Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Sho-Bae’s Time to Shine

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 49): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 51): To Be Continued….

For some reason, every time Shoto Todoroki walked into the Busteez Hero Agency, he felt a little dirty. Not in a bad way though. What went on here wasn’t illegal or anything. Though he figured that would be rather ironic. Heroes running a criminal enterprise. It sounded like the plot of a bad TV series.


He’d simply been raised in a more than conservative home, and grew up with such a strict moral standard about sex that just stepping inside this place gave him a kind of thrill. His reason for coming tonight was simply to blow off some steam. Though his father was officially retired as a Hero, his agency was still running. Upon his graduation in the coming spring, the reins of the Endeavor Hero Agency would officially become his. And though it was entirely within his rights to change the name, Shoto decided he would keep the name. It would serve as a reminder of everything that made him who he was now, and also of what mistakes he needed to avoid.


The main lobby of the former hotel building was as opulent as ever as Shoto walked inside. He was greeted by the familiar sight of the heroine Tetas. She was a dark haired and beautiful 20-something young woman. Her eyes were a bright gold color that shone with a familiar intensity when you spoke to her about other heroes. Apparently, she was very popular in Minato Ward, where she did a lot of her regular patrolling during the day.


“Heya Shotoooo!!!” the heroine called out in greeting to him, waving her arm. She had such a cheerful smile, he couldn’t help but return it slightly, even if it did break his stoic attitude. “Will you be staying the night?” she asked him as he neared. She was dressed in a more provocative version of her Hero Costume. Normally she wore a purple one piece with arm length gloves and thigh high boots, and a bright yellow 10t written across her huge tits.


It was a bit of a gag on her part, as her Quirk allowed her to expand and contract the size of her breasts at will. When she put in the effort, she could make her tits get so large they actually weigh ten tonnes! He’d heard because of that, she couldn’t get licensed as a hero for a while, as the old Commission thought her powers were “too lewd”. He heard from Midoriya that Midnight had made a plea on her behalf to the New Commission and gotten her fully licensed. Right now, she was saving for the starting capital for her own Hero Agency.


Shoto shook his head, “Is Itsuka working tonight?” he asked her, trying NOT to leer at her “work” outfit for Busteez. It was a sexier version of her regular outfit, which was cut to expose more of her hips, ride up the back of her ass, and barely contained her immense breasts! Even now, Shoto could perfectly see the outlines of her nipples in the fabric.


She gave him an apologetic look, “I’m sorry, but no. She’s out tonight. I heard she’d be doing some work with Uwabami on a movie set over in Hokkaido. She won’t be back until next week.”


“A movie set? As what, security?” he replied.


Tetas shook her head, “No, I don’t think so at least. It was all really kinda last minute. Uwabami came by the other day and pretty much begged her AND Momo to help her out with a project. Momo turned her down though, but Itsuka said alright. That’s about all I know. Momo’s here tonight though. She might know more.” explained the busty brunette.


“If I see her, I’ll ask. Thank you.” he said, then bowing to her politely before heading farther into the building. The entire first floor of the Agency was mainly the club itself, along with a few VERY cheap rooms, the kitchen, and from what he heard, some employee housing. The last bit he figured wasn’t used much. Still, the place was big. The whole building took up nearly a city block’s worth of space, and was 12 stories tall! How Midnight had afforded it all was still beyond him. Sure, Hero work paid well, even the lowest ranked heroes were considered wealthy by many standards. But still…


It likely had to do with how they brought Midnight back from the dead. He’d heard she was pretty traumatized by it all. But he didn’t know all of the details. Midnight herself didn’t seem to want to talk about it, and he wasn’t going to press the issue. He was simply happy to have one of his teachers back after losing her so tragically.


He walked down the hallway that led to the main club area on the first floor. It had once been a ballroom, but it was now a lot more than that after merging several of the hotel rooms into it. As he neared the area, he could already feel the thrum of the bass speakers through the floor. The sound proofing blocked the music itself, but the bass, well, that thing registered on the richter scale!


As Shoto approached the large pair of double doors that led into the club-like ballroom, he could hear the repetitive beat of techno style music. It meant one of the girls was doing a dance number. ‘I wonder who it is,’ He thought as he opened the door and walked inside. The first thing to hit him was the pounding pulse of the bass speakers. The pulsations were like a wave of pressure that buffeted his entire body. Next was the blaring sound of the music coming from a state of the art speaker system that filled the entire room with sound, yet still allowed someone to hold a conversation so long as they were close enough.


