Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Pounding until Pregnancy

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 47): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 49): [LINK]

Humming softly to herself, Camie Utsushimi scrolled down the Post Feed on her phone. Next to her, a large mechanical arm hummed and whirred quietly as it moved about. The end of that arm had a special needle attached to it that was currently at work quickly and painlessly stabbing that needle into the skin over her womb.


Sitting at the controls of that machine was Mei Hatsume, one of the resident support technicians at the Busteez Hero Agency. Well, support tech in training officially speaking. She still hadn’t graduated from UA just yet. As far as the law was concerned, she was Melissa’s Work Study student, even though the blonde girl was only a couple of years older than her.


“Any pain?” Mei asked.


“Gnopers!” Camie replied, “I can sorta feel the needle pressing against me, but it totes doesn’t hurt at all!”


“Good, I’m so glad I can finally get more use out of this baby!” Mei said excitedly.


“Yuh-huh. Say, how long does this ink last again?” Camie asked idly, only half paying attention as she looked through the feed of posts for anything interesting.


“Three days on average,” said Mei, “I’ve made some improvements since I first developed the ink for this.”


“Coolsies. This kinda tattoo is sexy, but the whole tattoo thing in general is a little too permanent ‘n stuff. Plus, I LIKE going to public pools!” said Camie. Even today, tattoos still have a bit of a stigma in Japan. Something to do with how a really long time ago, criminals were tattooed to mark them forever. So they began adding more tattoos on top of the old ones to hide them. That then led to the formation of the Yakuza gangs and it got really gross from there.


“You know, it’s weird. Aren’t the Yaku-bums all defunct ‘n junk?” Camie muttered aloud. “You’d think people would be less weird about tatts these days.”


“Hmmn, wouldn’t know, but I think Deku had some direct dealings with them back in our first year. Around the work studies time? So they’re still around.” Mei said. The pink haired girl tapped a few buttons on the controls and the needle pricking Camie’s skin changed its pattern of movement. The initial heart design of the mark was down, now a series of what looked like sperms were now being drawn as though they were swimming towards it.


“Huh, how ‘bout that…” Camie said idly, while setting her phone aside before tilting her head forward to watch the progress. The arm the tattooing pen was attached to moved the pen back and forth a lot like a printer. Even the whirring sound was similar. The arm drew each sperm one at a time until the heart was completely surrounded by them.


“So, this for a private job?” Mei asked, her tone indicating just idle curiosity.


“Nah, just for funsies.” Camie admitted. “Guys like Deku-bae like ‘em, so I figured I’d try one out, see if I can get more guys to pay for private sessions ‘n stuff. Gotta make that bank, y’know?”


Mei nodded, “I understand. Have things been slow in the regular hero business?” she asked. “I hadn’t heard much on that end, but my orders for custom stuff haven’t stopped.”


“Nah, that’s ‘bout the same ‘n all, but I wanna start my own agency ‘n stuff. That takes some serious coinage! There’s the private license fees, renting out an office space, insurance premiums, and other junk.” Camie said, counting the items off on one hand. The insurance was the most expensive, especially for a rookie hero. Easily a million yen a month! Like teenagers with their first cars, insurance companies were a lot harsher towards them as far as the rates went. As she established herself more, that cost would go down. She figured if she worked hard, she could cover all the costs in about a year.


“Allllmost… There, all done!” Mei said in a singsong tone, “Such a good babyyyy, Mama’s so proud of youuuuu…” she spoke to the machine in a cutesy voice while stroking the machine.


“Uhhh, right, thanks again Mei.” Camie said as she looked around for her panties and skirt, finding them right where she left them a few minutes ago. The black shoestring thong and layered ruffled skirt left almost nothing to the imagination as she put them back on. “Hey, do I owe you anything?” she asked, not even having thought of how much this would cost.


“Nah. But fair warning though, the ink has an…” Mei began to say.


“Yeah, Kyoka-bae told me all about that part. It’s coolsies.” Camie interrupted her, “Laters, girl!” she said cheerfully once she was dressed and left the parlor. She had barely made it ten steps towards the elevator before her pussy turned itself into a waterfall! The young blonde woman clenched her thighs together at the sudden and intense arousal. She stumbled two steps before leaning herself against the glass wall that looked into the gym that was also on this floor. There was no one inside currently, since the place didn’t see much use around this time of day. The most it was used was in the mornings and evenings by heroes and employees who liked to keep a strict workout regimen.


Bummer,’ Camie thought to herself, ‘Could use a quickie with some guy right now!’ Kyoka had told her how intense the arousal was, but Camie thought she’d have a few minutes at least before it kicked in! The caramel blonde nibbled at her lower lip softly, one hand pressed firming against her pussy in a useless attempt to staunch the flow of heady smelling juices. She could feel her heart racing inside her chest, almost like it had turned into a buzzsaw or something.


“Nmmmmmh…” she whimpered softly, still leaning against the glass for support as she made her way down the hallway at a limping gait. She was panting by the time she made it to the silvery doors and managed to press the call button for the lift. The doors dinged when the car arrived and Camie managed to stumble inside. It was a good thing she wasn’t taking the stairs, she’d never have made it at this rate.


“Ahhhn… Hot… Sooo hoooot…” Camie moaned as she managed to press the button for the ground floor before she fell against the back of the elevator car. She looked out into the empty hall that led through the second floor of the Busteez Hero Agency building, the plain gray floor and off-white walls offered no sympathy or relief to her. Not that she expected them to. Mei must have found something else to occupy her time, because she didn’t step out of the tattoo parlor either.


“Hah, ahh, hah…” she panted, leaning against the elevator back wall, her legs spread wide as she rubbed at her pussy quickly. Her fingers were already making naughty noises as her juices ran freely down her thighs.


“Feels so good…” Camie moaned, pushing the bit of string that was the crotch of her panties and shoving three fingers inside herself with a SQUISH sound! It felt so weird, being this turned on out of nowhere. Was this how the victim girls in those ero-games with the tentacle monsters felt? Those things often had her losing to some aphrodisiac effect from either slime, or gas, or a direct injection of some drug. Camie instantly took back everything she ever said about those games being lame and unrealistic!


HAH, AHHHNN…!” she moaned more loudly, her fingers moving in and out as she stared out into an empty hallway. She felt as though there was a candle wick burning right into her crotch, her skin began to feel tingly and itchy, just the feel of her clothes was like wearing an outfit made of sandpaper!


Why won’t the elevator doors close already!’ she thought. It felt like an hour had passed since she pressed the button for the ground floor. It could only have been a couple of seconds though, but right now, with how worked up her body was, it felt like an eternity longer though. Finally, after what felt like another hour, the doors began opening quietly. Still whimpering in arousal, Camie went in and masturbated there in the elevator, somehow managing to strip herself naked again.


She couldn’t take it. Her clothes felt like they were scraping against her skin all over, she had to be naked! Though it only provided the most minor of relief. She distantly felt the elevator lurch as it began to move. The young blonde woman couldn’t even tell if she was going up or down though, she only felt a sense of motion. Her fingers moved in and out of her pussy faster, and she moaned at how GOOD it felt. She’d never felt this good just playing with herself before, it made her feel so dizzy as she gasped for breath.


“Ahhhn… Too hawt… I’m like, soooo hoooorny…!” she moaned, with her voice sounding weird in her ears, almost like she was talking from behind a fan. She felt another lurch around her as the elevator stopped and the car doors slid open. She looked forward and was greeted by two stunned looking faces.


“Camie?” asked one of the faces, a dark haired girl with deep, dark, silver almond shaped eyes that were almost black in some lights. She wore her shoulder length black hair in a spiky ponytail behind her head. She was tall in that sexy way for a girl like her, nearly a head taller than the guy standing next to her looked just as shocked.


Messy green hair that made his head look like broccoli, matching green eyes, a face full of freckles, and an innocent looking face that was cute in that plain kind of way. Camie knew them both, in fact, it was largely due to her that these two were together now! A sudden, and irrational sense of shame came over Camie as she threw her hands up, while her pussy throbbed in protest as she gasped.


“Momo-bae, Deku-bae! I… Ahhhnnnmh…” Camie managed to get out before the heat of her body made her feel weak kneed. She felt gravity grabbing her with an inescapable grip and she was falling. Before she could hit the floor though, warm, no, hot hands grabbed her naked body, holding her upright.


“I’ll get the floor button,” said Momo-bae, and Camie heard a soft click as the hands supporting her shifted her around. The blonde girl suddenly found herself in a full princess carry in Deku-bae’s arms. He was dressed in only a short sleeve t-shirt and jeans, casual clothes. The skin of his arms felt feverishly hot against her naked body as she reached her arms around his shoulder and hugged herself close. Her body began to shake as if she were freezing, but she felt so hot.


“Mei?” Deku-bae asked.


“Who else?” Momo-Bae said.


“Hot, pussy…” Camie gasped, “Ahhh, hornyyyy…”


She couldn’t even talk right anymore!


“It’s alright Camie.” Momo-bae said, “We’ll take care of you.” She then felt warm hands taking hold of her face, and Camie’s eyes looked up at Momo-bae. The dark haired girl had a gentle expression on her face.


Huh, was Momo-bae always this pretty?’ thought Camie. The young blonde always thought Momo was attractive, sure, that was obvious. But right now, she just looked so pretty, she almost seemed to just glow with beauty.


Camie’s confused thoughts were suddenly blown away like dust in the wind when Momo-bae leaned in close and kissed her suddenly! Camie’s dark eyes went doubly wide in surprise, but then slowly closed.


“Nmmmmmmmmh…” both girls moaned together as Momo-bae slipped her tongue between Camie’s lips, moving it all around inside her mouth.


Wow, she tastes niiiice!’ thought Camie. A sweet flavor, like strawberries and sugar in her mouth. There was another ‘DING’ as the elevator reached a new floor and Camie found herself being jostled lightly as Deku-bae ran with her in his arms. She hugged herself against him tighter.


“Nmmmmh, you smell so good Bae…” she said whispering hotly into his ear. She meant it too, as Deku-bae smelled almost delicious! A hot, spicy smell that made her pussy throb even more than it already did.


“Izuku, where’s your card?” Momo-bae asked.


“Wallet, back pocket, left cheek.” he replied.


“Heheh, nice cheeks!” Camie said, sounding drunk as she moved her hand to grab his right buttcheek. “Oooo, buns of steel!” she said with a giggle.


“Got it!” Momo-bae said, Camie looked towards the dark haired young woman and watched as she slid a card that looked like it was made of pure gold into a slot reader on the door’s handle. There was a soft beeping sound followed by a ‘click’ noise as the lock unlatched itself. Momo-bae then opened the door and Deku-bae carried her inside.


“Sorry, I should be carrying you like this.” Deku-bae said to Momo-bae.


The dark haired girl giggled, “It’s fine! There’s always next time.” she told him. Were they on a date? Even though the haze of overwhelming arousal, Camie felt guilty, as she realized was interrupting their time together! This was SO not cool!


“Whoa, easy,” Deku-bae said gently to Camie as she tried to shift in his arms. She regretted the movement instantly as it made her already sensitive skin send tingles out from every part of her body that was in contact with him. She let out a hot moan at the sensation. Her head felt fuzzy and hot, like her brain had been replaced with warm fluffy cotton. She felt her body being laid out on something soft, smooth, and cool. Camie had been in the building’s rooms enough times to know this was the bed of whatever room they’d taken her into.


The blonde girl panted softly, her big tits heaving up and down. She tried to look around, but everything was so fuzzy, her head felt light, and her pussy wouldn’t stop throbbing! She didn’t offer any resistance when a pair of soft hands spread her legs wide, exposing her hot pussy.


OOOOOOOOOH!!!!” Camie moaned when she felt a soft breath being blown right against her clit, sending a shockwave of pleasure through her. Momo-bae giggled, and another directed breath was blown over her pussy, making her moan again, bucking her hips against the source of the wind.


“Nmmmmh, you have such a pretty pussy, Camie.” Momo-bae said, “Such a lovely pink color, and your clit is like a little gem peeking out.”


“Hah, hah, ahhh…” Camie gasped, she couldn’t think anymore, since her body was so hot right now, she felt like she had the worst fever of her life, but it also felt, good…


“Izuku, watch me…” Momo-bae said in a seductive voice. “Ahhhnnnmmh…”


OH GAAAAWD!!!” Camie screamed as she felt something warm, slick, and squishy rubbing over her clit as Momo-bae’s mouth covered her entire pussy.


HMMMMMMMMN…!” Momo-bae breathed through her nose, while her tongue moved in long, broad, deep strokes over her pussy.


AHHHN, BAAAAAE!!! SO… SO GOOOOOD!!! AHHHHN, MORE, LICK ME MOOOOORE!!!” Camie begged, her hands moving to grab her own big tits. She squeezed them tightly, shuddering in pleasure at the tingling sensation that resulted.


Momo-bae giggled, swirling her tongue around Camie’s swollen clitty, making her even more dizzy. Her hips tried to buck against the other girl’s face, but Momo-bae put her arms around Camie’s thick thighs, holding her fast in place. She then began licking her pussy much more fiercely making her moan all the louder.


AHH, YES, MORE, LICK ME MORE! OH FUUUUUUUCK!!! CUMMING, YOU’RE TOTES MAKING ME CUM BAAAAE!!!!” Camie screamed, “AHHHN, FEELS SO GOOD, CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, YESSSSSS!!!!” she cried, the orgasm sending a flood of blissful relief through her. It was like being splashed with cold water while being on fire. The relief was nearly enough to make her pass out.


Momo-bae didn’t give her the chance to do so though as she felt the other girl’s body rubbing against her own as she crawled up Camie’s body. At some point when Camie wasn’t looking, Momo had stripped herself completely naked. Her creamy skin was smooth and flawless and felt so soft against her own.


“Ooooooh… Momo-baaaae…” Camie moaned as their huge breasts rubbed against one anothers. The dark haired girl giggled again, moving her body up and down so that her tits rubbed against Camie’s in a sensuous way. Their stiff nipples flicking off one anothers. She then let her body rest on top of Camie, her breasts pressing down into Camie’s with a smoosh feeling. Momo-bae then put her arms around Camie’s neck, bringing her face in close.


“Izuku loves watching two girls together,” she whispered conspiratorially, “Makes him sooooo hard and horny. So help me put on a good show, okay?”


Camie giggled back, finally starting to feel like herself a little. Her head felt clearer, and her body wasn’t so feverish with desire. Whatever was in that ink Mei used for her tattoo was still affecting her, but it wasn’t overriding her common sense anymore. Now, she could just enjoy it!


“Fer shure, let’s do it!” Camie agreed before kissing Momo-bae fully on the mouth. Their tongue’s met, and Camie could taste her own pussy on the other girl’s lips.


“Mmmmmmmh, ahhh…” Momo-bae moaned, pulling back just a little so their mouths were just a little ways away from one another. The two girls then swirled their tongues around the others, moaning erotically as they rubbed their naked bodies against each other. Camie saw Momo-bae looking to her right and tilted her eyes in the same direction. She suppressed a giggle as she saw Deku-bae watching both of them, his face flushed red as he gulped.


“Take your clothes off already, Deku-bae! You got two hot ‘n horny babes right here and you’re not gunna do nophin?” Camie teased, kissing Momo-bae again and moving to sit up on the bed with her. She then grabbed the other girl’s big and soft tits, squeezing them tightly in both hands, making her finger sink into the creamy flesh deeply. Next, the young blonde girl leaned herself in closer, moving to take Momo-bae’s stiff pink nipple between her lips. She made a show of licking and sucking it, swirling her tongue around the stiff nub slowly.


“Oooooooh, that feels so niiiice…” Momo-bae moaned, hugging Camie’s head to her breast. She suckled her tit harder, moaning softly as she gently bit down on the stiffened flesh and pulled her head back. Momo-bae’s tit stretched to an almost cone shape before Camie let go and moved back up for another kiss.


A loud tearing noise drew the attention of both girls as they turned just in time to see Deku-bae’s ginormous dick ripping its way out of his pants! Arcs of green electricity sparked along its length as red lines of energy spread along the shaft like cracks. Camie let out a happy sound, loving the sight of the huge boner!


“Well Deku-bae,” she said and moved to lay back on the bed with her legs splayed wide, giving the green haired young man a clear view of her pussy.


“Come and get it!” said Momo-bae, climbing onto Camie in a sixty-nine position, pushing her hairless pussy in the blonde’s face as she used both hands to pry open the folds of her pussy.


“Ahhhhhhmph, dun’ spread meh sho wiiide…!” Camie tried to protest, but her words were slurred by a facefull of pussy which she began licking almost immediately. Momo-bae moaned loudly, pressing her crotch back against her harder.


“Mmmmmmmh, go ahead Izuku, stuff it inside her, I wanna watch it all slide inside!” Momo-bae said in a voice that was dripping with lust and desire. Camie felt the bed shifting as Deku-bae’s weight was added. Momo-bae then pulled her pussy open even wider for him.


AHHHMMMPH, UR GUNNA SHTRETCH MEH OUUUD!!!” she moaned. Her dark colored eyes then went doubly wide as Deku-bae SHOVED his cock inside her! The unbelievable and overwhelming THICKNESS of it spread her pussy even wider than before. Honestly it felt like she were being split in two!


OOOOOHHHAAAAAAAH! SHO BHIIIIIIIG!!! ID’SH TOTESH SHTUFFING MUH PUSSHYYYYY!!!!” she screamed as Deku-bae’s cock slid in, and in, and in some more! Camie could feel the head of his cock invading her very womb, stretching it around itself like it was trying to conform her body to its shape.


It felt GOOD!


“Yessss… Ahhh, fuck her hard Izuku!” Momo-bae moaned.


For reals! Was Momo-bae getting off on watching her man fuck another girl!?’ Camie managed to think before Deku-bae stuffed his dick in deeper. Her mind then went totally blank as she felt herself cumming hard! A scream so loud it was silent escaped her mouth as Deku-bae pushed his entire dick inside! She could feel the tickle of his curly pubes brushing against her swollen clit. The green haired man held his cock inside her for what felt like forever, she could feel it pulsating inside her, could almost could his heartbeats from how tightly he fit inside.


Then, Camie let out another long moan as he began pulling back, the tip of his cock was scraping against her inner walls so good, it felt as though he were trying to pull her inside out! The blonde haired girl moaned again, feeling Momo-bae’s nimble tongue flicking her clit as Deku-bae pulled out slowly.


“Mmmmmmh, your pussy is clinging to Izuku’s cock so tightly Camie, like it doesn’t ever want him to leave!” Momo moaned, “Hnmmmmmh! Shove it back inside her Izuku, make her cum some more!”


“No like, WHAAAAAAIIIT!!!! FUUUUUUUCK!!!! HOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!” Camie howled as Deku-bae groaned and shoved his length back inside. “MUH INSHIIIIDESH!!! MUH INSHIDESH ARE BHEEEEING FLATTENED!!!! SHO BHIG AN’ HAWD ‘N JUUUUUNK!!! AHHH, GOOMMING!!! AYE CAN’T MAKE THE GOOMMING SHTOOOOB!!!” Camie screamed out, her entire body seizing with pleasure as she began cumming at every little movement of Deku-bae’s huge cock. Even the weight of Momo-bae’s sexy body on top of her was making her cum!


AAHAHHHAAAAAAAAAAH, TOO GOOD!!! FEELSH TOO GUUUUD!!! GOOMING! GOOOMMMINGH!!!” she screamed, “WAAAAHN, AYE DUN EVEN CARE ANYMOOOORE, MAKE ME GOOM MOAR BAE!!! DO ID HAWDERRRRRR!!!” Camie moaned, her words heavily slurred from pleasure as her entire body felt charged like a live wire with pleasure.


“Ahhh, yes, do it Izuku, fuck her harderrrr…” Momo-bae moaned, and Camie knew, she was totally getting off on this! Watching her man fuck another girl and being there while it happened was making her cum in her own way.


“Alright, I’m not gonna hold back!!” Deku-bae groaned, and Camie screamed again, feeling his cock moving in and out of her like a battering ram. She could FEEL her stomach being tented up from the extreme size of his dick as it slammed in and out of her womb with a wet SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH noise. Her pussy began gushing almost non-stop as her hands clawed at the sheets.


AAAAAHHHHAAA, GOOOD, SO GOOOOOD! MY PUSSY FEELS SO GOOOOOOOD!!!” Camie moaned before leaning her face up to lick and suck at Momo-bae’s hot little cunt. Her juices were flowing almost as freely as Camie’s. The dark haired girl moaned with the blonde, grinding her crotch back against her face. Camie then reached her hands up, grabbing fistfuls of the other girl’s sexy ass, moaning into her pussy as she came again and again.


“Ahhhh, so hot, fuck her more Izuku, ahhh, cumming, I’m cummmmmingh!!!” Momo-bae moaned, her pussy soaking Camie’s face in hot juices.


“Ahhhn, Momo… It’s… Tiiight…” Deku-bae groaned.


“Yeah, feel good?” Momo-bae asked him, “Keep fucking her, ahhh, this is turning me on so muuuuch!” the dark haired girl moaned, and Camie heard more than saw her kissing Deku-bae. She heard the telltale sound of lips smacking together and tongue entwining.


“Nmmmmh, cum inside her Izuku, fill her up until she looks pregnant!” Momo-bae moaned.


“Yeah, ahhhn… Cum… I’m cumming!!!” the green haired man groaned, and Camie howled in pleasure with him as he buried his entire length inside her. The length reached so deep inside her, Camie felt completely stuffed, and a feeling of thick warm liquid flooded her womb!


OH BAAAAE! I CAN FEEL YOUR CUM SHOOTING INTO MY PUSSSYYYYYY!!! THERE’S SO MUUUUCH!!! AHHH, I’M BEING STUFFED FULL OF CUM LIKE A TURKEEEEY!!!!” wailed Camie, and she felt Momo roll her body off of her as load after thick, huge load of cum was dumped straight into her womb! She could feel his cock churning the cum around inside her like he was trying to make butter.


Meanwhile, Momo-bae moved her naked body to kneel behind Deku-bae, hugging him from behind leaning her head over his shoulder to kiss him. Her delicate hands felt all over his well toned chest muscles.


“Nmmmmh, I love you…” she moaned between kisses, “I hope you saved some for me!” she then added. As Camie felt the cum finally beginning to stop flowing inside her.


In response, Deku-bae pulled his cock out of Camie with a wet sucking SCHLOOOOP sound! His dick was nearly as big as he was, and almost as thick! A true bitch breaker if Camie ever saw one. It twitched in the air, arcs of energy still sparking along its length.


“I’ll take that as a yes!” Momo-bae said with a giggle. She then moved to mount his cock, taking the slick rod into herself with a loud moan as her belly stretched like Camie’s had before. The bloated blonde would only lay there on the bed, her stuffed belly too heavy to let her move right now.


“Mmmmmh, say guy, you like, are gonna pay me for that, right?” she asked while rubbing her belly slowly. She then made an O with her thumb and index fingers, “Gotta make that bank, y’know!?” she asked with a grin.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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9 months ago

We are so back

9 months ago
Reply to  Random

😀 hope to have more soon.

9 months ago

One in the morning reading Camie porn lmao

9 months ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Is that a bad thing?