Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Orgies Among Fairies

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of SailorIo stories)
Previous Story (Part 43): [LINK]
Beginning (Part 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Part 45): To Be Continued…

Walking into the home he now shared with three other women, Natsu Dragneel stretched as he let out a long yawn. He could smell the lingering scents of Lucy, Flare, and Brandish in the air, but they were old. Meaning they hadn’t returned from the job they were on while he went to the beach with Mirajane for her photoshoot. Thinking of that brought a smile to his lips. He’d been able to fuck both Mirajane and Jenny three more times before the photoshoot was finally over.


He’d come straight home when they returned to Magnolia, while Mirajane went to the guild hall. There was several days worth of mail waiting in the box when he arrived, Natsu had simply grabbed the bundle of envelopes and brought them inside with him. He then moved over to the couch and plopped himself down on it. The sudden weight pushed out the lingering scents of Lucy, Flare, and Brandish that had soaked into the fabric of the couch from the many times the girls had had sex on it. He inhaled it deep, feeling his dick stirring at the heady smell and suddenly wishing they were here.


He gave a moment’s thought to triggering the body link magic inside the engagement ring given to him by Brandish, but decided against it. He didn’t want to have another round of Lucy smacks if he screwed up again while they were trying to work. So instead, he began flipping through the letters that were in the mail. Several were for Brandish from her homeland. There was one for Lucy that looked like a bill or something like it. One for Flare, though he had no idea who it was from.


“Huh, for me?” Natsu muttered aloud.


The last envelope had his name crudely scrawled on it with what looked like a paw print next to it. Natsu felt his heart quicken as he tore open the envelope and opened the letter. The handwriting on the letter itself was a lot neater than on the envelope it came in.


“Dear Natsu,


This is Carla, Happy, Panther Lily and I are all doing well. Sorry for the lack of communication over the last couple of weeks, but the debate here has been getting rather heated. Many wish to return to the Exceed homeworld, while many others wish to stay here. Happy, Panther Lily, and myself are all among the latter. We would return home, but we agreed to stay until the debates have all been settled.


That said, we WILL be staying here in Earth Land, no matter what the others decide, so rest assured on that front. Please, relay this information to Wendy and Gajeel when you have the chance. We would have sent letters to all of you, but paper is in short supply here right now. There have been a lot of votes done, and getting enough to send proper letters has proven difficult. Happy had already managed to make an envelope for you, so that’s why I’m writing to you instead of Wendy.


PS, word has reached us on your engagement to Lucy, Flare, and Brandish. Congratulations. I hope we can return in time for the wedding.




Natsu read the contents of the letter several more times, with tears streaming down his face. They were staying! Happy and the others were gonna stay with them even if the rest of the Exceeds left!


WOOHOOO!!!!” Natsu cheered, jumping up and down several times, unable to contain his excitement. He stuffed the letter into his pocket and bolted out the door. The pink haired young man ran all the way to the guild hall, his entire body feeling as light as a feather. He wasn’t even winded when he burst through the doors of the guild.


HEY EVERYBODY!!! HAPPY AND THE OTHERS ARE COMING BACK!!!” he shouted to the packed room. As had become something of the norm lately, the guild hall was currently something of a casual orgy. He spotted Canna over by one table, drinking from a large beer stein while being bent over the table. Behind her, one of the newer guild members, someone Natsu hadn’t spoken with much, was currently plowing his big dick in and out of her!


What made the sight slightly odd was Canna didn’t seem to notice, or even care what was happening as she drank and arranged some of her cards on the table. Next to that table, Bisca was being double teamed by her husband and another newcomer who had only joined the guild last week. He was another sharpshooter mage, so he had hit it off with the Connells. He didn’t see Erza anywhere, but he did spot Romeo with Kinana, the young mage’s head currently between the purple haired girl’s creamy thighs as she sat on the edge of the bar.


“Really?” asked a voice closer to him. He turned to see Levy Mcgarden dressed only in an open blouse with her currently gigantic breasts being fondled by Gajeel in whose lap she sat. His huge bolted dick currently buried all the way inside her. Even with her tits enhanced by those flowers, Levy still had a slim figure, making it so that Gajeel’s dragon dick tented her stomach up high!


The blue haired young woman panted softly as she bounced herself up and down on Gajeel’s cock, “That’s great! This big lug wouldn’t say it, but he misses Panther Lily terribly.” Levy said as she turned her head to look back at her boyfriend.


