Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Royal Cock Cravings

(Note: This story is part of an short series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 41): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 0): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 43): To Be Continued…

Stretching his arms out, King let out a yawn before checking his watch, “Awww fuck, I gotta go for a bit guys.” he said to the group he was traveling with. Two of them were beautiful women, both of whom were walking ahead of him by a couple steps, allowing him a lovely view of their bare naked asses. The last of them was a friend of his named Dio, a local gym owner with well built arms and legs, but a full on beer gut and thinning hair.


“What!?” asked the short tempered one, Franny, as Dio liked calling her. He learned after their little stop for drinks earlier that her full name was Franceska Mila Rose. Since Dio always was a dick, King would have nicknamed her Ceska or maybe just called her Rose. Franny somehow sounded cheap, or maybe trashy. Which was probably the point.


“I’ll check back with you guys later. I just remembered I needed to go see someone today. With everything that happened with Kukaku and that Sui-Feng chick, it slipped my mind.” he explained. It really had slipped his memory for a bit. After all, all these women were fucking hot as hell! Still, if he missed this appointment, he’d be in a little hot water later.


“It’s fine!” Dio said, “We already got a good idea on where to look. I got my cell with me. Call me when you’re free again. If we find her, I’ll let you know.” he told him, while holding up the phone that he had hanging from a lanyard around his neck. Since he was walking around naked like their lady friends, he didn’t have pockets.


In the Busteez Nudist Beach Colony and Resort, the lanyard was a common sight to hold onto things like phones and wallets. Mainly phones though, since they could double as digital wallets these days.


“‘Kay, thanks.” said King as he began heading off in another direction. He then stopped, “Oh, hang on,” he added, bringing up Dio’s contact info on his own phone and sending a file over. “That’s a one day key to my place. When you guys hook up with Kukaku and Sui-feng again, that’ll get you in if I don’t catch up with you first.”


Dio’s phone beeped as he received the one day pass and the fat man nodded.


“Just don’t clean out my beer supply.” he said, half joking.


“No promises.” said Yoruichi with a cheeky grin. Yoruichi was the other chocolate milk skinned beauty traveling with them. Like Kukaku and that Sui-Feng woman, she was from the Soul Society originally. Though he learned she mainly lived in the Human World these days. He didn’t bother asking for the details. He didn’t know a ton about the actual after-life that was the Soul Society, only that the place was no biblical or Hollywood Heaven, filled with naked women and non-stop orgies. From what he did know, when he did die one day, being there was gonna be boring as fuck!


King opted not to think of it much, baring sickness or injury, he wasn’t gonna have to worry with that for a LOOOOONG time. Being half incubus had its advantages. His own mother had told him he’d age like a normal human until his body was fully matured. After that, he’d only age by one year for every twenty years that passed.


Well, that meant he had a VERY long time before he had to worry about his looks slipping in his thirties.


All that aside, he still had to go to see his doctor for a regular follow-up. He’d already rescheduled twice, and if he put it off again, she was gonna give him an earful.



“You have the oddest choices of places for an appointment, Dr. Unohana.” King said, speaking over the loud thrumming music inside of the club they were meeting inside. From the atmosphere in here, you’d think it was late at night, though it was barely afternoon now. What made it so difficult to tell time was the fact that there were no windows outside to let in the sun, and the lighting inside was like what you’d find in a nightclub.


The color of choice in the club was purple. Everything in here was done in varied shades of purple, with some maroon accents. The dim lighting made everything seem darker than it actually was, which only added to the distorted sense of time, making it seem later than it actually was.


Sitting across from King was his doctor. A beautiful raven haired woman who somehow managed to give off a motherly vibe even when she was stark naked aside from some purple lipstick. If ever there was an example of M.I.L.F. incarnate, then Doctor Retsu Unohana was it!


He’d met her shortly after she “retired” to the colony. He instantly knew that she was a Shinigami. Even with as much as she was repressing her powers, he could just ‘smell’ it on her. But on the other hand, she instantly knew he wasn’t fully human either, so they were even on that front.


