Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Sex Streaming Difficulties (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 35): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 37): [LINK]

Rebecca laid across Homura’s body, panting for breath. To the blonde’s annoyance, the swordswoman didn’t seem to be nearly as tired, with only a light sheen of sweat on her body.








Looking up in surprise, Rebecca blushed at seeing the crowd of people around them, cheering and applauding. Her embarrassment quickly turned to surprised delight when they began throwing money at them. ‘Hell yeah!


Jumping off her friend, Rebecca quickly gathered up the money, making sure to shake her tits and ass. “Thank you, thank you, you’re so kind. Hey, Homura! Check this-”


She cut herself off when she saw Homura was surrounded by men; from the lust-filled looks on their faces and their rapidly growing erections, she had a pretty good idea what they wanted.


Luckily, Homura had quickly regained her usual composure, listening to various propositions without a flicker on her pretty face. That emboldened Rebecca to throw out her next idea.


“Hey, Homura! I have another idea!” As Homura’s brown eyes slid to her, Rebecca continued. “Let’s livestream the next sex scene! I bet we’ll make even more money!”


“…All right,” Homura agreed with a nod. “Whom should I pick?”


“I dunno, whoever you want,” the blonde replied absently, fiddling with her B-Cube to get it set up.


“Very well. Everyone who is interested, line up side by side and strip naked.”


Some of the men looked a little less enthused at hearing that, but there were still several who eagerly obeyed. The fact that Homura was still naked may have helped as well.


“Let’s see…too fat… too skinny… too big… too cocky… too old… too ugly… too creepy,” Homura mused aloud as she examined everyone, not noticing the slumped frames and rain clouds hanging over the men she dismissed. Eventually, she found two that she approved of, before noticing a couple, leaning against a palm tree.


The blonde woman looked very familiar, and the man had more than a passing resemblance to Shiki, though with a slightly different hair-style. The blonde woman was taking charge, groping the man from behind with one hand and stroking his cock with the other as she nibbled on his ear.


The dark blue tattoo on his chest told Homura who they were; she motioned for them to join her, and the blonde practically dragged the man over. “Hi! You’re Homura, right? It’s me Lucy, and this is Gray. He would love to be a part of this!”


Gray opened his mouth, but whatever he was going to say was lost in a squawk as Homura pushed him onto his back on the sand.


“Hey Rebecca, you two seem to be enjoying yourselves.” Lucy greeted her fellow blonde, who still seemed distracted.


“Oh, hi Lucy! Sorry, I think this is almost ready…ah, and I should apologize; if this little stunt is cutting into your new guild business-


Lucy cut her off with a head shake. “It’s fine. Though if you both really enjoy it, you should consider joining the guild full time…” she trailed off leadingly, frowning a little when Rebecca sighed.


“It’s a very tempting offer, but I honestly don’t know how much longer we’ll be on Earthland. I can’t make any long term commitments because of it…”


“Makes sense,” Lucy replied, disappointed, but understanding.


Rebecca gave her an apologetic look before turning on her B-Cube personality. “Aannnnd recording! Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen! I have a special treat for you this time: a livestream of everyone’s favorite swordswoman having an orgy with three lucky fellows! Thank you for joining us at Aoneko, the best channel on B-Cube!”


Taking that as her cue, Homura wrapped her tits around Gray’s cock, who didn’t look like he was going to protest anymore, while her hands curled around the dicks of the other two men. “Hmm…you look like Shiki, and you have the largest cock here, but you are still much smaller than the captain,” she mused as she began bouncing her tits and moving her hands, making all three dicks swell and harden. “But I won’t discuss that.”


The two standing men looked depressed, while Gray gave her a disgruntled look, despite his growing erection.


Rebecca couldn’t help but giggle; Homura would never change that little quirk about herself, her habit of saying whatever is on her mind without any filter, it seemed. Then her brain latched onto what Homura had said, and her eyes bugged out. “WAIT A MINUTE! HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT SIZE SHIKI’S COCK IS?! HAVE YOU TWO…” she trailed off, sputtering, as Homura looked back at her, still hard at work.


