Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Serving the Opposite Natsu

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 49): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 51): To Be Continued…

“Um, Lucy? Where are you?” Natsu Dragion called out as loudly as he dared. “Oops! I’m so sorry!” he apologized profusely as he bumped into yet another person. Luckily, they didn’t yell at him; he was sure he would start crying if they had.


Fortunately, everyone was having a good time, celebrating the new year by dressing up in fancy kimonos, eating food, playing games, and just being around each other. It hadn’t been an easy year, but they had gotten through it, and everyone was hopeful things would be better this year.


If only he could have driven his car through the festival, things would have been different! But there were too many people, and his wife, Lucy Ashley, had put her foot down, literally. Natsu was pretty sure he still had a bruise there…


While Lucy had mellowed out a little after their marriage, she hadn’t changed much, and neither had Natsu, to his chagrin. Lucy was still very much in charge of their relationship, so when she told him they were going to a festival, he had meekly agreed.


As a sign of how she had changed, Lucy had thanked him for looking after Nasha while she was busy helping a bunch of aliens repair their ship using Edolas technology, something that still boggled Natsu’s mind. Giving him a wicked grin, Lucy had also promised that she would convince the crew of the spaceship to let him pilot it before they left. That would be a blast!


Natsu had almost fainted dead away when she told him that, and he was abruptly a lot more eager to go to the festival.


And at first, it had been a lot of fun, with Lucy actually being quite sweet towards him. But now she had disappeared without warning, and he couldn’t find her, and he was sure that she would somehow make it his fault, and oh god, he didn’t want to go through all forty-eight of her torture moves made specifically for him again-!


A hand landed on his shoulder, and Natsu Dragion screamed like a little girl.


“Geez! You really are tightly wound!” a feminine voice commented, and Natsu nearly had a heart attack before realizing that it wasn’t the voice of his wife. It was close, but definitely different.


“It’s always strange to see someone with Natsu’s face being so timid,” another lady’s voice said, sounding bemused.


Turning, Natsu’s eyes widened at the sight of Earthland Lucy and Erza, both of them regarding him with amusement, making him blush. “Oh…uh, hi. I thought you were my wife, about to punish me,” he explained. “Not that I’m not glad to see you both, but…what are you doing here?”


And Natsu knew that he shouldn’t be staring, but goodness, they both looked amazing in their kimonos. They somehow managed to show off their bodies while still being completely covered up; it helped that their kimonos were quite tight, hugging every very generous curve of their bodies.


The blonde and redhead exchanged sly looks, and Natsu suddenly realized that in his panicked state, he had wandered into one of the more deserted areas of the festival. He could still see the lights and hear the crowd, but there was a feeling of privacy to this little corner of the celebration.


“Well,” Lucy Heartfilia drawled, slowly walking towards him, a sway in her steps, “it seems that your wife is nicer than you think.”


Natsu’s eyes went wide as Lucy nonchalantly began stripping out of her clothes; he knew he should look away, his wife would kill him-wait, what did Heartfilia just say about his wife?


“She hired us to give you a night you would never forget.” Now Scarlet was stalking towards him as well; unlike Heartfilia, she simply used her Requip magic on herself, leaving her gloriously naked in an instant and nearly giving Natsu a stroke on the spot.


“R-R-Really?” he stammered, his gaze ping-ponging from Scarlet to Heartfilia (who was now also naked). This sounded way too good to be true; if they were pulling some sort of prank on him, and his wife found out about it…Natsu shivered at the thought.


The two Earthlanders exchanged wry looks. “I guess she wanted it to be a surprise,” Heartfilia stated, rolling her eyes as she advanced on Natsu’s shocked form.


Nodding her agreement, Scarlet looked Natsu in the eyes. “On the honor of Fairy Tail, I swear to you that your wife, Lucy Ashley, hired us to spend the night with you, and she promised that nothing you do tonight will be punishable.”


Heaving a huge sigh of relief, Natsu Dragion finally let himself smile. He had let his panic get the better of him; he knew Lucy Ashley loved him, and that she would go this far and get him such a wonderful gift? It was almost enough to make start crying, from happiness this time.


Then he squawked as Heartfilia pushed him gently to the ground and knelt on his left side, Scarlet taking her place on his right. “Now,” the blonde purred, reaching for his pants, “let’s get started.”


Scarlet licked her lips, and Natsu swallowed, feeling the anticipation building in the air. His pants were pulled down, freeing his erection, and Heartfilia and Scarlet both froze, staring at it.


“…um, is something wrong?” he asked nervously after a few seconds of silence.


Heartfilia jerked, as if startled, before looking over at Natsu with a hasty smile. “No! Nothing’s wrong, it’s just…” she trailed off, blushing as she looked back down at his cock.


“Not what we were expecting,” Scarlet finished smoothly, a small, bemused smile on her own blushing face. “Now, just lay back and enjoy yourself.”


Natsu wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but as Scarlet and Heartfilia hefted their huge tits in their hands, pushing them against each other, he decided that, like usual, he would do as he was told.


As his dick was swallowed up by their boobs, Natsu Dragion couldn’t help but moan. They were so soft, so warm, and so big! He was almost certain that neither of them had been this well endowed when they first met, but he had spent most of that time scared out of his mind; maybe he was misremembering.


Though if they had discovered a way to make their breasts bigger, maybe they could share it with Lucy Ashley…


“Oh god!” he gasped as Heartfilia and Scarlet both lowered their heads and began licking both sides of his erection. It quickly got harder than Natsu thought possible; he felt his balls begin to literally throb with excitement. The next time he got his wife in his car, he would show her just how happy she had made him.


Scarlet took his cock into her mouth as Heartfilia sucked on his balls, and Natsu was sure he was in heaven. He arched his back with a strangled scream, trying to avoid drawing too much attention. Frankly, it was a wonder that no one had noticed them yet.


Finally, he couldn’t hold it back anymore: Natsu came, biting his lower lip to keep from making a racket from the sheer bliss rampaging through him. Scarlet drank it all down with practiced ease, while Heartfilia’s talented tongue on his ballsack coaxed even more cum from him.


Laying on the ground, panting and with a sheen of sweat forming on his body, Natsu Dragion was convinced this was the greatest night of his life.


And as Heartfilia and Scarlet got ready for the next round of fucking, he was certain of it.


And then Heartfilia was in his face, a wicked gleam in her eyes, before kissing him hard on the mouth. He could feel Scarlet kissing his cock and working her way up his body, adding licks and small love bites along the way. When the kiss ended, Natsu was left gasping, right before his face was covered by both of their breasts as they rubbed them against his face; his dick was grabbed by a pair of slender but strong hands, rubbing and pulling on it.


It was indeed one of the best nights of his life.





Lucy and Erza had bid farewell to Natsu Dragion and Lucy Ashley, getting their payment in the process. Now they were headed back to the Fairy Palace while the couple headed to Fairy Hills; they waited until they were sure they were alone, before exchanging glances.


“…I couldn’t believe how small his cock was!” Lucy burst out, looking like she was still in disbelief.


Erza nodded, but replied, “I think it’s less that he was small, and more that we have been spoiled by how large most of our male friends and clients have been. Still, it was quite a shock.” And it had been hard to keep from saying anything to embarrass Natsu Dragion.


Sighing, Lucy shook her head, a wry smile on her face. “He really is the complete opposite of our Natsu…”

(Story by User: S22132)

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3 days ago

It’s funny how the image shows Edo Natsu’s junk as not that small by normal standards, just not a monster like, say, normal Natsu, like what Erza said

3 days ago

Interesting use of edolas