Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Mission 1S: Investigating Uncharted Territory

Next Story (Chapter 02): To Be Continued…

“Seriously?! Still two hours?” Camilla spun around in her swiveling chair and stared at the ceiling. “Do these days ever end?!” the blonde asked as she pushed herself off and away from her desk.


“Oh, would you please stop yammering? Constantly complaining about the time doesn’t make it go any faster!” Millie Myers chided her co-worker.


She took a last look at her report of the new club that opened in Brunft Street later that day before following her coworker to the kitchenette in an unspoken agreement for a coffee break. City Hall wants to calm down the general public who thinks that a club like this would only influence the minds of easily impressionable youths in Berlint and corrupt the morals of Ostania in general.


“We should be grateful that we still have some time left. Barnes wants that report before the end of the day, and we still have a lot to do.” said the third woman of the group, Sharon. Once in the kitchenette she lit up a cigarette and sat down on the corner of the table there and blew out a cloud of smoke. “I, for one, have no interest in making that old fart unhappy because we didn’t keep the deadline.”


SSH!!” Millie, the youngest of the group, nervously looked around while gesturing to her colleague to keep her voice down. “Not so loud! You never know where Mr. Barnes, or the SSS, has his ears!”


“Does it really matter?!” Camilla filled three cups with coffee straight from the machine. She handed her colleagues each one of the colorful hot cups. “If Barnes wants this report so eagerly, why didn’t he tell us to do it any time before the day that club has its public opening?! The construction of the building finished five weeks ago or so, and the news about what kind of establishment it is is also hardly anything new by now!” the agitated busty woman took a long and angry sip from her red cup. “I tell you, if I miss my date night with Dominic because I have to work overtime, just for a stupid report about something that everyone who doesn’t live under a bridge already knows, I’m gonna riot!”


“Hm? What does everyone know about?” a gentle voice asked from the entrance of the small room.


Three heads turned towards Yor Forger, the stunning beauty with pitch black hair and crimson red eyes whose aloof nature and absent mindedness oftentimes made her the target of gossip from her female coworkers. Though, in recent times, even that became less and less as Yor integrated her even more in her workplace and began interacting with them more frequently.


“You know, just that new club in Brunft Street everyone is talking about. It’s the talk of the town, really.” Sharon explained casually while tapping out her cigarette in a nearby ashtray.


“Club?” a bright red question mark appeared over Yor’s head as she leaned her head to the side.


Figures that she somehow hasn’t heard about it until now!’ the other three women thought at the same time.


“Nevermind that. How did that phone call with your hubby go? You’re back awfully quickly!” Millie said.


“Oh, he’s busy with a patient at the moment and couldn’t answer the phone because of it. Miss Frost assured me though that she’ll relay my message to him once he’s finished.” Yor answered cheerfully. “She even told me that I don’t have to bother calling here again, and that Loid probably already thought about it. She’s such a thoughtful and kind woman!”


“Right…” Camilla and Millie exchanged some concerned looks about Yor’s obliviousness between one another.


The blonde then walked over to Yor, putting an arm around her shoulder and pulling her further into the small room. “Miss Frost, you say? You don’t think she might actually have a thing with your husband and only came up with a flimsy excuse to get you off of her back?”


Yor blinked a couple times before answering, “No. Why would she do this? Loid said that he and several other people at work thought that she hated him.”


“I mean, have you two gone on any dates recently? Did you two do anything romantic lately?” Millie chimed in. “There’s not a single month where my boyfriend and I won’t go to the movie theater, in a fancy restaurant, or do anything else together.”


“Mhm. Just last week, I took Dominic out to a nighttime picnic at this really beautiful spot in the park next to the river. Aside from dealing with some annoying ants during our picnic and afterwards, it was an absolute blast.” Camilla began squirming in her place, rubbing her thighs together as she remembered the details of that night. “Oh, I couldn’t get off of him! He actually had to cover my mouth, lest we might have alerted a police officer or something! Hahahahaha!”