Gajeel’s cheeks reddened slightly as he turned to look away, grumbling in annoyance. He then retaliated by grabbing her tits in a firmer grip before thrusting his hips up and down even faster. Levy’s expression switched from a casual one to one of near insane pleasure as she let out a long lewd moan, her pussy gushing hard!


“Anyone seen Wendy?” Natsu asked, wanting to show her the letter next.


“NhOOOooooOOOOO, HaaaVeeen’t SHEenNN HeRRRR…” Levy replied, the pitch of her voice shifting in synch with the way she bounced on Gajeel’s dick. “AHHHHaaaaaHHHH, HArrrrDERRRR, CUMming HaRdERRRR…!


“Thanks anyway.” Natsu said politely as he headed over to the bar where Mirajane was casually cleaning out a mug with her usual smile.


“Hi Natsu!” Mirajane said when he came closer, “I’m so glad Happy, Carla, and Lily will be coming home soon.”


“Wow Mira, we just got home, and you’re already working?” Natsu replied.


“Well, the bar doesn’t tend to itself.” she said simply. There was a soft thud from under the counter, so quiet Natsu wasn’t even sure he heard it.


“Suppose you’re right. Can I get a juice, please?” he replied.


“Sure, just… A… Second…” Mirajane replied, her voice becoming slightly strained as Natsu heard the thud again, only this time it repeated itself several times. Mirajane’s face shifted to a perverted expression as she let out a soft, low moan, “Yeah, just, like, thaaaat…!” she moaned, her face shifting to an orgasmic expression.


“Agug, gug, guh, gug, guh…” a soft, gagging sound came from under the counter for a few moments before Mirajane backed away.


“Huh?” muttered Natsu. He leaned up over the counter and looked over the edge to see a huge and wet rod of flesh pulling away from the space under it. The rod was attached to Mirajane’s groin at its base, and at the other end.


“Lisanna?” Natsu said when he saw the platinum haired young girl crouched in the space beneath the counter, Mirajane’s huge magically made dick pulled out from her mouth.


“Ahhgweh… Hah…” Lisanna gasped as Mirajane’s cock fully withdrew from her mouth, spraying a thick gout of cum in her face, “Hi Natsu!” she said cheerfully.


Mirajane finished stepping away from the counter and moved to get Natsu his drink, her dick sticking out from under her dress as though nothing were amiss. She returned with it a moment later, handing the mug to Natsu and shoving her cock back down her sister’s throat.


GUHMMMMMMPH!!!!” Lisanna moaned as she happily resumed sucking. Natsu only had time to give Lisanna a brief wave before she was completely out of sight again. He took a swallow of his juice and smiled at Mirajane.


“I think Wendy is at her apartment right now.” Mirajane said, “I heard you asking if anyone had seen her.”


“Thanks,” said Natsu, he then showed Mirajane the letter that he’d received. The young woman read it once and handed it back with a smile.


“That’s good to know. I was worried that they might leave for their homeworld.” Mirajane said.


“Me too,” said Natsu as he drank his drink, enjoying the sweet and slightly tart flavor. He then turned to look back over his guildmates, watching as some went about their business as usual, while others were fucking out in the open as if nothing were wrong. It was strange how quickly he’d gotten used to this. He knew it was influenced by those flowers, but somehow, he really didn’t care that much. So long as no one was using them to hurt others, as one guy had tried to do with Lucy.


Remembering that incident, Natsu also remembered the wizard doomsday warning they had gotten as a result. Naturally, they’d told Queen Hisui, and she had her best doctors and botanists working on it. They’d also given a sample of the antidote to Porlyusica, but the white Manko Flowers that it was derived from were hard to find. Hopefully, someone would find a work around, or maybe a mountain of the flowers somewhere.


Shaking his head, Natsu knew there wasn’t anything he could do about it, and worrying didn’t help anyone. He tried pushing his thoughts to more pleasant things, like how Lucy, Flare, and Brandish would look in those bikini style wedding dresses she was insisting on. It was still hard to picture, but he supposed he’d find out when the time came.


“Hey Natsu, we’re back!” shouted Lucy’s voice from the main entrance. Natsu looked over to the doors to see the beautiful blonde girl waving at him with a big smile on her face. Flanking either side of her was Brandish on Lucy’s right, and their self proclaimed Sex Slave, Flare, to her left. All three of them looked a little haggard, as they likely had just gotten back into town from the job they had gone on together.