“I like the ambiance.” Retsu said with her gentle smile and leaned back in her seat. There were a pair of drinks on the table beside them, he hadn’t really touched his, but her’s was half finished already. She leaned back in her seat, showing off her hot as fuck naked body. Even with the nasty looking scar between her tits, it was difficult not to get hard looking at her, so King didn’t even try!


Retsu Unohana was a solid 10 on the M.I.L.F. scale, with huge knockers bigger than her fucking head, long raven black hair, dark gray nearly black eyes, and wide childbearing hips! Add to all that a pair of legs that went all the way back and an ass that wouldn’t quit, and King would question a man’s eyesight if he didn’t get hard looking at her.


King only chuckled at the remark about the ambiance as he watched Retsu lean back in her seat and spread her legs, letting him get a full, unrestricted view of her hot cunt! It was already wet, with the labia puffed out and her clit swollen and almost BEGGING to be licked.


“So, how have you been feeling?” Retsu asked in her doctor voice even as she began fingering herself casually. Her middle and forefinger rubbing her clit in slow circles, making a slick wet squishing sound that was barely audible in the loud noise of the club. “Hmmmmn, I can sense you’ve been using your abilities too.” she said before spreading her legs wider and dipping her ring and middle fingers into her snatch. King’s dick twitched in the air as he watched her fingers get slicked with her hot juices as she pushed them in and out, in and out, again and again, until she was sitting in her own fluids.


He waved a hand dismissively. “I gave a little demo to a couple of women earlier.” he told Retsu, “And last night I had some ladies over, one of them was pretty pent up.”


King already knew he gave off a natural aura that brought out the lustful side of women. The more a woman represses her sexual urges, the stronger the effect. And with a kiss, he could draw out that nature even more. But in contrast, if a woman was already open with her sexual urges, he just enhanced them to an extreme degree. Or so he’d just learned with Yoruichi.


“Hoh?” murmured Retsu, “And how did that go?” she asked.


“Interesting.” he replied. He then went on to tell Retsu about the incident at the drink stand on the beach in intricate detail.


“Yoruichi always was…” Retsu trailed off, “I want to say “easy”, but that seems too insulting.”


“Shameless.” King offered, “She does what she wants and doesn’t really apologize for it.”


“That works,” Retsu agreed. “I am intrigued that it had a stronger reaction with her than it did the Arrancar woman. Maybe it has to do with her acceptance of her own carnal nature. Or maybe your natural abilities are just to make any woman aroused. And since you’ve actively used it today, that ability is out in full force now.” she said, “After all, I can’t seem to stop masturbating right now, and my pussy just keeps getting wetter and hotter the longer we talk.” she told him as she leaned back in her seat, stabbing three fingers into her pussy now, the sopping wet hole making wet lewd noises he could hear over the music now.


HMMMMMMMMMM!” Retsu moaned, a deep, throaty sound full of unrestrained lust. King could almost FEEL her need to fuck now. This sensation made him blink in confusion.


Since when was that a thing?’ he thought as Retsu moved to rest one leg up on the table as she finger fucked herself with one hand while using the other to suck on her own nipple!


NMMMH, I don’t wanna try and fight it anymore!” Retsu said, “Let’s just fuck already! I wanna feel that big black cock stuffing my insides and stretching them out!” she said plainly, like she was saying ‘I wanna get some ice cream.’ She then moaned, an erotic sound that made his dick ache to feel the inside of her cunt! He then watched as she pulled her fingers out of her pussy. They were slick and glistening with her juices. Retsu then brought her hand to her mouth and made a show of licking them clean of her own fluids.


“Heh, honest women sure are the best!” he said as he stood up from his seat. His massive erection bobbed up and down in the air, like a long tree branch in the wind. Retsu licked her purple painted lips slowly, hungrily, as she made no effort to hide what she was staring at. She then slipped out of her seat and kneeled on the floor in front of King. The raven haired woman then got down on all fours, crawling towards King in a delightfully submissive manner.


“Mmmmmmh, I can smell you already, that thick, manly stink! It gets me wet!” Retsu breathed, her voice husky and full of lustful want. Without a trace of hesitation or shame, she grabbed King’s erection in both hands. Her touch was surprisingly gentle, as her hands were soft like silk as she ran them along his length, with her fingers tracing the paths of his throbbing veins. She then inhaled deeply through her nose, letting out a shuddery moan as her whole body shook.


“I know a few more guys like this. One has finally embraced his size, the other needs stamina training. And the last is still a bit uptight.” She told him while kissing his cock all over gently, leaving lipstick marks behind as she did it. “But there’s just something about a huge, dark, dick and a man who knows how to use it… AHHHHMMMMPH!!!!” she moaned, while opening her mouth wide and engulfing his cock between her lips before swallowing it down her tight throat.


HMMMMMMMMPH GHYESH!!!! AYE WUV DISH PHEELINGH!!!” she said, with her voice slurred by the obstruction in her throat. “PHUCK MUH PHASHE! WAVISH MEH, MAHKE MEH UR BISH!” she moaned, moving her head back, her lips leaving a ring of lipstick around his cock from where she stopped.


King grinned, “Yep, gotta love an honest bitch!” he said, while reaching forward to grab the back of her head and SHOVE his cock down her throat!


GUUMMMMPH!!” Retsu gagged, with her throat bulging from the thickness of his dick. King groaned at the warm, slick wetness of her mouth as he pushed his cock down into her stomach! Retsu’s dark eyes rolled back in her head as she let out a long and deep moan.


YAAAH, PHUG MUH PHASHE, DEW ID!!!!” she choked out.


King grinned and grabbed Retsu’s head with both hands, ramming his huge erection down her throat. He felt as the tip of his cock pressed the pit of her stomach as she let out another gagging moan.


AGUGH NBUH GURK, NMHH!! GHHMH!! MMGHHH!! NNNMMMMHH…” Her gags were like added music to the already loud note beaming out of the massive speakers of the sound system.


“Awww yeah, your mouth feels great, doc!” he groaned, swinging his hips now and fucking her face harder.


NMMHMMMMMMMPH GYESH, HAWDER, HAWDERRRRRGH!!!” she demanded. So King pounded his cock in and out of her mouth, not even trying to be gentle about it. “GHEHMNHH!!! GUUMMMING!! AHHHGUH, GUUUMMMINGH!!!” Retsu gagged, and he could feel her entire body shaking around his dick as she came just from being face fucked. The woman truly was a shameless nympho!


“Yeah, you like that!?” King asked her, and Retsu let out another gagging moan, “Then take THIIS!!” he shouted at her, pistoning his cock in and out of her mouth faster. Drops of her drool flung away from her mouth every time he pulled his cock back. He then SHOVED his insane length back inside her, making her gag even louder.


HUGUUH GUH GUG GURG HUGGLE GUK NUUURK GWEH GUG NUBUBUBUH NMMMPH KURGH BUK HMNUGUG…!!!” Retsu gagged and choked. If she was trying to say anything now, his cock prevented it from being even remotely coherent.


“Yeah, haah, take it, take it, take it, take it, take it all, you horny biiiitch!!!” he groaned, pushing his cock in until her nose was buried in his pubic hair. His thick and heavy balls then constricted and relaxed several times as he dumped his cum deep in her stomach!


AGUGAHGAAAH GUH GUG GUH…” Retsu moaned at length, her throat pulsing in sync with his constricting balls. She wasn’t even given a choice whether to swallow or not, as it was all deposited directly into her gut.


HAGUUUUUEH…!” Retsu then gagged loudly as he pulled his cock out of her mouth. Long and stringy ropes of drool and cum stretched away from her lips as she gasped and coughed for air. She recovered quickly though, getting up to her feet and moving over to the table. King watched as she wiped at her mouth with her forearm, clearing away the mixed fluids from her lips before she placed herself on the table. She hooked her arms under her knees, pulling her legs up and back, fully exposing her pussy to him. The lips were a soft pink color and swollen with her arousal, and her juices were practically dripping down into the crack of her ass.


“Nmmmmmmh! Now, drill that big black cock deep into my pussy!” she demanded in a throaty voice thick with lust.


He smirked at her, “I would have done that even if you didn’t ask!” he told her. He then grabbed her by her cream colored thighs, his dark fingers standing out against her smooth and pale skin. Next, King rubbed the underside of his cock against her sopping wet hole, feeling the heat coming off her like a furnace! Retsu looked up at him with a lustful grin, breathing heavily as she grinded her crotch against his dick needily.


“Stuff that thing into my cunt! Do it NOW!” she demanded.


Grinning back at her, King pulled his hips back until the tip of his cock was pressed against the entrance to Retsu’s pussy. He then thrust forward, the wide tip spreading the lips of her pussy wide! The raven haired M.I.L.F. threw her head back, her teeth gritted tight as she let out a sound somewhere between a hiss and a squeal. Her flat belly instantly tented upwards, the raw size of his dick forcing itself into her womb and pushing it up.




“Heh, cumming just from when I stick it in, you really are a shameless slut!” he told her.


YES! I’M A SLUT, A SHAMELESS WHORE WHO LOVES SEX MORE THAN ANYYYYTHING!!!” Retsu admitted, bucking her hips against his cock as King began thrusting into her! “I LOVE THE FEEL OF A HUGE DICK PLUNGING INSIDE ME! I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT!!!


Groaning, King moved his hands up to her huge tits, gripping them tight as he slammed his length in and out of her again and again. His balls slapped loudly against her ass as he watched the lump his dick made moving up and down.




“Yeah, you want THIS!?” King asked, thrusting his cock in hard, “And THIS!?” he said, slamming into her again, “And THIS, and THIS, and THIS, and THIS, and THIS, and THIS, HUUUURRAAAAAGH!!!” he grunted, pounding her harder and harder, the table she lay on top of bucking slightly from the force of his movements.


“You love dick that much, don’t you, slut!? ANY dick will do so long as it stuffs your cunt and gets you off!” he told her.




“Fuuuuck!” groaned King, while thrusting his dick as hard as he could, and feeling her gushing juices dripping down his legs. “I’m gonna fuck up your cunt so that you’ll give birth with ease!!! With the babies just dropping out of you!”


YES! DO IT, I WANT THAT, DUMP ALL THE CUM IN ME YOU WAAANNNT!! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUCK!!! CUMMING! I’M CUMMING JUST PICTURING IIIIT!!!” Retsu wailed as he felt her pussy clamping down on his dick like a vice. King then grunted again, shoving his entire length inside her as he came.


“Take it, you horny slut!!! I’m gonna drown your womb in my sauce and fuck my kid into you!!!” he roared!


DO IT! DOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!!” wailed Retsu as he began cumming inside her. Her face turned to a perverted mask of sheer pleasure, with her eyes rolled back after going cross. Her mouth hung open in a goofy looking smile while her tongue hung off her lips as he emptied his balls into her. His dick was so thick that none of his cum could leak back out, locking all of it in her womb. Atop the table, Retsu bucked and convulsed in silent orgasms, with her breaths coming in short gasps.


“Ahhhh, yessss… I need to get fucked like that more often…” she moaned weakly. “I don’t know when Orihime and her husband will be leaving, so would you mind coming by my apartment around three, no, four times a week. You can photograph me all you want, before and after plowing my holes!”


She’d asked him something similar before. At least this time she only wanted four days a week. The first time she wanted him to move in! The next it almost sounded like a nine to five job five days a week.


King didn’t bring any of this up though as he pulled his cock free, allowing all his cum to pour out of Retsu.


“Who the fuck is Orihime?” he asked instead.


“Someone I should introduce you to before she leaves!” Retsu said with a grin.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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Ichigo Kurosaki
11 months ago

I Hope Halibel again shes my love <3

11 months ago

I’m planning to use her at some point

11 months ago

The chapter is good, but I feel like this picture could have been used with some Yushiro and Unohana action.

11 months ago
Reply to  Fgghx

Didn’t feel like using him.

11 months ago

When Unohana will have sex with Ichigo?

11 months ago
Reply to  Mihail

When I have a pic for it.

11 months ago

Ooooh. Love the pose!

11 months ago
Reply to  Random

It is a great shot, hope we see more of it