Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Overperforming at Bitch Beach (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 23): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 25): [LINK]

“Hi Laxus!~” Mavis said cheerfully as he got to the top of the hill. She could feel the blush spread across her face as he stopped and stared, but she went on, smiling at him. “I bet you can’t guess why I asked you come here!” she giggled.


“…okay,” Laxus drawled with a deadpan expression, taking in the scene in front of him. “I see whats going on here, First.”


Mavis blinked; out of all the reactions she had planned for, this wasn’t one of them. “Uh… What do you mean?”


“You’re legendary for your tactics and strategies, and Fairy Tail isn’t known for either of those; usually the opposite, in fact. But then I get your note, and then I see something like this…”


Laxus waved a hand, indicating the entire scene in front of him: an idyllic lake beach, sakura trees, beautiful weather, a rainbow in the air…and a completely naked, buxom blonde, kneeling on a blanket with a condom and lotion next to her, with a sign reading ‘BITCH BEACH‘ behind her.


“And in order to convince me to join Fairy Tail, you went with the bluntest, most in-your-face approach possible, is that right?” he finished with a grin.


Mavis’ blush darkened as she jumped to her feet and glared at him, her Fairy Body-enhanced tits and ass bouncing and jiggling enticingly. About to snap back angrily, she took a deep breath and visibly calmed down, smirking at him. “A good tactician knows when to adapt to her opponents; I thought that anything more subtle would fly right over your head.”


That got a chuckle from Laxus. “I can’t argue that, and I’m honored that you consider me such a difficult opponent that you need to adapt,” he told her sincerely. “So, you’re the one that’s going to try and convince me to join the new guild, eh? I guess I’m flattered that you’re doing it in person.”


“You should be; Erza, Juvia, Levy, nor Wendy would have been a match for you.” Mavis stated, eyeing him hungrily as he began to strip out of his clothes.


“I’ll admit, it was quite a shock when you first announced you were turning Fairy Tail into a sex guild, but after thinking about it, I’m not really against the idea, as long as we can still get into some fights. And given our guildmates? I’m not worried about that. Whether it will end up working or not, I’m still skeptical. Still, with you leading it, I feel better about the odds.”


Laxus gave her a leer, his erection sticking out in front of him. “Not that I’m going to join just like that. I’ve done some stupid things in the past, but I’m nowhere near dumb enough to pass up a chance like this.”


“I would have been insulted if you did,” Mavis huffed, sauntering over to him and running her hands over the hard muscles of his stomach and chest. “I intend to have a very good time myself.” She grinned up at him as her hands slid lower.


Letting out a short sigh of pleasure as her hands began fondling his cock and balls, Laxus bent his head downwards and kissed her square on the lips; and although her eyes widened, she eagerly kissed him back, while gripping him harder.


Not to be outdone, Laxus grabbed onto her butt like handles, lifting the shorter blonde entirely into the air, making her squeak. Her boobs rubbing against his chest and her talented fingers continuing their work made his dick swell and harden, almost throbbing with arousal.


Mavis broke the kiss long enough to give Laxus a teasing smile. “Now remember, just because you’re as quick as lightning doesn’t mean you should be so now. I want this to last for awhile!”


Laxus snorted, tightening his grip on her ass. “We’ll see which one of us wears out first, old timer,” he teased. As Mavis gaped at him, face turning red with surprise and indignation, he thrust his huge cock deep into her incredibly tight pussy.


AAAHHHHH!” she screamed, digging her nails into his back, almost hard enough to draw blood. She could feel the small wince running through his body, but Mavis was very quickly more distracted by his thrusting cock as he began to fuck her, slowly at first, but quickly picking up speed and force.


Laxus chuckled, and that must have irritated Mavis, because the next thing he knew, she was chewing on his right ear, and she wasn’t exactly being gentle about it. “ARGH! That hurt!” he growled.


“That’s what you get for calling me old, you big jerk!” she huffed. “And don’t worry: I didn’t bite you all that hard.” Payback done, she settled into enjoying the sex. “Mmm…still, I have to admit, you really do know what you’re doing,” she told him, her breathing getting heavier as her eyes dilated and a light sheen of sweat appeared on her body.


Laxus had a pleased smirk on his face at the praise, which was wiped out by Mavis’ next words. “You’re not as good as Jellal, but don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll get there someday-AGH!” she wailed as Laxus suddely doubled his power and speed, fucking her like a jackhammer!!!


At the same time, he buried his face in between her boobs, licking and slobbering all over them; Mavis shrieked when he lightly bit first one nipple and then her other one. “F-FUCK! Is that the best you’ve got?!” she told him with defiant bravado, feeling her pussy start to drip from arousal. ‘Just a little more…


Laxus looked up, smirked at her, and pulled his cock out, to her mingled surprise, relief, and disappointment… before he thrust it without warning into her ass! Her resulting shriek scared the fish out of the lake.


“You like that?!” Laxus asked her; he was pounding her ass so hard, his balls were slapping against her butt cheeks with loud SMACK SMACK SMACK! noises. “I’ll show that I’m better than any of the guys you’ve recruited thus far! Take it all the way up your fat ass, First of the Fairies!” An aura of lightning began emanate from the Dragon Slayer.


AGH! HMM! UGH! SHIT!” Mavis gasped and panted as she hung onto him for dear life. Her tight ass felt like it was stretched to its limit as Laxus’ enormous cock plunged in and out of it with the speed of lightning and the force of a tidal wave. At this rate, it wouldn’t take long before-


I’M CUMMMING!!!” she howled, writhing in his arms and scratching madly at his back, her pussy and ass spasming nonstop.


“Damn, me too!” Laxus grunted, pulling her all the down onto his cock and holding her there as he emptied his load into her ass, shudders of relief running through his own body. ‘Heh, that will show her that I’m not to be underestimated. She’ll probably be all fucked out for-


“Hmm, not bad.”


Laxus’ eyes shot open and his head shot up as he stared at Mavis, who was panting a little, but otherwise looked good to go again.


“I mean, it wasn’t the best sex I’ve ever had, but still, pretty good.” She smirked at him. “Ready for round two?”


After a moment more of staring, Laxus slowly started to grin again. ‘Damn… maybe this sex guild has a thing or two it can teach me after all…

Official Fairy Tail X Guild Roster:
Mavis Vermillion (Guild Master)
Erza Scarlet
Levy McGarden
Gajeel Redfox
Wendy Marvell
Jellal Fernandes
Juvia Lockser
Irene Belserion
Kagura Mikazuchi
Laxus Dreyar (NEW!)

(Story by User: S22132)

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9 months ago

The First Master of Fairytail is one of the few times I would say I would let her step on me. I don’t know why (I know why)

9 months ago

Mavis is always super fun in these! Great to see another one of her chapters. Keep these up 👍.

9 months ago

Fairy Body Mavis looks great!

P.S. If there is any way that Evergreen could get involved in the sexy parts of the story that’d be cool (since I remember Elfman getting into the guild in the old version).

9 months ago

Dang this was early as hell. Also Laxus was really fun in this one