to train like this while I was working on my own.”


[We did offer.] Hikage said.


“Yeah, I know.” Izuku said, “I figured learning to use the others’ Quirks was more pressing.”


[True enough,] Hikage agreed, [Take a break, one of your friends is coming.]


“Hmm?” said Izuku as he turned around to see Ochaco Uraraka walking up behind him. Like him, she was dressed in her hero outfit, though she’d changed the style to something a lot more sexy. Most of her legs were bare now, along with her arms, and the sides of her breasts. Izuku tried his best NOT to look at the last part, though it was hard, since her breasts were still enhanced from her Work Study at Busteez. Just glancing at them reminded Izuku of just the other day when he first went to the agency and saw her dancing on the stage. The way they bounced with her every step made Izuku gulp to himself as he forced himself to look up at her pretty brown eyes.


“Talking to the others?” she asked as she leaned forward curiously, exposing her cleavage to him.


“The fourth!” Izuku said, his voice cracking slightly, “He’s been teaching me some of the fighting styles he developed in isolation.”


Uraraka touched a finger to her chin, “Fourth, that the one with that Black Whip thing?” she asked.


“Danger Sense, Black Whip was the fifth.” he corrected, lashing out with his left arm and sending long black tendrils of energy whipping from his fingertips. He grabbed a water bottle from several meters away and drew it back to him in an instant.


“Oh, right!” Uraraka said with a nod, “Is it weird, having other people in your head like that?”


“It was at first, but they only talk to me when I ask for the most part. And they don’t really have access to my senses unless I allow it, so my privacy is assured.” Izuku explained.


“Well, that’s a relief.” she said, “You really have good control of that now.”


“I had a lot of field practice.” he agreed.


“Yeah, I know.” Uraraka said, her voice lightly somber, she then brightened, “Speaking of practice, I saw you at Busteez the other day during my dance!” she said.


Izuku felt his face turning red, “S… S… Sorry, I…!” he began.


“What’d you think?” she asked. “I was sooooo nervous! I only had a day to really practice the routine Mina taught me.”


“Oh! It, it, it, it was good! Great even!” Izuku stammered.


“Ah, really!? You liked it? It wasn’t too over the top?” she asked with a smile. “Honestly I thought playing with myself at the end was a bit much…” she said, blushing lightly.


“No! It was fine!” Izuku said, his voice still cracking.


“Really, that’s great!” Uraraka said excitedly, she then blushed a little redder as she put her hands behind her back and began drawing a circle on the ground with her foot. “So um, I wanted to ask, you think I could do a few dances for you, um in private? I can’t have Mina come up with everything, and uh, I’d like your opinion on them.”


Izuku felt his face getting even hotter at the offer as he quickly and nervously said, “Uh, s… Sure!”


“Great! Can you come by my room this weekend? I still have a couple bits to work out first.” Uraraka invited him.


“Uh, um, okay…!” Izuku said, and Uraraka did a little jump.


“Alright see you then!” she said before she touched her fingers to her palms, negating gravity’s pull on her body. She floated up a few inches before aiming with her left gauntlet, shooting out a long cord and embedding the tip in a far wall. In the blink of an eye, Uraraka was zipping away almost like she was flying!



After training, Izuku went back to his dorm room where he changed into some street clothes before leaving for Busteez. A simple pair of jeans and an old All Might t-shirt that was a few washes away from going in the trash. Midnight had requested he drop into her agency at least three times a week. She hadn’t really expected anyone to win the Lifetime VIP card so quickly. Izuku was as surprised as she had been, those raffles were usually designed to hold out on a winner for a long time. It was completely blind luck that he’d won.


Midnight told him he didn’t need to use all the services if he didn’t want to, she only wanted him to be seen hanging around by other heroes. So Izuku decided to at least use the card to get some home cooked meals from his mother on the regular. She was working at the bar in Busteez, cooking meals and mixing drinks. Kacchan’s mother Mitsuki was also working there as a bartender and waitress, though Izuku hadn’t seen her very much. Though he mostly just sat at the bar, ate a meal, and watched a few of the girls dancing on stage.


