Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Jiro’s Assertive Attack

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part VII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part IX): [LINK]

Grunting from the exertion, Izuku Midoriya tensed his arms as he lifted the two hundred and seventy kilogram barbell. Red lines of energy cracked across his body as he pushed One for All to thirty-five percent. He still had some difficulty moving, but it wasn’t from the weight, it was from keeping his motions from causing a massive pressure wave. The weight of the bar itself was like nothing, Izuku could barely tell he was even lifting anything.


Odd that I never tried using it this way.’ he thought, then spoke aloud to his two friends who were spotting for him, “More weight please.”


“Wow Deku,” said Uraraka, “That’s already two hundred seventy!”


“You sure Deku?” asked Kacchan, “I don’t wanna have to carry your scrawny butt to the nurses office after you snap your arms off.”


“It’ll be fine I think,” said Izuku, “I barely feel anything right now. Another thirty kilos, please.”


“Don’t come crying to me when you break your arms again.” Kacchan said as he grabbed a fifteen kilo weight from the pile. Uraraka then grabbed one herself and the two of them locked them onto the bar together. Izuku felt a SLIGHT shift in the weight pressing down on his arms, but still the only struggle he had was in just moving his limbs slowly. Once he got used to it though, he was able to move the bar up and down with complete ease.


“Wow! That’s awesome Deku!” Uraraka said as she watched.


“Tch, so I guess you can do more than just smash things with that power.” Kacchan said as he watched with his arms crossed over his chest. “You know, it might have been helpful if you knew about this a year ago.”


“I never thought of using the smashes like this.” said Izuku, “I only ever thought of them as bursts of raw power, not as a muscle amplification for things like this.”


“Say,” said Uraraka, “You think this is how All Might built up his muscle form?”


“Hmmm,” said Kacchan, touching his chin in thought, “You might be onto something Pink Cheeks,” he said, “It would explain the difference between that form and his regular form. If he bulked up using One for All and made the muscles using it, then when he released it, he’d shrink down to his natural form. Hey deku, you could use this to give yourself a godlike look as well.”


Izuku gave a nervous chuckle, “Yeah, I don’t think so. All Might said holding that form was exhausting.”


“Only after AFO tore out his guts,” Kacchan said, “You could use a little more visible muscle, make yourself more intimidating to any idiot that hasn’t heard of you.”


“I don’t know, that guy the other day ran pretty fast.” Uraraka said.


“That wimp with the fart Quirk, a punk like that would run from Mineta!” said Kacchan as he jerked his thumb over at the diminutive hero who was running on a treadmill.


“Hey!” Mineta said, “I’m intimidating!” he yelled, stopping to strike a pose and being tossed off the treadmill for his trouble, “WAAAH!” he yelled as he was flung a couple feet away.


Kacchan shook his head, “So what made you think to even try this?” he asked.


Izuku felt himself blushing lightly, “Well uh… A friend was curious as to whether or not I could lift her up.”


“Hmm, who?” Uraraka asked, blinking her eyes curiously.


“Oh, uh… She’s a rookie hero I met recently, had a lot of questions about One for All. Actually, she’s a big fan of all of our class.” Izuku said, too nervous to mention he’d met her at Busteez.


“Huh, sounds like Bazooka Tits at Busteez.” Kacchan said.


“Her name is Tetas, Bakugo. Don’t be a jerk!” Uraraka chastised him, “And Rie’s nice!”


“Oh, uh, you both know her?” Izuku asked, still moving the barbell up and down.


“Yeah, she’s as annoying a fangirl as you are. Honestly it got annoying when I spoke with her that one time.” said Kacchan.


“I think she’s sweet, and her quirk is really helpful to the girls at the agency.” said Uraraka as she looked down at her own breasts which currently were just slightly bigger than her head.


“Tch, I bet she wanted to know if you could lift those knockers of her up when she went the full ten tonnes.” Kacchan said with a laugh.


“Hmmm, that’d be neat!” said Uraraka, “It’d be cool if you could lift up a full ten tonnes.”


“Good excuse to feel a girl up.” a voice said before Izuku could respond.