Everything in the room was done in bright shades of orange and red, with some softer colors scattered about. It seemed chaotic at first glance, but when you looked closely, there was a method to the madness. A large dance stage dominated a large portion of the room. There was room enough for several girls to dance at once, though at the moment only one girl was present. It just so happened he knew her casually. She was Setsuna Tokage, of class 3-B. She moved around the stage dressed now only in a thong pair of panties that looked as if they were made from shoestring!


True to his red blooded male nature, Shoto’s eyes were instantly drawn to Setsuna’s massive tits and how they bounced and shook with her rhythmic movements to the music. Her sharp looking teeth glinted under the spotlights as she grinned out at the crowd as they cheered and tossed money up onto the stage! Setsuna was what a lot of people called a “Wild Beauty”. It was a term that came about in response to Quirks that affected women physically. Usually this term was applied to heteromorphic Quirks, but in Setsuna’s case, it was her shark-like teeth.


Some bigoted people had a problem with such traits, but Shoto wasn’t one of them. In fact, if he didn’t know Setsuna was already actively dating Midoriya, he’d be genuinely tempted to ask her for a private session since Itsuka wasn’t here.


“Gooph!” he then grunted as a sudden weight settled onto his body from behind.


“Hey there, mind if I borrow you for a bit?” asked an excited voice, “I’ll let you use my tits!” said the voice.


“What are you…?” Shoto began to ask, turning his head to see a mass of cotton candy pink hair attached to a pretty face with bright yellow eyes that had crosshairs for pupils. He recognized the girl instantly as Mei Hatsume. His school’s resident Mad Scientist and Support Item creator.


She’d earned the Mad Scientist moniker because her unrefined support items had a very bad habit of exploding at the worst times. But on the other side of that coin, the gear she DID refine worked phenomenally well.


“Hi Hatsume,” Shoto said politely.


“Eh, you can call me Mei!” Mei told him, “Hatsume has so many syllables, and it’s quite a mouthful to moan out!” she said in her usual impish tone, while hugging herself against him some more. He could distinctly feel two very soft things pressing into his back, along with some hard points at the center of those things.


“Went to see Tetas I see.” he said, trying to sound indifferent, but saying he didn’t enjoy the feeling against his back would have been a lie. Mei already had a nice body for sure. Her personality just made it difficult to really look at it as she tended to make a LOT of eye contact with everyone. The “in your face” kind of eye contact that was both off putting and yet forced you to pay attention at the same time.


“Actually, no! Hehe!” Mei replied with a chuckle, “That’s why I need to borrow you, or rather, your dick, for a bit!” she told him as she let go of him and maneuvered herself in front of him. She was dressed rather conservatively, for this agency at least. A plain white button up top with golden buttons, a dark blue miniskirt that showed off a lot of thigh, but nothing beyond that, and a black choker with PORNSTAR written in gold lettering on it. She also had on some kneepads and those wild looking goggles she always seemed to be wearing.


He’d asked her about them once, and they were to help with her Quirk. While her Zoom allowed her to see incredibly far away with great detail, when it came to looking at finer things close up, things got a little more fuzzy. Basically, her Quirk was like a form of extreme far-sightedness. The top barely contained Mei’s gigantic tits, with each one nearly as big as her entire torso! Her soft pink nipples were clearly exposed for all to see, both of them pierced with golden dumb bell piercings.


How could she not have been to see Rie? Her regular body wasn’t small by most standards, but she wasn’t anywhere NEAR this big without the dark haired heroine’s help! The pink haired young woman noticed where his eyes were and grinned at him.


“You like?” she asked suggestively.


“I, uh…” Shoto stammered, unsure how to answer without sounding like Mineta.


“I’ll take that as a yes! Come with me!” Mei said excitedly. She then quickly grabbed his wrists, practically pulling him along behind her as she led him farther into the club. The pink haired young woman took him to one of the closed off booths. These were smaller rooms inside the ballroom, they were meant for private dances and the like. They also served as spots where patrons could eat in private as some heroes with heteromorphic Quirks didn’t enjoy eating in front of others as it tended to be a messy affair. Shoji was one such person he knew who was like that. He wasn’t really embarrassed or anything, it was just when he ate with his actual mouth, bits of food would be spat out no matter what he did. Which was why when eating with his classmates, he tended to use an extra mouth from the ends of one of his tentacles.


