Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Kidding Around with Kuja-Sluts

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of One Piece stories)
Previous Story (Part XVI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XVIII): [LINK]

“Hey, Kid! Can we fuck again? Please?” Marguerite of the Kuja Pirates asked as if it was the most normal thing in the world, completely indifferent to the perplexed looks she earned from the other members of the Kid Pirates around their red haired captain as she suddenly appeared in their midst.


Without even looking away from the map of the island and the other nearby ones in front of him, Eustass “Captain” Kid reached out for her face with his metallic hand and shoved her to the ground, “Stupid slut! Can’t you see I’m busy at the moment?!” he grunted at her before turning his attention back to his crew. “So, going north would be the fastest option, hm?”


Still a bit caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the blonde woman and her ludicrous question, Dive had a hard time focusing on her captain’s question, “Erm… eh, sure!” the shortstack muttered as she watched how Marguerite pushed herself onto her knees, with her face still beaming with excitement and undeterred from Kid’s rough behavior. “But… I think it would be for the best if we waited for a while before setting off to sea.”


“Why’s that?” Wire raised an eyebrow at his smaller crewmate, leaning leisurely against his trident while an amused smile curled around his lips as Marguerite crawled ever so much closer towards Kid again.


“Cause a storm is about to come!” Killer answered for the younger girl. He crossed his hands in front of his muscular chest and looked over the gray and cloudy horizon. “Or am I wrong?”


He patted Dive’s head, causing a large grin to spread across her face as she pushed her entire body against his hand, “Hehehehe! Nope! Not wrong at all!” she replied in a giddy tone. “And from the looks of it, it’s gonna be a much bigger one!”


“Tch!” clicking his tongue, Kid managed to hold off Marguerite by pressing his foot against her face. Surprisingly enough however, she didn’t seem to mind that treatment as she still continued trying to get closer towards him. “Then let’s just hope it’s gonna end soon! I don’t wanna spend a single minute more than necessary on this stinkin’ rock!”


None of his friends disagreed with him there! As if they agreed on it, they all turned their heads towards the gigantic crater a few meters away from their current position. Each and every last one of them remembered the day that the Emperor Kaido suddenly fell from the skies! In just a couple of minutes, their plans to take down another Emperor, “Red Hair” Shanks, were ruined as Apoo showed his true colors as Kaido’s informant and spy. Hawkins hadn’t been much help either as he quickly switched sides after reading the future in his cards, betraying them when they could have needed him the most. They fought til the bitter end, but still ended up defeated!


The surrounding forests howled as fierce winds blew through them, acting as the first indication of the navigator’s prediction in regards to the upcoming storm. Leaves and petals of several different colors flew through the air as Kid slammed his metallic fist down on the sturdy table with the map on it.


“Alright! We’re gonna wait until that fucking storm is over!” he told his crew while kicking Marguerite into the dirt, “Until then, let’s party! Just because we lost here before doesn’t mean that we can’t have some fun!”


YEAH!!!!” shouted the different members of his crew around him in response, raising their fists high into the air in support of his orders!


“But… boss?” Hip couldn’t help but giggle as Marguerite stood up again, who now had a large imprint of the sole of Kid’s boot on her face, “Don’t you wanna deal with your little fangirl first? Seems like she found a liking to you. HAHAHAHA!!!” The giggle turned into a hysterical laughter due to the blonde’s enthusiasm and optimism.


Her crewmates chimed in on the laughter as a vein popped on their captain’s forehead, contrasted only by the embarrassed blush on his face, “Dumb bitch!” he grunted as he grabbed Marguerite around her neck with his real hand and lifted her off the ground like a cat with its kitten. “Killer! Tell Hancock and her crew to join us at the party too!”


“Alright!” The masked combatant nodded and walked off to the part of the island where the Kuja Pirates had anchored a couple of days ago when they fought against the four allied crews that had set up their base here.


“As for you…” Kid’s eyes flashed in a dangerous red light as he looked Marguerite in her own dark brown eyes. That alone caused her to shudder and tremble in excitement about what’s about to come next. “Seems like I need to teach you a lesson!”



AAAAH!! GAAAWDD!!!! PLEASE… HAAA, OOOOOAH, MMMMMNHOO!!!! IT’S TOOOOHA… NNNNNNGHMM!!!!! MUAAAAAAAACH!!!!!!” Marguerite’s screams echoed through the room at the top of the highest tower of the castle.


Once, before the Kid Pirates had made this island their base, this must have been the bedroom of this nation’s princess, if the lush decorations and furniture, the luxurious king size canopy bed, and the many plush animals were any indication. And despite pirates having lived in this for a good six months or so, much of it was still in surprisingly excellent condition. Aside from some patches on the sheets and pillows of the bed, the entire room still looked as luxurious as if royalty still ruled this island. All the while, fierce winds and snow blew against the tower, leaving them unable to see even one foot into the distance.


Not that it mattered all that much to Marguerite at the moment, whose hands were held above her head with a heavy chain that Kid had connected around one of the heavy wooden beams directly underneath the roof, “HRRRAAAH… SO BIIIIIHIIIIG!!! AH, AH, MAAAAAHHH!!!!” In front of her very eyes, the room turned into a blurry mush as her eyes started to cross. “MY PUSSYYYYYYY!!!! HNNNNGHM, OOOOAH!!!!! AND MY ASSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!