Flare took off running across the hall, her gigantic tits bouncing and bobbing with the frantic movement before she practically leapt into Natsu’s arms. He caught her easily, putting his arms around her waist as she hugged herself tightly against him. Even though she’d just come in from traveling, she smelled good, a hot, spicy scent like cinnamon. Lucy’s natural scent was more like sweet bread, or fresh cake. And Brandish, she smelled a lot like coffee to him, strong, invigorating at best, bitter at worst.


“Master, Master, Master, Master…!” she said over and over again, nuzzling her cheek against his like a cat.


Natsu grinned, moving his hand to give Flares sexy ass a squeeze. Flare moaned instantly, an erotic sound as she seemed to melt against him. He suddenly felt his heart beating rapidly with an excitement not his own. A glance at the ring on his left hand showed someone had reconnected their body linking spell. He could feel Flare’s excitement and love as he held her, along with a sense of contentment and joy.


He loosened the embrace and pulled back to look at her face. Flare’s face was beautiful, if slightly off putting to those not accustomed to it. But Natsu was, and he couldn’t imagine the auburn haired woman’s face any other way as he leaned in and kissed her deeply.


Oohh, she tastes good!’ thought Natsu as he slipped his tongue all around inside her mouth. Flare seemed to melt against him even more, he could feel her shiver against him. He knew from their link it wasn’t nervousness or disgust. No, she was unbelievably turned on right now!


Lucy and Brandish came over to them while they kissed, both smiling as they leaned against one another and watched. Brandish had one arm around Lucy’s slender waist, cupping her hand around one huge tit and squeezing it idly. Lucy meanwhile rested her head on Brandish’s shoulder, moaning contentedly. Natsu only half listened as the two other women delivered a job finished report to Mirajane, who then turned over the promised payment.


Fairy Tail’s finances were once again at a point where they could dole out payment immediately after the job was done instead of waiting a couple days. Less affluent guilds had to wait for the payment to arrive from the client before they could pay their members, which could take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.


“Hey, you two. Before you start doing your impression of dogs in heat, mind running this by the bank for us?” Brandish asked in her cool voice.


Natsu and Flare broke their kiss, with the auburn haired woman then moving to rest her head against his chest, letting Natsu enjoy the scent of her hair. He then turned to look at the green haired woman as Lucy pressed herself against her much like Flare was to him. Lucy kissed and nibbled at Brandish’s neck softly, her brown eyes locking with Natsu’s. She then pulled away from the other girl’s neck and made a display of pulling Brandish into a lewd kiss, all while keeping eye contact with him.


Natsu suppressed a groan as he could feel their kiss, the sensation of feeling two people other than himself kissing was as intense as it was alien. But he liked it! He reached out to take the bag full of jewel in one hand while slowly stroking Flare’s silky hair with the other.


“Sure,” he replied. Once Brandish turned over the money to Natsu, she focused her attention into her kiss with Lucy, grabbing her butt with both hands and moving quickly, pressing the blonde girl’s back against the bar counter.


NMMH!” Lucy yelped and giggled in surprise, “NMMMMH…” she then moaned into her kiss with the green haired girl. Natsu and Flare both watched as Brandish broke their kiss before YANKING Lucy’s top down, exposing her luscious tits and grabbing them both greedily. She then leaned her head down and began sucking on her nipples until both were painfully stiff. Brandish then moved back up for another kiss, Lucy moaning into it as the other girl forced her legs apart with her thigh.


The blonde girl then began grinding her crotch against Brandish’s bare thigh, the white miniskirt she had on getting pushed up even higher, exposing her bare pussy beneath. Lucy often didn’t wear panties anymore, unless they were meant to show off her ass like a thong or something. Natsu didn’t even need to see Lucy’s pussy to know how wet she was right now, he could smell it!


“Haaah, Brandi, nmmmmh…” Lucy cooed, making out with Brandish again as she grinded her crotch against her thigh, her naughty juices running down the other woman’s leg. Natsu could feel her pleasure like his own, and how much Lucy was enjoying being watched like this, as well as how much Brandish enjoyed doing it to her.


Natsu was forced to turn away when Flare began nibbling at his neck in a silent demand for attention. He smiled and gave into her neediness as he stood up from the bar, arms around Flare’s narrow waist. She clung tightly to him as he left the guild with her.


The First Bank of Fiore’s Magnolia branch was a bit of a walk from the Fairy Tail guild hall, but it wasn’t by any means a long ways away. The two of them walked in silence for a couple of minutes. Though neither of them could see Lucy and Brandish anymore, both could feel them escalating their open displays of sexual affection. Flare shivered and moaned, clinging to him tighter as Natsu felt his pants getting tighter by the second.


As they rounded a corner between two buildings, Natsu felt as if his pants were ready to explode. Without even so much as a word to Flare, he took hold of her by the shoulders and pinned her to a wall! She yelped in surprise, eyes wide before Natsu kissed her again, deeply, passionately, his tongue pushing back into her mouth. He could feel Flare sucking it roughly, as if trying to devour him.




The sound of Natsu RIPPING off Flare’s dress seemed unnaturally loud in the alley. Her huge tits spilled out, with the Sun Village mark on her right breast prominently displayed. Flare had a Fairy Tail guild mark tramp stamped on her lower back as well, but it was one of the newer ones that were invisible until the barer willed some magic into the area, or if they were fighting. He grabbed those beautiful tits and squeezed them firmly, drawing out another moan from Flare as her pussy let out a hot spray of naughty juices.


Natsu then broke their kiss, moving to suck on those huge tit, loving the feel and taste of her nipple in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the rock hard pebble of flesh, then bit down with his teeth.


AHHHN, YES MASTER…!” Flare cried out, her hands against his head, pulling him against her tit. Natsu groaned and tried to pull more of her nipple into his mouth, sucking harder. He then pulled away, but only long enough to move to her other nipple, biting and sucking on it roughly as he moved one hand to her thighs, he could already feel the heat coming off her pussy as he pushed her legs apart. He then shoved three fingers into her steamy hot pussy. Flare moaned in orgasm instantly, rolling her hips against his fingers as her hair began extending out moving by Flare’s will. Natsu offered no resistance as she stripped him naked. Her delicate hands grabbed at his dick once it was free, and she let out a shuddery moan.


“Ahhhn, Master’s coooock…” she breathed, pushing herself away from the wall and instead shoving Natsu up against it in her place. She then quickly squatted down so his giant dragon dick was in her face. “This smeeeell… So strong, like it’s trying to burn itself into my nostrils…” she moaned, pressing her face against his cock as she licked the side of it.


Natsu was about to apologize, since he hadn’t bathed since getting back into town earlier, but thought better of it by the way Flare was acting. The auburn haired woman kissed and licked his cock all over, covering his cock and balls with blue lipstick marks. She then opened wide and swallowed his dick like it was the most natural thing in the world for her to do.


GUMMMMMMPH, YESH, PHUG MUH MOOOOUPH…” she moaned and begged.


Needing no further encouragement, Natsu grabbed the top of Flare’s head, watching as her hair quickly redid itself into a pair of braids. He then held her head in a firm grip and began pumping Flares face back and forth on his cock, fucking her mouth like it was her pussy!


AGUH GUHPHMMMH, GUH, GUG, AGUG, GUUUPPH, GUCK GWEH, HRMMMMMMPH!!! YESH, MOAR, PHUG MUH PHASHE HAWDER!!! AGUH GUH GUG, SHO GUUD!!! CAWK, MASHTER’SH CAWK!!!” Flare choked out, her dead looking brown eyes rolling back in her head. “GHIMME MOAR! MOAR CAWK, MOAR CAWK!! CAWK! CAWK!! CAWK!!! CAAAAAWK!!!!” Flare gagged, moaning at the same time and making her throat vibrate pleasantly around the length of his dick. He could hear her pussy spraying wildly as he forced her to cum with only her mouth again and again. The entire alley began to reek of sex as Natsu breathed it in deeply.


Flare’s ecstasy flowed back at him as he also felt what had to be Lucy and Brandish grinding their crotches together. He could almost see the both of them, naked on top of one of the guild hall tables, their legs scissoring together as they both moaned in pleasure. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, taking in the sensations of all three of the women he lived with.


GUH, GUG, GUH, GUCK, GUHMMMMMMPH, GUUMMINGH! AYE’M GUUMMING WIPH ONWY MUH MOUPH-PUSSHY!!!” Flare gagged loudly as Natsu began cumming with her, flooding her stomach with his seed. The auburn haired woman didn’t have any choice in whether to swallow or not as it was all deposited directly into her stomach. Flare let out a long and deep moan, rubbing her hands over her stomach as she welcomed every drop.


Slowly, Flare pulled her head free after Natsu let go of it. “PWAH!” she gasped, then panted heavily as she stared up at his dick, long ropes of her own drool keeping it connected to her mouth.


It was a lovely sight!


But Natsu’s cock was still rock hard, whether it was because his stamina for sex had simply improved, or because of his link to the three heavily aroused women, he didn’t know, or care. Instead, he fell on Flare like a cat pouncing on a mouse. He lay behind her, having rolled her to one side before he lifted her left leg up high and stabbed his cock into her slick pussy with a soft squishing sound.


AHHHAAAAAH!!!” Flare howled in raw pleasure. Natsu wasted no time, pumping his hips as he pounded his cock in and out of her pussy! Flare’s cunt was warm, and soft, and very TIGHT, even after he’d ravaged it several times.


There was a loud SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! The sound filled the alley, accompanying Flare moaned as she rocked her body into his thrusts, her huge tits bouncing and swaying wildly.


HAH… YES!” Flare panted, “DESTROY MY PUSSY…” she begged, “HAH…! DON’T STOP!


“Like I had any intention!” Natsu said with a grin before rolling Flare onto her stomach, then pulling her up onto all fours. There was a loud PLAP, PLAP, PLAP sound as he slammed his cock into her doggy style.


AHHHHHA, YES, MORE, DON’T STOP! FUCK MY BITCH SLAVE PUSSY HARDER!!! LEAVE ME A RUINED MUDDLED SLOPPY WET MEESSSSS!!!” Flare screamed, “I’M CUMMING SO HARD! PRINCESS LUCY IS CUMMING, BRANDISH IS CUMMING, WE’RE ALL CUMMING FROM YOUR GIANT DRAGON DIIIIICK!!!” Flare screamed, her voice deep and husky. She rocked herself back and forth on all fours, trying to drive his cock in as deep as it would go. Natsu could feel her womb being conformed to the shape of his dick as Flare’s pussy sprayed her hot smelling cunt juice all over his balls.


YESH, MOAR, HAWDER, GUUMINGH, AYE’M GUUUMMMINGH…” Flare slurred, as if her mouth were obstructed. He could feel it coming from Lucy and Brandish, the two girls were being facefucked right now as they scissored their legs together. He didn’t know who was fucking their mouths, but it didn’t matter as he groaned, pistoning his cock in and out of Flare faster and faster. He leaned himself over her, his chest pressing against her back as he reached his arms under her, grabbing both her huge tits and squeezing them tight!


HAAAAAAAHN, CUUUMMMINGH!!! MASTER’S DICK IS THE BEEESSSHT, AHHHH, CUMMING CUMMING CUMMMMMINGH!!! AYE’M CUUUMMMMINGH!!!” Flare screamed as Natsu slammed his entire length inside her as he came again, flooding her pussy with his cum.


HMMMMMMMH, YESSSS, PAINT MY WOMB WHITE WITH CUUMMMMMM!!!” Flare moaned in raw pleasure as Natsu groaned. He could feel his cum surging up from his balls and out his dick, his thick length locking all of it inside her.


“Hah, hah, hah…” Natsu panted, his body sweaty, though it wasn’t the physical exertion that wore him down. It was holding in all his magic. He couldn’t afford to let it loose here like normal, he’d turn Magnolia into a scorched blast zone. Flare had clearly been holding back as well, as she hadn’t lit her hair ablaze either.


The two of them fell on their sides together, Natsu’s cock still deep inside her. The auburn haired woman made a sound almost like a cat purring as she snuggled back against him. Smiling, Natsu moved his hand to grope her breast again. Flare let out a tiny moan, swirling her hips gently to stir his cock around inside herself. They lay there like that for a couple of minutes before they heard the lacrima phone ringing from Natsu’s vest pocket.


“Hmm, who’s that?” Natsu asked.


“I got it, Master.” Flare said, extending out her hair and retrieving the device.


Natsu took the lacrima phone and answered the call, “Yeah?” he said.


He heard a soft, sexy panting sound from the other end before Lucy’s voice spoke up, “Dumbass, keep fucking her!” she demanded.


“And use her asshole, too!” came Brandish’s voice.


Natsu and Flare looked at one another, and smiled.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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2 days ago

This chapter and art both SLAPPED!

2 days ago
Reply to  Dan

Yep! I love doing stuff with Flare, she’s so much fun to play with. And her power compliments Natsu’s.

3 days ago

“And use her asshole,too!” Brandish is truly a gem.

2 days ago
Reply to  Xcelsior


Your local anon
Your local anon
3 days ago

Nice and sweet with a good long fucking. I love the sense sharing shenanigans- works for comedy and it’s kind of kinky too.
Lucy demanding they keep going at the end got a good hearty laugh out of me too.

3 days ago

Glad you enjoyed it! Flare is rapidly becoming Lucy and Brandish’s stand-in pussy.