None of their class had anything against it. Shoji just considered it good table manners in his case.


“Oof!” grunted Shoto as Mei shoved him down into a seat inside the private area. He could still see Setsuna dancing just beyond the entryway, with her entire body rendered a silhouette by the way the spotlights were trained on her. The pink haired girl quickly got down on her knees and Shoto finally understood WHY she was wearing the kneepads! Her hands moved with the speed and deftness of someone well versed in handling delicate and complicated things. Before Shoto could even voice a word, she had his dick in her hands.


“Very nice!” Mei complimented him before hefting her huge tits with her hands and sliding them down around his length. Warm, smooth, pillowy softness enveloped Shoto’s dick as he felt her tits sliding down over his cock. He let out a soft groan of pleasure as he saw the very tip of his dick peak up from between the top of Mei’s huge tits.


“Very, VERY nice!” Mei said, clearly impressed as she looked down at the tip of his dick. She then looked up at him with a completely serious expression. “So tell me, how do they feel!?” she asked excitedly, “Too firm, too soft, are there any cold spots or any part that doesn’t feel right?” she asked in a rush.


“I… Uh… Fuuuuck…” groaned Shoto as Mei began pressing her breasts together and rubbing them against one another with his dick in between. “How are they, so smooth…?” he groaned.


“Oh, I slicked them with some of my own personal lubricant before. I made it with my Blue Baby #10.” she said casually.


Shoto felt a moment of pure panic, “Wait, isn’t that the stuff that gave Midoriya the erection that lasted a week!?


“No nooo, it was more like four days!” Mei said dismissively, while she still stroked his dick with her breasts, “And besides, that was Blue Baby #9 and I got the dosage mixed up. #10 is much safer! It just increases sensitivity and heightens arousal after enough has been absorbed through the skin.


Shoto could already feel it working, as it felt like someone had injected liquid steel into his dick! He groaned softly again as he felt her soft and heavy tits sliding up and down his rod smoothly. He could feel everything, every centimeter of soft tit flesh that rubbed over his dick. Every stroke felt like it lasted for hours as he groaned again.


“So, what do you think!?” Mei asked excitedly, “I can really feel your dick throbbing between my boobs, it’s so hot and hard, and it really feels nice! My Blue Baby #10 is almost making my breasts feel as good as my pussy!” she said, breathing heavily now. “By the way, feel free to cum whenever, I don’t mind.” she said as she began moving with her whole body, her tits making wet squishing sounds as she moved faster.


“Haaaah, fuuuuuck…!” groaned Shoto as the sensation mounted on itself so fast he couldn’t hold it back at all!


“Oh my!” cried Mei as his cock began shooting cum out rapidly, a single burst splashing all over her face. The thick white fluid quickly rained back down onto her tits, soaking them in a goopy layer.


“That’s the ticket!” she said before moving up so close her nose was practically touching his, “So how was it? Did they feel real!? Not rubbery or anything, right?”


“You’re too close!” Shoto told Mei, grabbing her shoulders and pushing her away, “What’s all this about anyway? Why do you wanna know how your tits feel? Are they fake or something?”


“Nope! These are one hundred percent me!” Mei said, standing up and bouncing her tits up and down with an audible ‘boing’. She then tugged on the golden piercings, “These are my newest baby! I call them Booby Boosters! Or BB’s for short! They mimic the same energy Rie’s body does when she enhances herself. Or close enough anyway. The radiation affects the fat stores in the mammary tissue, causing rapid expansion!” she explained, while grabbing the sides of the piercings that were on the outer edges of her nipples. She then twisted them forwards, and her breasts swelled up even bigger than before, becoming so large that they rested on the floor while Mei was standing fully upright!


“But I’m not so sure if they feel right to a guy or not. Since the energy isn’t entirely what Rie releases.” explained Mei.


“Well, they felt, um, fine, I guess.” Shoto said after processing everything, ‘Fuck, my dick is still hard!’ he thought as he watched the pink haired mechanic jot notes down on a pad of paper she had produced from somewhere.


“Good good, so no complaints then? Nothing felt too hard or soft, or artificial then? I wanna help ease the burden on Rie a bit. She can’t stay here all the time reboosting all the girls, after all.” Mei said.


