Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Nami’s Adventure

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 26): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 28): [LINK]

Flocks of seagulls covered the sky above the harbor, with their annoyingly sharp cries echoing loudly over the gently bobbing waves. Whenever a fisherman pulled in a full net, two others had to protect it from the hungry beaks of the white birds as they all wanted to get at least one of the many fish in there. Dozens of colorful ships were lined up in the harbor, idly moving up and down with the gentle lapping of the waves against the bay.


With temperatures in the lower 20Β°C, little to no wind, and not a single cloud as far the eye could see, it was a perfect spring day on this central Spring Island in the New World. There wasn’t a single sign of conflict anywhere on the horizon and, since this island wasn’t part of any big kingdom, it was relatively spared from the aftermath of the ongoing Eight-Nation Revolution. Due to this island’s secure location and good leadership, there weren’t many Marines nearby to begin with. And those who were there need not fear any potential backstabbing from the populace in order to make use of the Cross Guild’s newly invented bounty system for their own benefit.


An aspiring crew of pirates had found its way to the shores of this paradise in the late evening hours. Having spent the last couple days at sea after a brief stop on a tropical island, the crew of battle hardened pirates welcomed the many rustic looking stone buildings with their rounded windows and doors. Truly, it was a beautiful and peaceful day where they could live their lives to their heart’s content. Aside from one place…


β€œBack off, you shitty excuse of a pirate!” Sanji shouted in irritation, with his foot only narrowly missing the other man’s nose.


β€œBut Sanji, I’m HUUUNGRY!!!” his captain and recently dubbed Emperor of the Sea, Luffy, complained as he landed on the Thousand Sunny’s white railing. His stomach rumbled like an impending storm. β€œYou hear?”


β€œYou’re always hungry!” countered Sanji. β€œThat doesn’t mean that I’m just gonna let you go into the kitchen and ravage through our entire stock!”


β€œCome on now, Sanji-kun. Don’t be so mean to him. He’s still your captain, after all.” Nefertari Vivi said with a soft giggle. Like the other princess who had recently joined the Straw Hats on their travels across the globe, Rebecca, she was currently sunbathing on a sunlounger on the green lawn of the brigantine ship and followed the interaction between her two friends.


β€œVivi-cha~n~β™₯️! Your kindness truly radiates with the warmth of a thousand suns.” Sanji cheered for her from up above in front of the kitchen as soon as he laid eyes on her. β€œBut please don’t be so lenient with him! You know this idiot’s gluttony knows no bounds!”


Being dressed in a V-slingkini that only left the bare essentials of her body covered to get as much of a tan as possible, she easily managed to make his blood boil in his veins. Though Rebecca probably helped a lot in this regard as well. Dressrosa’s former crown princess wore only a little bit more; a white thong that all but vanished in the folds of her pussy, as well as a pink bikini top that actually managed to cover her nipples and matched the color of her long braided hair.


β€œHA!! An opening!” Luffy declared with a wide grin when Sanji was distracted by ogling at the two captivating princesses.


Fast as lightning, the red shirt wearing pirate captain jumped past his cook and towards the open doors of the kitchen. It was like the smell of Sanji’s delicious food formed a hand and beckoned him to come in and eat it. Luffy’s mouth watered as he imagined the taste of the flesh on his tongue!


He was just about to enter the kitchen when Sanji disappeared into thin air. β€œNot so fast, Luffy!” the blonde chef called out as he reappeared right above Luffy again with one leg raised high in the air and the other pointing down at Luffy. β€œBrochette Blow!”


Like a spinning drill, Sanji then dropped down on the perplexed Luffy. β€œACK!!!” Luffy groaned in pain as he was pinned on the ground with Sanji’s full weight now resting on his face. β€œShinshe when can β€˜ou look into da future?!”


β€œDon’t be ridiculous! I don’t need to be able to see into the future to know exactly what you will do!” Sanji retorted, casually lighting up a cigarette as he looked down on his captain. A drop of sweat rolled down the side of his face as he took a step towards the kitchen. β€œBut at this point, it’s probably best if I’d learn it. You’re beginning to exhaust me!”


Luffy pushed himself up and sat straight up on the floor. He rubbed his sore cheek. β€œOuch! That hurt! You don’t let me do anything here on the ship! Why can’t I explore the island with all the others?”


β€œWe both lost at drawing the straws fair and square!” Sanji replied with a sigh. β€œAlso…” he turned around and then bent forward to look Luffy straight in the eyes as he flicked his forehead. β€œYou… have a… harem now! As their boyfriend or master or whatever you’re supposed to be, it’s your duty to keep them happy and satisfied, you got that?!” Blood was actually running out of Sanji’s mouth as he explained that, β€œYou know how much I’d love to be in your position right now?! What I would do to be in your shoes, you ungrateful brat?!”


β€œI thought Yamao-chan asked you to be in her harem before?” Rebecca chimed in from down the staircase on the lawn deck.


β€œThat’s not the same! I’d have to share her with god knows how many other men she would want to invite into her harem!” Sanji objected. β€œMy love alone would be enough to keep up with hundreds… thousands of beautiful ladies!”


β€œHehehe. You’re such a goofball, Sanji-san.” Vivi chuckled as she looked up at the duo of seasoned pirates.


Her eyes weren’t fixed on the blonde chef though! Instead, she watched as Luffy sneakily stretched out his arms and, like a pair of snakes, slithered them into the kitchen while Sanji was distracted with the two princesses. It was this determination of his that made Vivi fall in love with him in the first place!


β€œBut I don’t wanna have this kind of responsibility! It’s cramping my style!” Luffy complained.


β€œDON’T! Whine about something like this!” his one visible eye burned like the pits of hell itself as he glared at Luffy. A vein then popped up on his forehead. β€œAnd don’t think I’m not noticing you back there either!”


What followed was a quick stomp on Luffy’s arm to stop him from further going into the kitchen, and an even faster kick with the other leg into Luffy’s face. Due to Sanji not using Armament Haki, Luffy didn’t sustain any actual damage, but was still flung away by the force behind it all regardless. The black haired captain tumbled down the staircase until he found himself lying on the green lawn between Vivi’s and Rebecca’s sunlounger.


β€œOOF!!! Blbrblrblr!” Luffy shook his head from side to side after he sat up again. β€œThat’s so unfair! It’s gonna take hours until all the others are back again! I can’t wait that long without anything to do!”


β€œYou know, Lucy… I’m sure we can come up with something fun to do to pass the time.” suggested Rebecca.