Oh no! Do I fail that much as a wife? Is Loid really cheating on me with another woman?’ Camilla’s and Millie’s comments faded into the distance as Yor mentally berated herself. ‘Am I… am I that undesirable that he doesn’t want to keep this marriage up? Does he really want to replace me with someone else?


“Stop it already!” Sharon managed to get the attention of the others, bringing an end to Camilla’s ongoing bragging about her and her boyfriend’s dates. “I don’t think any one of us wants to know that in depth about what you two were up to. And besides, after everything we’ve seen from Yor so far, their marriage is far from falling apart.”


“You really think so?” Yor sighed in relief. It really looked as if a huge invisible load was falling off her shoulders. “That’s good to hear.” her face then turned a pinkish shade of red as she pressed her index fingers together. “But… if I want to keep Loid happy in this marriage, I probably need to go on dates with him more frequently. But where…?”


A mischievous light flashed in Camilla’s eyes as she turned towards Yor. “Why not try out that club we were talking about? I’m sure your hubby would lo~ove to go there with you.”


“Camilla!” Millie cried out in shock.


In stark contrast to Millie, her eyes then beamed with a mix of hope and excitement. “You really think that will make Loid love me more?” She asked her junior colleague.


“Eh?” Camilla blinked confused. “I mean… I guess? But I wasn’t serious. I was just mess-!”


But Yor was already hyper fixated on improving her ‘marriage’ with Loid. She clenched her hands into fists and smiled brightly. “Alright! I’m gonna make reservations at this club on my way back from work!” She exclaimed enthusiastically. “Oh! But I better call Yuri and ask if he can keep an eye on Anya while Loid and I are away. Loid will be so surprised when I tell him about this later!”


The secret assassin already dashed back down the hallway in search of a telephone, but came to an abrupt halt. She skidded on the floor for a bit before dashing back the way she came and into the kitchenette. “Thank you so much for that suggestion! You’re the best!” Yor thanked her colleague with a polite bow before running off again.


“B- but I wasn’t…!” Camilla trailed off as she and the other three girls were left in the dust.


Stomping out the last remains of her cigarette, Sharon stretched her sore arms. “You know, if Loid now thinks that she’s a perverted freak, that’s on you!” She told the blonde clerk.


“I know that!” hissed Camilla. All tension then left her body as she let her shoulders hang low. “Man, why did she have to take me so seriously? What’s wrong with that woman?!”


“What’s the meaning of this?” Mr. Barnes’s aggressive voice broke the atmosphere in the small room, sending chills down the spine of each woman. The short, balding man tapped with one finger on the watch on his left arm. “Get back to work already! You’ve been on break for over ten minutes now!”


EEEEP!!!” the female trio yelped harmoniously as they all jumped up at the same time. “Right away Mr. Barnes!”



(Meanwhile at Eden Academy…)


Peace is a fragile thing! People may make countless promises and alliances, but at the end of the day, they’re nothing more than ink on paper. Hopeful whispers in a thundering storm!


Even nowadays, with the last war not even being one human lifetime gone, the two neighboring countries of Ostania and Westalis continue fighting an invisible battle that could spiral into a full blown crisis with the potential of destroying both nations at any moment. And right now, the best chance of peace rested on the shoulders of Operation Strix!


Westalis’s best agent, “Twilight”, was sent into Ostania’s capital Berlint, tasked with setting up a connection with the leader of the National Unity Party to prevent war from breaking out yet again. He may be the best of the best in the field, but working so deep in hostile territory proved to be a challenge that even Twilight never could have prepared for. He was faced with unspeakable horrors that brought him to the brink of giving up all hope and…


NOOOO!!! It’s Answer A), not B)!! What is she doing?! We prepared for this all week!’ A pair of leather clad fingers clamped in frustration around a binocular as the man who they belonged to watched as his target made one wrong decision after the next. Twilight’s mood continued to deteriorate as the pink haired woman he spied on continued dazing off into the distance instead of further concentrating on her test.


Luckily, their English teacher Mr. Evans seemed to notice that something was off. The elderly teacher began walking slowly through the rows of students, taking small glances at their papers in front of them. When he reached Anya’s desk, he had to look for a couple of moments later. After a while, and with a little drop of sweat running down the side of his face, he looked up ahead and cleared his throat.


“Ahem! I’d advise you all to read the questions closely again.” Twilight didn’t need any microphones to read the lips of the gray haired man. Simply observing him from the roof across the yard was enough to give him all the intel he needed. “And remember, you still have more than enough time. No need to rush things now! Keep a clear head and maybe rethink some of your choices!”


Mr. Evan’s words seemed to strike a nerve in Anya’s mind. The young girl sat upright and reached for her eraser. She erased some of her formerly wrong answers and corrected them. Twilight let out a sigh of relief. “Haaaaaaaaaaa…!!”


Wiping some sweat from his forehead, he watched as his “daughter” made her way from one formerly wrong answer to the next. She still had two more pages that she hadn’t even touched yet ahead of herself, but Twilight began to ease up now. With just those handful of corrections, Anya saved herself from an “E”. If she kept up this level of diligence, she might make it out of the test with a “C”, maybe even a “B”, if things go REALLY well!


Wait! Why am I caring so much about this?’ Twilight ended up asking himself. ‘The outcome of Operation Strix hardly depends on the results of this one test!’ He shrugged his shoulders. ‘Doesn’t matter! Good grades in this one test and the success that will come with it will hopefully only inspire her to work even harder on future ones. It’s all for the mission!


With his heart and mind at ease for the moment, Twilight picked up his different belongings from the rooftop and left the school grounds of the esteemed Eden Academy. It didn’t take him long to reach the car he had parked a short distance away. While power walking towards the inconspicuous vehicle, he dropped off the entirely black he wore before and instead pulled some other clothes from the huge black sports bag on his shoulders. The clothes he then decided to wear were a white shirt, a red tie, and olive green pants. On the backseat inside his car waited the last part of his “official” work uniform; a white coat that he wore whenever he was actually working in the hospital as a cover.


With his actual mission for the day over, he drove back to the Berlint General Hospital. He had memorized the layout of the Ostanian capital way before he moved here for Operation Strix, so he was easily able to avoid the busy streets, instead opting to go with the more empty alleys along the river.


Twilight reached the hidden exit of the hospital and went in. The moment the bookcase was back at its usual place and covered the metal door behind it again, someone knocked on the door to the room. “Dr. Forger?” asked a stoic female voice from the other side of the door.


“Come in.” Loid invited the woman inside.


Befitting of her cold and stoic voice, the woman who it belonged to was able to drop the temperature of any room just by being in it. Fiona Frost’s face was locked in a constant emotionless mask that made it impossible for anyone to read what was going on inside of her. Even the most mundane tasks were done with a precision all too similar to those of the robots in the cartoons that Anya loved to watch, oftentimes leaving one to question if she was actually human or not.


If it weren’t for her cold demeanor however, men would probably think of her as a beautiful woman. She had a slim, but fit physique that Loid came all too close with several times during training. Her legs were long and strong, a single kick was strong enough to deal minor concussions if she managed to hit her target’s head. Her hands may look delicate, but that was deceiving. Loid had heard rumors about how she was able to rip off the ears of people she interrogated with next to no effort at all! Underneath the clothes she wore, she had a definitive muscular stature that most men wouldn’t expect from her.


“Did something happen in my absence?” Loid asked as he walked over to one of the green couches in the center of his consultation room.


Fiona put a cup of hot and steaming coffee in front of the undercover spy before he had even fully sat down. Along with the coffee, she also laid out two still sealed files on the coffee table. “Not much. Your w-w-wi-wif-!” Unbeknownst to Loid, who currently took a sip from the rejuvenating beverage, Fiona had to swallow some of her own puke as she failed to bring out the right word. “Yor Forger called in earlier. She… wanted to ask if you could buy some flour and eggs after work. Something about her brother’s birthday being around the corner.”


“Hm. Okay!” Loid put the half-empty cup of coffee down on the table and instead picked up one of the files. ‘Strange how Yor hasn’t mentioned anything about that before.’ He thought to himself as he read through the file. “Anything else?”


“Yes. Handler wants to meet us in fifteen minutes in her office for a briefing about a new mission.” Fiona answered without hesitation.


A new mission? And here I thought I could actually focus on Operation Strix for a chance!’ letting out a sigh, Loid finished what was left of his coffee, picked up the other file as well, and rose from his seat. He stretched his arms, loose joints popping audibly in the otherwise silent room. “Well, then let’s not leave her waiting. I’ll meet you in her office once I’m done with these.” He lifted the files higher in the air before walking over to the desk at the side of his office. “And thank you for the coffee! I really needed that.”


“Of course!” said Fiona. She bowed down politely and took the cup from the blonde man’s hands, their fingers touching each other in the process. ‘He needs me! He said that he needs me!! Yes, my dear Loid! Just call me and I’ll be yours forever! With me as your devoted and loyal wife, we’ll secure everlasting peace between east and west! Forget all about that dumb cow that only acts as if she cares about you! You only need me! Forever and ever! Take me! Take me right here and now! TakemeTakemeTakemeTakemeTakemeTakemeTakemeTakeme!!!!” the icecold spy repeated in her mind over and over again as she left the office.



(Fifteen minutes later…)


“A… nightclub?” Loid asked after listening to his commanding officer’s report about his next mission.


Like often, the strawberry blonde woman was wearing a form hugging black dress, fishnet stockings, and a black hat with a wide brim. Sylvia Sherwood, the woman also known as the “Fullmetal Lady”, looked over the rim of her thick glasses and her folded and pink painted fingers at her two best agents. “Is that a problem, Twilight? Don’t tell me the life of a family man has made you too soft about going out at night.” She asked with all the kindness and subtlety of a tank.


“Hmph!” The blonde man only groaned in annoyance, saving himself the effort of actually responding to Handler’s remark, while taking a close look at the picture of the nightclub in front of him.


“It’s pretty rare for establishments of that kind to just open like that here in Ostania. Much less when they’re daughter clubs from abroad. From a state no less that recently gained its freedom from Ostania’s ally during the last war!” Sylvia began to explain calmly. “We need to make sure that this club is simply that… a club. We can’t allow Ostania to make new allies behind our back in case another war breaks out!”


“So you need us to check out this club as a couple and see if anything suspicious is going on.” Fiona surmised logically. Internally however, she was thinking, ‘YES!!! Me and Twilight together on a mission! I’ll once again remind him that I’m the perfect partner, NO, the perfect WOMAN for him!! In this nightclub, when I dance with him together, he’ll see my skills outside of the battlefield! He’ll get to witness my body so tight to his own! My big breasts against his muscular chest! And then, when the music slows down and gets more sensual, I’ll whisper into his ear and say-!


“No.” With just one word alone, Sylvia destroyed Fiona’s wishful thoughts. “This one is a different kind of nightclub. It offers some… unique services when compared to the ones here in Berlint, and even those back home in Westalis. It would be too suspicious if a couple would show up there.”


If looks could kill, Sylvia would be six feet underground right now. “Ah… I see…!” Fiona replied in a dangerously low tone.


“It would make more sense for a man to go there with his friend. Unfortunately, all of our other agents are currently out in the field as well, so you need someone else to play the role.” Sylvia then said towards Loid.


“That should be no problem. Franky should be more than happy with checking this club out, even without it being part of a mission. It also makes for a convincing cover story for Yor.” Loid commented. ‘Simply saying that we’re going on a boys’ night out should make for a good enough explanation.


Sylvia clapped approvingly. “Excellent. I’ll leave the planning and details for how to proceed with the mission in your capable hands then, Twilight!” the older woman said, more than happy with being able to let Loid do her job for her. She then turned towards the white lavender haired woman on Loid’s left. “As for you, Nightfall, you will assist Twilight with his mission. Be that by posing as one of the women working in the club, or by keeping an eye on the club from the outside, that’s something you two have to decide between yourselves. The success of this mission lies on your shoulders, is that clear?”


“Yes!” both agents answered at once.


Even though I might be unable to play the role of your wife or girlfriend directly this time, I’ll make sure that your eyes will be purely on me the entire night!’ Fiona thought with a glance at Twilight. ‘I’ve seen the uniforms they wear in these types of nightclubs! All you need to do is to sit back and watch me completing this mission without a problem. You’ll see me in a cute maid dress that will accentuate my feminine beauty and show you just how perfect I would be as a housewife! Or maybe even in a bunny girl outfit! Not a single man I know of is immune to the charmes a woman possesses who wears such a daring outfit! I will make you mine! MINE!!!


A single pearl of sweat ran down the side of Loid’s face as he noticed the intense stare his colleague shot at him. ‘She doesn’t look happy about being on this mission. I’ll ask her later if she wants to sit it out and observe the club from outside.



(Three hours later…)










Yor and Loid Forger, Franky Franklin, and Yuri Briar all stared at one another silently, each one dealing with the situation they found themselves in. Standing between the four adults and looking from one to the other with a childlike awe in her big eyes was Anya. Loid’s adoptive daughter eagerly read through each of their minds, trying to find out what was going on. They were all standing in the living room of the Forger’s apartment and just found out about each other’s plans for the evening.


What the hell man?! I thought your wife didn’t have any plans for tonight! And what’s her SSS officer of a brother now doing here all of a sudden?’ Franky thought towards Loid, swaying between nervosity and animosity.


This is bad! If Yuri thinks I wanted to go to this club behind Yor’s back, he’ll undoubtedly make a scene out of it and find a way to lock me up for it!’ Loid thought as a barely noticeable drop of sweat ran down his neck. ‘And why does Yor decide to go with me on a date all of a sudden? Is this all a setup between the two? Does the SSS suspect anything?


LOI-LOI!!’ Yuri shouted in his mind, his blood boiling with rage as he stared invisible daggers straight through his sister’s husband’s head. ‘What are you thinking, going on a boys’ night out with that seedy friend of yours?! I should throw both of you behind bars for that! Trying to leave my dear sister alone at home while you go out partying… you truly are the lowest of scum! Have you no shame?’ He then turned towards his sister and thought. ‘And you truly wanted to go out on a date with a piece of trash like him? You truly are the purest and kindest soul in all of Ostania! THE ENTIRE WORLD! But why did you want me to watch that insufferable Chihuahua Girl?


Oh? Loid wanted to go to the club already with Franky?’ Yor leaned her head to the side in thought. ‘What a funny coincidence.


What should I do? If I insist on going to the club with Franky, Yuri will think I don’t care about Yor or something. And with Yor at home, there’s no reason for him to stay here as well. He’ll definitely find a way to follow us to the club to find out what we’re up to.’ Loid’s mind ran different scenarios at full speed. He glanced at Franky, who skilfully managed to avoid meeting Yuri’s fierce glare. ‘But if I go with Yor and leave Franky here, Yuri won’t need to babysit Anya. He will still have the opportunity to follow us and mess things up. Plus, I don’t know if Fiona has a wig or mask with her. Yor might be able to recognize her as one of the dancers, which would only complicate things!


“Woah!” Anya couldn’t help but watch in awe as the four adults thought about ways on how to deal with this situation.


In the end, it was Loid who stepped up first. “Ahem. If that’s the case, and you want to go on a date with me, then we can do that of course! Everything for you, Yor!” the blonde man exclaimed over romantically. “I’m sure Franky and I can have our boys’ night some other day!” He looked at Yuri and forced a smile on his head as he nudged Franky in the side. “Hahahaha…ha! I don’t even know how he came up with the idea of going to such a club in the first place.”


“No, it’s alright. It’s all my fault for not telling you earlier about this date.” Yor apologized. “I should have told you sooner. If you want to have fun with Franky together, I’m sure we can go out on some other day!”


“Yeah, man!” Franky agreed. He threw his arm around Loid’s shoulder and squeezed him hard enough for it to hurt. “I’ve been looking forward to this night for a while now! You can always go out with your wife some other day.” He told Loid while internally thinking, ‘No way in hell will I give up on going to this club! Not after you watered my mouth and said that WISE pays for all expenses! Do you have any idea how fiery and hot the girls in those kinds of clubs are, Twilight?!


“How dare you talk about my sister as if she is an afterthought, you worm?!” Yuri raised his fist, a vein throbbing prominently at the side of his head. In response, Franky squealed and took cover behind Loid. “Apologize to her this instant and I might forgive you for this insolence!”


“Y- Yuri! Don’t be so rude, Franky didn’t mean it like that.” Yor stepped between her brother and the other two men with her arms crossed.


“Mhm. Scruffy just wants to see nice ladies because he’s alone all the time.” chiming in from the side all of a sudden, Anya actually managed to make Yuri grin and Franky’s chin to hit the floor.


“Hey, I’ve got an idea. Why don’t we go to the club together?” suggested Loid. He turned towards his wife. “If you managed to get two places for you and me, and Franky also got two places for him and me, then that means we have four places in total. You and I can still go on our date together, and Franky can have his boys’ out with Yuri.” the undercover spy said with an optimistic and false smile. ‘This way I can have Franky and Fiona keep an eye on Yuri, while I take a look around the club!


WHAT?! NO WAY!!!” Yuri and Franky thought at once after one look at the other.


Yor, on the other hand, was much more on board with the idea. “What a brilliant idea, Loid!” the black haired woman agreed with a warm smile. A thought then occurred to her. “But who’s taking care of Anya while we’re gone? We can’t leave her alone the whole night.”


“Anya’s going with Mama and Papa!” the little girl said. “Anya wants to see a club! Bondman always meets so many baddies or informants in clubs.”


“No way, young lady!” Loid brought the fantasies of his daughter to an end before they could even begin to take form. “You’re staying here. We can ask the Authens next door if you can stay with them until we’re back!”


WHA-? But I wanna go…”


But Loid had none of it. With the help of his wife, he managed to convince Yuri and Franky of the idea of going to the club in a group of four. He then asked the elderly couple who recently moved in next to them if they could keep an eye on Anya while they were gone. And though she wasn’t a fan of the idea at first, Anya was quickly won over once Barbara Authen pulled out a huge bowl full with candy and other snacks for her to eat during her stay with them.


The four adults then drove to the club at Brunft Street 96 in Loid’s car, with Franky and Yuri forced to sit on the backseat in awkward silence. During the drive, Yor told Loid all about how one of her colleagues suggested that date at the nightclub, which finally explained to the blonde man as to how she suddenly came up with that idea. On the downside, it also made Yuri rant about Yor’s colleague and what a bad influence she is for her.


Before things could escalate even more however, they finally reached their destination. They miraculously found an empty parking spot not too far away from the three-story building, and only had to walk a short distance under the light of the streetlights above. “BUSTEEZ” was written in cursive letters on a sign right above the entrance, with four headlights at the corners shining down on it to keep it readable, even as the late summer sun began to disappear over the western horizon. There was a huge mixed crowd of people blocking the entrance, ranging from those who want to enter the club, reporters who tried to get in to get some photos and news to tell for their newspapers, protesters who loudly objected the very nature of the club, and some guys from the Berlint police department, as well as some private security men to keep things organized and in check.


Loid wondered just how much of this was used as a ruse to keep everyone distracted from any shady businesses going on. More importantly though, he asked himself whether or not Yor knew just what kind of club she wanted to go to on a date with him. He took a quick glance at his wife as she asked aloud just what kind of food they would serve there.


Tonight she wore a backless crimson off-shoulder dress that would show plenty of cleavage, if it weren’t for the laced black cardigan with the rose motif she wore over it. But even without the chance of looking at her tits, the dress served to emphasize her butt just as much. It clung so tight to her posterior, Loid wondered if she was aware what effect that dress had on her, or the imagination of the many men who were about to enter the club. Then again, he now lived long enough together with her to safely assume that she had no ulterior motives with her choice of clothing! Nonetheless, it was a racy outfit that served to enhance her feminine beauty even more. If it weren’t for his innate professionalism, and the fact that Yuri would lock him up, if not kill him, if he were to even look longer than two seconds at his sister, Loid would have found himself drawn to her considerably more.


The odd quartet joined some other clubbers at the end of the queue. It didn’t take them too long, and soon they found themselves in front of a tall and muscular looking man with skin like chocolate, not that surprising, considering the club’s origins overseas. The “Busteez” chain of nightclubs first came to being twenty years ago, but only found its way over to the continent in the last year. Though there haven’t been any clubs of that kind in Westalis, rumors about the things the women inside of them offered quickly spread thanks to merchants, sailors, and soldiers. There were brothels, sure, but from what Loid had heard, the women of “Busteez”, and those kinds of clubs in general, did something far more extravagant.


“Hm… ‘kay. You can enter.” the bouncer confirmed after a look at their reservations. He pulled away the red cord in front of the already wide open doors, allowing them entry into the club. “Have fun.” He said to them as they walked by, with a particularly long look dedicated to Yor.


Once inside, they left their coats and cardigan, in Yor’s case, in the capable hands of the woman in charge of the cloakroom before heading further in. Normally Loid would have preferred to keep his coat with him, in case he needed to leave quickly or if there’s some other emergency, but he didn’t want to take the risk with Yuri around. They were greeted by the sounds of life music before they even went on the actual dance floor. It was a quick jazzy beat with a drum to it that vibrated through each of their bodies as they got closer.


“I’m so excited! Camilla told me how much you would love going with me here!” Yor gushed.


I really need to take a second look at that colleague of hers!’ Yuri and Loid thought at the same time.


“Hehehehe! I’m sure he will love it here!” Franky chuckled, visibly amused because of Loid’s unease. He stepped up to the huge double door that separated the entrance from the dancefloor. “Well, what are we waiting for?!”


The music became almost deafening for a moment as their ears needed some time to get used to the volume. There was a live band playing at the left end of the huge room, with microphones and loudspeakers evenly distributing their music over the entire floor. A red haired woman in a dress that was even more revealing than Yor’s stood with them on the podium and sung erotically into her microphone, her voice nothing more than a hoarse whisper.


“Alright. I reserved table 13 for Loid and me.” Yor said after a quick look around the place. If she were confused by the silver poles at the center of each table, then she didn’t mention it. Her red eyes then fell on Franky. “What table did you get?”


“I think it was 25, was it not?” Loid answered for his partner in crime.


“25?” After spotting the two last empty tables on the other side of the stage, tears formed in Yuri’s eyes. “But… I would be so far away from you!” His sorrow then quickly turned into anger at Loid. “And I definitely can’t let you alone with Loi-Loi!”


“Yuri, please!” the older sister grabbed her brother’s hand and squeezed it tight. “Do it for me. Maybe we can switch places or sit together later. And Franky is a really nice guy, you just need to give him a chance!”


“Hmph!” Yuri’s aggression then turned to Franky who, until now, has been giddily rubbing his hands together. When he felt the SSS officer’s blood red eyes on him, he instantly shrunk down several inches and squealed girlishly. Yuri scuffed. “I’ll try.”


Unbeknownst to the others, Loid kicked Franky against the shin. “OWW!!” He jumped up slightly, only to quickly clear his throat once he understood Loid’s intentions. I mean, oh yeah! Come on, Yuri. First round is on me, what do you say?”


The false couple stood there for a moment and watched as Franky, with some effort, managed to pull Yuri with him. ‘Glad that that’s taken care of.’ Loid sighed in relief. He then held out his hand and gestured to their empty table. “Why don’t you take a seat while I’ll get us something to drink from the bar?”


The blonde husband went over to the bar a couple meters right to the entrance. Right after he had entered the dancefloor, he had spotted an all too familiar patch of white lavender hair that thankfully disappeared into the background once the woman it belonged to saw with whom he was here. “A martini for me and the best wine you have for my wife.” He said to the woman behind the counter.


“Right away, hot stuff~.” Fiona answered with a flirting singsang. She turned around to get the different bottles, while continuing to talk with him non-verbally, ‘What’s going on? Why are that SSS officer and your wife here, