Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Paizuri Confessions

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part V): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part VII): [LINK]

Izuku Midoriya never felt as nervous as he did right now. He’d faced down All For One, hordes of rampaging villainous thugs, and even super villains of all kinds. But all of that was as nothing when faced with the two naked young women standing in front of him!


He had just arrived at Busteez Hero Agency, having come when he got a near-frantic phone call from Kendo of Class B. After his last session with her, he didn’t expect to hear from her again so soon. Moreover, he didn’t even know she had his number! Though the latter really shouldn’t have surprised him, he was likely listed in the student directory. But still, he’d nearly choked her with his cum, he honestly thought she’d never wanna service him again after something like that. It was the main reason why he didn’t bother any of the girls here. Izuku didn’t like the idea of just being with them once, then frightening them away with his sheer size.


Especially Uraraka.


Sure, Momo and Mina both said they had a great time. But they had to, it was part of their job here. Izuku wasn’t sure what he’d do if after seeing him naked, things got weird between him and Uraraka. She was his first girl friend. Not his “Girlfriend” girl-friend, but his first female friend. The first girl he’d ever managed to be at ease speaking with. That was important to him, and as attractive as he found her, he was terrified of alienating her.


“Hey Midoriya, can you come to Busteez right away!?” Kendo had asked, “It’s really important that I see you now! Use that float thing and those pressure waves to fly here if you can!”


“What’s wrong, Kendo-san?” he asked her.


“Just get here!” Kendo said before cutting the call off.


Izuku hadn’t wasted time, using a quickband to change into his hero costume, he went outside the dorms and pressed a second button on the wrist gauntlet. The green outfit suddenly became as tight as spandex around his body, shifting colors from a green, white, and black theme, to a red, white, and gold scheme. Melissa and Hatsume had made this especially for him. They called it “Red Mode”, as in Red Alert. It combined several technologies like Melissa’s Full Gauntlet and the arm supports he’d used those few months he’d been on his own. The suit allowed him to use One for All at 100% with 0 risk of blowback. At least for a little while. He had gotten better at doing that on his own, but being able to do so without so much intense focus was handy in a dangerous situation. All Might still warned him not to get too dependent on it, and Izuku understood, but Kendo needed him for something, so he had to hurry!


Triggering Nana Shimura’s “Float” quirk, Izuku levitated into the air. The sensation was odd, the effect was similar to when Uraraka used her Zero Gravity, but at the same time it felt very different. In Zero Gravity, Izuku felt completely weightless, when using Float, there was still a sense of weight and gravity. He could feel himself being pulled back towards the ground, but he was just willing himself not to. Using Float, Izuku rose up into the air until he was above the Heights Alliance dorms. Then, pushing One for All up to 20%, he kicked at the air behind him.


Izuku launched forward like a rocket. The wind pulled at his face and stung his eyes. He really needed to add a pair of goggles to his costume, finally understanding why Hawks wore those wrap around sunglasses. Aiming himself in the general direction of Busteez, Izuku made it there in less than five minutes. Spotting the building easily, Izuku used another kick to bring himself to a stop. He then slowly released Float and descended back to the ground.


At the front door he found Mandalay working the front desk. The brown haired woman smiled when she looked up to see him enter.


“Is everything alright?” Izuku asked her, explaining the call he got from Kendo to her.


Mandalay blinked in surprise, “No, nothing out of the ordinary as far as I can tell, it’s been a pretty standard night so far.”


“Oh, you’re here!” said a girl’s voice from the hall that led into the hotel portion of the building. Izuku turned to see Tetas, the Paizuri Heroine running towards him in a more stripped down version of her costume. The sides of the unitard were open, exposing much of her shapely figure. Her huge breasts were barely contained by a strip of purple fabric and threatened to spill free with her every running step. The crotch of her costume was so thin it dug neatly into the folds of her pussy! Conforming to it so perfectly that he could see it only barely covering her clit as Izuku gulped at the sight.


“Come with me!” she said with a smile, grabbing his wrist and pulling him along behind her as she headed back into the hotel. Izuku found his eyes drawn towards the dark haired girl’s ass, not prominently on display with her thong backed costume.


This is becoming a habit…’ Izuku thought, losing count of how many times girls had led him into the building this way. Tetas led him into the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor. Soft Music played over the speakers on the slow ride up.


“Hey, cool costume, you decided to change it up huh?” Tetas said with a smile as she looked at his hero costume.


