Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Picture Perfect Pose (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 70): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 72): [LINK]

Resting her buckass naked body on top of a large and fluffy beach towel, Sakura Uchiha sighed softly as two sets of delicate hands slowly and erotically applied thick tanning oil to her. The sun blazing overhead felt good, it was hot, yes, but the humidity was tolerable today. That was odd, what with the ocean just a few dozen meters away.


“I’m so jealous, Sakura nee-san!” said a young woman with short cute orange blonde hair and bright blue eyes. “You have such nice skin! It’s all smooth and supple, but when I touch it, I can feel the well developed muscle beneath!”


“My master was a demanding teacher.” Sakura said, “She taught me all about developing strong muscles, but keeping them hidden properly.” she told the blonde girl as she let out a soft coo while she worked the oil into the skin of her thigh.


“Nmmmmh, you’re really good at that, Sakura-chan.” Sakura told the girl. Like Sakura herself, the blonde girl’s name was also Sakura. Sakura Igawa to be exact. She was a local girl, so far as the pink haired Sakura could figure at least. She was in her early twenties, which led to the blonde woman calling her ‘Onee-san’. So the pink haired woman had taken to adding “chan” to the backend of her name.


“Sakura’s jealous because she worked hard to keep her figure, but her muscles tend to show through a lot.” said the woman currently fondling the pink haired woman’s big tits. She had long navy blue hair that looked almost black in certain lights. It meshed well with her deep forest green eyes. She was Sakura-chan’s older sister, Asagi Igawa. The pink haired Sakura had to wonder if they were half-sisters or not, given their starkly different hair and eye colors. Sakura-chan’s hair could come from a bottle though, but the pink haired woman couldn’t tell as she kept her pubic region completely shaved.


Their faces were very similar though, so that made Sakura lean towards the dye-job hair conclusion. She wasn’t rude enough to ask directly though, so she just let it be.


“Onee-chan!” Sakura-chan complained.


“I don’t see what you have to complain about, the Kumo-guys like a fit woman!” Asagi teased.


“No they don’t!” Sakura-chan whined, “They’re less likely to hit on a girl who looks like she can kick their ass at first glance.”


Sakura and Asagi both giggled, the younger blonde was right, to a certain degree. That said, Sakura-chan’s build wasn’t THAT muscular. She was deliciously athletic, with big tits nearly the size of her head under normal circumstances, a slim waist, and wide, sexy hips! Just looking at her ass made Sakura want to spank it.


Currently though, Sakura-chan’s tits were easily twice the size of her head! She often used a service here on the island to modify her own body, giving herself tits that any man would drool over. The pink haired woman had used that same service several times herself now. Her own tits were also bigger than her head right now as a result!


The sisters had found Sakura passed out in the street the other night and had taken her in. The pink haired woman still didn’t know what made her faint, but she’d given up on worrying about it for now. Ostensibly, she’d fainted from Kumo-cock withdrawal, but the medi-nin part of her mind dismissed that as foolish.


After a full on orgy with the two sisters and four well hung men, they had invited Sakura and her daughter to join them in a clubbing excursion. Getting a hold of Sarada had been tricky, but Sakura had gotten lucky in catching her at her hotel room with a phone call. So now the three of them were waiting for her daughter to catch up with them. She had told her to bring Boruto along, ostensibly to help continue his “punishment” from his mother Hinata. On their way to the beach, she’d run into the dark haired woman and quickly caught up on events. Apparently Boruto had done something very stupid to hide the fact that he was on the island from his mother.


In all honesty, Sakura didn’t see the problem. So she’d unknowingly fucked her own son. Big deal, if Sakura had a son as big a dick as Boruto, she’d happily let him have her pussy whenever he wanted! Oh how she wished her husband didn’t have such a tiny dick! Just thinking about Boruto’s enormous bitch breaker was making her unbearably wet, which only made this wait all the more annoying.


“Hooooh, someone’s getting all horny!” Sakura-chan said teasingly when she noticed the pink haired woman’s pussy getting wet. The young blonde woman giggled and moved to spread Sakura’s legs before leaning her head down between her thighs. The pink haired Sakura let out a soft erotic moan as the blonde haired girl covered her pussy with her mouth. She instantly felt Sakura-chan’s nimble tongue swirling around inside the folds of her pussy.


“Ahhhhn…! S…Sakura-chaaaaan!!!!” the pink haired Sakura moaned.


“Ahhnom nom nom…” the blonde murmured, not deterred in the least as she pressed her face between the other woman’s thighs harder.


“Ahhhh… Oooohhh…” Sakura moaned weakly, not really making an effort to stop the young blonde as Asagi began squeezing her tits more roughly. Her thumbs slowly began rubbing circles around Sakura’s now painfully stiff nipples. The tanning oil made everything all slick and warm as Sakura began breathing more heavily. She offered no resistance as the dark haired woman leaned herself in closer, covering her mouth with her own.


“Nmmmmmmh…!” Asagi moaned into Sakura’s mouth, her tongue easily slipped between her lips to feel its way around. Sakura slid her tongue back against the other woman’s, moaning back. The two of them quickly began dueling tongues, swirling them around one another’s, their combined drool running down her chin.


Nmmh, she’s a good kisser,’ thought Sakura as she reached up with her arms and wrapped them around Asagi’s sexy frame. Her skin was smooth like silk, and very soft. Her breasts were big, though not as big as Sakura’s currently were. And that was without any modifications. The pink haired woman had to bite back her jealousy at that. After all, her own daughter was naturally huge in that department as well. So huge in fact she had to use a special sealing jutsu to compress them down most of the time.


Asagi rubbed her naked body against Sakura’s, pressing their tits together firmly.


“Mmmmmmmh, ahhhh…” Asagi moaned, sucking on Sakura’s tongue more roughly while her little sister began sliding her middle and index fingers in and out of her sopping wet pussy. The feel of the young blonde girl’s slender digits digging in and out of her hot folds made the pink haired Sakura squirm and moan. She moved to spread her legs wider for the other girl, planting her feet in a near splits position. The pink Sakura then felt the blonde one wrapping her arms around her thighs, pulling her face against her pussy even harder as she began licking more intensely.


OOOOOOHHMMMMH!!!” she moaned into Asagi’s mouth as Sakura-chan made her cum!


“Heheh, you have such a cute O-face!” Asagi teased, “Sakura, make her cum again!” she told her little sister!


“‘Ou gob ib!” came Sakura-chan’s muffled reply, “Nmmmmmh, shuch a tashtey pusshy!!!” she slurred, her tongue still moving in and out of the elder Sakura’s cunt.


AHHHHNNNMMMMMH!!!” Sakura then moaned while Asagi sucked on her tongue as she hooked her legs around the pink haired woman’s, rubbing their clits together as her little sister continued.


Sakura and Asagi then both found themselves moaning as Sakura-chan began licking and toying with both their pussies together! Asagi would moan when her little sister began sucking on her clit while fingering the pink haired woman. Her slender fingers moving in and out with dangerous precision. The elder Sakura could only moan with her, rocking her hips against the blonde girl’s digits. The blonde would then switch, shoving her fingers into her big sister’s pussy while licking and sucking on the pink haired woman’s cunt!


AHHHHMMMMH, NMMMMMH, CUMMINGH! CUMMMMINGH!!” Sakura moaned into Asagi’s mouth. The two of them then shifted positions, getting up and tackling the blonde girl onto her back. Each one claiming one of her gigantic tits and sucking on the fat nipple that capped it.




“We know!” Sakura and Asagi said together, both of them giggling as they began sucking the blonde girl’s huge tits roughly.


AHHH, HAHH, AHHHHHNMMMMMH! CUMMING! AHHHN, CUMMING WITH MY NIPPLES!!!!” screamed the blonde haired Sakura. The pink haired Sakura giggled, biting down on the younger blonde’s huge nipple, tugging it with her teeth until her gigantic tit was pulled into a near cone shape and watching as it made her squirt! She and Asagi both dug their fingers into her hot little pussy, their combined four fingers dipping in and out with a wet and lewd SQUISH SQUISH sound. The blonde Sakura bucked and rolled her hips against their fingers.




“My little sister is such a slut!” Asagi giggled.


“She’s not wrong though! I want a big thick cock stuffing my cunt too!” Sakura whined. “Where’s that little slut daughter of mine already!?” she asked as a shadow fell over the three of them. She looked up, expecting Sarada to be standing there with an angry expression if the cliche held.


“Excusez-moi, mes charmantes dames,” asked an unfamiliar voice in an odd language. Looking up from where she laid, Sakura saw a middle aged man with curly orange hair wearing a pair of goggles over his beady eyes. He wasn’t ugly per se, but Sakura highly doubted he had anything worth her time beneath his belt. Though from the look on his face, he didn’t want to fuck, so Sakura decided against telling him to get lost right away.


“What is it?” she asked, allowing just the tiniest edge to her voice so he would know she didn’t want to be trifled with.


“Yeah, can’t you see, we’re busy!” Sakura-chan added.


The man ignored the blonde’s comment and kept his focus on the pink haired woman, “You are by far the most belle femme I have seen today on this beach.” he said through a thick accent. Sakura didn’t recognize the language he was shifting in and out of, but she smiled as she figured the jist of it. “I would be most honored if you would allow me to draw you.” he told her as he pulled out a large pad of paper and a paintbrush.


“Huh, paint her?” Asagi said, lifting her mouth off her little sister’s fat nipple.


“Oui, le corps de la dame est parfait, and I wish to immortalize it on paper!” he replied.


Asagi looked at Sakura with an expression that clearly read, ‘Up to you.’


Sakura thought about it for a few moments, she was having fun with the sisters, but it was only making her pussy hungrier for a fat cock, and she wanted to let it calm down a bit for now. ‘Well, can’t hurt,’ she thought before saying, “Sure, any pose you’d like in particular?”


“Oui, if you could rest on your stomach for me?” he asked, “With your feet up in the air.”


The pink haired Sakura separated from the sisters. She had seen the pose many times in various artwork. So she nodded and rolled onto her stomach, resting on her thick and heavy breasts and kicking her feet up behind her. She then turned her head back towards him and smiled.


“How’s this?” she asked.


“La perfection!” he said as he moved to sit cross legged next to her. He held up the pad with one hand while moving his paintbrush over the paper with the other. Sakura didn’t see any paint, but every so often he would stop and wet the end of the brush with his mouth. “C’est incroyable, un si beau corps!” he said in his native language, “Ce cul, ces hanches, ce sera mon plus beau travail!”


“I hope that means I’m doing alright.” Sakura said with a smirk. She then glanced back at her two new friends. The Igawa sisters had moved into a lovely sixty-nine position with each other, and the pink haired woman fought back a pang of jealousy as she watched.


“Nmmmmmh, Onee-shan, you tashte guud…” Sakura-chan moaned, her tongue delving deep between the folds of Asagi’s hot pussy.


“Nmmmmmmh…” was the elder sister’s only reply.


“Oui oui!” the man told her with a nod.


So oui means yes.’ thought Sakura. After a few minutes, the artist finished his work and set down his brush. Sakura looked up as he turned the pad so she could see. Her peridot colored eyes blinked in surprise, “Wow! How did you make it color?” she asked when she saw an almost lifelike painting of herself naked on a grassy plane against a blue sky.


He held up his paintbrush, “My brush converts my Chakra to various pigments, all I need to do is keep the end wet.”


“Oh, you’re a ninja?” she asked him.


“Non, just an artiste.” he told her, “Mon nom est Reedus Jonah, a pleasure to make your acquaintance mon chéri.” he said with a theatrical bow.


“Sakura,” she introduced herself. She then pointed to the still sixty-nining sisters, “That’s Asagi and her little sister, also named Sakura.”


The sister’s didn’t stop even for a moment, only raising their hands in a wave of greeting. If he was bothered by the fact that they were sisters, he didn’t show it.


“Lovely names for charmantes dames…” he said with another bow of his head, “Might I trouble you to pose for me some more?”


“Sure.” Sakura agreed. Turning to her side to allow him a clear view of her breasts as she rested on her elbow. Reedus just as quickly made another painting, then a second, and a third from various angles. In a couple of them he even included the sisters fucking in the background!


“You know, a friend of mine’s husband draws as quickly as you, though not with as much detail.” Sakura said.


He nodded as he shifted to sit in a different spot. “Can you lean forward on your lovely breasts, and hold your posterior in the air?” he asked. Sakura blinked at first, but then moved to rest on her tits, using them as a pillow as she pushed her ass up in the air with her legs.


“Like this?” she asked, gritting her teeth slightly as the pose was one that made her back ache just a bit.


“Oui oui! That’s perfect, please, just hold that for a few moments!” he told her.


“Be quick, this is murder on my back!” she said as she tensed her buttocks, making her ass jiggle lightly in the air.


Reedus’ hand was a flurry of motion over his pad, his eyes glancing up at her repeatedly as he worked. The ache in her hips was the worst part of holding this position. She’d been fucked well enough in a similar position, but those times she had someone holding her up. Sakura closed her eyes and tried to think of something else. Her first time sucking a huge cock, the gangbangs at D’s nightclub, even that fancy temporary tattoo that gave her an overly kinky dream. And of course, how much better A’s massive Kumo-cock felt inside her compared to Sasuke’s tiny little twig.


Just thinking about her times at D’s club gave Sakura the endurance to keep going. She could already feel her pussy overflowing at the memories. After she and Sarada were finished “punishing” Boruto, she made a note to go back to D’s club for a few nights.


“Annnnd there!” Reedus said, and Sakura fell forward with a gasp.


“Haaaah, okay, don’t ask for that again.” she said, sticking her tongue out at him playfully.


“Oui mon chéri,” he told her as he held up his pad for her, “What do you think?” he asked her.


Sakura let out a low whistle at the image on the paper. Though she had been grimacing through that last pose, he had painted her with a rather seductive expression that just screamed ‘Come fuck me!’


“Heeeeeey, that’s really sexy!” Sakura-chan said as she and Asagi scissored their legs behind the pink haired woman. She continued grinding her crotch against Asagi’s as she gazed at the image. “Don’t you think so onee-chan?”


“Nmmmhmmmh, very!” Asagi agreed.


“Can I get a copy of this one?” Sakura asked.


“Oui, once I’ve painted something, I can easily paint it as many times as I need to.” he told her.


“Nice, I’ll take one of each then,” she said before giving him the name of the hotel where she was staying. Reedus nodded and shook her hand before thanking her. Just as he began walking off she heard someone calling out to her.


“Heeey, mom, I finally found you!!” Sarada’s voice called. Sakura smiled as she turned to see her daughter walking over to her wearing a practically non-existent bikini. Walking behind her was a stark naked Boruto, well, he wasn’t completely naked, he did have a collar tied around the base of his gigantic cock. Well, more like a belt, since he was easily bigger than his father. Attached to the belt was a leash that Sarada had in her hand as she pulled him along.


Waving back to her daughter, Sakura ran over towards them, “About time!” she told her, then looked to Boruto, “As for YOU young man, you’d better not get soft on me anytime soon!” she said with a wicked grin. She then turned to her new friends, “Ladies, this is the young man I told you about!” she said to them.


“Yeee-haw!” Sakura-chan said cheer, actively drooling at the sight.


“Oh my!” said Asagi, “Can I go first?” she asked.


“Hey, who are these hags!?” Sarada snapped, hugging Boruto’s cock against herself defensively.


“Sarada, don’t be rude!” Sakura said before she began a round of introductions in preparation of the fun time they had in front of them.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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9 months ago

It’s great knowing that all this is part of karma catching up to Sasuke. I’d feel bad for him if it wasn’t so funny knowing his wife can’t stand his little dick lmao

9 months ago

Yeah, karma be a bitch

9 months ago

“Sasuke’s tiny little twig” lmao gold. Thank you

9 months ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

You’re welcome

9 months ago

I remember that in Kushina’s backstory she was kidnapped by the Cloud ninja but she was later saved by Minato.

But what if she wasn’t, what if she was raised into a breeding sow?

I imagine Naruto got his big dick from his Uzumaki side but what if he had been fathered by a kumo man. Naruto would have been something astonishing.

Last edited 9 months ago by Whitis
9 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

This isn’t a what if series…

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I know just a thought I had.

9 months ago

What could be some original Injutsu that Naruto himself could come up with?

I imagine the true mark of an Injutsu master is someone who can create a brand new original Injutsu.

9 months ago

I can sense the Sakura x Boruto action is about to begin!

9 months ago
Reply to  Fgghx

Maayyyyybe, but not for a little while

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I honestly love the solo action between Boruto and Sakura, for me it’s really hot how she is hogging her daughter’s boyfriend for herself and not wanting to share is huge cock, but also the whole story is amazing!

9 months ago

Great chapter by the way.

9 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

Thank you.

9 months ago

I wonder what would have happened if Naruto had married Sakura instead or following the third great ninja war married both Sakura and Hinata?

Sakura probably wouldn’t have been so susceptible to mind breaking and moral degradation as she would already have unrestricted access to an enormous dick on top of the injutsu Naruto already knows.

It would even have benefited Naruto because having to constantly satisfy such a repressed size queen or satisfy two wives would have done wonders for his stamina and helped it reach unprecedented levels.

9 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

Possibly, but she married her crush whose a total asshole, and has his karma catching up now 😛

9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io


9 months ago

So that means that Asagi and Sakura will appear in a drawing in the next chapter…?

9 months ago
Reply to  Jojo

Not a chance

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
9 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

What about them appearing written wise in you other stories?

9 months ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

(Shrugs) Eh, who knows?

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
9 months ago