“What did you say?!” Kid asked from somewhere behind her, “I couldn’t hear you so well over all your screams! You need to talk louder!” He held his right a bit above his waist, letting purple arcs of electricity dance between and around his fingers as he used his Devil Fruit powers to move two large bolts in and out of her pussy and ass!


WAAAAAHAAH!!! SO GOODDDDD AHAAAAAAND BHIIIIIIIGH!!!!!” Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as the pleasure she experienced quadrupled, due to Kid spinning the two bolts in opposing directions. The threads running all over and against the innards of her pussy and ass were otherworldly, causing her to slip further and further away from reality as pure ecstatic madness took hold of her, “GOD, FUCK!!!! I’M GONNA CUM!!! GONNA CUM, GONNA CUM, GONNA CUM, GONNA CUUUUUUMMMM!!!!!! IT FEELS SO… OOOOOOAH!!!!!” she howled like she was completely possessed, throwing her entire body as good as she could against the two metal pieces!


However, just as she was about to orgasm, Kid pulled the two bolts out of her holes, causing her to whimper in discomfort and agony, “What!? You thought I was gonna let you cum that easily!?” Kid teased her, watching as her holes convulsed around thin air, desperately trying to get hold of something that wasn’t there anymore. “I told you that I will teach you a lesson, you dumb slut!”




AHIYYYYE!!!!” Marguerite shrieked as the red haired captain’s metallic hand slammed down on her naked butt, causing it to ripple enticingly in all directions.


“Pain really seems to get you going, hm?” asked Kid. As the metallic digits of his artificial hand sunk into her soft ass, squeezing it hard, he reached with his real hand between her trembling legs and dipped his index and middle finger into her gaping wet pussy.


AAAAHH!!! YESSSS!!!” gasped Marguerite, her voice dripping with lust as Kid fingered her hungry pussy. “I LOVE IT!!! PUNISH MY NAUGHTY ASS AND PUSSY MORE!!!!!!


Grinning, Kid let go of the juicy buttock, only to spank her other bun, “Who would have thought that someone like you could become a member of a Warlord’s crew… You don’t seem to be much of a pirate to me, huh!?” he asked, with his voice already indicating what kind of answer he wanted to hear from her.


I’M A SLUT!!!! I’M YOUR SLUTTTT!!!!” she hollered while rolling her hips against his fingers in an attempt to still achieve the orgasm he denied her before. “SO GOODDDD!!! THIS PAIN… AAAAAHHAAA!!! PLEASE, LET ME CUMMMMM OR I’LL GO INSANE!!!!


“Now that’s something I can live with!” declared Kid as he rammed his fingers all the way into her soaking cunt. “What good would a Kuja-slut like you be if she had other things on her mind than my cock?!”


NOTHINNNNNNGH!!!!” answered the blonde, her pussy spasming around her lover’s digits as her body still desperately tried to reach orgasm, “BUT… IT JUST FEELS TOO GOOD!!! I DON’T WANT THIS TO STOP!!! I WANNA BE YOUR LITTLE BITCH TO USE HOWEVER YOU SEE FIT!!!” she screamed from the top of her lungs, humping his fingers as if they were an actual dick. “I WANNA CUM SO BAAHADDDD!!!! I WANT YOUR COCK IN MY WHORE ASS!!!!! IN MY SLUTTY MOUTH AND MY NAUGHTY CUNT!!!!


GAHAHAHAHA!!!! Don’t you worry, you get to feel all that and so much more soon enough!!” Kid reassured her with a devilish laugh that sent shivers down her spine. He continued slowly moving his fingers back and forth inside her pussy for a good two minutes before pulling them out.


GHAAAA!!! Please… don’t stop!!” she begged shamelessly, “I want… I NEED more!” she told him, meaning every word of it.


Kid however walked around her and simply held his hand in front of her mouth, “You get your holes stuffed soon enough, bitch!” he said as she eagerly lapped away her own juices from his fingers. “For now though…!”


Purple electricity sparked once again around his fingers as he pushed the two bolts back inside her pussy and ass, “HNNNNGHAA!!!!” she gasped at the cold feeling of the unforgiving metal against her inner walls. In just a few minutes, both bolts had cooled down to a point where they felt especially unforgiving against her searing hot pussy and ass, “MMMMPPH… MUH PUSSHY!!!! MUH AAASSH!!!!” she slurred around Kid’s fingers.


For someone who’s been a virgin until a few days ago, you sound like a perfect slut already!” His words, though probably not meant as a compliment, made Marguerite incredibly happy and moan with pride as he dragged his fingers out of her mouth, all while her lips desperately tried to cling to them. “Don’t ya think?”


YES!!! HRMMMNGH!!!” moaned the blonde as the two bolts moved around in an unpredictable manner. Whenever she thought she got used to their rhythm, he switched things up and spun them in another direction or at a slower, or even faster pace.


“And someone who’s so close to cumming, just from a little bit of foreplay tells me that she’s ready to handle this??!” Kid asked, whipping out his massive cock and holding it directly in front of her face. “The real thing!!?”


In an instant, Marguerite forgot about the bolts in her other two orifices as her mouth began to water. A musky, manly smell began filling her nostrils as Kid waved his cock from left to right. Mesmerized, her eyes followed the thick, and pierced monster dick, her mouth opening wider and wider as she got ready to swallow that thing again!


Right as she was about to wrap her lips around it however, Kid pulled his cock away, “You seriously didn’t think I’d give you my dick just like that?!” he asked, holding his cock just outside of the reach of her mouth. “You’re gonna have to put in some effort if you want to cum!”


NHOOOOO… PLEASHE!!!!!!” she whimpered. Her attempts to get his cock grew more and more pitiful, but no matter how much she leaned forward and fought against her chain, she just wasn’t able to reach this marvelous dick directly in front of her!


“Please what?” In a moment of carelessness, Kid was able to smack his studded cock against Marguerite’s cheek without her being able to catch it. “You need to be more precise if you want me to help you out! AHAHAHAHA!!!


HNNNNGHM…!!!” just the sensation of those metal studs and his half hard dick against her face felt like pure heaven, “LET ME SUCK ITTTTT!!!! I WANNA TASTE IT ON MY TONGUE AGAINNNNNNGH!!!!” Marguerite begged, saliva dropping in long ropes out of her mouth and onto her tits. “I NEED IT STUFFING MY MOUTH!!!!!


“Why didn’t you say so from the beginning?!” Kid continued teasing her with his dick mere inches away from her mouth. “I hope you know what you’re getting yourself into! Cause I won’t stop unt-!”




“Partner, Hancock and her crew have arrived. And she ain’t happy about it!” Killer informed them after politely knocking on the door.


“Yeah, yeah! Got it.” replied the red haired captain, slightly annoyed by the sudden interruption. “I’ll be with you in a minute! Tell that woman to wait in the hall! I’ll be with her in a couple of minutes!”


FAFFAFFAFFAFFA!!!! I assume you want nobody to disturb you, right? Not even that new girl, who’s currently lurking at the bottom of the stares, waiting for the perfect opportunity to join you? The one who messes up every task and can’t even cook right?” Killer didn’t need to wait for an answer, since he knew Kid long enough to know it anyways. “Alright, I tell them, partner! You two continue having fun up there!”


“Don’t ya worry! We will!” The crimson haired captain called after his partner, who already began walking down the staircase again, “Now, where were we…?!” he teased Marguerite, whose eyes have been fixed on his cock the entire time, waiting for it to get closer so that she could finally suck it. “Oh, right! There!


AHUUUUUUUGHAG!!!!!” Her eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as Kid FINALLY shoved that delicious cock into her mouth! And though she was prepared for it, she still choked and gagged due to the overall size and girth of his rod. “AGUH, GUG, GUG, GUG, HMMMPH, GLUUGHE, HMMMPH, GUGH, GUGH, URK, URK, URK!!!!!!!!


Using his Devil Fruit power, Kid finally unlocked her from her chain, allowing her to use her hands to stroke his dick as she gradually bobbed her head closer and closer towards the thick bush of red pubic hair that awaited her at its base, “That’s more like it!” he groaned. “What do good little Kuja-sluts say when they get what they want?”


PHANK ‘OU!!!!” she answered immediately. Tears of pure joy and pleasure ran down her face as she savored the manly taste, “PHANK ‘OU PHO PHUGGING DISH SHLUTH’SH MOUPH CUND!!!!!!” her words slurred badly, but Kid had no problem whatsoever understanding their meaning.


She dropped to her knees, whimpered only for a moment as the bolts in her other two orifices moved around in the most delightful way imaginable, ‘This… this is heaven! I never want to do anything else than getting fucked!’ she declared in her mind, whilst stroking the ginger haired man’s cock.


The metal studs along its length felt weird against her hands, but oh so beautiful in her mouth and throat as she dragged her tongue all over them, “HMMMM, GLUHUUGH, MMMH, MMMH, GUG, MMMMMPH!!!! CAAAAAWK…!!!!!” she moaned happily, while throwing her hips against the two intruders in her pussy and ass.


They felt good, but not nearly as good as the real deal!


“You should see the look on your face!” Kid told her with a confident smirk. Hrr, hrr, hrr! Kuja-sluts like you were born to suck dick!”


YEPH!!!!! CAWK… PHUCK MUH PASHE MOWE!!!!! MAKE MEH CUM CRASHY!!!!” she screamed around his cock, moving her hands from his shaft to his so far ignored balls. Both orbs felt heavy beyond belief in her hands as she hefted them. “CUM!!! CUM, CUM, CUM, CUM, CUM, CUMMMMMMM!!!! CUMMINNNNNNNNGH!!!!!


Her body surged with pleasure as her cunt released a spray of juices around the metallic intruder in there, “Cumming from just sucking a dick… you Kuja Pirates really are a pathetic bunch!” Only vaguely did she hear Kid’s voice, as at that point her mind was clouded by the overwhelming sensation of her own orgasm and the ache in her jaw as his dick speared farther and farther inside with every bob of her head.


OH GAWD!!!! MOWEH!!! I WAND TO GHET PHUCKED BY THISH CAWK FOEPHAAAAAA!!!!!” Marguerite slurred, with her lips dragging erotically over the studded length as she pulled back, only to try taking it even deeper inside of her. “HMMMMPH, CUM!!!! CUM IN MUH MOUPH CUND!!!!! GIPHE MEH YOUW CAWK MILK!!!!!! AYE WANNA DWOWN IN IDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!


“Who’s your captain?” Kid asked. In stark contrast to his earlier teasing questions however, there was a surprisingly serious tone in his voice this time as he sat down on the edge of the bed, prompting her to follow him if she wanted to continue sucking his dick. “Tell me who your captain is, and I will give you more cum than you could ever swallow!”


Looking up, she saw that there was no lust, arrogance, or similar in his eyes. ‘Does he… does he want me to say that he’s my new captain?


The idea of submitting to him and accepting him as her new captain was one of the most arousing things she could have ever thought of. What would it be like… to travel the world in their ship, serving this bull in the shape of a man as his private cumdump and slut? Another orgasm hit her just thinking about all the kinky stuff they could do together!


And yet…


HNNNNNNNNGH…!!!” she moaned, while continuously swirling her tongue around his cock, getting drunk on the sweaty taste of it, ‘I… I can’t say it!’ she realized in her mind.


Even as she realized that it probably meant that he would never fuck her again and as tears welled up in her eyes, Marguerite knew that she could never say what he wanted her to say! She loved and adored her captain, Boa Hancock, too much to simply ditch her like that. His cock might be her own personal treasure, and something she loved with all her heart, but there are things that she would never give up on! Not even for this dick! She might never get to taste his cum or even feel his cock inside of her again, but she knew what she had to say!


AYE’M SHOWWWWWWWYYY!!!!!!” she cried , tears of both pleasure and sorrow streamed down her face as she kept gagging and choking, “IT’SH THA HEBIHIIIMEEE!!!! BOAAH HANCAWK ISH MUH ONWY CAPTAINNNNNNNNGH!!!!!!


For a moment she dreaded his reaction, afraid that he would pull his cock out and leave her behind as he fucks another girl. But that reaction never came! Instead, she suddenly found both his hands on either side of her head. Through the tears that clouded her vision, she saw the satisfied smile on the crimson haired man’s face. “Good! THEN TAKE IT!!!


AAAAAAAAGHUUUUEE!!!!!!” Marguerite squealed at length as she suddenly found her nose buried in the bush of red pubic hairs right above his shaft, ‘Why…?’ she distantly thought as she became overwhelmed by pleasure.


“I might look like a brute who doesn’t care about others to most people, but even I have my morals!” he told her, while ramming his cock back and forth in her mouth and throat. “And I hate traitors! People who betray their principles and those closest to them at the first opportunity they get… they make me wanna puke!”


GURK, GUG, HMMMUGH, GUG, GUG, MMMMPHAAHA!!!” Various low choking and gagging noises were her only response as her throat and lips clung to his cock, never wanting to let this feeling of soreness and fulfillment go away after hearing him say those words!


“Luckily for you, you’re not one of them!” grunted the scarred man as he pulled the two bolts out of her other holes, “You’re actually pretty decent, for a Kuja-slut who loves to get defiled by my cock! Definitely a step-up from those town whores I usually bang! And sluts like you deserve a reward! So here… drink it ALLLLL!!!!!


Her eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets as Kid began emptying his balls directly in her stomach, “GUUUUURKWEEEH!!!!” she howled in complete and utter bliss as she came at the very same time, “AGH, GHAU, HUUUGH, MMMMULGH, URK, URK!!!!!” As her sanity slipped further and further away from her with each gallon of spunk that he pumped into her, she couldn’t help but think to herself. ‘Sex… sex feels sooo much better than how the Hebihime described her sex with Luffy!



(Several weeks ago in the Mushroom Kingdom…)


The Kuja Pirates had set foot on the island a couple minutes ago, still under pursuit of the Marines lead by Vice Admiral Yamakaji and the “Hero of the Rocky Port Incident”, Koby, after the disastrous events of the battle that ravaged Amazon Lily that followed due the dissolution of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. While the other members of the all-female pirate crew busied themselves with repairing the many minor damages on their ship, or gathering new supplies in a nearby town, Boa Hancock herself had other plans!


It wasn’t just luck that brought her here, but fate and careful planning! Recent news had spread across the world, proclaiming that the Straw Hat had raided and pillaged the convoy of a Celestial Dragon. Naturally, this made Boa Hancock fall even more in love with Luffy, and so she decided to make this very island the next stop on their journey, given the close proximity to where the assault on the convoy supposedly happened!


“Luffy… wait for me!! I’m coming for you!” declared the most beautiful woman in the entire world as she ran through the busy streets of a town whose name she didn’t even bother to remember.


“Is… is that Boa Hancock?” a perplexed woman asked as she rushed past her. “The Warlord?”


“Former Warlord!” corrected a young man with hearts in his eyes as he watched the Snake Princess’ ass and tits jiggle with each step she took. “The Warlord System is no longer an active thing! But what is she doing here? Didn’t the Marines set out to capture them?”


No longer listening to them, Hancock made her way through the town in search of anything that might lead her to her beloved, “Where are you? Can’t you hear my beating heart?” she asked out loud.


Fate was in her favor as she soon noticed something that caught her attention, “Aaaahh~!! That cotton candy is so delicioussss!!” moaned a strange little creature somewhere to her right before biting down on the pink treat.


“Hahahaha!! Calm down, Chopper, or else you’re gonna get a sugar shock!” said a man to the creature’s left. A curly bush of black hair obscured most of his face from her gaze, but even then she still could see the absurdly long nose as he leaned forward to pat Chopper’s head.


“A raccoon dog? And this long nose… they’re the friends of my beloved!” Hancock distantly remembered the tales that Luffy had told about his crewmates and their adventures together. Now even more confident that her future husband was definitely here, she stepped forward to interrogate them about his whereabouts. “You, man!”


The black haired man turned around, “Hm? Are you talking to m… mememeMEEEE????” his eyeballs stretched out of their holes as he laid eyes on her, “B-b-b-b-b- BOA HANCOCK?!?!


Strangely enough, just like with her beloved, she saw no lust in them. Unlike Luffy however, his eyes were filled with pure fear. “You must be ‘God’ Usopp.” she greeted him in a cold tone. His face vaguely resembled that on the Wanted Posters. “Tell me where Luffy is and you don’t have to fear anything!”


“Wh- what do you want from Luffy?” dared the raccoon dog to ask, while hiding behind Usopp’s legs, though he did it in a way that left most of his body out in the open, with only half of his face covered.


“That doesn’t matter to you!” she snapped at the odd animal.


AAAAAHHH!!!!!” both of them screamed at the same time, turning stiff as boards as fear took hold of their body, “I’m sorry! He went a bit ahead, said that he smelled some meat.” Usopp informed her. He picked up Chopper and held him in front of himself like a shield. “Please don’t hurt me!”


Knowing that Luffy would probably be pretty mad at her if she did something to them, she instead formed herself to smile as gently as possible, “Why would I do something to you, silly?!” she asked as she walked past the long nosed man. “Thanks for your cooperation!”


Pink hearts replaced his eyes as she cooed the last sentence while sensually caressing his chin and throat with her index finger, “Ah- Aguguugh!!!” he gargled while foaming from his mouth.


“Usopp? USOPPP!!!!” the raccoon dog called out, sensing that his friend was no longer conscious. “Don’t leave us! Please! You gotta stay with me, you hear me?!” Hancock didn’t pay them much more attention as Chopper carried Usopp off to somewhere else.


Instead, she simply continued with her search for Luffy, something that was now much easier, given that she simply had to follow the scent of freshly cooked meat. And after just a couple hundred meters, she finally spotted her beloved’s eponymous straw hat in the crowd of ordinary citizens. Her heart pounded more and more with each step she got closer towards the man whom she fell in love with.


LUFFY!!!! LUUUUFFFFFFYYYYY!!!!!!!” she called out to him as soon as she was within shouting distance. When he turned his head to see who it was that distracted him from eating the large piece of meat in peace, her pussy sprayed like a broken faucet. “It’s me! I finally found you!!”


WOAH!!! HAMMOCK!!!!” he greeted her with a large toothy smile. A piece of meat was stuck between his teeth, but she didn’t care as he looked even more beautiful and handsome than the last time she saw him back on Sabaody Archipelago, “Great to see you again! How are you? What brings you here?” he asked her as she came to a halt directly in front of him.


Red as a tomato from running here all the way from the harbor, Hancock used this brief moment to gather her mind for what she was about to say next, “Doesn’t… matter!” she said with a wave of her hand. “I just… want to… MWHAAAAA!!!


HMMM??” Luffy gasped into her mouth as she suddenly pulled him into a kiss, “Hammock? Whad awe ‘ou doing?” his question vibrated through her mouth.


“Aye’m showwy!” she moaned into his mouth, her tongue pushing past his lips and sliding over his own as she hugged him tight, “Aye’ve whaited pha ‘oo lonnnngh pho dish!” she slurred while letting her hands roam over his back. Feeling his defined muscles through his shirt made her pussy soaking wet as she imagined the way that he could use them later. “Evah shinshe ‘ou lephd…” breaking the kiss, she looked into his dark black eyes. “I knew exactly what I had to do once we met again!”


Luffy offered no resistance whatsoever. He instead leaned his head to one side and blinked at her a few times in surprise. “Huh? If you ask me to mar-!”


“Shhh!” Hancock covered his mouth with her hand and looked around, “That… that can wait for later! For now… there’s something else I want to do with you!” The former Warlord grabbed his wrist and pulled him along with her, away from the many prying eyes of the other people around them. “Follow me!”


“Oh, are we going on an adventure?” Luffy asked before taking a bite out of the meat in his other hand.


“Something… something like that!” she explained, while looking all over the place for a spot where they could be in private, “Well… actually, it’s probably going to be a lot more like training!” she said as her ears picked up the sound of splashing water behind a large wall with blooming cherry trees behind it. “That’s a good spot!”


“Training?” Luffy visibly perked up after hearing that. He finished eating the meat, bone and all, before actually taking the initiative and lifting her up over his shoulder. “Well why didn’t you say so from the very beginning? Let’s go!”