Setting the barbell on its mount, Izuku let go and sat up to see Kyoka Jiro looking at them. She looked almost angry at him for the briefest of seconds before her expression softened.


“Oh hey Kyoka, what’s up, I thought you were out on work study?” said Uraraka.


“Just got back, thought I’d put in some time here.” said Jiro. She then turned to look at Izuku, “So am I right?” she asked with a smirk.


“Well I uh…” Izuku began.


“Tch, this nerd is more interested in how Bazooka Tits’ Quirk works than grabbing those chest balloons.”


“Actually, she was curious if she could pin me like she does some villains.” Izuku confessed when he finally found his voice again.


“Hmm, actually, she might be able to!” said Uraraka, “Like how Fat Gum restrains villains.”


Izuku hadn’t thought of that. Rie’s breasts were incredibly soft and pliant, even if he could move using One for All, he might just end up trapped in the ultra soft flesh. “You might be right,” Izuku said to Uraraka.


The brown haired girl smiled back at him and then turned to Jiro, “So, how was your week?” she asked her.



Izuku returned to the Heights Alliance dorm after he was finished in the gym. His little experiments with the weights had been fairly fruitful. At fifty percent, he could easily lift nearly a full tonne of weight. Though moving at that level was incredibly difficult. One for All was better used for powerful bursts of strength and swift movements. Raw steady strength was possible, but difficult.


Normally he would have changed back to his school uniform at the gym, but the showers there were being repaired. It seemed that a first year from the Hero Course sweated a substance similar to cesium and had caused a minor explosion. So Izuku decided to change in his room after using the small shower there.


“Hey Midoriya, can we talk,” said Kyoka Jiro as he came inside, “In private?” she added when he nodded.


“Oh uh, sure, is something wrong?” he asked her as she gestured for him to follow her.


Jiro just motioned for him to follow and Izuku trailed behind her to her room in the dorms. She’d redecorated quite a bit since the last time he’d been in here. That was two years ago, and back then the room looked like something you’d find in a store that sold musical instruments. Now most of the instruments are gone. It wasn’t that she’d gotten rid of them, no, they were almost all in the common area. Jiro was still giving music lessons to his classmates as well as some students from other classes. Now the dark haired girl had repainted the walls a punk pink and added a purple carpet that was pretty plush.


There was a blue and silver leopard print cabinet set against one wall. A clear umbrella hung off one handle. Izuku figured that’s where she was keeping the expensive instruments. He’d heard some hero had given her a rare American guitar as a gift after she saved his life during the battle with Shigaraki and his crew. While Jiro could trust everyone here, it would be foolish not to secure something worth several hundred million yen.


Izuku also saw a fancy looking chair sitting next to the cabinet, it looked almost like a throne. Made from a brass frame with green pleather padding. It didn’t seem all that practical, but it looked pretty sturdy and comfortable. The room smelled nice, a mix of potpourri and perfume. It wasn’t overpowering, but it was the first thing one would notice when they inhaled.


Jiro motioned for him to close the door and Izuku did so, “So Jiro-san, what diiiii…!” Izuku exclaimed as the dark haired girl suddenly stripped out of her shirt, exposing the black tank top she had on underneath. She then dropped the dark pants she had on, exposing her completely hairless pussy! She quickly kicked away her pants and closed in on him, grabbing his shoulders and pressing her mouth against his. He gasped in surprise and the girl used that moment to force her tongue into his mouth.


“Mmmmmmmmh…!” Jiro moaned into his mouth as she moved her hands to his chest, turning them around gently pushing him down into the throne he’d seen earlier. She then quickly climbed onto his lap, straddling his legs, her shapely ass resting on his thighs. Izuku then gasped again as Jiro pulled up her shirt, exposing her breasts to him.


“Well, whatcha think?” she asked him with a smirk, “I know they’re not as big as Momo or Mina’s, but that Tetas girl can fix that.” she said.


“Well I uh…” said Izuku, struggling not to look at her exposed breasts and failing miserably.


“One thing I won’t need any help with is this!” Jiro said as she moved his hands to her ass, “Go on, give it a squeeze!” she told him.