“Huh? Oh, uh, no, this is my regular costume, only it’s in Red Mode.” Izuku explained before tapping the wrist control, sending his outfit back into its default mode. “Red Mode is designed to let me use my full power without any blowback. I can control my quirk better now, but it takes a lot of fine tuned focus. Red Mode allows me to fight more freely in emergencies when my focus needs to be elsewhere.” he explained, deliberately avoiding pointing out how HER costume had changed.


“That’s so cool!” said Tetas as she reached into her cleavage and pulled out a smartphone, “I gotta add this to my notes!” she said and Izuku heard the tap tap tap of her phones screen as she typed away. “Oh, by the way, I’d still love to get together and talk shop with you sometime!”


“I’d like that.” Izuku said, then asked, “Do you know what’s going on with Kendo-san? It sounded pretty important when she called me.”


“You’ll see when we get there.” Tetas told him.


The elevator reached the designated floor and the doors opened. Tetas took the lead and Izuku followed her to one of the rooms a few paces from the elevator. Along the way he noted several vending machines and an ice dispenser along the way. Standard fare for a hotel, which is what the agency was before Midnight-sensei had bought it.


They stopped in front of room 405 and Tetas knocked on the door gently, “I got him!” she called through it.


A moment later, he heard the door unlocking and Izuku gulped again at the sight of Momo Yaoyorozu standing on the other end, naked. The pretty dark haired girl was blushing slightly as she opened the door wide to invite the two of them inside.


“C… Come in,” said Momo quietly, “H… Hi Izuku…”


“Ahhh, jeez girl stop acting so nervous!” said Itsuka Kendo’s voice from farther inside the room as Izuku and Tetas walked inside. The green haired youth gasped lightly as he seemed to suddenly step outside the hotel. The room had been glossed over with another of Camie’s illusions to look like the inside of a valley at night. Off in the distance, a bridge connected the two ends of the valley, there were even cars moving across it periodically.


“Alright Rie-chan, go for it!” Itsuka said to Tetas.


“You got it!” said Tetas as she moved behind the two girls, giving Izuku a clear view of their naked bodies. Both of them were beautiful, with fine figures and already ample breasts, beautifully curved hips, and long creamy legs and thighs. Izuku could feel his dick straining painfully at the sight of both of them as Tetas placed her hands on both their backs.


Then, in the blink of an eye, Tetas’ already massive breasts grew even more massive! Each one was easily twice the size of her entire body and was straining the special fabric of her costume to the limit.


“Oppai Transfer!” said Tetas as her boobs began shrinking back down, but as they did, a soft pink glow enveloped Momo and Kendo’s breasts. Then, right before his eyes, both girls’ tits expanded out, as though taking on the size Tetas was giving up! He remembered her saying she could do this, but until now, he’d never seen how it was done. Kendo grinned at him as he felt his cock threatening to rip through his pants.


“Here, lemme help with that!” said the orange haired girl as she reached out to grab his left wrist and pressed a button on the band of his gauntlet. His entire costume then began glowing a soft red as seams split all along its surface. The seams began seperating until his costume became a series of ribbons that retracted into the quickband he wore on his left wrist! Leaving him as naked as the two girls.


“Wow, nice!” Tetas said at the sight of his now fully erect cock that now stood out from his body once it was unrestricted by his clothes.


“Wanna join us?” Kendo offered.


“Tempting, REALLY tempting, but I gotta dance tonight! It’s my first time using the routine Pinky helped me develop and I really wanna see how it does!” said Tetas.


“Okay, have fun…” said Momo, still blushing lightly as she ran her hands over her newly enlarged tits.


“You too!” said Tetas before she quietly exited the room.


Now, as Izuku stood more nervous than he’d been in his entire life, he said, “Uh, hi…”


“Thanks for stopping in Midoriya,” said Kendo, her green eyes on his massive erection.


“Um, uh, sure, no problem!” Izuku replied, his voice cracking with the tension in his body, “So um, what was it you needed Kendo-san…?”


“Well, I heard something from Nejire the other day, and you might not be the biggest cock on the block. Or at the very least, you have some competition. So I was hoping you’d help us practice our technique on you.” Kendo told him, and Momo nodded.


“That’s it?” Izuku asked.


“Well yeah, we don’t know anyone else as big as you and who’ll give an honest opinion!” Kendo said, reaching down to lift her gigantic breasts with her equally giant hands. “Also, this gets billed on your card, so it helps us out too!” she said with a grin as she fondled her own breasts and let out an erotic moan.


“Oh wow, these really are super sensitive now…” Kendo said, then smirked, and you’ve already answered one question I wanted to ask.”


