Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Quirky Sexperiments

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 44): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 46): [LINK]

Humming to herself, Ochaco Uraraka walked off of the main stage at the Busteez Hero Agency and back into the preparation area all the girls used. Her next to naked body, with the only clothes she had on being a thong stuffed with a few high value bills, was covered in sweat. Her bigger than her head tits felt a little sore from the vigorous dance moves that Mina had come up with for her. Sure, she’d negated the pull of gravity on them, so the weight wouldn’t make her shoulders stiff and sore, but that only applied to her being relatively stationary. Even with no weight, they jiggled and wobbled wildly when she danced, and all those wild motions took their toll.


“Wooo, great set, girl!!!” Mina cheered her with a thumbs up and a big grin, “Your tits looked great out there!”


She grinned, “Thanks Mina. Though my chest feels a bit sore now.” she told her honestly, while grabbing her tits and lifting them up. Her nipples, so stiff while she did her dancing, had begun to soften slowly.


“Just have Izuku give ‘em a good massage later!” Mina said.


“I would if I could, but he’s, um, busy tonight.” Ochaco told her classmate.


Mina blinked, “Huh?” she asked, with her dark eyes then widening after a moment, “Ohhh riiiight, that whole solo date thing, who’s he with tonight then?” Mina asked.


“Setsuna,” Ochaco answered. “She’s probably gonna have him stream with her again.” the brunette said, “I was gonna check her site later.”


“Ooooo, stalking your boyfriend now? Count me in!” Mina said impishly.


“It’s not stalking!” Ochaco protested, “I’m just supporting my fellow heroine’s site and my sister girlfriend!


“Riiiiight, keep telling yourself that.” Mina teased, as she then tapped her chin in thought as if remembering something, “Besides, I heard Setsuna talking the other day, she mentioned going to see her parents today. So Izuku’s probably getting grilled by her dad by now.”


Ochaco winced. She’d heard some horror stories from Setsuna about her crazily conservative father. ‘Be safe, Deku!’ she silently prayed.


Mina went over to a medium sized refrigerator and opened the cooler door, “I’m getting some juice. Want some?” she offered. The inside of the fridge was fully stocked with an assortment of bottled water, fruit juices, iced coffees, soda, and even some instant heated soups. Mina picked out a box of tomato juice for herself. Ochaco suppressed a wince, as until now she didn’t know how anyone could drink tomato juice. It tasted like concentrated watery ketchup to her.


“There any of that coconut water they have in the private rooms upstairs?” Ochaco asked.


“Yep! Lucky you, this is the last one too!” Mina said, picking out a green and white bottle of said drink. She came back over to Ochaco and handed her the drink. It was ice cold to the touch, and cool vapor escaped from the top when she twisted open the lid. She took a long swig from the bottle, while her blue painted lips left a ring around the opening as she felt the cool liquid seem to course through her entire body. Ochaco knew it didn’t; it was just the temperature of the coconut juice dropping her core body temp just a little, but that didn’t make it any less refreshing.


Setting the bottle down, Ochaco looked Mina up and down, as the pink skinned girl was letting it all hang out right now. Naked except for some purple stockings in teal green heels that looked very uncomfortable but showed off her ass nicely. She also had on some fingerless arm length gloves that were a matching purple, and the finger holes were teal as well. Basically, it was an erotic rendition of her heroine costume. Ochaco had a similar one, but she had included her boots and gauntlets in the look along with her own helmet with the faceplate.


While she didn’t really mind kissing a client, she hated the ones that had been drinking hard alcohol or had been smoking too much. The faceplate was a good way to avoid that without offending anyone.


Noticing her gaze, Mina struck a sexy pose, leaning her body forward so that her huge tits were off her chest like udders, “Like what you see?” she asked.


Rie’s Quirk sure is useful.” Ochaco said, since Mina’s natural bust size was a LOT smaller normally. Then again, so was Ochaco’s. While she wasn’t really self-conscious about her boobs usually, there was something very empowering about having big tits and the way it made men look at her.


“Oh, these babies aren’t from Rie!” Mina said proudly.


“Huh?” Ochaco gasped, “But then… How!? You have a second puberty or something?”