He was surprised to see so many heroines working there, the Pussycats, Mirko, Ryukyu, even Nejire and all of the girls from his class! Midnight it seemed was paying everyone very well. As he walked into the main lobby, he was again greeted by a very busty rookie Heroine named Tetas. Her purple leotard costume was as functional as it was simple. Izuku appreciated that about her, given his own costume went for function over form.


“Hey, welcome back, Deku!” Tetas said, “It’s good to see you again!”


Izuku rubbed the back of his head, “Yeah, thanks.” he said to her.


The dark haired girl smiled warmly at him. She couldn’t have been much older than he was, barely over twenty at the most. He knew from Momo that she was the one who had altered hers and other women’s breast sizes inside the agency. Though he wasn’t entirely sure how.


“You really shouldn’t look so nervous.” Tetas said to him, “I mean, come on, you helped save the world! In my book, a guy that actually does that deserves to unwind here as much as he wants!”


“Yeah, uh, I keep hearing that.” Izuku said.


“Man, I wish I could have been there with you and the others! I’d have shown those punks a thing or two!” Tetas said, shadow boxing in the air, “With a HAH, and a HIYA, and an OPPAI BASH!” she said as she thrusted out with her chest and it suddenly ballooned outwards. Her tits expanded two, four, twelve times its original size, until each of her breasts were bigger than her entire body was before! The gigantic breasts smashed into the tiled floor with a heavy thud and Izuku was sure he’d heard something crack. The dark haired girl retracted her breasts back to the size they were before and blushed.


“Ooops, almost overdid it there, sorry!” she said with a sheepish smile.


“So I get what the 10t means now,” Izuku said with a nervous laugh.


Tetas laughed with him more heartily, “Yeah, I know right!? People keep thinking 10t is my hero name, but that’s just how heavy I can make them when I want. Ten tons, enough to pin just about any villain unless they have something like what you can do.”


Izuku thought for a moment, “I’m not sure, I’ve never really tried lifting that much before. One For All’s main ability is about compressed kinetic energy bursts to smash things with. I’ve never actually tried using it to lift massive amounts of weight before, though I’m pretty sure All Might had done so a few times in his career.”


“Wow really?” Tetas asked, “So you think I might be able to pin you if I tried?” she asked excitedly while bouncing her breasts up and down.


“Ah heh eh, um, I don’t know, maybe?” he admitted.


“That’d be soooo awesome, can we try and see sometimes, I’d really love to find out!” she asked with a smile.


“I guess, um, just how does your quirk work exactly?” he asked, genuinely curious.


“Oh that? I call it Chounyuu, after the fetish for inhumanly large breasts! I can manipulate the fat cell production in my body. Well, that’s the main part of it anyway, it also applies to skin production and other areas that dictate growth. I can also do it with my butt too, but I REALLY hate sudden wedgies, so I focused my fighting style on my tits! Recently I learned I can do the same to other women, men too probably, but that gets SUPER weird. The effect there is temporary though. When I enhance a girl, it’ll last one, maybe two weeks depending on how big I go. The bigger I make them go, the faster it returns to normal, though I suppose if they altered their diet right, they might be able to maintain them.”


Izuku thought about it for a moment, “Yeah, that makes sense,” he said, “If your quirk works on altering fat cells in the body, but the recipient has a healthy metabolism then the excess fat might be burned off quickly, it’s not unlike how Fatgum’s quirk works when he uses up his fat to deliver a powerful blow, though if someone went too big they might not be able to move very well, and that could slow the return to normal, there’s also the aspect of skin stretching and that could be difficult to…” he stopped when Tetas began giggling uncontrollably.


“Sorry, I tend to do that when discussing quirks and their applications!” he apologized.


“No no, it’s fine, I was laughing because I get the same way! All my friends called me a total Onna-otaku! I have gigs and gigs of notes about heroes and Quirks in my phone!” she told him, pulling a large almost tablet sized smartphone from between her cleavage. It was slightly slick with a bit of sweat, but it activated fine. She tapped at the screen and Izuku saw a bunch of folders marks HERO NOTES, with sub-folders titled after various heroes.


Mt. Lady
The Pussy Cats
All Might
Dyna Might


Izuku saw a folder for almost everyone in his class!


“Wow, I did the exact same thing, but I used analog notebooks.” he said to her.


“Wow really, neat! I did the same, until I got my first serious phone, then it was easier just to keep them there since carrying around so many books would be cumbersome.” Tetas told him.


“Hmm, I suppose you do have a point.” Izuku said.


“Hey, I’ll go on break in a bit, would you like to have fun over a drink or something?” she asked him.


“Huh, well, you don’t need to, I mean, I didn’t…” Izuku began stammering. He still felt a little bad for what happened with Momo the other day. She took him up to a room in the hotel because he’d just won this gold card thing. He guessed she’d done it since that was her job here, but he felt as though he’d taken advantage of her, and he didn’t want to do that to Tetas. She was so nice even though they’d only just met.


“Awww, but I was having fun talking Quirks…” she said, sounding a little disappointed.


“Oh, you meant talking more!?” he asked.


“Well yeah! I don’t meet many people who get into it as much as I do!” Tetas said with a smile.


“Oh, well, sure, I don’t mind!” Izuku told her.


Tetas did a happy little jump that made her tits bounce up and down, “Alright! Oh, if we’re gonna meet up later, you can call me by name, I’m Rie Horie!” she said, offering a hand.


Izuku took it, “Izuku Midoriya, though you probably knew that already.”


She giggled, “Yeah,” she said as she shook hands with him, “I’ll be free in a couple hours, I hope you plan to stay that long!” she said as she gestured to the door that led down a hall to the large ballroom.


Izuku hadn’t at first, but now he had a reason to. He nodded to Rie and walked through the door. The green haired youth figured he’d have a light appetizer for now, then maybe a real meal when she joined him. ‘It’ll be nice to just cha…’ his thoughts were cut off by someone suddenly tackling him from the side, knocking him over as he landed flat on his back. He grunted and winced in pain as his head collided rather hard against the floor.


“Just the guy I was looking for!” said a cheery voice, “Oh, sorry, did you hit your head too hard?” asked the voice when she noticed he was in mild pain.


Opening his eyes, Izuku’s vision was blurry for a moment, but he recognized both the voice and the very pink skin and hair. “Hi, Ashido-san…” he said as the pain subsided slowly to just a dull ache.


Mina Ashido frowned slightly, “Awww, you can call me Mina, afterall, you’ve seen me naked, that’s about as personal as it gets!” she said with her cheeky smile.


Izuku glanced down, his green eyes going wide when he realized Mina was indeed naked! Or nearly so. She was wearing a VERY erotic version of her “Pinky” costume. The teal and purple camo bodysuit was reduced to a pair of leggings going up to her thighs, and she still had on the fur collared vest, but the rest was completely exposed! Her nipples were a slightly more solid shade of pink than the rest of her body. For some reason, Izuku always pictured they’d be a darker, duller color. He felt a warm liquid sensation trickling from his nose as all the blood seemed to rush to his head.


Mina giggled, “So you are a red blooded man after all.” she said as she wiped the blood from his nose and got up slowly. She offered a hand to help him up and he accepted. She then clapped her hands together in front of her big tits and grinned, “So, is what Yaomomo said true?”


“Huh, is what…?” he asked.


“That you’re packing a huge cock down there!” Mina said shamelessly.


“Gheep!?” Izuku gulped.


“I’ll take that as a yes! C’mon!” she said, grabbing his wrist and pulling him to a side hall that connected with the one that led to the ballroom. An overwhelming sense of deja vu came over Izuku as Mina half led, half dragged him along behind her. His green eyes constantly were drawn to her bare pink bottom as they passed several doors. Izuku quickly realized this was the hotel’s hall of first floor rooms. The last time he’d been here they were roped off for some reason, he wasn’t sure why. Each door had a golden number plate over it reading 101, 102, and so forth. Mina stopped at room 106 and waved her wrist over the card reader slot built into the door handle. There was a soft chime and the sound of a lock unlatching. The door slid inward easily and Mina pulled him inside.


Unlike the last room he’d seen, this one looked like an actual hotel room, with gray carpeted floors, and matching wallpaper that had a silver floral pattern. The furniture was all done in a bright white modern style with the exception of some odd looking decorative bits in a bright pink. There were also a couple posters on the wall, most of them depicting popular idol singing groups he knew Mina listened to.


“Mina, is this your room?” he asked.


“Yep!” Mina said cheerily, “All the girls get a room on the first floor to stay in as needed. I only just started decorating it.” she explained. She then pushed him up against the wall with a wide grin. “So, Yaomomo was telling me the other day about the biggest dick she’d ever seen. So is it true!?” she asked excitedly.


“Well, I, uh…” Izuku said nervously.


“Uh, boys, why are you so nervous? Don’t all guys fantasize about a girl coming onto them like this!?” Mina asked as she leaned in close, pressing her bare tits against his chest.


So close!’ Izuku thought as he caught her scent. It was very different from Momo, who had a flowery smell. Mina smelled more like citrus, like fresh lemonade or orange juice. It wasn’t a bad smell, just not something he expected. He felt his muscles stiffen reflexively as Mina slipped her hand into his pants, her delicate fingers closing around his dick.


“Oh wow, not bad! And it’s not even hard yet!” Mina said excitedly. She then placed a hand on his chest, “Say, this shirt doesn’t have sentimental value does it?” she asked.


Izuku blinked in confusion at the question and shook his head, “No, actually I was getting ready to throw it out.” he told her.


“Awesome! So you won’t miss it then!” Mina said and Izuku heard a sizzling sound as smoke rose from his clothes and he felt something bubbling against his skin. A quick glance down showed that Mina had smeared a thick graywhite acid over his clothes that was rapidly melting them off! Before panic could set in, Izuku noticed that the acid was leaving his skin completely untouched. In the space of a few breaths he stood dressed only in his socks and shoes.


“That’s better!” Mina said, dropping to her knees and gripping his dick with both hands. “Thanks for the meal! HAAAMMMMMPH!” she said as though she were about to eat lunch. The pink skinned girl then opened her mouth wide and slurped his cock down her throat with a happy moan.


“Mi… Mi… Minaaaahh…!” Izuku groaned at the feel of her warm soft mouth around his cock.


“Hmmmph, mmmhmmmph, mmmmph…” Mina moaned in reply, moving her head back and forth, swallowing his entire length down her throat and holding it there with her nose buried in his pubic hair. He felt her tongue lashing against the underside of his cock as she moaned deep in her throat, vibrating it around his dick.


Izuku could hear his pulse throbbing inside his skull as his cock hardened quickly, blood rushing to fill it as a lump swelled in the girl’s throat. “MMMMHMMMMMPH, AGUH, MMMMPH, GUG, MMMMMMMPH, GWEH… OOOAAH PHUUUUCK… SHO PHICK, YESH…!” Mina said around his cock as it grew with every beat of his heart which was getting faster with every millisecond. She slowly pulled her mouth free and looked up at his cock with an expression of awe and wonder in her gold on black eyes. She then grinned like a cat from an old fairy tale.


JACKPOT!” said Mina as she gripped his cock with both hands, unable to close her fingers together around it. She licked and kissed his cock slowly, stroking him with both her hands. “Ooooooh wooow, it’s still growing… Mmmmmmmmh, I gotta get a cuntful of thissss…” she hissed softly.


“Mi… Mina… We… I… I mean…” Izuku said, stumbling over his words badly.


“Awwww, is it the horns? Or the pink skin?” Mina asked, looking up at him with an almost sorrowful expression, “I thought you were better than that Izuku…” she said, her eyes watering at the edges.


“No no! You’re very pretty!” Izuku said quickly. Mina’s expression changed so fast it was like a switch being turned.


“Great, then there’s no problem!” she said, “Oh fuck, this is so big, no wonder Yaomomo said she could still feel it!” Mina said, still stroking him with both hands, her fingers paying special attention to the mushroom shaped tip. “Haaahn, just looking at this is almost enough to make me cum!” she moaned as she began dragging her tongue along the side of his length. Izuku shuddered at the feel of it and Mina giggled.


“Mmmmmh, you like that?” she asked, “Then how about THIS! GAAAAAHMMMMMPH!!!” she said, opening her mouth insanely wide and taking the top thirty centimeters of his cock back into her mouth! It was so warm, wet, and very tight! Izuku groaned at the feeling, looking down to see Mina’s lips stretching away from her face as she pulled her head back. She then moved forward again, taking his cock even deeper down her throat. Her slender pink neck was visibly stretched around his girth as she let out a low moan like an animal in heat.


HMMMMMMMPH, SHO PHIIIIICK, YESSSH, AYE NHEEDED DIIISH… SHUCH A BHIG HAWD CAAAWK…” she said, her words barely understandable as she began bobbing her head back and forth, taking his cock in deeper every time.


“Mina… Ahhh, Mina…” Izuku groaned. He looked down at her again just as she grabbed his hand, moving them to the crooked antenna-like horns on top of her head. She closed his fists around them and let out a shaky moan. He distantly heard a soft spraying sound as she urged him to tug and pull on her horns as though they were handles.


AGUGH, GUG, GUMMMPH, GUH, MMMMPH GUGH, MMMMMPH, HMMMMMPH, AAAGUUUUWEEH…” she gagged and moaned around his cock, “SHO GUUUD, CUMMING, CUMMING PHROM SHUCKING DHIIIICK, LUV SHUCKING CAAAAAWKSH… LUV DIIISH…!” she moaned as he found himself pumping her head back and forth now.


“Ooooh, haaah…” Izuku groaned with her, leaning his head back against the door behind him.


“Yeeessh, moar, phuck muh mouph-pusshy moar…!” Mina slurred softly, her eyes almost completely black as they rolled back in her head. “NGUH, MMF… MMMPH, GWEH, AGUG…” she gagged as Izuku found himself pushing and pulling on her horns now. A heady musky odor filled the entire room as Mina let out one long moan after the other. He then groaned as he felt a familiar pressure building inside him as he pulled Mina’s face all the way down on his cock!


AGHUG, GHUG, GHUG, GHUG!” Mina gulped over and over as his cock poured hot thick cum directly into her stomach! “HMMMMMMMMPH, SHO MUSH CUUUUM… SHO PHULLL…” Mina slurred around his cock.


Grunting, Izuku leaned back against the door as he let go of the pink haired girl’s horns. Mina pulled herself free with a soft gagging sound, coughing lightly before taking several deep breaths.


“Are you alright?” Izuku asked, worried that he’d gone too far at the end there.


“Okay? Boi, I’m fucking great!” Mina said with that same Cheshire Cat grin as she reached her hand down to grab his still throbbing dick, pulling it up and rubbing her face against it, “And from the look of it, this bad boy is still raring to go!” she said excitedly before kissing the edge of the tip, “Ahhhh, it’s just so big and hard, my pussy won’t stop drooling just from me thinking about how this is gonna feel inside me.


“Aheheh…” Izuku chuckled nervously as Mina moved to straddle his cock, grinding her crotch against the upper side of its length as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged her nearly naked body against his. Her skin felt so incredibly soft and smooth, like being rubbed with silk covered marshmallows. She leaned her face in close, gently biting and tugging on his lower lip as she continued grinding her pussy against him.


“Mmmmmmh, I wanna fuck so bad right now, it’s been forever since I had a decent cock, and never anything this big before! Mmmmmmh, you can have my pussy anytime you want Izuku, all you gotta do is ask!” she told him as she moved her hips back and forth. Izuku could feel her hot juices running over the sides of his cock as she let out an unbelievably sexy moan before she hopped up on him, wrapping her legs around his waist like a monkey.


“Mmmmmmh, go ahead and stuff it inside me, I want it, I want it nooow…” she moaned. She then leaned back slightly, Izuku grabbing her ass to help balance her weight. The pink haired girl then reached a hand down, grabbing his dick and guiding it inside herself.


Izuku groaned at the sudden tightness wrapping around his cock as Mina took him inside. He could hear her pussy squishing wetly around his cock as her juices trickled down the length and over his heavy balls. Her normally flat belly swelled and bulged upwards, stretching around his cock as she took him deeper and deeper inside.


HWEEEEEEE, YEAH, YEEAH, YEEEAAHHH…!” Mina squealed as her pussy clenched tightly around him. “FUUUUCK, SO DEEEEEP, AND THIIICK, HAAAAH, MY PUSSY, MY PUSSY’S GETTING SPREAD SO WIIIIDE, AHHH, THIS FEELS SO GOOD!!!” she moaned as she let go of Izuku slightly, allowing herself to fall on his cock, shoving it even farther inside!


YES IZUKU!! KEEP GOING~! DON’T STOP!!” Mina howled as she began bouncing herself up and down. “AHHH FUCK, YOU’RE SO BHIG, IT’S STRETCHING OUT MY WOMB!!!” Mina screamed.


“Mi~naaa…” Izuku groaned, his hips beginning to move almost on their own. He couldn’t stop them as he felt her pussy stretching and squishing around his length. It just felt so good! Just like Yaoyorozu’s pussy, but somehow a little different.




His balls slapped against Mina’s ass as the pink girl began moving her body with his hips. Bouncing herself up and down so that half his cock would pull out, then jam all the way back inside when she came back down. The phallic distention in her belly moved up and down as she clung to him tightly.




“Mina… Hahhhh, Min~a…!” Izuku groaned, his hips still slamming her up and down on his dick.


DON’T STOP, DON’T STOOOOP…!! FUCK, I’M CUMMING, I’M CUMMING SO MUCH, IT’S LIKE MY WHOLE BODY IS MY PUSSY!!! AND I JUST KEEP CUMMING AND CUMMING, I CAN’T STOP CUMMINGGGG…!!! YEAAAAH, I LOVE IT, I LOVE HAVING SUCH A BIG DICK STRETCHING OUT MY PUSSSYYYYY…!!!” Mina screamed as Izuku felt her pussy gushing an almost endless stream of juices all over his cock and balls. Her entire body seemed to glisten with sweat now as she panted hard.


“Mina… Ahhh, I’m gonna…” he groaned to her as he felt that pressure inside again.




SPLURT SPLURT SPLURT!!!!! The sound of his cum pumping into her womb was even louder than her moans.


OH FUUUUCK!!!” Mina screamed as Izuku grunted, his balls constricting as he continued cumming hard! He could actually hear his cum splashing against the top of her womb as some of the thick white fluids began oozing back out of her pussy with a rude sound.


YES IZUKU!! KEEP CUMMING!” she howled in pleasure as she continued bouncing herself against his cock. “GO PLUS ULTRA IN MY WOMB!!!!” she howled in utter bliss, a trickle of drool running down her chin as she panted.


SO FULL, SO FULL OF CUM AND COOOOCK… I LOVE THIS, I LOVE IT SO MUUUUUCH!!!” Mina screamed as her entire body shook with pleasure. Izuku held onto her ass tightly, supporting her weight with his cock and hands alone as Mina bucked and rolled herself against him, stirring his cock inside her.


Groaning, Izuku felt his legs giving out as he slid down the door and onto the floor. Mina laid herself back on his legs, the distention in her belly made even more prominent. She rubbed her hands over the phallic lump, making a contented noise as she lay there for a long moment.


“Aheheh, my legs feel numb…” Mina giggled, “This is great…”


“Mina, are… Are you okay…?” he asked. The pink girl reached a hand up and gave a simple thumbs up gesture before letting her arm go slack. Izuku didn’t know how long they laid like that. Only that it was quite a while before either of them had the strength to move again. His cock flopping out of Mina like a fire hose with the water cut off. Thick white cum poured out of her in a rush with a disgusting sound.


“Haaaaaah, I needed that, thanks!” Mina said cheerfully as she got back to her feet and stretched. “There’s a bathroom over there, you can wash up if you like, I’ll see you in the main room!” she said to him before gently ushering him aside and exiting out of the room.


“Huh, what… What just happened…?” Izuku asked himself, “And how am I supposed to go out without any clothes!” he asked, even though Mina was long gone.

Story by Sailor Io

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Triple Strike
Triple Strike
3 years ago

how does dekus dong vary in size so much

3 years ago
Reply to  Triple Strike

This has been asked and answered many times. It’s because different people request different sizes in different pics. Not every pic is a request from the same person. Some fans love the hyper sizes, other’s don’t.

Smiling Fiend
3 years ago

So this was originally supposed to be chapter 2. You worked around it well, at least in my opinion the story still flows nicely.
I loved the interactions between Deku and the girls, Uraraka saying she’ll give him a private dance, Rie and him getting along and being nerdy, and of course, all the dirty talking with Mina. I absolutely love when people are really enjoying sex and complimenting each other during it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Smiling Fiend

Actually no, that got pushed to next Saturday, Enzo asked for a follow up on Deku so I made this chapter. The original chapter 2 doesn’t have Izuku in it at all and he wasn’t even mentioned. I’ve since edited it a little to mention him once. I don’t wanna give any spoilers on who is featured, but I hope you’ll enjoy it

3 years ago

Ojala podamos ver un capitulo con Hagakure mientras folla seria interesante…

3 years ago
Reply to  Lolito

I wouldn’t mind that either

3 years ago

Mina was done really well in this chapter, a good mix between slutty size queen but still has her bubbly fun personality that I really love to see. Not sure if she’ll still be dating Bakugou in this reboot or keeping them single but I guess i’m cool with whatever.

I sorta wondering if we’ll get more involving Toru (invisible girl) in this story from some of the recent manga chapters (no spoilers hopefully) she could be a very interesting character to use

3 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

We can only hope

3 years ago

Good chapter

Will you expand the relationship between izuku and Rie(10t)

3 years ago
Reply to  Han

I plan to, yes

3 years ago

Buen comic de esta semana espero que Uraraka aparezca la proxima semana o lo mas pronto posible

Last edited 3 years ago by AL-720
3 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

Soon as I’m able

3 years ago

Tsuyu, Momo, and Ochako were the main girls in the original series. So… I’m just uh… saying ya know. Maybe Mina could…perhaps…replace… one of them?

Like Ochako-

-Sincerely, a unironic Kaachako Shipper

3 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

On the topic of replacements , I say Tsuyu .

Because I simply like Mina more .

3 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

ochako is a big no for obvious reasons. tsu i would also say no replacing cuz her tongue is one of the hottest things so if anyone gets replaced i would say momo. although they could just add mina and make it 4 girls but mina doesnt fit in that group tbh. she seems more like the ima fuck every dick type girl. she wouldnt fit.

3 years ago

Thank you. Mina’s supposed to be a size queen slut. Her personality is slightly based off the Slutwriter comic “My mom and sis are size queen sluts!” She’s not really looking for any kind of relationship, just a big dick to fill her up.

3 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior


3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io


3 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Can’t really see Ochako and Bakugou ever dating each other, but im not against them being paired for a chapter every now and then. Or atlease him and Deku double teaming her that way both sides are happy

3 years ago


3 years ago

I love how izuku and Rie got along and we’re so alike, I really hope they start a relationship together. Also I hope when mitsuki shows up she’s a super freak for izuku’s pants ripping mega dick.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

I have plans for Mitsuki, don’t worry!

3 years ago

Porque sera que Ochako le quiere hacer un baile privado a Izuku jeje…. gran capitulo por cierto…

Creo que aun no has hecho que ninguna chica haga twerking a Izuku o cualquier otra persona, seria diveritdo ver como mueven cu culo …. 10/10

3 years ago
Reply to  98766fuu

Soon as I got a pic of her, you’ll see!