Izuku blinked, “Huh, what was that?”


“If you find these big monster boobs sexy, you clearly do!” Kendo said.


“Well, I uh… um…” Izuku stammered, faltering and ultimately failing to come up with an excuse.


Kendo only grinned at him, “It’s fine, some guys dig big boobs, there’s no shame in that. Here,” she said, shrinking her left hand to normal before grabbing his right wrist and moving his hand to her tit, “Go on, feel, I’m not gonna break, and grab Momo too!”


Kendo’s breast felt so very soft and warm, the slightly crooked fingers of his hand flexed lightly on their own, sinking deep into the pliant flesh. When she told him to cop a feel on Momo too he turned to look at the dark haired girl to find her blushing lightly.


“It’s okay,” she said, sounding nervous before grabbing his hand and pulling it to her tit as well, “I really don’t mind.” she told him.


“Why you being so mousey all of a sudden Momo!?” Kendo said, “Aren’t you the one who dragged him off for his first time here?”


Momo blushed a deeper shade of red, “Well, that was…” she trailed off.


Izuku understood, that was because she had to, as part of her job here. Izuku was torn, feeling like he was taking advantage of these girls as they moved in closer. They then pressed their obscenely large tits around his equally large dick. The feeling was heavenly, so soft and warm, even the way that their nipples rubbed against his cock only served to make him even harder. He fought the urge to thrust his hips between them as his fingers clenched tightly into their mountainous mounds.


Kendo smiled at him and had him lay back on the ground, which when he felt it through the illusion was just a plushly carpeted floor. She and Momo then moved to kneel on either side of him. Before he could say anything, Momo leaned over him, pressing her mouth to his as her huge tits mashed against his chest. The massive mounds were soft and very warm, enveloping his entire upper body like marshmallows. He felt her tongue brushing against his lips, then gently pushing past them.


“Hmmmmmmh…” Momo cooed softly into his mouth.


Ahhhh, this feels so nice…’ Izuku thought as her tongue mingled with his. Meanwhile, he felt Kendo’s hands moving over his huge cock, her delicate fingers tracing along the throbbing veins running up and down the shaft. His cock twitched lightly at her touch, prompting her to grab it with her enlarged hands, holding it firmly in place.


“Shorry…!” he slurred against Momo’s mouth. She broke the kiss and smiled down at him genuinely. A long rope of their combined saliva connected their mouths for a moment before snapping away. Some of the nervousness from earlier was gone as she brushed some loose hair out of her eyes. She really was beautiful, with her dark as night hair and dark colored eyes. He liked when she smiled at him and he smiled back at her, pulling one hand out from under her giant breasts to touch her face on impulse.


To his surprise, she leaned her face into his touch, cooing again as she asked; “For what?”


“I think that was for me Momo,” said Kendo as she continued gripping his cock in her giant, but still very soft hands. “He nearly smacked me in the face when that kiss made this bad boy twitch.” she told her friend before leaning in and kissing the tip of his cock, her lipstick leaving a perfect impression of her lips there. “You can’t blame him though, that was a hot kiss!”


Izuku felt himself blushing at the same time Momo did. Kendo grinned and kissed his cock again, “Well, don’t let me stop you, carry on.” she said. Momo nodded and quickly kissed him again. His eyes went wide at the intensity of it, then slowly closed as she became softer, gentler.


He heard Kendo chuckling as he began kissing Momo back, rubbing his tongue along hers and relishing the way she tasted. He pulled his other arm out from under her breasts and wrapped both around her shoulders, hugging her closer. Momo moaned happily, pressing herself against him harder.


The green haired youth then groaned softly into Momo’s mouth as he felt Kendo’s lips wrapping around the head of his cock! “Hmmmmmmph…” the orange haired girl moaned as she took his length into her mouth, stroking his cock with one giant hand.


“Oooooh…” Izuku groaned when Momo broke their kiss again.


“Hmmm, do you like that?” she asked him. He nodded, unable to speak as Kendo took his cock down deeper into her throat. The dark haired girl smiled at him and kissed his lips gently before pulling away, moving to kneel opposite Kendo next to him. “If you want, you just have to ask you know.” she told him, looking to Kendo as she bobbed her head up and down slowly, leaving glistening trails of saliva running down his cock. The other girl gave a soft nod and pulled her head free, relinquishing his dick to Momo. She smiled as she held his cock with both hands, it’s girth so great she couldn’t close her fingers around it even with both hands. Her dark eyes shimmered lightly as she stared at his cock before she closed them and leaned in to kiss it softly along the length. Kendo mirrored her actions and Izuku groaned as he felt two soft pairs of lips moving up and down his cock.