The buxom princess sat up straight on her sunlounger and leaned forward, presenting Luffy with a clear look right at her sweaty cleavage that went right over his head. β€œWhat is it?” Luffy asked, willfully ignoring her tits right up in his face and instead looked deep into her warm and friendly brown eyes. β€œI’m starving!”


Vivi and Rebecca exchanged a playful smirk. β€œIf it’s that bad, there might be a way for us to give you something special to eat.” Vivi said, almost purred, as she walked over to Luffy and knelt down in front of him. She then glanced over her shoulder and towards Sanji, who followed the entire exchange with a look of absolute disbelief on his face. β€œAnd since Sanji-san was so rude to you, he won’t have any of it!”


β€œWhat?! You can’t do this to me!” Sanji shouted down at them, suddenly sweating more profusely than ever before while a trickle of blood ran down his nose. β€œI’ll even go and make you some refreshments. Just… don’t jump to any hasty conclusions!”


β€œHuh?” Luffy blinked in confusion as Sanji left behind a cloud of dust as he rushed into the kitchen. β€œIs that food really so good that Sanji wants some of it as well? I’ve never seen him so worked up before.”


β€œOh, it’s the best! Trust me!” Vivi grinned, while putting her hand on the young pirate captain’s scarred chest and pushing him back on the grass. β€œJust, sit back, close your eyes, and relax.”


β€œUm… okay?” the black haired youth looked up into the clear sky as a shadow fell over him.


Rebecca had stood up from her sunlounger as well and was standing right above Luffy’s face now. Her thighs glistened with a thin layer of sweat as she lowered herself down on him, already having pulled her bikini thong to the side, showing her wet and dripping pussy. β€œDig in! It’s all yours!”



As the duo of Harem Maidens took care of Luffy’s needs, while Sanji prepared drinks for them in the kitchen with tears streaming down his cheeks, the other members of the Straw Hat Pirates explored the culture of the island they found themselves on. Robin, Franky, and Brook went on a hike through the mountains that surrounded the city, hoping to find clues about the ancient civilization that apparently resided there a couple centuries ago. Jinbe, meanwhile, was tasked by Nami to make sure that the others didn’t spend too much money while strolling through the city. The blue skinned Fish-Man currently sat under a polka dotted parasol outside of a cafe and shared a huge sundae with Usopp, Chopper, and Carrot. The only one who went on her own today was Yamato, who couldn’t wait for anyone to come with her as soon as she found out that Oden had visited this island over twenty something years ago and got a statue built after his image. She just HAD to see it!


And as for Zoro and Nami?


Two guys stepped into a small quiet pup not even a mile away from the harbor. A wooden sign with a half empty mug of beer dangled over the door as they went into the dim lit room of the pup.


The first guy was dressed in a tight sitting white muscle shirt that highlighted his bulging muscles even more. He was in his late forties and his face was marked by a couple of wrinkles from spending many hours in the sun. Dark stains of whatever covered his blue overall, while a flat cap rested on his bald head. What hair he lacked on his head, he made up for with a thick, blonde walrus-like mustache. His skin had the color of dark chocolate, which made his flashing white teeth shine even more in the bar.


The man next to him had a slightly lighter, more mocha toned skin and wasn’t nearly as dirty looking. He wore a buttoned up white shirt with its sleeves carded upwards to show his strong forearms and blue jeans that were stretched to their absolute limit by his impressive third leg. Even in its flaccid state, it was impossible to miss the outline of his cock through the fabric! He was slightly younger than his friend, just shy of forty years, and wore his white hair in a pompadour. Faint stubbles of a beard, unshaved for a week or so, were easy to spot on his elongated chin.


β€œThe usual.” the first of the two men said to the bartender as soon as some other patrons cleared the way for him.


β€œAlready on it.” the old man behind the counter replied. He filled a mug with the most bitter tasting dark beer on the market. After he slid the mug over to the bald man, he filled a pint with the regional whiskey they made here. β€œThere ya go. Cheers!”


The two men touched glasses. β€œSkal!” they exclaimed before taking a sip from their beverages.


β€œYer comin’ awfully early today. Everythin’ a’right?” the white haired man behind the counter asked, while already refilling the second man’s pint again. β€œAnythin’ I can do fer ya?”


β€œIt’s nothing. Just this β€˜SwEeT dArLiNg’ of mine making trouble with the divorce, that’s all!” grunted the dark skinned man in annoyance, slamming his mug down on the counter hard enough to make it creak in protest and some of the beer to slop over. β€œYou don’t even believe the kind of things they want you to fill out these days just to get rid of that ugly hag! If it weren’t for my cupcake, this whole thing would be so much easier! I could just put a bounty on that bitch’s head and let someone else do all the dirty work. HARHARHARHARHAR!!!!” his bellowing laughter shook the colorful bottles behind the bartender.


The second man patted his friend on the back. β€œAnd stuff like that is exactly why I’m never gonna get married. If I wanna lay some damn pipe, I’m just gonna take one of the many hot sluts running through the city. Speaking of which, Rufus…” the mocha skinned man leaned forward over the counter and beckoned the bartender to come closer as well. β€œYou got any hussies running around here today eager for a nice and hard dicking?”


β€œOh, I think I got the right one fer ya!” Rufus the bartender said ominously. He then nodded over towards the corner of the pup where a girl with flowing wavy orange hair sat. β€œNew in town. Never seen her before! And the juiciest piece of ass ya could ever imagine! Ya should have heard how it clapped when she walked in here with that guy.”


β€œGuy? What guy?” the two men looked a bit closer into the dark corner, unable to really spot anyone other than the woman in front of a towering pile of empty mugs.


β€œYeah. Apparently they had some kind of bet going on. They’ve been drinking for hours!” Rufus told them.


β€œHA! If she’s not knocked out yet, she’s a keeper! You know what they say about girls who can hold their liquor!” The first man downed the rest of his own mug and rose up. β€œTime to show her what a real man can do! You wanna come, Finnigan? Or do you wanna just stare at her ass all day?”


Finnigan grinned as he followed his partner. β€œNo need to ask me twice!” He replied.


As they got closer, they saw the girl slamming her last empty mug down on the table. β€œAnd… I’ve won!” She declared with a smug grin. β€œI guess that means you’re the one responsible for all the laundry and cleaning the bath for the entire month.”


β€œUgh… that’s not fair! You cheated!” a groggy and drunken voice behind the piled up glasses complained.


β€œNow, now! No need to be a sore loser, Zoro.” the orangette patted the elbow of the man on the other side of the table. β€œSee it as an opportunity to actually get into the bath more than once a week. Trust me, you need it!”