Izuku chuckled nervously, wondering not for the first time just what was going on lately!? First Momo, then Mina, Kendo, girls were just coming at him left and right. Though the ones at Midnight’s Agency he understood, they had to. Rie at least had wanted to do things on her own.


“That’s the spirit!” Jiro said as the fingers on his right hand flex, squeezing her ass.


“Huh, but I…!” Izuku began, but Jiro cut him off again when she covered his mouth with her own again, pushing her tongue past his lips. She tasted both salty and sweet, like salted caramel. It wasn’t a bad taste, but it was different from the girls before now.


She held the kiss with him for a long time, grinding her butt in his lap gently. The warm weight of her body combined with the way she was moving made his gym uniform become increasingly uncomfortable. Jiro then broke the kiss and grinned at him as she slipped off his lap and down onto her knees on the floor. She reached her hands up, grabbing the waistband of his gym pants and yanking them down. Freed from the constrictions of the fabric, Izuku’s cock sprung up, already over half hard and easily as thick as both her arms put together.


“Damn, they weren’t joking!” she said as she stared up at his cock.


“I get that a lot lately…” he replied lamely.


“I see why,” said Jiro, grabbing his cock with both hands before opening her mouth wide. Before Izuku could say anything he saw his cock sliding into her mouth and down her throat!


HMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!” Jiro moaned deeply as her throat bulged from his girth. Izuku groaned at the feeling, her mouth was so wet and warm, and very TIGHT. He could feel her nimble tongue lashing at the underside of his cock as she worked to push it deeper and deeper into her mouth!


“Ji… Jiro-san… Ahhh, Jiro-saaan…” Izuku groaned in pleasure.


HMMMMMPH, MMMMPH, MMMPH…” Jiro moaned from deep in her throat, making it vibrate around his dick as she raised and lowered her head. Her lips made wet, slurping and smacking noises every time she pulled her head up, then she would moan deeply again when she went down. Looking down at her, he watched the way her mouth seemed to stretch away from her face slowly as she pulled her head up. She would then move back down quickly and hold his cock there for what felt like a small eternity.


MMMMHMMMMPH, GUG, MMMMMPH, GUH, HMMMMMPH, GWEH, GUH, MMMMMPH, MMMMMPH, MMMMMPH…!!!” Jiro gagged and moaned as she began moving her head up and down faster, she then grabbed his hands and placed them on either side of her head.


MMMMMMMPH, IT’SH OHDAY, YEW CAN PHUCK MUH FASCHE… USHE MUH MOUPH WIKE A PUSSHYYY…!” she said, her words badly slurred from the thickness of his cock.


Izuku gave her a nod, but he only kept his hands on her head as he moved, leaning his head back and closing his eyes at the feeling. Jiro continued moving her mouth up and down, slurping at his cock louder now as she sped herself up. He heard her gagging several times as she pressed her hands against his, trying to make him push her head down on his cock again. She then tensed lightly and Izuku heard a more strangled gagging sound.


AGUGH, GUH GEH, GWE ABUH GAH…!” Jiro choked on his cock before he did grip her head, but only to pull her face free. She gasped and coughed a couple times.


“Are you okaaaay!?” Izuku asked, yelping as Jiro jumped onto him again. Her left ear jack stretched out and lashed around both their bodies before coiling around his dick just as Jiro impaled her pussy on his length!


HMMMMMMMMMMMMH, FUUUUUUUCK!!! SO FULLLLLL…!” she moaned in a deep voice as her stomach tented upward from the length and thickness of his cock. A perfect outline of his cock was visible in her abdomen reaching all the way up between her breasts. Izuku groaned with her at the feeling, so tight and warm, and very, very WET. He could feel her hot juices running down his cock and over his balls as she began gently rocking herself up and down on his dick.


“Jiro-san… Haaaah, Jiro-san…!” Izuku groaned, his hand on her thigh, gripping it gently as his hips moved on their own, thrusting up to meet her movements.




“Ahhh, haah, ahhh… Tight… So tight…” Izuku groaned.


YEAH!?” Jiro asked, “YOU LIKE MY TIGHT LITTLE PUNK ROCK PUSSY!? BET IT FEELS GREAT HUH, BETTER THAN MINA OR KENDO, OR BETTER THAN MOMO’S!?” she asked him as she began swirling her hips as she moaned in pleasure.


Izuku gave a weak nod, “Ye… Yeah, it feels good, your… P…. P… Pussy feels good Jiro-saaan…” Izuku groaned, looking up at her as she pushed his face into her tits.


“I can make it feel even better!” she said with a grin.


Izuku blinked his green eyes, “Huh?” he said, then his vision blurred as his eyes rolled back when he felt his cock beginning to vibrate inside Jiro’s pussy. He felt a pulsing vibration coming from the tip of her ear jack and running through his cock into her pussy. The sheer intensity of it was almost enough to make him pass out as his hips began moving on their own! Slamming up and down and bouncing Jiro on his lap, both of them cried out in pleasure.




“Jiro-san, haaah, Jiro-saaaan, this… This feels, amaaazinngggg…!” groaned Izuku.




He nodded, “Ye… Yeaaah!! It… It feels so good!! Your pussy feels greeeat…” Izuku groaned as he continued slamming his hips up and down, the chair bucking with their movements.


CUMMING, OH FUUUCK, I’M CUMMINGGGGG…!!” Jiro moaned as Izuku grabbed both her hips and pushed his cock in as deep as it would go.




Even over Jiro’s screams he could hear his cum shooting into her womb! Izuku groaned with her at the feeling as he felt his balls clenching over and over as they emptied their load into her. Jiro screamed in orgasm again as she leaned back, her belly stretching from Izuku’s cock and the sheer volume of cum he was unloading inside her.


The dark haired girl then stopped buzzing his cock and fell forward against him, panting for breath.


“Hah, ah, haah…” Izuku panted with her. “That, was… Was great…”


“Heh heh, yeah, I bet it was.” Jiro said with a smile. “It’s a little trick I figured out recently.”


“Not just that,” Izuku said, still gasping to catch his breath. “It’s great being with a girl who wants to do this, not because she has to. I’ve felt bad for taking advantage of Momo, Mina, and Kendo with this dumb pass I won.” he told her. “I don’t think the girls should have to do this kinda thing just because of something like that.”


Jiro sat up straight in shock, “What!? I thought you were using that pass thing to get with the girls!” said Jiro, “I wanted to show Momo you were just another jerk guy after one thing, and Momo shouldn’t waste her love on someone like that! Then maybe I could finally tell her how I…!” Jiro cut herself off, covering her mouth with both hands.


“Jiro-san, are you…” Izuku asked, “Are you in love with Momo?” He then flinched as he found both her earphone jacks aimed just millimeters away from his eyes.


“Don’t you DARE tell her!” she said, tears welling in her eyes before she beat her fists harmlessly against his chest, “Dammit, why couldn’t you just be like Mineta!? Some idiot horn dog only looking to bury his dick! Why do you have to be so nice, dammit, dammit, dammit…!” she said, still pounding her fists against his chest and sobbing softly.


The situation was something he’d never expected to encounter. He was still sitting in the chair, his rock hard dick still inside Jiro’s pussy, and she was crying. Izuku only thought about it for a moment before wrapping his arms around the girl and hugging her tight. Jiro began sobbing openly now as she buried her head in his shoulder. He was able to put her plan together now, she wanted to seduce him, then tell Momo, hoping she’d see him as some jerk. Then maybe Jiro could confess her own feelings to the other girl. But her entire plan depended on him actually being a jerk.


“I won’t say anything.” he said quietly after a few minutes. She only nodded and stayed like that for a long while. His own mind was still reeling from what she’d told him. ‘Momo, has feeling’s, for me!?’ he thought, “I never even suspected. I only ever saw her as a friend and equal. Sure she’s pretty, gorgeous even, but I never really thought of myself in her league.”


Jiro finally stopped sobbing and sat up, Izuku groaned lightly as he felt her weight shifting on him, pushing his cock deeper in again. “You shouldn’t have such a low opinion of yourself…” she said, wiping her eyes and sniffling. “You’re easy on the eyes you know, even I can see that.”


“Huh, did I say that aloud!?” he asked, his whole body stiffening.


Jiro giggled softly, then a little harder. After a moment she was laughing hard before she lightly stabbed the center of his forehead with the tip of her earphone jack. “You dummy, you really are denser than lead.” she said, “But I think I can see why she fell for you now.”


“Yeah?” he asked.


“Yeah,” she confirmed and shifted her position again slightly, making him groan as his cock twitched inside her again. She then blinked her dark eyes, “Oh, I’m sorry! Lemme get off,” she said, then winced, “Oh god, bad pun!”


Izuku blinked and looked up at her. His eyes then widened as he understood what she meant. He snickered once, then laughed.


Jiro laughed with him.



Story by Sailor Io

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Cassidy rumi
11 months ago

momo and mina kendo and jiro Join izuku harem

11 months ago
Reply to  Cassidy rumi

Continue reading.

Golden Freddy
Golden Freddy
11 months ago

Izuku got harem and momo and mina kendo and jiro join izuku harem

11 months ago
Reply to  Golden Freddy

Momo founded the harem. Mina and Kendo though, not applicable.

3 years ago

10/10. I’m not complaining about how much you use izuku.

Last edited 3 years ago by Whitis
3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

Thanks! Really glad you enjoyed it!

3 years ago

Veremos mas de ellos dos la semana que viene o almenos de Izuku?

3 years ago
Reply to  Kimchui

The next chapter is Izuku, after that it breaks from him for a chapter, still contemplating the chapter after that.

3 years ago

Estuvo hermoso… como Jiro abre sus sentimientos hacia Momo con Izuku y se ve que forjan un lazo de amistad mas fuerte…. ojala que haiga mas de IzuJiro la proxima semana o amas adelante

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr.Mishifu

The next chapter involves Izuku getting advice from a very unexpected source.

3 years ago

OK, you were right in saying that I should wait for this chapter, Sailor Io. This was resolved better than I thought it would. Kyouka gets to have her little experience, communication is had, and another girl notices Izuku’s charm. Obviously, he will keep her request about her feelings to himself, but this should make confronting/talking with Momo next time a lot smoother….HAHAHAHA. It’s Izuku and Momo. It’s going to be wholesome and awkward at the same time. Fun chapter, and great art.

Very imaginative use of her power: vibrating herself while he’s also fucking her. Saw that in two where the user had such powers as well. One individual gave her intended a ‘sound job’ from distance. That shit was hilarious as hell.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kino

Yeah, I plan for Kyoka to have another aspect to her quick to be revealed later. I was planning it for the last series, but never got around to it. I hope I get a chance to use it soon as it makes her a badass support-type hero.

3 years ago

I’m actually enjoying the redone storyline. i am taking it for what it is and (at the same time) trying to see if it could be a reevaluation of series one story chapter that was going to happen, or something completely new.

i know it is kind of difficult to basically redo what had been done, and retread previously established facts, but i believe you are capable of doing it.

basically, think of it this way, series one of My Hero Busteez is the Hellsing tv series, and this new one can be Hellsing Ultimate. same characters, same basic plot, redone interactions and timing of events, then can add more than was expected.

i guess I’m an outlier, i actually prefer that we have gone back to basics with Deku being the main guy, after all he is the lead of the series. i know others will get a chance to shine (no Aoyama pun there) later. as long as the interactions make sense, and does not cause strife, I’m down with it.

keep up the good work and creativity.

3 years ago

Hey, that’s a really good analogy! Thanks, yeah, this series is kinda like that!

3 years ago

Yeah this.. “plan” didnt really make much sense. She was trying to expose him by… Having sex with him herself? Jiro has known and been in class with Deku long enough to know hes not a womanizer like Mineta. Also working at a place like Busteez you would think they’d be used to the idea of the person you have a crush on potentially having sex with others, its mostly part of the job anyway.

Honestly the gold vip card is kinda wasted on Deku because women will still throw themselves at him regardless. But regardless yeah Jiro definitely jumped the gun due to her own feelings for Momo. Hopefully Uraraka won’t get jealous and start going for Bakugou again like the last story (though I wouldn’t mind if they had a chapter together just casual mindless sex with no strings attached)

3 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Idea comes from “My First Girlfriend is a Gal” Where the spray-on tan girl tried the same thing on the protagonist.

3 years ago

Love it, but I hope that there will be a future chapter of them (Izuku and Jiro) having a threesome with Momo to declare their feelings to each other. Also does Izuku’s OFA enhanced cum has any effects on Momo or was that cut out?

Last edited 3 years ago by N0bod4
3 years ago
Reply to  N0bod4

Highly plausible. Minor spoilers, this incident is the foundation of a deep bond of trust between the two of them. Much like how him helping her out last season when that bimbo drug began acting up suddenly. These two can very easily fall neatly into a Friend with Benefits relationship. Not romantic per se, but above platonic.

Smiling Fiend
3 years ago

I was assuming the worst last week but I’m pleasantly surprised this turned out to be an izujirou story, kinda. I didn’t expect her to still have feelings for Momo in this new series but I’m on board with that ! I can see Kyoka with someone other than Kaminari.

3 years ago
Reply to  Smiling Fiend

Yeah, I know people like shipping her with him. But to me, she belongs with Momo. It just works for me with how protective of her she is. Kaminari I see as kind of someone she views like a silly cat. Something entertaining, but not exactly a love interest.

3 years ago

I don’t have much to say since I’m still in the middle. Just wanted to add in regards to the gym portion that All Might’s lifted up an entire building in his time with OFA even post injury. (Source being the mha vigilantes manga) Deku would be able to lift at least half of that, if not more since he’s slowly building the power as well as reaching 100%. Just a note, no criticism. I enjoy most of these stories with the image

3 years ago
Reply to  Mystic

Never read it, unfortunately. I’ll try as some people have been pushing for girls from that series to appear. I appreciate that note, truly as I didn’t know that, and I will keep it in mind in the future.

3 years ago

La verdad me gusta como va esto en la historia se siente un poco más diferente a la serie anterior espero que sigan trabajando de esto de Jirou y Momo y que no se revele todo de golpe paso a paso las.cosas salen mejor y me cuanto a Izuku solo quiero esperar a que por fin entre Uraraka a la trama ta que creo que pasar lo mismo que en la historia anterior si esque no hace el primer movimiento si se habla de Izuku

3 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

Correct, I already laid out the ground work for Izuocha’s first time, I just hope the pic I get for it fits. If not, I’ll deal. But look forward to it!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

I can’t help but get the feeling that the gym situation at the beginning was solely there for Bakugo and Uraraka to fangirl over Midoriya. I mean, would they really be that surprised that he is able to lift 300 kilogram?! I honestly can’t see any other reason behind it than to make Midoriya seem even more perfect… And the whole thing with Kyoka… is a whole other thing. Why was Kyoka so angry at the end of last chapter? Seeing and listening to the sex between Midoriya and Tetas would have been a big opportunity for her to show that Midoriya is nothing more than a skirt chaser (if it wasn’t for Midoriya’s overall perfectness). Midoriya still thinking that Momo (and all the other club girls) do this because they have to also feels EXTREMELY stupid, at least to me. Didn’t Kyoka already tell him that they do this because it’s fun?! How is he still soooooo… dense? Stupid? Midoriya is no Goku or Luffy… Seeing him react in such a way… it feels kinda wrong. Especially because all the girls will jump on him regardless of what comes out of his mouth. At this point I am convinced that he could say the dumbest/racist thing ever and the girls will go “Awwww… You’re so cute! Fuck me with your huge cock!” regardless. The entire series so far seems to be build on the fact that every girl loves Midoriya (for his huge cock), with the only conflict coming due to the characters not talking with one another. It’s just… eh. I don’t know. You can write incredibly diverse character dynamics (as seen in the prior Ranko Island, Bleach and Fairy Tail series) but MHA just seems like one huge “Midoriya is the most perfect human being on this planet”-something. It’s kinda a shame that a series that has so many interesting male characters (Bakugo, Shoto, Kaminari, Suneater, Kirishima,…) seems to mainly rely on the most blandest of them all (IN MY OPINION). If other people like Midoriya, that’s fine by me. I find him to be a relatively enjoyable protagonist but definitely not deserving of all the hype going on around him in those stories. Sorry for the harsh words! The sex was nice.