“As one of the Great Demon King’s Four Shining Stars,” the swordswoman solemnly explained, despite her lewd situation, “it is my duty to serve his every need. In fact, this particular need is so important, we do it daily after our training sessions.”


DAILY?!?!” Rebecca shouted, her mouth agape, before crossing her arms and pouting.


Homura wasn’t sure why her friend was upset, and resolved to ask about it later. Right now, however…


Rebecca’s pout didn’t last long. Seeing Homura really start working on the three dicks with her whole body, including her spectacular tits…she wasn’t sure why, but it was an incredible turn-on for the blonde. As the moans and gasps got louder and louder, Rebecca couldn’t help herself: grabbing her tits, she began to suck on her left nipple and rub her legs together, watching the show with a blush.


“Shit…all that practice with Shiki, whoever he is, really paid off!” the man on Homura’s right gasped, knees trembling.


“Right, the lucky bastard? Fuck, my balls feel like they’re going to explode!” the left-most man growled happily.


Gray’s own sexual experiences had grown tremendously over the last few months, but he had to admit, Homura had body and talent to be one of the best. His cock was already throbbing wildly like a beating heart, ready to explode…


Unnoticed by everyone else, Lucy slunk around the crowd, until she was right behind Rebecca, a mischievous grin on her face.


HMPH!?” Rebecca squeaked into her breast as Lucy seized her other boob with one hand and began rubbing her pussy with her other hand.


“Looks like you’re in the mood too,” Lucy whispered into Rebecca’s ear, before nibbling on it. “What do you say we have some fun of our own???”


She trailed off very suggestively, and Rebecca moaned even louder…



(Meanwhile, Back on the Edens Zero)


“Bored…bored…bored…” Sister Ivry droned, slouched in a seat on the bridge of Eden’s Zero.


“We know,” chorused Witch and Hermit, both of them looking half-asleep.


The chime of a pop-up notification made all three perk up a little. “Hmm… it looks like Rebecca is doing some kind of livestream on her B-Cube channel,” Witch announced.


“Let’s watch,” Hermit told her, sitting up straighter. “It’ll be nice to see what she and the others are up to.”


With a shrug, Witch did so; all three tilted their heads at the black screen.


Then the audio kicked in.








Accompanying the shouts and profanity were lewd and perverse sounds, which instantly clued the trio in on what was going on.


“An orgy?! Hell yeah! Finally, some good entertainment!” Ivry proclaimed, jumping to her feet and stripped out of her nun outfit eagerly.


“Yeah, but we can’t see-wait, there it goes…” Hermit said as her face became redder and redder, then the screen flashed… but the scene was incredibly blurry, with little to no details able to be made out. Then it tilted to one side, then the other. It finally zoomed in and cleared up…only to be focused on the ground instead of the action. After that, it jumped around all over the place, occasionally capturing just a corner of the action, just enough to tease and tantalize.


Finally it ended with Lucy standing in front of the camera, blinking. “What in the world is this?” she asked, poking at the B-Cube screen.


…WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! WE CAN’T SEE ANY OF THE GOOD STUFF!” Ivry exploded, looking like she was ready to strangle Rebecca.


“Perhaps this is why Rebecca’s subscriber count has not grown… A lot of the videos on her channel are poorly shot and edited, with numerous audio issues,” Witch commented calmly.


Hermit’s face was bright red, but she managed to sound calm as she said to Witch, “Can you post a comment on her livechat, let Rebecca know the camera focus is off?”


Witch typed, but stopped after a few seconds. “…Rebecca does not have livechat enabled; none of her viewers can leave any comments, so we can’t let her know what’s going on.”


AHHHHHHH!!! REBECCA, YOU’RE SO DAMN TERRIBLE AT THIS!!!” Ivry screamed in frustration.

(Story by User: S22132)

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7 months ago

Instead of Gray must be Natsu.

7 months ago
  1. I knew this hot work was next!
  2. Would love to see more of Shiki (since Homura notes that he is hung), as well as Witch and Ivry.
  3. Keep up the good story!
7 months ago

Great Story Hope to see sister witch and hermit again in the future