β€œI… never should have… agreed to that stupid bet! I knew you were up to something!” a heavily drunk, almost knocked out, man with green hair and a scar over his left eye grunted.


The sexy girl leaned back on her chair and folded her hands behind her head. β€œAnd yet you still agreed to the terms and decided to go along with them! If there’s anyone to blame for this, it’d be y-!”


β€œYo! Sweetie, if you’re done wasting your time with this bozo, why don’tcha hang out with some real men!” the bald man interrupted the bewitching beauty. He put an arm around her shoulder and hugged his body against hers. β€œHm? Whatcha say, sweetie?” He asked while openly leering at her huge tits.


Rufus wasn’t joking! This girl WAS gorgeous beyond belief! Even amongst all the sluts in town, she was in a class all of her own! Her outfit, if one could even call it that, consisted only of the bare minimum as to not be labeled the cause of public outrage! Seriously, all she wore was a white cream colored frilly dress that struggled to keep her impossibly huge tits contained and fuck-me shoes! Her boobs were easily bigger than her entire head and looked as, with each breath she took, they might tear her dress to threads! A black designer purse with a golden Belly-sign as a buckle hung idly from the backrest of her chair. Not a single strand of hair was to be found anywhere on her entire immaculate body. She even smelled good; it was a sweet heady scent, something with strawberry and honey. It made the men drool even more!


She was the real deal!


β€œHmm…” in return to the men’s lecherous stares, she also looked him up and down. β€œSorry, but I’m not interested.”


β€œHeh. Playing hard to get, I see.” Finnigan grinned as he playfully stroked her chin. β€œI love feisty girls like you, y’know?!”


β€œSince you’re still not convinced, maybe this one will help.” the other man said. The orangette girl looked his way again and watched as he pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket that he then promptly threw on the table in front of her. “Whaddya say?! Are a million Belly convincing enough?”


β€œI do like me some allowance.” Faster than the two men could even blink, the girl picked up the money and put it into her cleavage. β€œThe name’s Nami. And if you continue being so generous, I think we can come to a mutually beneficial understanding.”


β€œHehehe! I love the sound of that. I’m McGeyser and that ugly son of a bitch calls himself Finnigan!” the bald man nodded towards his friend. β€œBut you can call us β€˜Daddy’ or β€˜Bulls’ or whatever you want!”


β€œLovely.” Nami said evenly as she rose to her feet and picked up her purse. β€œCome on, big guys. We’ve got the entire day ahead of us.”


β€œYou wanna do it outside? Hah! Girls like you really are the best!” Finnigan said, with his grin only growing wider and bigger as he followed her bubbly ass swaying from side to side as she walked towards the doors.


McGeyser waved at Rufus. β€œPut it all on the tab. We won’t be back for a while!”


Together, the unlikely trio left the pub and went back out again. A cold breeze from the northern mountains carried with it the smell of a dozen flowers in full bloom. The heels of Nami’s shoes made a distinct CLACK CLACK CLACK sound on the wet cobblestone street as she led them with a clear goal in mind away from the bar. The two men actually had to power walk to keep up with her fast pace. Though they didn’t mind walking behind her in the slightest; her ass was hypnotic to look at from behind! When she walked like that, her dress couldn’t even hope to keep her butt concealed from their view!


β€œBefore you get any funky ideas, I’m gonna claim her ass first!” Finnigan told his friend silently.


β€œNo way in hell! You know how long it’s been since I’ve tapped a real ass?! And I’m not talking about that saggy thing my future ex-wife carries around behind her!” McGeyser objected. β€œIf you wanna fuck her ass, you’ll have to wait until I’m done with it!”


β€œWhat are you two talking about?” Nami asked without even slowing down.


β€œJust clearing some things up.” McGeyser walked up next to Nami and put a hand on her butt. His fingers all but vanished in the creamy softness of it. β€œWhere do you wanna do it? We’ve got lots of nice spots to fuck around here.”


β€œFirst, hands off! You haven’t paid me nearly enough yet to be that close with me!” She ordered in a tone that left no room for objection. McGeyser reluctantly obeyed and let go of her butt. β€œSecondly, we’re not gonna fuck just yet! If you want a piece of me, you have to earn it!”


Finnigan blinked. β€œEarn it? How?” He echoed, then asked.


β€œI’m so glad you asked! I’ve heard this city has some really nice shops and a couple of fancy restaurants that I normally wouldn’t visit, but with you two lovely hunks at my side, I think I can give them a try!” The busty vixen explained to the befuddled men. She then snapped her fingers and continued walking forward. β€œSo let’s get moving. There are a couple places I wanna visit!”


β€œYou sure are pretty full of yourself!” McGeyser stated with a mix of admiration and annoyance. β€œWhat makes you think that we’re gonna play along with this whole thing?!”


β€œBecause I’ve got the best ass AND the best tits this island has seen in the last century! And you know it!” Nami said to them without even looking back, while also giving her butt a casual smack that caused it to jiggle. β€œAnd you’re both too prideful to settle for anything less than the absolute best, ain’t that right?”


β€œHahaha! You got a point there!” Finnigan agreed with the orange haired girl. As they continued walking down the road, out of the harbor area and towards the heart of the town, he linked arms with his friend. β€œLet’s just play by her rules for now! Just think of the reward at the end!” He whispered into McGeyser’s ear with a nod at her almost naked ass.


β€œThat’s the right spirit. Keep up and you will get the privilege to fuck my ass first, pretty boy!” Nami complimented Finnigan’s words, having had no trouble with overhearing them. β€œOh, and if you continue with these pitiful attempts at showing some spine, I’m afraid I’ll just let you watch your friend having his way with me!” She then added with a sideways glance towards McGeyser. β€œYou better try harder next time!”


β€œWHAT??? Why?” the tall bald man asked in terror.


Finnigan couldn’t help but laugh at the perplexed look on his friend’s face. β€œHa! I like her even more now!” He caught up to Nami so he could walk next to her. β€œWhere do you wanna go first?”


β€œWell, for starters, I’m starving. That pub didn’t have anything good to fill the stomach with. Any ideas on where to find something good to eat here?” mused Nami after thinking about it for a good second.


Sensing his opportunity to impress the much younger girl, McGeyser went up to her other side. β€œI know just the right spot, trust me!” when the orangette only raised her eyebrow at him, he continued, β€œThere’s this really fancy restaurant a couple blocks away. You’ve got a really nice panorama view on the cliffs in front of the mountains and it’s mostly empty this time of day, so there should be no problem finding an empty table for us!”


