Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Learning to Lewd Right

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 42): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 44): To Be Continued…

“Wendy, can you please come to my office? Thank you.”


The blue haired Dragon Slayer looked up in surprise from her little garden, located at the rear of Fairy Tail’s property, hopefully away from any collateral damage from her more…energetic guildmates. Standing up and brushing off her knees, Wendy took a moment to check the row of plants for any weeds she might have missed. Then she trotted towards Mavis’ office, wondering what the First wanted with her.


“Come on in,” Mavis called at the knock on her door. She smiled when Wendy came in, a hint of steel in her eyes. “Please, have a seat, Wendy.”


Sitting down, Wendy had just made herself comfortable when Mavis spoke again. “Wendy, I’ll be blunt: I’ve been looking over customer feedback, and your performance has been severely lacking.”


EH!?” Wendy yelped, almost falling out of the chair in her shock.


“I realize that you have less experience,” Mavis told her kindly, before her expression and her voice both firmed. “But your underperformance affects the guild’s reputation as well.”


“…I’m sorry,” Wendy mumbled, looking down into her lap. “I’ll try harder, I promise.”


“I know you will, but I’ve also arranged to have you undergo some extra training, plus Levy has agreed to help you as well.”


Wendy tilted her head curiously to one side.





Wendy stumbled as she walked, still not used to the size and weight of her expanded boobs and butt. As it turned out, Levy had been experimenting with her Solid Script magic for quite awhile, using them to enhance body parts. And given the nature of Fairy Tail, she had naturally chosen to focus on breasts and asses for the ladies, and penises for the men.


Speaking of the men…


“Did your girlfriend enhance you at all, Gajeel?” she heard Laxus remark snidely; Wendy could hear the smirk in his voice.


“Screw you, lightning bastard! It’s plenty big!”


HAHAHA, and I have you both beat!” Natsu proclaimed, and as Wendy rounded the corner, she saw that he wasn’t lying, standing proudly nude with his erection sticking out in front of him.


That also meant he was the first one to see her, and Wendy blushed as his eyes widened. “WENDY?! Holy crap, you look amazing!”


Gajeel and Laxus turned, and were soon wearing near identical expressions of surprise. “Huh…I’ll say this, Levy does damn good work on the ladies, at least,” Laxus proclaimed.


GIHIHIHI! She sure does-hey, wait a second!” Gajeel roared, catching onto the backhanded insult Laxus had included in his compliment.


Before things could devolve into yet another fight, Wendy hurriedly spoke up. “Th-Thank you so much for agreeing to help me!” She bowed…and nearly fell over, pinwheeling her arms as she frantically regained her balance when her enhanced breasts pulled her over.


All three men laughed. “No problem,” Natsu snickered. “But it looks like you need the help. But don’t worry, the best Dragon Slayer in the guild will take care of you!”


“That’s right, Wendy, I’m here to help,” Laxus told her confidently, effortlessly dodging a punch from Natsu.


“Clearly she’s here for my expert help!” Gajeel retorted, jumping over the low kick that Natsu aimed at his ankles.


Seeing that she was rapidly losing control of the situation, Wendy hurriedly dropped to her knees and wrapped her boobs around Natsu’s cock. At the same time, she reached out with both hands and began rubbing and squeezing the erections of Laxus and Gajeel.


“Ha, best position for me!” Natsu declared, folding his hands behind his head. “Mmm…Can you move a little faster, Wendy?”


“She just feels sorry for you, and squeeze harder,” Gajeel said, first to Natsu and then to Wendy.


Laxus grunted. “You’re both idiots. Not bad, Wendy, but you should use longer strokes.”


“Rub your tits faster!”


“Squeeze my balls!”


“Grip my cock as tight as you can!”


“Squeeze your tits together!”


“You’re stroking my dick too slow!”


“You’re not stroking my dick at all!”


“Quiet down, she’s concentrating on ME!


“What was that?! you wanna go right here right now?!”


Wendy could almost feel steam coming out of her ears as she was overwhelmed with requests; all three men kept bickering with each in between giving her advice/orders. ‘It’s too much! Ooh, if only I had more…experience…


Wendy’s eyes widen with a flash of brilliance, ‘Wait… Thats it!


Residual Thought Enchantment – IRENE BELSERION!


The rush of magic managed to get Natsu, Laxus, and Gajeel to stop arguing with each other; they watched with wide eyes as Wendy’s hair floated briefly in the air, before rearranging itself. Two large braids in the front, two large ones in the back: Wendy’s hair was suddenly the splitting image of Irene’s signature style, only blue instead of red.


Mentally, the changes were much more impressive. Suddenly, Irene’s vast experiences flooded Wendy’s mind, her sexual prowess and knowledge multiplying a hundred-fold. Opening half-lidded eyes, Wendy gave the three suddenly nervous men a slow smile.


“Sorry about that,” she purred. “Let’s try again. O swift wind that dashes through the heavens! Vernier!


The speed enhancing magic washed over Wendy in green and golden glow; suddenly, her hands were moving at a blistering pace, blurring as she jacked off Gajeel and Laxus. As they shouted in surprised arousal, Wendy’s head darted forward like a snake.


OH FUUUUCK!” Natsu howled, arching his back as Wendy went to town on his cock, sucking and licking on it with expertise as her enhanced tits bounced frantically up and down. This was a complete surprise from shy Wendy, and the pleasure was hitting all three male Dragon Slayers like, well, a dragon.


But Wendy wasn’t finished yet. Lifting her head, her brown eyes glittered. “Sky Dragon’s Vacuum!


In an impressive display of control, only the air around Laxus’ and Gajeel’s cocks was pulled towards Wendy; it felt like they were getting the hardest blowjobs of their lives!!!!


It was even worse, or better, for Natsu: lowering her head again, Wendy sucked in the entire length of his dick, her sucking enhanced by her Sky Dragon Slayer magic.




With three simultaneous screams, the three men came at the same time, splattering Wendy with their semen and filling her mouth. Laxus and Gajeel staggered back against the walls, slumping to the ground. Natsu stayed on his back, only half-conscious as he panted for breath.


Letting all of her spells fade and returning to normal, Wendy looked around with wide eyes…before beaming. “YES! That was amazing! That worked even better than I thought it would! Now I just have to keep practicing! Lucky thing The First gave us all the day off, right guys?”


Natsu, Laxus, and Gajeel, three of the strongest, toughest mages in Fairy Tail…whimpered.

(Story by User: S22132)

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