If I didn’t already knew what was coming next, I would say that I’m looking forward to it. And despite me not being the biggest fan of Kyoka’s portrayal here, due to her coming of as way too one-dimensional and stupid, I’m really glad that we got to see her.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

You clearly missed what I was trying to do here. Izuku has the girls on an extremely high pedestal, so far out of his league that (in his opinion) if his league were to suddenly explode, all the girls wouldn’t hear the sound for several days. This is in tune with the current Manga chapters where Midoriya still has a low opinion of himself in the case of himself and girls.

Kyoka jumped to the conclusion that Izuku was just playing innocent. When in reality, he feels as though he’s being a bad person when he has sex with them at Busteez. That’s why things with Rie went better, they weren’t at the agency, so he knew beyond all doubt that she was doing everything by her own choice.

Kyoka is also in love with Momo, and she can’t bring herself to tell her. Her plan here was, “I’ll screw him and Momo will see that he just chases skirts and forget about him.” but it kinda backfired. Izuku DOES care about the girls, too much, that’s what’s holding him back. In the previous series, he had just begun to overcome this. It only took 70+ chapters to accomplish.

I do plan to use other male characters eventually. I had to restart everything, and THIS IS NOT EASY FOR ME!!!! A lot of stuff is (to me) painfully rushed and flawed. I’m trying to build enough of a base to get things close to where I had them before so I can move on from there. Other males WILL be used, so please be patient. But going forward, if all you wanna do is complain, then please just don’t comment. Stuff like this is hurtful to my motivation to write and I’m dealing with a lot of depression already because of things going on in my life.

Sorry if that sounded mean, I don’t mean it to be. I have heard you on this subject, but I’m not going to shift the entire focus of the series to another character just because YOU don’t like the current protagonist. Again, not trying to be mean or confrontational here.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

No need to be sorry. I’m the one who keeps pressuring you with this, despite knowing how hard this must be for you.

Last edited 3 years ago by Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

loved it! the pic with jiro is one of my favorites and i am really loving the story so far! it’s also interesting that the main ship in this series is izuku x momo instead of izuku x ochaco. keep up the great work guys!

3 years ago
Reply to  anon

The R.S. Izuocha will still be a thing, however, I have a few bits planned first.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I also have a few unexpected pairings with some other characters coming soon.

3 years ago

Gotta be honest, I don’t really like Deku as the protagonist. Personally, wish the story was about Kirishima or Kaminari, hell even Mineta.

3 years ago
Reply to  EbolaBeetle

Don’t think I could make the story work around them.

3 years ago
Reply to  EbolaBeetle

Everyone complained when I gave Bakugo some focus and plotlines 🙃

3 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Not really a fan of Bakugo either. My favorite character, honest to God, is Kirishima.

3 years ago
Reply to  EbolaBeetle

Actually, I do plan to use him soon as I have the opportunity!

3 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Tbf the last real Bakugo plotlines all revolved around revenge/NTR where the girls involved with him were the closest to Deku (Ochaco,Froppy,Inko) even the chapter with Toga started off because she was disguised as Ochaco, but the chapters that didn’t involve them like with Mirko/Burnin & Kyoka (By S22132)/Mandalay were great and I don’t remember reading complaints there.

Also this serie being weekly and with so many pictures involving Deku in 6/8 chapters (though I think they are all comissions?) with the serie reboot on top of that does not help, people are bound to complain about repetitiveness, so I wish luck to Sailoro.

3 years ago
Reply to  Anono

Thank you!

3 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Probably mostly izuoucha fans pressed about the chapters with Bakugou and Uraraka having sex… But then ok with Deku fucking every female character in the series lol

3 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

La verdad el hecho de que pasara algo entre Bakugo y Uraraka era de a mi me gustaba siendo fan de Deku X Uraraka por ser mas venganza de esta ultima a Deku porque no fue la primera en hacerlo con el la serie anterior y Bakugo esta conciente de que ella quiere a Deku y a el solo lo usa para complacerse o desquite pero devera de haber un capitulo donde Deku deje a Momo para que pueda tener su relacion esta con jirou y pueda nacer algo con Uraraka 

3 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

Sorry, nothing planned along those lines.