β€œSounds good! Lead the way, paypig.” After the dark skinned man had passed her and took the lead, Nami pressed her tits against his back and whispered into his ear, β€œAnd keep up this level of foresight and attentiveness, and you might just earn yourself a little something extra later!”


One hour later, the trio found themselves sitting inside a private booth in the restaurant McGeyser suggested. Just beneath them, the ocean’s waves crashed against the rocks, while just outside the window, they could see the tops of trees on the lower half of the mountains dance in the wind. Due to the current season on this Spring Island, pink petals of blooming cherry trees flew through the air wherever you looked, which made the view even more stunning!


β€œAaah, I must say, this was pretty nice!” Nami sighed. Three empty plates rested in front of her as she leaned back in her chair. β€œBut the sizes… I didn’t know they would be so stingy here! I think I need some desert.”


β€œDesert? You just ate fifty million Belly worth of food!” Finnigan stated as casually as possible, even though he was still shocked from her ordering nothing but the most expensive stuff on the menu.


β€œAnd? Am I suddenly not worth such a small amount for you? I should tell you, there are certain people out there who would pay up to 366 million Belly just to get my body! If anything, I’m going light on you!” Nami asked and batted her eyes innocently at the mocha skinned man. β€œOr would you rather have it if I just go so that I wouldn’t bother you anymore with my presence?”


β€œOf course not!” McGeyser answered immediately.


β€œI thought so.” Nami told him, while she gently rubbed her foot against the inside of his leg and up towards his crotch. In an instant, the bald man went stiff as a board as all blood left his brain and went straight into his quickly hardening cock. β€œDoubting my decisions like this… makes me think you don’t wanna fuck me after all…” She said to Finnigan with a pitiful smile. β€œAnd just when I was about to look forward to getting fucked by that big fat cock of yours… such a shame~!”


β€œI… I promise to be better, I swear!” the younger of the two men promised. With a wink of his hand, he made a waitress come over and pulled out his wallet. β€œI’ll even pay the entire bill myself!”


β€œHmm, good boy!” Just as quickly as she began stimulating McGeyser, Nami pulled her foot away again and left him with nothing but a half hard dick and blue balls. β€œLet’s hurry up then. I’ve got a couple other things I want to do.”


The two men once again found themselves following the bewitching girl. The white haired man leaned over to his friend. β€œYou really think this is all worth it?” He asked him in private. β€œDon’t you think she’s asking for a little bit too much from us?”


β€œIf you wanna drop out, fine by me. I, at least, don’t want to let the money I already spend on her go to waste!” McGeyser retorted. β€œIt’s the same thing you do with prostitutes every week, just with a few extra steps. Actually, come to think of it, it reminds me a bit of my little cupcake and how she keeps asking me for new toys all the time.”


Finnigan snorted, β€œI’m happy that at least you seem to have the time of your life! I’ve already spent two months worth of income on her!” He said. A thought then crossed his mind and he walked up to the young girl. β€œHey, Nami, you do let us fuck you afterwards, right?”


Nami halted dead in her tracks. She turned around and pouted. β€œOf course I will. What, do you actually think I’d leave you hanging after getting your hopes up? I’m a woman who keeps her promises! Once we’re finished with all my shopping, and if you behaved and did everything I asked you to, I will let you fuck me!”


β€œOkay. I’ll take your word for it!” Finnigan told her.


β€œI should remind you though that my opinion of you sank pretty low just now because of how you doubted me! Am I really that untrustworthy in your eyes?” the young girl asked with acted dismay. McGeyser was about to answer, but Nami simply raised her hand. β€œIt actually doesn’t matter that much to me.”


Her eyes then fell on a luxurious looking store to her right. Behind the shop window were mannequins of women dressed in all kinds of clothing, ranging from casual wear, to extravagant dresses and lingerie only queens would wear, to one skimpy bikini after the other, and everything else in between. What really intrigued Nami though were the huge red letters on the rounded window that proclaimed a 10% discount for every purchase over a hundred million Belly. The two men gulped, already able to guess what was about to come next.


β€œNow that’s more like it!” Nami proclaimed just as the men feared. Without wasting a single second, she headed straight into the air conditioned store, leaving the men without a say in that matter at all.


After a little hesitation, they went into the shop as well, only to be greeted by the sight of Nami already having a huge pile of clothes in her hands. They didn’t know how she got all of them so fast, but at this point, they knew better than to question her. So they simply watched as she went from aisle to aisle, from clothing rag to clothing rag. Whenever she found something more interesting than something she already picked, she gave the old one to one of the two men and left it to them to return it to its original place.


Time truly slowed down to a crawl. Aside from a couple β€œHmm”s and β€œMmmmh”s whenever she was lost in thought about a specific article, Nami didn’t waste a single syllable. It actually made the men feel even more uneasy, considering they were inside a woman-only store. The shopkeeper and other customers alike gave them suspicious looks as they silently followed the much younger girl.


β€œAlright. I think I narrowed it down to these dresses.” She told them after another fifteen minutes. In each hand she held at least ten articles of clothing, one more expensive than the other.


β€œYou really wanna to buy all of β€˜em?” Finnigan finally found the opportunity to voice his opinion. β€œDoesn’t this all seem like a bit too much?”


β€œI don’t like that tone of yours. Not able to pay for a handful of decent clothes for me? And here I thought you would love to ogle at me when I wore them…” Nami stepped towards one of the four changing booths at the side and pulled the purple curtain to the side.


She pulled the curtain back in front of the guys’ noses, only to open it up again a second later, β€œOh, and also, no peeking. You haven’t spent nearly enough money on me for that privilege just yet. But you can listen if the sound of a young girl changing clothes is hot enough for you, my little paypigs.”


β€œShe’s loving this way too much!” commented McGeyser. β€œI feel like a complete fool but… this is also kinda hot? How’s your wallet holding up?”


β€œNot good. After that bill in the restaurant, I’m down to my last Belly.” Finnigan answered after a disheartening look into his wallet. A lonely moth flew out of it with perfect comedic timing. β€œIf I have to pay for one more thing, I’d have to use my savings in the bank.”


β€œSame!” The darker skinned man let himself fall on a little chair in front of the changing booth. β€œThat divorce is draining way too much money! And I still need to keep my little cupcake happy somehow with her birthday coming u-!”


β€œAaaaaaand… done!” Nami interrupted them from behind the curtain. They heard it rustling and her walking closer. β€œCare to give me your opinion?” She asked them with a sultry undertone.