Shoto didn’t have time to respond as he felt his dick beginning to ache again, with the thick rod twitching painfully in the air. It was then that a new voice spoke up, “Oh hey, someone in here? We kinda need this booth right now.” said a cheerful voice as a young woman with caramel blonde hair came inside the cordoned off area. Dressed in a blue and white v-sling suit that honestly left nothing to the imagination, Camie Utsushimi stepped through the door. She looked from Shoto, to Mei, then back to him, “Hmm, yeah, come on, this booth is booked.” she said, grabbing both their wrists to lead them out. Though she stopped when she saw the size of Mei’s tits.


“Whoa, like, how’d you even get those yavos through the door, Mei Mei?” she asked.


Mei blinked, seemingly confused at first, but then looked down at her tits, “Oh, like this.” she said as she twisted the piercing again, but in the opposite direction. Shoto then blinked in surprise as Mei’s tits shrank like a pair of deflating balloons, all that was missing was a PFFFFT sound. In just a few seconds, they had returned to her normal, unaltered size. As he remembered earlier, Mei’s natural body was quite impressive, a pair of easily D-cup breasts with a lovely shape to them.


“Oh wooooow, for real, like, how’d you do that!?” Camie said, wide eyed.


“New baby!” Mei said excitedly, moving over to Camie and speaking very quickly, recapping everything she’d told Shoto, though he could barely follow any of it when she got technical. Shoto then gasped in shock when Mei suddenly pulled the piercings off, only to blink in surprise when he discovered they weren’t actually piercings at all. Instead, they were two small spheres roughly the size of marbles that seemed to be held together by magnets.


“Neato, can I try em?” Camie asked.


“Sure! I need more empirical data anyway! Here’s how they work!” Mei said, then quickly moving into more technical talk that Shoto only half-followed. Much to his continued surprise, Camie seemed to follow Mei’s every word just fine.


“So like, you made a monopole to hold them together around the nipple, that’s like, Nobel level awesome!” Camie said.


“Meh, Nobel is too easy!” said Mei before she moved over to a table and grabbed a handful of tissues from a cleverly hidden dispenser and wiped off the cum that still covered her face and tits. “Nobel-Quirk, now that’s a challenge! Melissa and I have a bet as to who earns one first!”


“What’d you bet?” Shoto asked out of curiosity.


“Two hundred yen!” she said excitedly, as if that amount was actually significant. It wouldn’t even buy a soda from a regular vending machine!


He then watched as Camie placed the metallic spheres around her own nipples. They held in place with a barely audible ‘tink’ sound. Mei nodded approvingly and tossed the used tissues into a trash bin, “Right! I’m gonna go and put my notes into the computer! Catch you later!” she said in a singsong tone before dashing out of the room.


“Later gatorrr!!!” Camie called after her, waving her arm in an overly dramatic fashion. She then turned to face Shoto, “Okay, come on, I’ll help you take care of that, but this room really is needed by others!” she said, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the booth. Shoto blinked in confusion for a second, until she openly looked down at his crotch.


“Handsome and hung. A real nice combo!” said Camie with a big grin.


Shoto looked down and winced as he saw his still rock hard cock throbbing as it stood out from his crotch!


“Come on.” Camie said, feigning an exasperated tone as she tugged him along behind her. She quickly took him to the 6th floor of the building. He always found the VR room to be weird when it was set to outdoor environments. Stepping off the elevator and seeming out onto a large beach was surreal.


OKAY!” Camie said excitedly, “Let’s get you out of those clothes!” she told Shoto, not giving him a moment to reply before she had him completely stripped naked.


“How did you do that?” he asked, confused.


“Trade secret!” she said with an impish grin and winked at him. She then stepped back about two paces, moving her hands to her big tits, hefting them in her hands. “Guys like ‘em really big right?” she asked, though her tone sounded rhetorical. “Lemme see, the right one was for boobs, and the left was for my butt…” she muttered, twisting the glinting “piercings” in her nipples.


As she did, Shoto took a step back as Camie’s tits suddenly ballooned in size! Each breast suddenly became bigger than her entire body before. In the same instant, her butt swelled as well to match. The sudden shift in her weight caused Camie to fall forward with a “WAH!” and a soft and muted thud as her breasts hit the sand of the false beach.


“Owies…” she muttered, “Guess I should have turned them more slowly, is this too big?” she asked as she looked up at Shoto.


Shoto’s mind was blank for a second, all he could think of as he stared at Camie’s new figure was, ‘Why did the piercings get bigger too, and why do they say 150lbs on them now?’ Understanding Mei’s tech was a headache he didn’t want though, so he decided to ignore it.


“Um, a little…” he finally answered her, “Can you even move?”


“Hmm… Not really. But hey, you can just use my mouth!” Camie said with a smile, then opening her mouth wide, “Ahhhhhhh…” she moaned.


Gulping lightly, Shoto stepped forwards, with his legs almost completely enveloped by her now gargantuan tits. Gripping the base of his dick with one hand, he pushed his long length into Camie’s eager mouth.


“Nnnnnghmmmmmmph…!” she gagged ever so lightly as his cock slipped through her hot mouth and down her tight throat.


“Id’sh ohkay, bweedeebubsh, Aye wike id a wittle wuff, sho goh nudsh and phug muh mouth wike idsh a pusshy!” she slur spoke around his cock.


Shoto looked down at Camie with his mismatched eyes, “Huh, seriously?” he asked her.


“Dotesh!” she said, flashing a “V” sign with her fingers. “Jusht gwab muh head an’ phwust id in! Aye cahn dake id! Sho phug muh phashe!”


“Alright.” said Shoto, who then placed his hands on either side of her head. Her hair was silky smooth and very soft. He found himself running his fingers through it a couple of times. Camie let out an almost mewling moan of pleasure at this, with her throat vibrating pleasantly around his cock.


“Ahhn, Aye wike ur douch…” she purred before gagging loudly, “OGHPB…!” Camie’s eyes then went wide as Shoto began moving his hips, shoving his manhood in and out of Camie’s hot and wet mouth. “HAHG, HNG MMMHN, MMHN NHNN, NNGH MMMNM, GUH GUG AGUH, GUHPHMMMH, HMMMMMMPH, MMMMMMMH, MMMMMPH…!!!” moaned and gagged the blonde haired girl, even as her lips made lewd slurping noises every time he pulled back out.


AGUUUUH GYESH!! HAWDERRRRRGH!! AGUH, GUG, GUPH… PHUG MUH MOUPH-PUSSHY MOAR!!! HRNMMMMMMPH! GUCK HURGH GWEH… PHEELSH SHO GUUUUD!! GUUMMING! AYE’M AWREADY GUUMMINGH!!!” Camie gagged out loudly, while her eyes rolled back in her head until they looked completely white!


“Ahhhh, Ca… Camie-san… You’re sucking me… So hard…!” Shoto groaned, finding it harder and harder to pull his dick back out of her vacuum-like mouth.


ID DASHTESH SHO GUUUD!! AGUH GUG GUH… MOAR, GHIMME MOAR OF UR DASHTEY DHIIIIICK!!!” replied the blonde, with her lips slurping his cock even louder now.


“Ahhhaaah…!” Shoto groaned. Mei’s drug was keeping his dick so hard right now, and Camie’s mouth felt so good! He couldn’t feel her teeth at all as he moved in and out over and over. The slurping sound of her lips was so erotic as he felt her hands grabbing his ass.




“You’re asking that NOW!?” Shoto asked, now in total shock.


WHY NHOT? AGUH GUG GUH… DHEY WHOULDN’T LED USH DATE IN SHCHOOL! AYE GODDA MAKE UB FHOR LOSHT DIME!!!” she replied, and even with her throat obstructed by his cock, he could somehow tell she was using a serious tone of voice.


Groaning, Shoto closed his eyes and mentally shook his head. When he opened them again, he held Camie’s head in an even tighter grip. He began pumping his cock in and out of her mouth even rougher this time, with his balls pressing against her chin every time he thrusted inside!




Grunting from the exertion, Shoto pounded Camie’s mouth-pussy as hard as he could. He could feel his length pushing down into her flat belly as she let out one long moan after the next. There was a soft PSSSSSH sound at the edge of his hearing, and when he opened his eyes, he could see juices squirting out behind Camie as she came over and over again.


SHOOOOO GUUUUUD!!! GUUMMINGH! AYE CAHN’D SHTOB GUUMMINGH!!! GUG GUH GUH!!!” she choked out as Shoto shoved his entire length inside her, cumming hard in her mouth and throat.


HUGUH, AUGUH, GUG, GUH…” Camie gagged, with his cock throbbing in her throat as he emptied his balls into her stomach. “Huuuuuuegh…” Camie then gagged as Shoto took two steps back before falling flat on his ass. The holographic sand easily cushioned his fall as he gasped for breath, his dick still standing at full erection, but no longer aching. Camie returned her body to its regular proportions and smiled.


“A girl could get used to this gadget.” she said as she toyed with the false piercings. She then wiped her drool slicked mouth with the back of her hand and skipped over to where Shoto sat. “Wow, that stuff is no joke, for real.” she said, while looking at his still hard dick


“I heard Deku-bae had a boner for like, a week when he tried one of Mei-mei’s dick pills.” she commented.


“Mei said it was more like four days.” he corrected her.


“For realsies!?” she asked, with stars shining in her eyes, “Well, since Mei-mei is too scatter-brained to take responsibility, I’ll handle it! We can totes make it a Netflix and Chill first date!” she said excitedly.


Shoto suppressed the sudden urge to roll his eyes and just nodded instead. “Can we get a room with a hot tub?” he asked.


“Huh, can’t you like, make any tub a hot tub though, Sho-bae?” she asked.


So I’m Sho-bae huh?’ he thought to himself, ‘Could’ve done worse.’ He then nodded, “I can, but it’s tricky to regulate the temperature for others. I have a high heat and cold resistance most other people don’t.”


“Oh!” Camie said, “Yeah, that makes sense I guess.” she said before getting up and producing a silver card seemingly from nowhere. Shoto had seen Uraraka with one of them before in the laundry room. It was like Midoriya’s Gold Card, but this was for employees of the agency. It acted like a universal key for all the rooms inside the building.


Camie winked and stuck out her tongue at him, “I know just the spot too!” she said with a grin.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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4 months ago

When’s the next chapter coming out?

4 months ago
Reply to  Eren369

See image

3 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I also had an idea for a chapter. Something with Izuku and Shota sharing Momo for a threesome, or Ochako, Mina, and Momo having a harem with Izuku.

5 months ago

If you all enjoy my work, please consider supporting me on my patreon and subscribestar.

5 months ago

This was definitely more fun than I thought it would be. And it’s even better that it’s not a Izuku led chapter this time. So let’s dive right into it, shall we? 🤓

First, good to see Shoto get some screen time in as the male lead this time around. Not to mention how he handles things on his end. Though that was an understatement, considering his personality. Sure he wasn’t able to see Itsuka here, but I think he made out well. 😆

Secondly, the use of Mei. Okay, let me say this: I love her and her character. I wish she had more use in the canon story compared to what she actually got. That said, good job with her and her role in the first half of the story, both the titfuck and her testing her newest Support Item out. 😏

This brings me to Camie. We know she’s a ditzy gal. That’s already been well established here. Sure, she definitely needs a little more work with the support item testing, but at least she really made herself useful with Shoto and not quite done with him yet. So well done with her. 👏

And of course, there is also the cameos from Rie and Setsuna. Not a lot to say about this one other than they were used quite well, even if one didn’t speak in this particular entry. 👍

Overall, nice work here. Until the next. 😎

– Hiryu

5 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Well, I really wanted to reuse that Mei pic, and the dick was the wrong size entirely to do Izuku, also, I’m well aware of how overused he is lately. Not that that’s a bad thing entirely. I enjoyed showing Mei’s mad scientist workings, also, the image with her was the PERFECT chance to introduce a support item to take some pressure off Rie. Since I stated that her augments are temporary, I needed a means to account for the hyper sized boobs and butts where she couldn’t be in the story.

As to Camie, I do enjoy writing her, I also love the idea of a bubbly gyaru girl who’s actually sharp as a tack! Contradictions like that are fun to mess with, like tsundere’s.

The next might be a spell, I have a special side project in the works right now, but I hope to finish it soon and get back to everything.

5 months ago

I wonder if Camie has a feeling for Izuku or someone else… maybe at some point she will join the harem.

5 months ago
Reply to  BustezHero

Not planned currently. If I get enough requests for it then maybe. But save some girls for the others 😛

5 months ago

Ok un buen capítulo de MHA con un cambió que nos tenían acostumbrados con Bakugo e Izuku ahora solo vemos a Todoroki buena introducción a el y su forma de ser peculiar funciona muy bien con Mi y con Camie nada mal con eso.

Yo esperó que puedan traer más personajes masculinos con Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero no estaría mal dar más variedad a capítulos de este tipo los cuales no interferiren con la trama principal (que no a avanzado nada está última) pero no decepciónan y terminan siendo buenos capítulos

9.1 / 10🌟

5 months ago
Reply to  AL-720

I’ll do what I can.