“Heh, guys just love this!” said Kendo, “But then, I kinda like it too.”


Momo nodded briskly, “Yes, yes, ahhh, just seeing this, feeling the heat coming off it, it makes me… Mmmmmmh…” she cooed as she leaned forward, dragging her tongue along his cock. Both girls then moved to envelope his cock between their tits again and Momo blushed and looked at him, “Do you, not like that?” she asked.


“Oh please girl, of course he does! Just look at how hard this thing is!” said Kendo, “Come on Midoriya, show a little initiative,” she said to him, moving his hands to grab both their breasts again, “Cop a feel, fuck both our tits, shower us in that thick cum! Trust me, in this instance, it’s a huge compliment!”


“Itsuka…” Momo said and the orange haired girl gave her an odd look that was like a glare, but Izuku didn’t sense any anger behind her expression as momo blushed and looked back at him nervously.


Kendo then fixed Izuku with the same look and he gulped, nodding lightly as he squeezed both their tits harder, moving his hips up and down. “Haaah…” he groaned as he felt their breasts slipping and sliding all over his cock. Their saliva made everything feel slick and slippery as the two girls moved together.


“Ooooh, ohhh… this feels… So good…” Izuku groaned.


“You like it?” Momo asked.


Izuku nodded and both girls smiled at one another, pressing their tits around his cock tighter and moving their bodies faster ! A soft wet squish squish squish sound could be heard as his massive dickslide between their tits. He could feel his cock twitching as he squeezed her breasts a little harder, moving his hips in sync with their motions.


“You don’t need to hold back you know!” Kendo told him, “Go ahead and go nuts, we can handle it!”


“Mmm, hmm, hmm!” Momo nodded in agreement. “Mmmmmmh, this feels so good! My breasts, my breasts feel so good right now!!”


“Mine too, ah fuck, I… I… I’M ACTUALLY CUMMING!!! I’M CUMMING FROM MY TITS ALONE!!! AH FUUUCK…!” Kendo screamed.


ME TOO! ME TOOOO!!! CUMMING, MY BOOBS ARE CUMMINGGGG… I… IZUKU… AHHH, IZUKU I LOVE YOUUUUUU!!!” Momo cried as she and Kendo slammed their breasts up and down around his cock.


“Haahaah…!” Izuku groaned as he began thrusting his cock between their tits faster, red lines of energy spreading across the surface of his cock like cracks. The huge mounds of tit flesh began rippling with every movement as he groaned again, his cock suddenly a lot more sensitive! Both girls panted and moaned togetheir, their cries were so erotic Izuku couldn’t hold back any longer!


“Haaah, Kendo-san… Momo-sa… AHHHA!!!” he groaned as he pressed his cock between them hard, the tip erupting with a massive surge of hot and sticking cum. It came out with so much force that it hit the ceiling and Izuku heard the plaster actually cracking from the force of it! The spunk shot out as if from a fire hose, raining back down on the trio as they called out in pleasure.


He let go of both girls’ tits as he laid back on the floor. Panting softly, Izuku looked up at both girls, now drenched in his cum. The thick white fluid running off their bodies in sticky globs.


Hey, hey, now’s your chance!” he heard Kendo whispering harshly to Momo. Momo’s already flushed face turned even redder as she shook her head vigorously, “Come on girl!” he heard her whispering.


“Uhn, wha.. Wha…?” Izuku managed before he felt himself passing out.



(A little bit Later…)


“Oh, great!” Itsuka cursed.


“Well, that was a bit intense…” Momo said, “I mean, look…” she said to Kendo as she looked up at the distortion in the illusion where Izuku’s cum had cracked the ceiling.


“Not what I meant and you know it!” Itsuka chastised her. Momo flinched lightly and Kendo continued, “That was the perfect moment to tell him how you feel! Guys are more sensitive just after getting off like that. He’d have given you an honest answer just now if you hadn’t hesitated.”


“But I… I did tell him just now!” Momo said, having meant it when she cried out her love for him.


Itsuka sighed and shook her head, “Doesn’t count.” she said simply, “Well, I guess we can try again when he wakes up.”



Story by Sailor Io

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Smiling Fiend
3 years ago

I’m really liking this “Momo tries to confess to Izuku” saga so far. I appreciate and understand why you’re taking time to develop his relationship with the girls, it would feel very rushed and undeserved otherwise… and I’m used to love stories where the main characters take an eternity to hold hands anyway lmao.