Before the men could do so much as gulp, the curtain was pulled to the side! With one hand raised high in the air, the other one on her hip, one leg in front of the other, and her bust pushed out directly in their faces, both men reacted in the exact same way once they laid eyes on her. She switched the dress she wore earlier for a dark blue crop top that left her midriff bare and enough of her cleavage visible to rile up any man. Short ripped white denim jeans hugged the upper half of her ass, but left the lower one completely visible. On her right hand she wore a fingerless glove with a Belly symbol on them. To finish the look, she wore a baseball cap with a flat brim and the stitched star of the Criminal fashion label on top and also put her hair in a pair of pigtails on either side of her beautiful face.


Nami might show more or less the same amount of skin as before, but the way she presented herself to the guys now, they couldn’t help but get hard immediately! Finnigan could hear and feel his underpants stretching to their utmost limit. With his growing erection, his white pompadour also began to rise high in the air. Next to him, McGeyser visibly began to sweat and breathe heavily!


β€œWhat do you think?” The orangette asked, while spinning around to show herself from all sides. She then stopped with her back towards them and bent forward, placing one hand on her butt and squeezing it lightly. β€œDo you like it? Does it fit my style?”


β€œYou look so sexy!” The white haired man was the first to find his voice again.


β€œREALLY sexy!” affirmed McGeyser. He had to put his hands on his crotch in an attempt to hide the rising tent there from all the other women in the shop who now all looked their way.


β€œIs that all you have to say? That I look sexy?” Nami pouted and stood up straight again. β€œIt almost sounds as if you’re only interested in my body and as if you don’t care about how it compliments my personality and style.”


β€œIt… it does fit you well. M- makes you look approachable and… casual?” Finnigan stuttered, in an attempt to find the right words to appease her.


She giggled at their reaction. β€œNevermind. But I think I need a bracelet or two and stilettos to finish the look.” She stepped back into the booth. β€œI hope for your sake that you can give me more detailed thoughts on the next one!”


Vanishing behind the purple curtain once more, she left her two partners alone again. They listened to her changing clothes again, greatly anticipating what she might wear next. This time it didn’t take nearly as long for her to leave the changing booth. And as soon as the curtain was pushed aside to reveal her new look, the jaws of the duo of middle-aged men hit the floor!


Instead of standing, she was kneeling in front of them! She struck a pose similar to that of a cute kitty, with her right hand in the air as if she pawed at them. What really sweetened the deal though was the truly skimpy leopard patterned bikini top she wore along with a pink miniskirt. For all but a second, McGeyser thought he could make out her areola behind the exotic looking bikini! Underneath the way too short skirt, they could make out a bikini thong that matched the black and brown pattern of the top. On her left leg she wore a pair of thigh straps with yellow rhinestones on them that secured a strange looking white-orange staff there. Similarly colored rhinestones, as well as a buckle in the shape of the head of a cat could be found on the brown leather belt over her skirt.


β€œI… We… Ugh…!!” the two of them stuttered in perfect harmony as their erections only grew bigger and fatter by the second. A small trickle of blood started to run out McGeyser’s nose as well and dropped onto his rapidly heaving chest.


β€œHahahahaha! Given your reaction, I’d say this fits me pretty nicely!” Nami laughed at their reaction. Pushing herself up again, she turned around again to give them a good look at her from all sides. β€œDon’t you think it’s a little bit concerning that you old guys enjoy the body of a girl that is half your age so much? Nevermind!”


Shaking her head, she picked up a clothing rag with a bikini similar to the one she was currently wearing, with the only difference being its pattern. Instead of a leopard print, this one had the stripes of a white tiger or a zebra. β€œOr would you say this one looks better on me?”


β€œEh… you could… I mean… ehhhhhhhh.”


The curtains to the changing booth were closed three more times and opened twice afterwards. Each time, Nami presented them with a completely new style that riled the men up beyond belief and made them nearly go insane with how pent up they became. In the end, she decided to buy all of the clothes she had shown them, resulting in a total of over 250 million Belly! That combined with the additional 100 Belly for accessories and shoes for each outfit from the shop next to the clothing store, and the two men found themselves basically bankrupt!


At the end of the day, they carried ten bags full of clothes and five shoe boxes around each. Sweat ran their bodies in large rivers as they followed the mesmerizing PLAP PLAP PLAP of Nami’s ass cheeks back to the pub. From his place further down the stairs, Finnigan was barely able to spot the red thong she wore underneath the dress shifting with each step. So close, and yet so far away! If his underpants hadn’t already been torn before, they would undoubtedly have been now; Nami drove him mad!


At the least she had already reassured them that she had gotten everything she wanted, and more! It was just about time for them to finally reap the reward of all their hard effort!


β€œ-AMI! NAAAMI!!” a new voice suddenly called out to them.


Unable to look past the orangette’s gorgeous body and the purchases piled high in their arms, McGeyser and Finnigan couldn’t really see the newly arriving woman on top of the stairs. If they could though, they would be greeted by the sight of a tall and gorgeous amazoness of a woman with pointy red horns with darker orange roots growing out of the side of her head. Wearing black jeans, and a white muscle shirt without any bra underneath to hide her perky nipples, and otherwise going barefooted, she struck an imposing figure like that of a professional boxer. The huge muscles on her arms were no joke either, as were the clearly visible abs underneath the skin tight muscle shirt.


β€œYam-Yam, what are you doing here?” Nami asked the tall girl as she got closer. β€œI thought you wanted to visit that Oden memorial?”


β€œI just did!” Yamato said with sparkling eyes, while pointing at the huge pagoda-looking structure behind her. β€œIt was awesome! And you won’t believe who I met there?”


Nami blinked, β€œWho?”


β€œIIIIIIIEH!!!” like a little child, Yamato squealed giddily as she waved at another man to come closer. β€œJozu! THE β€˜Diamond’ Jozu!! Can you believe that?”


A dark skinned man, almost twice as tall as Yamato walked up behind her. His dark skin was similar in tone to that of the two guys following Nami. What made him stand out from them though was his unique facial shape and the fact that he lacked a right arm! His lime green shirt fluttered in the gentle breeze as he looked down on the orange navigator.


β€œErm… I’m sorry, but I think we haven’t met yet.” Nami greeted the middle-aged man.


β€œNah. We didn’t. But I met your captain two and a half years or so back and heard all about your exploits from Ace.” He told her in a stoic voice. β€œThe name’s Jozu, as Yamato already told ya. And you must be Nami, right?”