3 years ago

Love it but when is it Tsuyu’s turn with Izuku?

3 years ago
Reply to  N0bod4

When I get a pic featuring her, not sure if there are any currently

3 years ago

Very nice work! This is probably my favorite chapter in this MHA storyline thus far.

Nice job with the chats Izuku had with Ochako and Rie, better known as 10t and Tetas. Looks like he’ll have more to do with them later on, but I’m glad they’re being built up. Especially Rie. Hope we get more of her later on. Haha.

Plus I like how the chapter began with Izuku learning from Hikage, the fourth user of One for All. More so since he didn’t have enough time to really work with him in the actual story.

And finally, there’s Mina, the main focus on today’s chapter. I’m really glad she’s getting more attention here. Especially with how her personality usually goes. And I mean it in a good way. Hahaha. So anyway, to say her entire time with Izuku was fun and intense would be an understatement. I also really liked how encouraging and enthusiastic she was too as well as handled his huge dick better than Momo at the same time. Looks like you got yourself a strong friend with benefits there, my boy. XD

Seriously though, I hope we more of the pink skinned tomboy later on. She’s so much fun. Hahaha.

Overall, it’s a great chapter. Once again, very nice work! 😀

Last edited 3 years ago by Hiryu
3 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

This was fun to write, especially the bit with Rie, I wanted to give her more purpose and personality here. I was going for she’s like an older female Deku. A fangirl hero nerd. Mina is pretty much unchanged, why change something that works?

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Indeed. And for what it’s worth, I think you did great with them.

Michael H McFadden
Michael H McFadden
3 years ago

Another well written story my friend!

3 years ago

Thank you. I appreciate it.

3 years ago

Me gusto el capitulo.. la interaccion de Mina con Izuku y como cuando le dijo hermosa se puso alegre.. ojala pueda estar en su harem…10/10 sigue haci hermano

3 years ago
Reply to  Kimchui

LOL, Mina was totally working him, playing the hurt bit like that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Todo una reina del tamaño Mina jaja… creo que tiene buena quimica no se tu hombre

3 years ago

great chapter

3 years ago


Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

Really great third chapter, featuring one of my all-time favorite MHA girls. I really liked Midoriya’s POV and how he went from training with Uraraka interrupting him to ask if she could try out some dance moves on him (which is quite sweet) to him going to Busteez. His meeting with Tetas was really nice and I like how she also has notes about the Quirks of several people. I absolutely adore how you handled Mina in this chapter! The way she was introduced and just snatched Midoriya off the hallway to test out if he really has such a big dick was absolutely fantastic. The sex itself was pretty neat in and of itself and Mina did a much better job at handling Midoriya’s cock than Momo, which really highlights her skill.

Great chapter. More inclusions of Mina will always be appreciated.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

There’s a reason Ochaco wants to dance for him, PRIVATELY. Hint hint, possible spoiler. Hehehe

Jay Jay
Jay Jay
3 years ago

Are going to continue with the mysteries like the villian chick with the winged snake tattoo?

Jay Jay
Jay Jay
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Jay

Those are really interesting ngl

3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Jay

That was more a cameo mention, but yeah, there’ll be more of that.

Jay Jay
Jay Jay
3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Of which anime?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Jay

Full Metal Alchemist, the girl described was Lust

Jay Jay
Jay Jay
3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Oh sad that we don’t see stories of Full Metal Alchimest

Would love to see your super creative and unique writing on it

Jay Jay
Jay Jay
3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Does Rtenzo know about Full Metal Alchemist?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Jay

Yes, though I believe he’s only seen the first anime, not Brotherhood. The series has a pretty solid ending already though. If I were to write a story set in it, it’d be really tricky.

Jay Jay
Jay Jay
3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I see

Hope he will finish it someday

But why would it be tricky?
(With the story set)

3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Jay

Well, everything wrapped up neatly, Ed wound up with Winry, AL with that Mei girl, etc. etc.

Jay Jay
Jay Jay
3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io


Keep going bro you’re doing a good job

Hope you will get the opportunity to write Full Metal Alchemist stories in the future