3 years ago

Is Lady Nagant going to be with Izuku eventually in the story? Also, does Eri see Aizawa or Izuku as her “father figure”?

1 year ago
Reply to  Mal

I would say eri see Izuku as a older brother.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mal

Nagant will join eventually, yes. And Eri calls Izuku Deku nii-san

3 years ago

I hope to see a chapter between Lady Nagant and Midoriya in the near future.

Last edited 3 years ago by Amerkcan
3 years ago

Didnt feel like much was really accomplished this chapter. Momo still hasn’t fully confess her feelings and Deku definitely needs to build that confidence up, with all the pussy hes to be drowning in I sorta want him to make the first move sometime in the future, doubt any of the girls would ever turn down their vip gold card winner. Also Mirio being compared to Izuku makes sense someone like him could easily have a harem himself or atlease tons of horny women all over him. Hell maybe even have them team up on some lucky girl(s). Im sure a size queen like Mina would loved to get DP by them both.

Anyways only thing im really hoping for in the story moving forward is more plot progression and extra character selection

3 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Just gimme time. 🙂 By this point in the first series, not a lot had been accomplished story wise. It takes a while to get everything done.:)

3 years ago

Ver a Mandalay me dio la esperanza de poder ver un capitulo con ella… quiza con Shoto

3 years ago
Reply to  Lolito

Can’t say anything to that unfortunately. No idea if there’s more of her coming or not.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Una duda… has pensado en hacer un tipo de concurso… algo haci como de la ultima historia tipo orgia o aun no?

3 years ago
Reply to  Lolito

Not yet, still rebuilding connections between characters.

3 years ago

Love it but please let Momo be first girl to confess to Izuku

3 years ago
Reply to  N0bod4

🙂 I’ll see what I can do. How Izuku learns about her feelings has already been decided, and is closely connected to how his relationship with another girl develops.

3 years ago

Ojalá en el próximo Momo sea un poco más valiente y le confieze lo que siente…. esperemos una tercera parte de esto la siguiente semana

3 years ago

Uhmm Mirio será más grande que Izuku? Me gusta como están las cosas por ahora …. que Izuku sea el más grande pero que no ande presumiendo

3 years ago
Reply to  Soldadorayan

Never said Mirio was bigger, Kendo said he has competition now.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

No soy de andar peleando de quien es más grande o no… pero entonces eso haría a Mirio como el segundo mejor?

3 years ago
Reply to  Soldadorayan


3 years ago

Habrá más de Izuku en el próximo episodio? O veremos a alguien mas

3 years ago
Reply to  126jojo

It’s Izuku again

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

I’m gonna be honest, I thought this chapter felt a bit rushed and at times a bit lackluster. I mean, yeah, it was nice seeing this chapter from Midoriya’s perspective but lots of things that he said or thought already were brought up in previous chapters and didn’t really expand on anything. Although it is nice to hear that Mirio is apparently bigger than him, which brings some much needed flavor in this series. The sex scene felt really short lived, considering how you write them normally and a lot more peaceful and quiet. I really liked the dynamic between Kendo and Momo though and how the former scolded the latter afterwards for not admitting her feelings.

Not my favorite chapter in this series so far and definitely no match for the prior/Fairy Tail chapter but still okay.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I think you might enjoy next week’s chapter then. It’s almost finished, got a lot of character interactions in it.

3 years ago

Uraraka para el proximo

3 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

Sorry to disappoint, but the next chapter won’t feature her.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

bueno la paciencia es una virtud de sabios jeje

3 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

Things will change up a bit next chapter, mainly in location for where things get sexy. Also how things progress to that point. People have been saying the whole him walking into Busteez was getting stale. Your comments have not fallen on deaf ears.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I don’t think him walking into Busteez is getting stale just yet, the different rooms have been great so far! Although, it would be great if there was more description of what was going on around him when he walks into Busteez to really set the strip club atmosphere. Like in the second chapter, where you described how Uraraka was on the stage in the background giving a show, or like in the previous Mha story were you described different girls giving lapdances to other pro heroes. Even just short little sentences would add so much, and it would make me believe that this is a busy strip club with lots of sexy, slutty girls. I’ve really been enjoying this series so far, and I’m looking forward to the next one!

3 years ago

nice story but such a pain see 10T and not have pic of her already x)

3 years ago
Reply to  Ikana

Patience shall be rewarded!

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

That’s definitely true.