β€œHe’s one of Whitebeard’s sons! Together with Oden, they sailed across half the world!” Yamato proclaimed proudly. She hugged herself around the gentle giant’s muscular arms, squishing her boobs tightly around them. β€œAnd now he’s staying here to keep Oden’s memory on this island alive by taking care of the memorial. That’s so cool!”


It dawned on Nami. β€œThen you’re one of the people who protected Luffy during the war!” She realized and quickly bowed her head. β€œThank you so much for that!”


β€œAh, don’t sweat it! Your captain’s a good kid, y’know. I’m just happy someone picked up ol’ Oden’s will after his death. He was a good man!” Jozu remembered. β€œBut enough about that. What are you doing with those two hoodlums?” He nodded at the two men who, now that they weren’t walking anymore, realized just how heavy all those bags and boxes really were! Between their shaking knees and trembling arms, they had no time to follow the interaction between the three pirates above them.


β€œOh, not much. They were so kind and helped me with my shopping.” Nami informed them. β€œThey’re just the kindest and cutest little helpers I could have asked for. All it took was just a little incentive, ain’t that right?!” She asked with a look down at the two men before squeezing her bare ass. She then turned her attention back at Yamato. β€œWe were just about to get back to the bar to pick up Zoro and have some fun. If you’d like, you can join us!”


β€œOOOOOH!!! That would be so cool!” With eyes beaming like lasers, Yamato jumped up and down and pulled on Jozu’s arm. β€œYou have to come with us, Jozu! Zoro inherited Enma from Hiyori and…”


During the entire way back to the pub, Yamato kept explaining in excruciating detail what had happened on Wano. From the time Oden returned and had to act like a fool for Kaidou’s and Kurozumi Orochi’s entertainment, to Ace’s visit a couple years back, to even the events following the Straw Hat’s arrival on Wano and their war against the alliance between the Beast and Big Mom Pirates! When they stepped back into the pup, Jozu knew more than he ever thought possible!


β€œHuh! Seems like I’ve been missin’ out on quite a lot. Yo, Rufus!” Jozu casually greeted the bartender in passing. β€œI’m gonna need to have a talk with Marco for not inviting me to that party! Seems like you could have needed a couple more muscles!”


β€œNami, you’re finally back.” Zoro greeted them. The green haired swordsman still sat exactly where Nami had left him several hours ago.


With a snap of her fingers, Nami allowed her new friends to put down all her purchases. β€œSorry for leaving you without saying anything earlier. I hope you didn’t miss me too much.” the busty navigator said, though she didn’t feel sorry at all.


β€œI don’t have any money with me.” Zoro nodded towards Rufus. β€œHe didn’t let me go until I paid up.”


Nami turned towards her two paypigs. β€œYou heard him. Go and pay!”


β€œWHAT??” the men asked in one unified voice. β€œI thought we were done with all that?!”


β€˜Seriously? Still acting like bratty kids after all this time?’ Nami rolled her eyes. β€œWhoever pays for all the drinks is allowed to call dibs on whatever part of me he wants to fuck. The other one will have to pick what’s left!” She told them, a simple act that let their eyes lit up like little flares. β€œNow shoo! Go and pay for me like you’re used to by now!”


With a raised eyebrow, Zoro watched the two men practically trampling each other down on their way to the counter. β€œYou’re not seriously whoring yourself out for them, are you?!” He asked in doubt.


β€œWhat do you take me for?! No amount of money will ever make me sell my body! But I promised it to them. And unlike certain people, I always keep my end of the bargain!” She explained to Zoro in an upset tone.


β€œHA!!! I did it!” Finnigan’s triumphant call echoed through the entire pub. β€œAss. I’m gonna fuck your ass!”


β€œDick!” McGeyser grumbled under his breath while following his friend back to Nami and Zoro’s table.


The orangette nodded, β€œAlright. Do you wanna fuck here or-?”


β€œI can’t wait much longer!” Before her very eyes, Finnigan stripped down buck naked, with his already massive and erect cock pointing like a missile straight at Nami. β€œNow! Here!”


As Nami and McGeyser also pulled their clothes down, Zoro and Jozu exchanged names and shook hands. The two men and Yamato sat down on the table as Nami led her partners towards an empty table at the very center of the bar. If either of them felt anything by seeing Nami climb all naked on the round wooden table, they all hid it well.


β€œYes! FINALLY!!!” Finnigan exclaimed, while positioning himself above her. With a silly grin on his face, he aligned his cock with Nami’s steaming hot ass. β€œThis better be worth all the effort today!”


β€œTrust me, it will be! Let’s just hope that you can last more than one round!” Nami teased the mocha skinned man. Looking over her shoulder, she then gyrated her ass at his thick cock. β€˜Calling it a third leg really wasn’t the wrong call. He’s thick as a log!’ She thought to herself, only slightly worried at the insane girth and length of his cock.


β€œDon’t forget about me either!” McGeyser called out right behind Nami. He took hold of Nami’s ankles and rubbed his, by comparison, smaller dick against the folds of her pussy.


β€œHmmmmnh~! That’s it! Savor this moment! You know that this body is better than anything you’ll ever feel again!” Nami purred lasciviously.


β€œYou bet, I… WILL!!!!” with a thundering roar, Finnigan was the first to ram his cock into her ass!


β€œAAAAHH!!!” Nami screamed with him as her belly actually distended with his girth. She instinctively threw her hips back at his pelvis to take even more of his length into herself. β€œA little warning next time!”


β€œSorry… I just couldn’t resist any-!” Finnigan never finished his sentence as he rather began to move his hips against hers. It was like his body moved with a will of its own!


Below him, McGeyser quickly copied his actions and shoved his cock deep into the navigator’s moist twat. β€œHehehehehehe!!! That’s what I’m talking about!” He groaned with a smile. β€œHot and TIIIIIGHT!!!!”




β€œYeah! Scream your heart out!” Finnigan grunted as the first pearls of sweat ran down the side of his face. Grabbing her by her long hair, he altered the force of his thrusts and, instead of going faster, went a bit slower to match McGeyser’s speed, who had a harder time with his upwards movement. β€œThat ass is the best!”


β€œIT SURE IS!! AND YOU’RE ONE OF THE RARE PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY GET TO FUCK IT!! I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!!” Arching her back, Nami turned her head and with eyes full with desire and raw lust looked up at Finnigan. β€œYOU’VE SPENT SO MUCH MONEY ON IT TODAY, YOU BETTER LAST AS LONG AS POSSIBLE!!! IT WOULD BE SUCH A SHAME IF YOU’D CUM ALREADY!!!”