“Not too far off.” Mina said, “Remember when I did that stint up on four?” she asked. Ochaco nodded, it was a fun little package where the girl there would have her tits and ass made so big she could barely move, and guys would pay to come in and have their fun with them. Ochaco had done it herself once. Girls like Camie really enjoyed doing stuff like that it seemed.


“Well, I couldn’t use my Quirk at all during that time, but my body still produces the acid. And it seems if I don’t let it out through my skin, its potency plummets and it gets moved to special extra glands in my boobs!” explained Mina as she stood up straight and placed her hands behind her head before she began swaying her tits from side to side. Ochaco could hear a very slight sloshing sound coming from Mina’s tits as they moved back and forth.


Mina then hefted the pink fleshy mounds in her hands and squeezed around her nipples. A very pale and almost completely opaque fluid began to leak out of her nipples. It was a slightly yellow color, almost like lemonade flavored ice cream.


“There’s no lactose in it, so it’s not breast milk. More like, titty lemonade! Tastes about the same too! The acidity is on the same level as citrus juice anyway, so it’s safe to drink.” Mina explained, then to demonstrate, she pulled her own nipple to her mouth and erotically wrapped her lips around it.


“Nmmmmmmh!” she moaned erotically, making a show of swirling her tongue around the now stiff nipple and gulping loudly.


“Like a warm lemonade, kinda.” she said with her usual grin, then offered her other nipple to Ochaco, “Wanna try?” she asked, her tone teasing.


Calling her bluff, Ochaco reached up and grabbed Mina’s big and heavy tit. It was soft and squishy, though it felt a little heavier than its size would suggest. Ochaco figured that was because of the ‘milk’. She engulfed Mina’s big tit in her mouth, and then started sucking it roughly. The weakened acid flowed out easily, washing over her tongue. Much to her surprise, it wasn’t really all that sour. It was sweet, but with a sour finish, like regular lemonade.


“Ahhhn, stoooop, you’re gonna make me hornyyyy…!” Mina whined.


Ochaco let go and leaned back, giggling softly. Mina panted softly, with her cheeks becoming slightly pinker than the rest of her face. “Wow, you really just reached out and suckled!” she said.


“I’ve made out with the other girls before.” Ochaco said, “Deku likes seeing girl on girl stuff.” she admitted. ‘Also, it’s kinda fun!’ she finished in thought.


“Awwww, I wanna be in Deku’s harem!” whined a voice from across the room. Ochaco and Mina both turned to see a blonde haired girl with yellow cat-slitted eyes. Her blonde hair was done up in a pair of messy buns with bits of hair sticking out at irregular angles. She was dressed up in a slutty school-girl outfit with a too short mini-skirt that showed off what looked like leather crotchless panties. She also wore a midriff and underboob bearing sailor uniform top that barely kept her nipples covered and a pair of seven inch black heels over white socks. She capped everything with some bright red lipstick that made her lips stand out from her face. The only thing that threw off the look was the ankle monitor affixed to her left foot. It contained a GPS that was accurate to within 3 microns. And it was equipped with an electro-shock function that would render her unconscious if she stepped out of bounds for more than two minutes! Or if she tried to remove it.


“Heya Himi-chan!” Ochaco said, then getting up and running over to her friend and giving her a tight hug. Mina gave an awkward smile, but didn’t say anything. Himiko was still on most of her class’s shit-list, but they WERE trying. Ochaco understood how and why. Himiko had done some awful things after all. But she was earnestly trying to make up for them now. She’d nearly died saving Ochaco’s life. Granted, she was also the one who stabbed her, but that was beside the point.


Himiko hugged her back for a few seconds before they separated. Ochaco gave her a sympathetic smile. Momo was firmly against Himiko being part of the harem. Her past WAS part of it, but it mainly had to do with the fact that Himiko couldn’t leave the Busteez Hero Agency building. At least not without court approval, or Midnight’s express permission and a LOT of forms filled out. Even then, her schedule had to be meticulously detailed and followed to the letter. Not exactly the best conditions for a date.


As for her past affecting things, Momo wasn’t really angry with her. Ochaco and even Tsu were friends with her now. If anything, Momo was more concerned with how it’d look for Deku in the media. Though if it got out that the man who saved the world was dating several women at once, that would likely be just as big a scandal at least among conservatives. The more liberal citizens would say Deku deserved as many girls as he wanted as thanks for what he did. And another, less popular political faction would offer him even more because they’d want to see One for All’s offspring.


There was currently a theory that while the Quirk itself still resided in Deku, then it was still a part of his DNA and would play a part in his children. Meaning his kids would have variants or even stronger versions to protect future generations of people.


None of it meant a thing to Ochaco though, so long as she could be with the person she loved, she would be happy. All of this played out in the brunette’s mind in the space of a single second as she smiled at Himiko. The young blonde woman was a couple years older than her, but still looked the same age as she did.


“Ochaco, you got a few minutes?” Himiko asked, “There’s something I wanna show ya!”


“Sure, I got a bit of free time.” Ochaco said as Himiko grabbed her wrist and began pulling her out of the dressing room, still clad only in her thong. The door let out into one of the back area’s behind the Ballroom where the main club of the agency was. Usually only employees or VIP’s could be found back here. Himiko herself lived in one of the rooms here that had been remodeled to be a proper apartment.


So Ochaco was a little surprised when Himiko went right past her place and took her to one of the lesser used elevators. They rode it up to the fourth floor of the building. This floor was loaded up with some luxury rooms, though none of them were actually suites. They all still had high quality beds and baths though. The suite styled rooms for more than just one nighters, and most of them had a built-in kitchen as well.


Himiko led Ochaco to one of the more basic rooms. The whole place was like what one might picture for a love hotel room. Everything was in shades of red and pink. The floors, walls, and ceiling, all done up in red and pink. The sheets of the bed were silk and looked very comfortable. Ochaco knew there were over a dozen rooms like this one on this floor alone, though she hadn’t personally seen them all.


“Kyah!!!” Ochaco yelped as Himiko grabbed her tits from behind and pressed her body up against her back.


“Nmmmmmh, I watched your dance,” she purred in Ochaco’s ear, “You looked soooo sexy up there, moving around that pole with these big titties shaking all over the place!” said Himiko as she gripped her breasts tightly, with her voice a soft hot breath in Ochaco’s ear that made her shudder.


“Ahhhn…” Ochaco moaned, her nipples turning stiff under Himiko’s skilled touch. The young blonde pinched her fingers around the stiff pink nubs of flesh, twisting and pulling on them as she licked and sucked on her neck.


“Mmmmmh…” Himiko moaned back, while gripping Ochaco’s tits harder as she lightly bit her neck. Not enough to even remotely break the skin, even with her sharp vampire-like fangs, but enough that the brunette knew she was biting!


“Ahhhn…!” Ochaco moaned again, leaning back into Himiko now. The blonde young woman moved her hands from Ochaco’s breasts to her hips, pulling at the two knots that held her thong in place. The simple bow knots came undone easily, causing Ochaco’s last remaining clothes to simply fall away, leaving her naked as the day she was born. Her already wet pussy squirted a little when fully exposed to the cool air of the air conditioned room.


Ochaco reached her arms back over her head, slipping her fingers into Himiko’s messy hair. Despite how it looked, Himiko’s hair was very silky and soft. Ochaco had brushed it once, and made Himiko blush when she said her hair was like a model’s. She didn’t know why Himiko didn’t wear her hair down more often, she’d certainly look more beautiful if she did.


Her thoughts on the subject derailed instantly when she felt Himiko’s hand move between her creamy thighs to quickly shove her middle and ring fingers into her juicy little pussy! They slipped in easily with a SHLICK sound and Ochaco could feel her own juices running down her thighs.




“Ahhahaahah…” Ochaco let out a shuddery moan as Himiko dipped her digits in and out of her. The blonde’s fingers made a lewd wet sound as they moved. At the same time, Himiko kissed, licked, and sucked on the other girl’s neck softly. Ochaco felt her knees going and touched her finger pads to her opposing palms, triggering her Quirk. When her knees buckled, she simply remained in place, floating ever so slightly off the floor.


Himiko giggled at this, while holding Ochaco up by her pussy and easily carrying her over to the bed. She let go of Ochaco and grabbed her by the ankles when she began to float away, slamming her down onto the bed. Though since she was weightless, the bed barely made a sound from the impact.


Bringing her fingertips together, Ochaco negated her powers and the bed let out a sudden and very soft, REEEEE sound as it took on her weight. Himiko smiled her twisted smile at Ochaco as she took a single step back and quickly stripped out of her top and skirt, leaving only the leather crotchless panties she had on underneath. Her breasts weren’t as big as Ochaco’s, but they were still larger than her own head. Meaning she’d been to see Rie recently. One thing that really stood out were her nipples, they were a lot bigger than Ochaco’s, with areolas like saucers. That happened sometimes when Rie boosted a girl’s breasts. If she had any control over it, Ochaco couldn’t guess.


Himiko jumped into the bed with Ochaco, landing on top of her and covering Ochaco’s mouth with her own in a passionate kiss! The two girls both wrapped their arms around one another, wrestling each others tongues as they rolled around on the mattress. Ochaco giggled and laughed as Himiko moved to kiss and suck on both her tits, leaving several lipstick marks on her. Next, she moved to pull both nipples into her mouth and flicked them with her tongue. She then closed her mouth around both her nipples and sucked them again, rougher this time.


The young blonde girl let go after a few moments, moving to kiss her way down Ochaco’s smooth belly. She stopped for a long moment at a barely noticeable scar next to her belly button. A scar Himiko herself had given her in a moment of blind rage. Both of them nearly died in that fight. But Ochaco wouldn’t have changed a thing, because she came out of it with a new and very close friend.


Himiko then continued kissing her way down Ochaco’s naked body, burying her head between the brunette’s thigh and brushing her tongue across her hot little pussy. Himiko’s tongue was rough like a cats, making the feel of her tongue sliding over the delicate petals all the more intense.


AHHHHHN!!! HIMIKOOOOO!!!” Ochaco moaned, bucking her hips against the blonde girl’s face. Himiko held on tight to Ochaco’s thighs with her arms, moaning into her pussy as she moved her cat-like tongue in a long broad stroke. Ochaco chewed at her lower lip, her eyes rolling up into the back of her head as she held herself back from cumming! Himiko’s tongue just felt SOOOO good.


“Ahhh nom nom nom!!!” Himiko moaned cutely, moving her tongue in and out of Ochaco’s pussy now. Himiko’s tongue was almost abnormally long, and Ochaco could feel it plumbing deep inside her!


NMMMMMH! HIMIKO, HIMIKO, HIMIKOOOOO! AHHHN, CUMMING! I CAN’T STOP IT, I’M CUMMING!!!” Ochaco moaned, with her pussy gushing all over the blonde girl’s face.


Himiko then lifted her face up with a satisfied smirk on her face as she slowly licked her lips while looking down at Ochaco as she gasped for breath. She giggled when she saw how Ochaco’s pussy was twitching slightly. Her naughty switch had been flipped and just a little cunnilingus wasn’t going to be enough to satisfy her.


The blonde seemed to know this, “Betcha wish Deku was here, riiiight!?” she asked teasingly.


“You can be sooo mean Himi-chan!” Ochaco whined.


“I AM a villain after all.” Himiko said in a self mocking tone. She then produced a small vial as if from nowhere. One of these days, Ochaco was gonna get her to teach her how she did that. Seriously, aside from the crotchless leather panties, she was naked! Where had she been keeping whatever that was!?


Inside the vial was an opaque white liquid. By now Ochaco had seen it enough times to know it was a guy’s cum, but whose? She then remembered something Himiko had told her about after she’d come to live and work here. How she didn’t actually need blood to use her Quirk, though it was the most efficient method. Saliva and other bodily fluids also worked as well, though she’d need a lot more to attain the same effect. Especially with something like saliva.


Without a word, Himiko flipped open the lid of the vial with a soft “POP”, then downed the contents, licking her lips again afterwards. She then grabbed Ochaco by her hips, flipping her over onto her stomach and pulling her butt up into the air.


“Wah, Himiko!?” Ochaco yelped in surprise, her eyes then went wide as she felt something long, thick, hot and HARD being shoved inside her pussy!


HAAAAAHN!!!” Ochaco moaned, feeling her belly being pushed out as her pussy was stretched WIDE! This feeling of fullness, of having every inch of her womb stuffed, was more than familiar to her now. She’d know the shape and feel of this dick blindfolded!


THAT’S DEKU’S COOOOOCK!!” she moaned.


“Yep!” Himiko’s voice replied, “There was plenty of cum left over from when he and Tsu used the massage parlor.”


“Wha…?!” Ochaco gasped, surprised not to hear Deku’s voice. Normally, Himiko copied everything when she used her Quirk, right down to the voice and in some cases, their Quirk.


“I told you, I wanted to show you something. This is a new trick I learned!” Himiko replied as she leaned over Ochaco’s back, her big tits pressing into her warmly. She gently nibbled at Ochaco’s ear as she bucked her hips back and forth, shoving Deku’s gigantic cock in and out of her hungry pussy!


AHHHHHNNN, SO BHIIIIIG!!! IT’S STRETCHING MY PUSSY OOOOOUT!! AHHH, SO GOOD, I CAN’T HOLD BACK! I’M CUMMINGH!!! I’M CUMMING SO HAAAARD!!!” screamed Ochaco, with her pussy gushing like a faucet of full blast. She heard Himiko laughing as she began slamming Deku’s cock in and out of her cunt harder. A loud SMACK SMACK SMACK echoed in the room as Himiko’s pelvis slapped against Ochaco’s sexy ass. The brown haired young woman was already rocking herself back against Himiko’s thrusts, with her body moving on its own, seeking more pleasure from Deku’s dick!


“Nmmmmmmh, I’ve never actually done this before, using a guy’s dick to fuck another girl!” said Himiko, “Ahhn, it feels weird, but goooood! I like it! No, I looove iiiit!!!” the blonde moaned as she swung her hips faster, “Deku’s dick feels greeeeat! Ahhh, this is what guys feel!? No wonder they love sex so much! I can already tell I’m gonna get addicted to thiiiis!!” she moaned, slamming Deku’s copied dick into her faster. The wet SHMUCK SHMUCK SHMUCK Deku’s cock made as it was plowed in and out of Ochaco was enough to make her go crazy!


CUMMINNNNGH!!!” Ochaco hissed through clenched teeth, drool running down her chin while Himiko gripped her round ass tightly, her hips swinging like a beast in rutting season. “AHHHH, YOU DICK FEELS LIKE ITS GOUGING OUT MY INSIIIIDES!!! SO GOOD! CUMMING, CUMMMMINGH!!!


MY HIPS… MY HIPS WON’T STOP SHAKING…” Himiko moaned, slamming her copied cock into Ochaco faster and faster, “MMMPH HEEEEEE… TO THINK IT FEELS… SOOO GOOOOD…!


DHON’D SHTOOOOB!!!” Ochaco moaned, drooling harder as she panted, her body rocking itself back into Himiko’s thrusts, with the massive distention in her belly moving back and forth with her movements.


HAH, HEII, HEEEIII! MY DICK… MY DICK FEELS LIKE IT’S GONNA MEEEELT!!!” Himiko moaned, then smacking her hand on Ochaco’s ass with a loud SLAP, “MOVE YOUR HIPS MORE!” she demanded. “YESSSSH, THAT’SH IIIID!!!” Himiko slurred, not able to speak properly with her long tongue lolling out of her mouth. She swung her own hips faster, meeting Ochaco thrust for thrust, driving Deku’s copied dick as deep as it would go inside her.


CUMMING… CUUUMMMMINGH!!! MY PUSSHY KHEEPSH CUMMINGH AND CUMMMINGH! AYE’M GUUMMINGH SHO MUUUUSH!!!” Ochaco moaned, her own tongue hanging out her mouth as she panted like a dog. She couldn’t see anything but Deku’s dick. It didn’t matter that it was attached to Himiko’s body, her own body recognized this dick, and worshiped it with one orgasm after the next.






CUMMING… CUMMING CUMMMMING…!!!” Himiko howled as she rammed Deku’s dick all the way inside her. Ochaco instantly felt the all too familiar liquid warmth flooding into her womb, painting her insides white with thick, hot, dickmilk! Moments later, her womb felt full, tight, overstuffed with the seemingly endless flow of cum from Deku’s melon sized balls.


AHEE… UHEEEEIIII…” Himiko moaned unintelligibly, “I CAN’T STOP CUMMMING…!” she then moaned, “OOOOOOOHN, SPURTING INSHIDE YOU FEELSH SHO GUUUUUUD…!” babbled the blonde.


WOOOOOAH…” Ochaco moaned from deep in her throat.


AHIIIEE… HIIIE… HIE HIE HIE… MY DICK… MY DIIIICK… MY DICK FEELS AMASHING…!” moaned Himiko as the balls attached to her constricted and relaxed again and again, emptying themselves into Ochaco’s thirsty womb!


Both girls shuddered and moaned in ecstasy.


“Sho, fuuullll… Full of cuuummmm…” Ochaco moaned weakly, with her whole body shaking from so much pleasure.


“Dick… My diiiick… Ahhhn…” moaned Himiko, her body going slack as she fell backwards on the bed. Her cock, a perfect copy of Deku’s dick, pulled out with a gross wet sucking sound like a drain being unclogged. This sound was followed by another sound like a bottle being emptied of liquid too fast. A GLUB GLUB GLUB GLUB sound came next as what seemed like gallons of cum came rushing out of Ochaco now that Deku’s dick was no longer locking it inside her. After a few minutes, there was a different wet sound, like wax rapidly melting. Ochaco saw a gray goo mixing with the thick white cum as Himiko’s copied dick melted off in a gross way.


Both girls couldn’t move, and they also couldn’t think. Their bodies just twitched and shuddered until the door to their room opened and Midnight walked in. Ochaco heard her dark haired teacher sigh and speak into the watch on her wrist, “Found her.” she heard her teacher say.


“Wow, what a mess. I wonder if Mei or Mel has a high capacity wetvac?” said Midnight, “And where did all this cum come from? I thought Deku was out meeting Setsuna’s parents?” she asked nobody in particular.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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11 months ago

Nice, hot, and amazing. Great job on the dialogue and paragraphs too.

I’m gonna guess that Himiko Toga had turned herself into a futanari with a vial that had Izuku’s cum inside of it and Himiko had grew Izuku’s own monster cock in place on her crotch?

11 months ago
Reply to  Mad_Max

Correct! She’s discovered she can just mimic parts of a person without doing a full body transmorphism

11 months ago

Divertido y genial capitulo amigo… esperemos ver a izuku en las próximas partes, con algunas Milfs tal vez :3

11 months ago

Now I also want Toga to join Izuku’s Harem.

11 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

time will tell.

11 months ago

Boruto x Tsunade chapter when?

11 months ago
Reply to  Anonymous345

Please don’t use the comments section to make requests unrelated to the series.

11 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io


11 months ago

Un buen capítulo del día de hoy la verdad me gustó todo desde lo de Mina y Uraraka que espero y podamos ver más de Mina pronto porque la temática de burdel y su actitud activa encaja muy bien un detalle que me gustó fue que agregaron la situación de Himiko desde que no puede salir del edificio o que tiene el GPS en el tobillo esos detalles ayudan mucho y que decir de las escenas de sexo de Himiko y Uraraka se vieron bien ambas por un lado el como Himiko usa su nueva habilidad y por otro el como Uraraka lo toma que bien que desempolvaron a Himiko nada mal el capítulo


11 months ago
Reply to  AL-720

I’ll do more of Mina when I can. She’s not really featured in anything coming up, I only added her here to be less staticy. Also, either my translate app isn’t working right of your pronouns are mixed up, Himiko is a girl. I don’t mess with that woke pronoun political garbage.

11 months ago

Un buen capítulo el del día de hoy la parte de Mina y Uraraka me gustó ojalá se pudiera ver más de Mina para que no se pierda el personaje, algo que si me gustó es que explicaron más de la situación actual de Toga que no puede salir del Burdel o que tiene el GPS al tobillo esos detalles ayudan algo en la coherencia y que puedo decir de la escenas de sexo de Himiko y Uraraka algo simple pero que es directo colocando a Uraraka como conejillo de indias para que Himiko pudiera demostrar su nueva habilidad

8.7/10 🌟

Nada mal este capítulo

11 months ago
Reply to  AL-720

see above reply

11 months ago

I have a cuestion Sailorlo.

Will there be another chapter or art in which Cassie subdues Izuku like in chapter 14 or will she no longer appear?

11 months ago

She’ll appear again someday I would guess. Her chapters are dictated by the images.