With one simple jump, they went over the wall and landed safe and sound on the sandy beach of a marvelous bay. The wall they had just jumped over spread several meters far into the water to deny anyone access to this private area where several dozen people were laying around on blankets and under parasols to enjoy this pleasant day. A lone building at the opposing side of the bay was the only way to enter the beach. Guessing from the imprints on the glass doors along the gray complex, it seemed to be a bathhouse with a sauna, a shower area, and an indoor pool for people who were too afraid of swimming in the ocean inside of it.


Hancock didn’t have much more time to take in her surroundings as her beloved put her down on the ground again, “So, training! What are we gonna do?” he asked eagerly.


Calm down, beating heart of mine!’ she ordered herself, with her eyes fixed to Luffy’s exposed, scarred, and muscular chest, “W- well… it’s mostly endurance t- training!” The young pirate captain’s enthusiasm when it came to listening to her muttering made things even harder for Hancock as she had to refrain herself from jumping at him to suck his cock right away. “In… in order to do so, we need to be… we need to be naked!”


Raising an eyebrow in disbelief, Luffy leaned his head to one side. “Naked? Are you sure? What about the people here? Is it okay for them to see you like this?”


WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! He cares so much about me!!!! Marry me already!!!!’ she screamed in her mind, almost cumming then there, “Don’t worry, they won’t bother us in our… training!” she told him before facing the perplexed looking people who only now had noticed their sudden appearance in the bay. “Get lost!”


Black and red lightning sparked in every direction. Conqueror’s Haki knocked out the people closest to her in under a second while the others only experienced jolts of electricity running down their bodies. Those still standing after her Haki outburst, screamed and scrambled away as quickly as possible, leaving only Luffy, Hancock, and those knocked out behind on the beach!


“Cool! Now we can get naked and train all we want!” Luffy declared behind her with his usual optimism.


“Y- Yeah! Prepare yourself to… to train harder and rougher than you ever… trained before!” she improvised, ‘This is going better than expected! I just need to stay calm and… and… and… and…!’ Her line of thought dissolved into nothingness the moment she faced Luffy again. In less than three heartbeats, he had stripped completely naked, save for the straw hat that he still kept on his head!


“So, how are we gonna do thiHUH???” just like earlier, he found himself in her embrace as she pressed her lips against his. This time however, both of them were stark naked since she had dropped out of her dress as well.


AAAHH!!! Here’s how it goes… erm…” Coming up with an excuse to get him to actually fuck her was harder than she initially thought. Especially with his toned body rubbing against her chest. “We… you see… We’re gonna… fuck! Yeah! We’re fucking and… and the last person to cum will be the winner! Point of the training will be to make the other person cum first!”


Looking up at her, Hancock could literally see his brain working overtime to comprehend what she just said, “Come? We’re both already here! Why should I go, only to come again? That’s really stupid!” he complained.


“No, not ‘come’! Cum! It’s… it’s way better than anything you’ve ever experienced before, I can promise you!” Moving one hand away from his shoulder and down between his legs, Hancock then began stroking his cock. “Here, let me show you!”


Two years of training for this exact moment paid off as his dick rose to full size in a matter of seconds!


HA?! What are you doing, Hammock??” On pure instinct, Luffy thrusted his hips against her hand. “You can’t just grab me down there!”


“Why not?” she asked with a playful tone in her voice, ‘I have to keep this as a training for him, otherwise he won’t fuck me!’ Stroking her beloved’s dick even faster, she then put her other hand on the back of his head and shoved him deep into her cleavage. “Are you… afraid that I make you cum first? You can make your opponent cum incredibly fast by going after their weak spots!”


“Grrr… that’s unfair! How am I supposed to know where your weak spots are?” Luffy asked, with his voice a bit lower than usual as a pressure built within his balls. “For you girls, it’s easy!”


“D- don’t worry! I give you a tip to make it a bit more even!” she calmed him down while still moving her hand over the veiny length. The way blood coursed through it in a steady, yet fast rhythm was enough to get her own blood pumping like crazy. “For me… it’s my tits! Or my pussy! Go for either of them, and I will be a quivering mess in no time!”


SHISHISHISHISHI!!!!!” laughed Luffy. “Now you said way too much! Beating you like this will be easy! AUUUUUUUMPPH!!!!


Wanting to get stronger, Luffy takes up Hancock on her offer to train him…


As his teeth sunk into her rock hard nipples, the Snake Empress found her legs starting to shake like jelly. “UGH!!!” she gasped. Letting go of his cock and head, she then put both her hands behind her own head and pushed her upper body even more against his face. “OH YES LUFFY~♥♥” she screamed in ecstasy, with her pussy throbbing in wanton lust as she clenched both her thighs around his dick. “EAT MY BIG TITS!!


HEY!!! WHY DID ‘OU SHTOP??” his words vibrated around her boobs, “DO ‘OU GIPHE UPPPH???” he asked, while driving his dick back and forth between her thicc thighs.


NHOOO!!!” Hancock bit down on her lower lip as her eyes began rolling back, “I’m just… OOOOOOAHH!!!! DON’T STOP WITH THIS!!!!! YOU’RE DOING SO GOOOOODDD!!!!” she shouted ecstatically before remembering that she had a mission here. “I’m just so good at this that I don’t need my hands to make you cum!”


Luffy spat out her one tit and grinned as she pressed her thighs even tighter around his length, “Hurr, hurr,…! I know what you mean!!!” he groaned through gritted teeth. “That feels incredible! I still don’t know what ‘cumming’ is, but I definitely won’t do it if it means that I can become stronger!”


Only vaguely aware of what this meant for her, Hancock gave herself in to the pleasure as he switched to her other nipple, biting down hard on it, “AHAAAAAAHH!!!! GODDDDD…!!!!!” she panted and moaned, Luffy’s cock now rubbing against her pussy and ass at the same time as he thrusted his hips against hers. “I’M GOING TO C-!!!


“Alweady??” Luffy swirled his tongue around her nipple in rough, untrained motions. “Ish id that easy to make ‘ou cum or am I jusht thad ghuud?”


YES!! YESYESYESYESYESYES!!!! YEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!” answered Hancock, throwing both her hands around his back now to keep him even closer to her as she climaxed for the first time that day!


As her body trembled and shook, Luffy managed to throw her off of him and into the sand, “HA! I won the first round!” he declared proudly before dropping to the ground between her legs. Holding on to her hips, he then shoved his cock as deep as possible into her pussy!


AYEEEEEEEEEEEEHHH!!!!!!!” Hancock squealed as her pussy got spread so very wide that she thought he might tear her apart, “MY PUSSSSSSSSYYY!!!!!! SO HOOOOTT… YOUR COCK IS REARRANGING MY GUUUUUUUTSSSSSSS!!!!!!” she squealed in orgasmic madness as her tongue lolled out of her open mouth. “I’M CUMMMMMINGGH!!!!! MORE!!!!! MAKE ME CUM MORE!!!!!!!!!


“Isn’t this whole training about trying not to cum?!” Luffy shook his head, watching as Hancock’s body thrashed around in the sand. “Doesn’t matter! I’m definitely going to win this!!”


The next hour on the beach went by before she even knew it. One of the last things she remembered saying to Luffy was how it would be best if they took a shower, since they had rolled around on the sand for almost the entire time. Long enough to get it EVERYWHERE! They headed into the showers, and while she had long since admitted her “defeat” at his hands, Hancock kept rubbing her face against his still hard cock like a playful little kitten.


In all the time since they started this training, Hancock had cum more often than she could count while Luffy hadn’t released his seed even once! At least she finally got him to start oozing out his sweet and clear precum!


Yes! I finally get to suck my beloved’s cock!’ Boa Hancock moaned as she eagerly licked the tip of her lover’s cock. She felt her pussy getting more wet, just by tasting his meat on her tongue.





The sound of Kid’s cum spluttering out of her mouth brought Marguerite back to reality instantly! His cock flung out with a rude and wet sucking noise, shooting its load all over her face and tits before it smacked lewdly against her face. One of the last things to turn normal again, after Marguerite relived the events that her captain had told her and the other members of the Kuja Pirates about after they left the Mushroom Kingdom, was actually Kid’s cock!


Luffy’s dick disappeared into her imagination again and grew bigger, larger, thicker, and studs appeared along its length, while still more cum kept spraying high into the air, like water from a geyser, “HAAAA, HAAAA, HAAAA!!!!” Marguerite panted, desperately trying to catch as much jizz as possible.


Despite her best efforts however, she wasn’t able to swallow even half of it as it streamed down the side of Kid’s dick!


“What did I tell you, Kuja-slut!? Did I give you more cum than you could swallow or not?!!” Kid asked through the haze of utter madness that still kept hold of her feeble mind.




“Now, clean my dick!” he ordered her and watched as she eagerly followed suit, as she immediately began dragging her tongue over each and every stud individually, “Afterwards, we’re gonna head back to the others! What kind of host throws a party, but isn’t around for it!? So you better make a damn good job cleaning up the mess you caused!”


MMHMMMMMPH!!!!” Marguerite nodded, which made things even worse for her as the world began to spin around itself, ‘I’m getting drunk on his baby batter… it makes me cum all over againnnnngh!!!’ she realized in her mind as her pussy sprayed yet another cup worth of juices over the carpet. “HRRRRRRRMMMMMM!!!!!


Kid merely rolled his eyes, “Fucking whore!” he pushed himself off the bed and began putting his clothes on again. When he saw that Marguerite was about to reach for her bikini, he shook his head. “What do you think you’re doing? A Kuja-slut like you doesn’t need any clothes! If you want to wear something, then you’re gonna ask your captain if you’re allowed to do so.”


“O- okay!” Her arousal and excitement got the better of her, as Marguerite walked over towards the door, naked as on the day that she was born!


“Good slut!” he praised her, “You won’t clean the cum off of yourself either, unless Hancock tells you to, of course!” Opening the door and walking down the stairs, he then thought out loud. “Let’s see if that bitch wants to keep you in her crew when you’re marked by my spunk!”