β€œFuuuuuck!! If my wife would scream as much as you when I fuck her, I wouldn’t bother with the divorce!” the bald man beneath her admitted. He used her ankles as leverage to pull himself up time after time.


β€˜They’re actually into it…!’ Zoro, Yamato, and Jozu thought at the same time with a little drop of sweat running down the side of their faces.




β€œThank you!!” Finnigan grunted under his breath.


Nami clenched her inner muscles around both their dicks. β€œWHAT WAS THAT? I DIDN’T HEAR YOU JUST NOW OVER YOUR DISGUSTING MAN-MOANS!! LOUDER!!!” She demanded.


β€œTHANK YOU!!!” shouted McGeyser as his eyes began to roll back in their sockets from all the exertion.


β€œTHAT’S BETTER, BUT STILL NOT ENOUGH!!!” Pulling away just enough away from the two men to make them think she might actually end it there, Nami smiled back at them. β€œWHAT ARE YOU THANKFUL FOR?? ADMIT HOW PATHETIC YOU TWO ARE!!!”


β€œNO!! DON’T STOP!!!” Finnigan shouted in desperation as they attempted to ram their dicks back inside her hot and tight little holes.


Nami was stronger than she looked though and managed to keep her body just far enough away from them. Not even half of their lengths were inside her welcoming embrace!


They swallowed their pride. β€œTHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING US TWO… PAYPIGS FUCK YOU!!!!”


β€œTHERE!! THAT WASN’T SO HARD, WAS IT?!” Nami smiled triumphantly. β€œAND FOR REALIZING JUST HOW PATHETIC YOU TWO ARE, YOU GET TO FEEL… THIS!!!” She threw her hips back at them!






And deeper than ever before!


Breathless, all the two men could do was to hold on to either her body or the table as she fucked them into submission! With the grip of a vice, her inner muscles pressed down on their lengths from all sides! The world around them turned into a blur as everything else lost its meaning! There was her pussy and ass, and NOTHING else in the world!


β€œMan, she’s really good at this!” Yamato commented from her place between Zoro and Jozu. β€œIf I hadn’t heard what she sounds like when she’s actually meaning what she says, I’d believe her too!”


Jozu raised an eyebrow at her. β€œYou do stuff like this regularly?”


β€œI’ve seen her do it once or twice. Oh! And there’s also been this party we had with the Heart Pirates.” the Oni Princess admitted. Now it was Zoro’s turn to raise an eyebrow as she brought one hand down to his crotch to pull down the zipper of his cargo pants without turning her eyes away from the threeway in front of her. β€œIt never gets old though!”


β€œSome of us can’t really control their urges!” Zoro added as he remembered that night several weeks ago when he met Nami and Carrot after their time together in the shower.


β€œHmmm… Can you blame them?” cooing, Yamato finally freed Zoro’s dick and idly began stroking his flaccid length up and down. Even in its limp state his cock looked just as impressive as that of the two men currently fucking Nami!


Sweat dropped down Finnigan’s chin and fell on the orangette’s rippling butt. β€œFuck! Your ass is getting tighter every second!” He groaned under his breath. He let go of her hair and instead put his hands on her hips for some better control. β€œI don’t know how much longer I can keep this up!”




β€œHaaaa… haa, haa, haa…!!” McGeyser sweated even more than his friend as he continuously pumped his hips up and down. Sweet and crystal clear juices run out of her pussy and down his cock. β€œYou go and fuck a girl as sexy as you for a prolonged period of time… fucking like that ain’t easy!”




β€œHEY!!” a vein popped on Zoro’s forehead. Yamato only giggled as the jab at his pride only made his dick grow bigger and harder in her hands, almost as if he wanted to prove Nami how wrong she was!


β€œHuff, huff… You’re insatiable!” Finnigan’s fingers sunk into her soft flesh as the two dicks kept drilling her inside out at a steady pace. β€œSorry for ever doubting you! This is worth EVER! SINGLE! BELLY!!!!!”




With each word, he gave her ass a rough spanking, making the creamy mountains of flesh jiggle so much like jello. β€œYES!!!! SPANKING ME LIKE THIS… YOU DON’T REALLY TRY TO TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION NOW, DO YOU??” Nami laughed at his actions as she only bounced faster in response. β€œOR DO YOU WANNA COME OF AS DOMINANT?? I CAN’T REALLY TELL WITH ALL YOUR WHIMPERING AND MOANING!!!” Nami continued tearing down on their pride, while resting her entire weight now on her tits.


β€œFuck! OH GOD!!! I’M CUMMING!!!” roared McGeyser. He pushed his hips upwards and drove his cock all the way into Nami’s gushing cunt as his balls surged with energy!


β€œME… TOOOOOOOO!!!” Finnigan roared with him.


Together, the two men pumped their wet hot load deep into Nami’s body!




β€œKEEP PUMPING!! EVEN WHEN YOU’RE CUMMING… KEEP THRUSTING YOUR HIPS!!! I WANNA AT LEAST HAVE YOU TRY TO MAKE ME CUM FOR REAL!!!” Nami continued to grind her hips against the two men in a successful attempt to milk them dry of every drop of semen they had in them.


Even when the gooey white cream was already squelching out past their thick rods, she didn’t stop!


β€œHaaaa… No, hurr hurr… more!” The two men fell over one another, clearly exhausted and out of every last breath.


β€œWhat? Don’t tell me you’re already done for?!” Nami asked innocently, successfully ignoring the way their dicks had suddenly moved unnaturally inside of her because of them no longer keeping the same position as earlier. She took the opportunity and sat down on their laps. β€œI thought you could last longer!” She said while pulling Finnigan’s face into her tits.


β€œNone of the whores here on this island can compete with you!” McGeyser told her. β€œMy little cupcake will just have to live without a birthday present this year. Spending all that money on you… worth it!”


β€œCupcake?” something dawned on Nami that made her blood boil. β€œYou’re not talking about that soon-to-be ex wife of yours?!”


β€œNah. My daughter.” corrected McGeyser. β€œI will just have to tell her money’s a little sparse at the moment and that she’ll have to wait til next ye-!”


β€œENOUGH!!” In a heartbeat, Nami jumped up from the two men and stared with eyes full of disgust down on the bald man. Even the cum running down her legs didn’t make her any less scary and intimidating. β€œYou’re the worst! That I even bothered talking to you…!”


β€œEh? What?” the two men and Jozu were confused.


