Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Rising High on Eventide Island

Previous Story (Chapter 03): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 05): To Be Continued…

“…ink.” The voice was faint, almost distant, as the sleeper stirred. In their slumber, everything felt muddled and distant, but it was also comfortable and warm. The sleeper didn’t want to wake, yet the voice spoke again, drawing the sleeper out of that warm and comfortable darkness.


“Link… Wake up.” said a woman’s voice. It was clearer now, and the sleeper had a sense of light. There was a familiarity to those words, as if the sleeper had heard them before, in a situation not too unlike this one. The light grew brighter, and there were other sounds now as well. Birds, many birds chirping, and a rustling of leaves and underbrush. A sense of humid heat came next, followed by a slightly sticky sensation of sweat covering the sleeper’s body. The sleeper also could hear and smell the ocean as the fog of sleep gave way to consciousness.


“Has Linky always been such a deep sleeper, Princess?” asked a new woman’s voice.


“Well, he did sleep for a little over a hundred years.” the first voice replied, and the sleeper opened his eyes. A wide blue sky spotted with clouds greeted him, along with the sight of a beautiful Hylian woman with short cut blonde hair and green eyes. More striking than her beautiful face was the fact that she was also completely naked!


“Guh!?” Link gasped in surprise as that image brought him into full consciousness.


“Well now, good of you to finally join us,” Princess Zelda teased, “Purah had to make breakfast you know.” she told him.


“Hey, I DO know how to cook, Zelda!” complained Purah, “And these Zonai cooking pots almost make it too easy really. I practically just gotta toss in raw ingredients and bam!” she said, snapping her fingers loudly, “Instant meal.”


Link groaned softly as his head cleared away the last of the sleep from his mind. Of course, the sight of Zelda standing over him naked also helped as he looked up, having a complete view of her big, soft breasts, and pink, completely hairless pussy.


Zelda giggled, “Well, at least part of you can rise quickly!” she said with a grin.


“Well, Linky is a healthy Hylian male after all, pretty much a perfect specimen I’d say!” said Purah.


“Agreed.” said Zelda before she smiled back down at Link, “You didn’t think we were done after yesterday, did you?” she asked with that same smile before she moved to squat down, pushing her crotch against his face. “Now, where were we?” she asked rhetorically as he felt her small and soft hands grabbing his dick which was already rock hard!


“Hey, save some for me, Princess!” Purah complained.


“Oooohaah,” groaned Link as he felt something warm and wet enveloping his dick as Zelda leaned herself forward on top of him.


“Dhon’d whorry, dere’sh phlenti fer boph uv ush…!” came Zelda’s slurred response as that warm wetness began sliding down the length of his dick! “GUHMMMMMMMMMPH!!! AHHHGUH, SHO PHICK, ID MAHKESH MUH JAWW HURD, BUD ID PHEELSH SHO GUUUUD…!” she moaned, her throat vibrating around Link’s cock as she began sliding more and more of his length between her soft lips.


“Well, don’t be a louse, Linky!” Purah berated him, “Zelda’s got her pussy right in your face! So return the favor!!” she told him, her voice sounding completely relaxed about the subject.


It was often easy for Link to forget that in spite of her looking almost exactly the way she did during the Calamity, Purah was in fact well over a hundred years old. Her experiments with de-aging magic had at least for a little while stuck her in the body of a six-year-old, but now she had all the youth and energy of a Sheikah woman in her late teens. As such, Purah now boasted all the perverted and lecherous behavior of a pervy old woman, but had the body of a girl in her prime!


The young knight nodded, reaching up with both arms around Zelda’s creamy thighs and grabbing her rounded ass. Using that as leverage, he lifted his head up and covered the blonde woman’s pussy with his mouth, brushing his tongue between the wet and soft lips of her labia.


GUUHMMMMMMMMPH!!! AGUH GUG, GUMMMPH, NRMMMMPH GUG, GUG, GUG, MMMMMMMMMPH!!!” moaned Zelda, moving her head up and down even faster, eagerly swallowing all of Link’s massive erection down her throat. She would moan deeply every time she pulled her head back, then gag softly whenever she moved back down.


ID’SH GUUUUUUUD, SHO GUUUUUUD, MOAR, AYE WAND MOOOOAAR!!! GUUUPH GUG GUH NRRRMMMMMPH…!” Zelda moaned, her voice barely recognizable with Link’s cock obstructing her throat. The blonde haired man groaned into Zelda’s pussy as he felt her bobbing her head even faster, her lips making all kinds of lewd slurping sounds against his cock. In response, he slid his tongue deeper into her sopping wet pussy, his face already coated in her juices.




From the edge of his vision, Link could see Purah saunter over to them. Like Zelda, she was completely naked aside from the circular glasses she wore. She sat on her knees in the soft sand next to them, licking her lips as she watched.


“Nmmmmmmh, stop holding back Linky!” Purah said, “She can handle a lot more than just you laying there like a log!” she told him.


“Huh, wha… Hmmmmmph!?” Link began to say before Zelda pushed her cunt down on his face harder.


NMMMMMMPH WIKE MEH MOAR WIIINK! AHHHMMMMMPH, GUNNA GUUUMMMM!!!!” Zelda slurred around his cock as she throated every inch of it and let out a deep gagging moan.


“Guess I should help a little then.” Purah said with a slightly exasperated tone. She then shifted out of Link’s line of sight. Half a second later, Link felt something long, thin, and hard smack against his balls. Not enough to be truly painful, but hard enough that he bucked his hips in reflex, shoving his cock into Zelda’s mouth HARD!


HUUUGUUUUUUUUUPH!!!!” Zelda squealed loudly, her entire body shaking as her pussy gushed hard all over his face, plastering his hair to his scalp with the sudden wash of moisture.


“Oohooh, hey Linky, I think she liked that!” Purah said in a voice where Link could actually hear her grinning. Whatever she’d used to smack his balls before she now used on his hip, “Do it again!” she told him.


GYEEEEEEESSSHHH!!!” Zelda howled in affirmation, “PHUG MUH MOOOOUPH WIIINK!!!” she begged.


Ah, fuck it!’ thought the knight as he groaned and began pumping his hips up and down quickly as he gripped Zelda’s ass tighter. His fingers sank into the soft buns of her butt as he heard the SHLUCK SHLUCK SHLUCK SHLUCK SHLUCK sound of his massive erection pistoned in and out of the princess’ mouth-pussy! Zelda’s reaction was immediate and intense as she screamed around his cock, a wild, almost animalistic sound of raw pleasure as she gagged and choked loudly.


NHAAH, HAHG, HNG MMMHN, MMHN NHNN, NNGH MMMNM, NGHOH…” howled Zelda, her pussy gushing all over Link’s face as if he’d bitten into an overripe splash fruit. The knight could FEEL his cock pushing in and out of Zelda’s stomach with every thrust, making him groan in pleasure again as he began moving even faster!


“Hut, hut, hut, hut, hut…!” he grunted, slamming his cock into Zelda’s mouth over and over again.




“Oh wooow, Linky! I wish you could see Zelda’s face right now!” moaned Purah, “She looks so lewd and erotic, it’s making me so weeeeet!!!” she told him over Zelda’s gagging and choking moans, Link could hear a soft SHLICK SHLICK SHLICK sound as Purah played with herself while she watched.


“Does it really feel that good, Zelda?” Purah asked with a soft moan.


GYEEESH, GYEEESHHHH… ISH SHO GUUUUUUUD!!! AGUH GUG GUH, AYE CAN’D SHTAHB GUUUMMMINGH GUH GUH GUHHHH…!!!” he heard Zelda moaning back as he felt the familiar pressure mounting in his balls.


“Oh yeah, check it Princess! His nuts are constructing, he’s about to bust his load in your stomach, so get ready for it!” Purah said excitedly. “Do it, Linky! Bust a huge nut in her mouth and stomach!!!” the platinum haired woman moaned, and Link could hear her masturbating even harder.




HUT, HUT, HUT, HAAAAAAAH…!!!” Link groaned, shoving his entire length into Zelda’s hot mouth.


GUHMMMMMMMMMPH!!!” Zelda moaned as both of them came together! Link groaned as he felt his cum shooting through his dick and depositing itself directly into her stomach with a SPLUT SPLUT SPLUT sound.


The blonde haired knight’s butt then came back down onto the sand with a very quiet thud. He groaned as his cock continued to throb inside Zelda’s hot mouth for several moments before he finally felt her pulling herself upright.


“Gwah!” Zelda gasped, then took a deep breath before she finally climbed off of him. She and Purah both smiled at him like a pair of Bokoblin’s staring at a hunk of meat!


“Waah!” Link then yelped as both women fell on him together. Purah went first, grabbing his face and kissing him deeply, her tongue forcefully exploring the inside of his mouth as she pressed her big, soft, and heavy tits against his well toned chest. Link could feel her stiff pink nipples poking at his skin as she let out a low and happy purring sound. When she finally let him breathe again, Purah grinned and moved to straddle his waist, her sexy ass rubbing back against his cock.


“Nmmmmmh, I’m so glad we came out to this Island.” said the Sheikah scientist.


“Me too,” said Zelda, “Not that I have anything against the Sky Islands, but having the ocean around us gives a better feel of some privacy.”


“You CAN be a bit vocal when you get going, Princess.” Purah teased, “Is that why you and Linky aren’t staying in that nice house he built for the two of you just outside Terry Town?”


“No!” Zelda denied, though her face flushed a little, “It just, I spent so much time cooped up in the castle, before everything happened, and then after I…” she trailed off.


“Hey, I’m the last person who’ll judge. You guys can get your freak on all you want!” said Purah, “Speaking of… Mama needs her cunt stuffed!” she said as she lifted her ass high in the air, grabbing Link’s cock with one hand. Its thickness was such that she couldn’t clasp her hand around it entirely, a fact that she clearly enjoyed as she stroked his cock several times before guiding it into her pussy and lowering herself down onto it with a wet squish sound.


AGHEEEEE, YEEEAAAAAH, SO THIIIIIICK AND LOOOOOONG!!!” Purah moaned, letting her weight fall on him completely, driving his entire length into her and making her stomach tent upwards. “GYAAAHHHHN, MY WOOOOMB!!! LINKY’S BIG DHICK IS IN MY WOOOOOMB!!” Purah screamed and immediately began bouncing herself up and down wildly. The puffy pink folds of Purah’s pussy clung tightly to his shaft as she raised and lowered herself again and again.


“Uhaah… It’s so hot…” groaned Link, unable to hold himself back from thrusting his hips, slamming his cock into her again and again.


FUAAAHHHHHH, YEEEEAH, POUND MY PUSSY LINKYYYYY!!! AHHHN, CUMMING!!! YOUR GIANT DICK IS ALREADY MAKING ME CUUUUMMMMM!!!” Purah screamed in pleasure. Link groaned with her, reaching up to grab Purah’s wildly jiggling tits, but his hands were knocked aside as Zelda knelt behind Purah and grabbed her tits with her own hands. Link looked up just in time to see Zelda leaning her head over Purah’s shoulder to kiss the platinum haired woman lewdly. Both girls looked down at Link as they swirled their tongues together, both moaning softly.


“Hahahh…” Link gasped as he looked back at them. He then set his face in a more determined expression as he moved his hands to Purah’s hips and held on tight. Next, the knight grunted and groaned as he began pounding his hips up and down again with a loud SHLOPLOPLOPLOP sound.




HURAAAAAAAAAAGH, HUHH HUHH HUHH HUUUUT!!!” Link grunted and groaned, pounding his hips up and down, bouncing both women on top of him before jamming his length inside her and holding it there. The loud SHLOP SHLOP SHLOP sound was then followed by a SHLUUPPP as he began cumming inside Purah now!


AHHHN, LINKY’S CUMMMMM! IT’S FLOODING MY INSIIIIIIIDES!!! YES!! GIMME ALL OF IT, BREED ME LINKYYYYY!!!” Purah begged as she leaned her head back while screaming, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she came.


Link groaned again, feeling his balls emptying inside her womb! “Nmmmmmmh, yes, fill up her belly!” Zelda moaned, her hands rubbing Purah’s stomach over her womb.


“You’d better have saved some for me too, Link.” said Zelda with a mischievous smile.


“Hah, ahh, hahh, nmmmmmh, you really are serious about getting pregnant, aren’t you Zelda?” Purah panted softly.


“Eh?” Link asked, lowering his hips as the two naked women continued to straddle him.


“Oh, you didn’t know? Princess Zelda has this fun little idea about bolstering the Hylian population.” explained Purah.


“I do!” Zelda admitted, “I call it the Hyrule Repopulation Project!”


EEEEHHHHHHH!?” Link exclaimed in shock.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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2 months ago

Good to see Zelda again.

2 months ago
Reply to  Anon

Thanks, this was fun to do.