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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2 years ago

I wonder if Margaret would consider a crew scale orgy with her as a reward for her loyalty?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Kielian

Nice idea for a future chapter! I’ll see what I can do, depending on the type of pic I’ll get for One Piece next 👍

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago

This was a good chapter and hope will see more of luffy fucking women like nami or Robin or carrot or the others but this was a great chapter so keep up the good work

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Thanks for your kind words. Happy to see that you enjoyed the chapter.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I know I said this many times but just like you said hancock will still love luffy because she is obsessed with him and I am really wondering if she will still be loyal to luffy or get addicted to kidds cock or she gets addicted to kidd cock and still loves luffy and it will be good rivalry between luffy and Kidd but I will see it later in the stories when you have the materials and when will you start with Naruto or bleach or fairy tail?

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Don’t know when I get to write Naruto, Bleach, or Fairy Tail again.

2 years ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

The rivalry would not make much sense since Luffy not only wins because she is in love with him, he also wins in sex, since if he wants he can make his cock longer and thicker than the boy’s, also Luffy is a Zoan so he has a greater resistance so luffy could last hours failing without running to that I add that luffy is more agile and stronger apart from the fact that he is very competitive so if he intends to make hancock his wife he would easily achieve it.

Also with the power of her awakening she has no limits, she could make Hancock’s body turn to rubber so she can use her Gear3 without killing her xd. Besides, with his awakening he could do various sex positions since that state is like a cartoon, I would like to see an author take advantage of that power of Gear5.

For what I repeat, Kid cannot win and if they fight, as a previous comment said, Luffy is a level of yonkou boy, while kid is not, so Luffy will win, I would like more than the author to make a rivalry of Kid vs. Law to see who wins, Bonny, I would also like a Sanji vs. Zoro rivalry, that they are discussing who is better in sex and that while they are fighting, Nami arrives and they make her decide.

2 years ago

This was a really impressive display. Not just for the fact that it told two stories, but also due to the fact it felt like an experimental kind of story. It felt very unique.

So let’s get right into it! First, I really liked how you handled the main story with the Kid Pirates and Marguerite, not to mention Kid having his way with her later on. Not only that, I really like how he tested her loyalty to Hancock and the other Kuja Pirates. Very creative.

Which leads me to the other side of the story with Hancock herself finally getting her hands on Luffy. Sure she had to use the training excuse to get him to fuck her, but it worked! Though how it got there was definitely an event in itself. Same thing with how she interacted with Usopp and Chopper. Haha.

And of course, the sex itself in both parts were very nicely designed. Not to mention vastly different, which is something I enjoyed.

Overall, nice work on this. Truly. 😃👏

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yo! Happy to read your thoughts again! Thrilled to see that you noticed that “loyalty test” scene. To be honest, I expected that many would glance over it with the other stuff going on in the chapter. Also, glad to read that you enjoyed Hancock’s interaction with Usopp and Chopper!

I hope you will like the future stories in this series just as much!

2 years ago

The mighty and powerful Kuja clan being reduced to cock loving sluts? I fuckin love it! The interactions with Kidd and Marguerite was soooo damn good loved how he tested her loyalty to Hancock while still marking her as his personal cum dumpster! The ending with her naked and covered in his jizz was a just perfect end.

Hancock finally being able to have sex with Luffy was surprisingly wholesome despite Luffy being oblivious to what sex even is at the time. Wondering if she’ll find herself conflicted to staying loyal to Luffy or if she’ll get addicted to Kidd’s cock aswell. A nice rivalry to built on for the future I suppose? Plus I honestly do want Luffy to fuck more girls in general

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Yeah, I thought that it wouldn’t make much sense if Kid were some simpleminded guy who would be happy about betrayal of any kind, which is why I wrote this scene in. I’m SOOO happy that you noticed this scene with all the kinky madness going on! Thank you very much for that!

The scene with Luffy and Hancock basically works as the prelude to the very first Hancock chapter in this series. It felt kinda rushed back then, so I expanded a bit more on it here in a sort of flashback! Luffy will return sooner than later to this series! He’s kinda easy to write actually, given that he doesn’t have any interest in romance or women whatsoever.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I saw the kid’s story in an SBS and the truth is that he is not as he thinks, he is rather the typical rude boy who pretends to be the rudest but is sentimental on the inside… hey if you haven’t seen the sbs, You should see it there, it tells that kid had a friend and it seems that he fell in love with her but in the end someone killed her, that’s why kid avenged her in revenge and then I created her pirate crew, you could actually make it so that in your story she doesn’t die and that he just disappears and that at some point he gets back together with kid. (the truth is that kid is more respectful with women than many believe, more than in this fic, that’s why it’s strange for me to see him act and talk like that, I don’t know the only thing that doesn’t convince me of the story because of him moment, kid’s behavior is similar to zoro only less serious)

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Mari♡

I had actually planned to include a little flashback section in a story that could feature him (how he got his Devil Fruit, his first time meeting Killer, and how they formed the Kid Pirates). I’m just not sure how long that would take since I mostly write with a time limit and because this is still a hentai/ecchi site where the watchers/readers want to see girls getting fucked.

Still, I’m beyond happy to have someone here who also seems to enjoy some more indepth fanfics instead of simple fanfucks 😊

2 years ago

Hancock puts her soul into what she does when Luffy’s involved. Gotta respect it

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
2 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

Writing Luffy in sex scenes is surprisingly easy. Glad you enjoyed Hancock’s involvement here.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr. Akrononym