Zoro and Yamato meanwhile knew Nami well enough to know what was about to happen next as she already reached into her cleavage and pulled out her Clima-Tact. β€œZeus-chan! Thunderbolt! NOW!”


Her trusty white cloud popped out of her weapon and loomed over the clearly startled men. β€œOne thunderbolt, coming up!”


β€œW- wait! What’s this all about noOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWW!!!!!!”




Yellow lightning illuminated the entire bar for a good minute. The cracking of the electric blast was only drowned out by the agonizing screams of the two men. Other customers in the pub covered their ears and eyes from the flashing lights as Nami continued to grill her partners.


Once it was over, the orangette navigator stood with her hands on her hips over the two smoking, motionless, and whimpering bodies. β€œAaaah… Zoro, let’s go. You have a couple of bags to carry for me!” She said in an exasperated tone.


β€œMe? Why me now?” Zoro talked back to her, having none of it.


β€œBecause those two clearly aren’t in the mood for it now!” She said while kicking the motionless body of Finnigan. Reaching into her black purse, she pulled out 100 million Belly and threw it on them. β€œPeople who ignore and neglect their children for something so stupid like sex… God, they’re pathetic!”


With that said, she stormed out of the bar, completely indifferent to the fact that she was still naked. β€œI need a shower!”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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1 year ago

Great chapter, very glad to see this story continue, and I’m glad to see that old image of Nami in the white “dress”, since I remember the old story where it was also used.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Dan

That old story with her in the dress was the second ever fanfic I’ve ever written. It was nice to get the chance to write with it in mind again, with everything I learned since then. Still not fully happy with the sex scene though. With a bit more time, I’d have loved to expand more on it, especially on the Zoro X Yamato part.

1 year ago

Before I begin to share my thoughts on the chapter at hand, allow me to first say that this was a monster to edit. 😀 But it didn’t stop me from enjoying it. And I most certainly did enjoy it, as it’s something very different than before. πŸ˜ƒ

That being said, let’s get right into it. And this time in a different way. πŸ€“ So, what have we learned today, people at home? To start with, we learned that it’s best to tend to the needs of your group, on in Luffy’s case, your harem, when you don’t have anything to do and are hungry as Hell. XD In addition, don’t try to steal any food in the presence of your own cook. You’ll only get your ass beaten by them in return. LMAO. πŸ˜‚

Plus, we also learned that traversing the land, if you’re like the rest of the shipmates, and accepting your loss in a bet or wager is the more mature thing to do. More so if it’s a drinking bet. 🍻 On the other hand though, simping for a girl with a divine and bangable body who is completely out of your league? Not so much. πŸ˜†

On the subject, it’s never a good idea to go practically penniless, or in this instance Belly-less, trying to make sure you score with said girl you would have no realistic chance with. Even more so if you’re coming off of a divorce AND still have a kid to care and provide for. Speaking of which, never, EVER, ignore or neglect your children! That’s only going to give you some painful consequences in return. πŸ˜…

And last, but certainly not least, never underestimate the lady you’re with. In this case, Nami. Just because she can be a money obsessed slut, doesn’t mean that’s all she is. She can either be really charming, really helpful and caring or really dominating, manipulative and vengeful whenever she feels like it. Which is something those two men, Yamato, Zoro and Jozu saw and experienced for themselves. πŸ‘€

All this to say, this was a really impressive display from start to finish! Not just with the overall story, but also the flow of it. This naturally includes the threesome sex sequence. And of course, this also reflected on the characters most of all. Though I’m sure you already know that. 😏

Overall, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea {which I can understand}, but I personally loved what it offered. And it’s one of my favorites to date. So lovely work!πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

Looking forward to seeing what you do next. OP or not. 😎

– Hiryu

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Three times the charm (for some reason, the site told me that my (2) earlier replies to you are invalid).

So, in the beginning, I simply wanted to show some nice slice-of-life interaction between Luffy, Sanji, and the princesses. Also, I never thought the story ends up being THAT long and thus added this scene as a bit of filler XD.

I really wanted to show Nami’s motherly side at the end. If you spend all your money on her, that’s nice and all, but when it comes at the cost of your own daughter not getting a present, it will cost you!

Thank you for your continuous support and help with editing these stories. I couldn’t do this without you!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Luckily I can see it now! Might be the site being weird. :/

Still, it really is great work though. πŸ‘πŸ‘

1 year ago

Was this made intentionally to be in contrast to the recent nami story where in that one the two men in question properly seduced nami for sex?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  Hoole

Not really, at least not intentionally. Nami ALWAYS struck me as the findom-kinda girl. Not a prostitute who sold out her body, but someone who uses it to her advantage against simple-minded simps.

Also, I wanted to try something new and give this a try. I think it’s unique compared to all the other stories where the girls end up as screaming sluts who just love nothing more than to get dicked down. I don’t want something like this in my One Piece story, so I try out new things like this from time to time.

1 year ago

Havent really been to the site for awhile now but glad I checked and seen all the new OP uploads.

Absolutely NAILED Nami’s character and personality this chapter. Despite those poor bastards wallets going backrupt she still kept her promise and fucked their brains out, giving a nice mix of both her greedy and slutty side.

Also damn Jozu must have made a very good 1st impression from shaking hands to watching her fuck two random guys after like 5 minutes of meeting lol.

Fingers crossed Enzo keeps up the OP uploads

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

The addition of Jozu was something I remembered at the last second. A while ago, Rtenzo wanted me to add him in the next chapter (ironically), so I decided, “What the heck… Imma do it!” lol. For a moment I thought of making it only one simp and have him be the other guy who gets to fuck Nami, but since they don’t match his size and shape, he ended up being a background character instead. Maybe I can do more with him in any potential follow-up chapter.

As for the two dudes… from the very beginning, they only cared about Nami’s body and not about her personality or anything else, so I thought it would make sense for her to use them for her own gains. The part with her staying true to her promise is meant to be a callback to her past with Arlong and how he didn’t keep his promise. Sorta going full-circle.

The last couple One Piece stories here on this site are because it took me so long to write this chapter. Pretty sure there won’t be any new One Piece in quite a while now, unfortunately.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

Alternatively, if I hadn’t forgotten to add it, the title would have been “A Woman worth paying/simping for”.

Regardless of that, I hope you guys enjoy this certainly more than average chapter. The kinks and fetishes explored in it might not be for everyone but I wanted to try something new and out of the ordinary for once. And I think it fits Nami’s character pretty well.

Looking forward to read your thoughts!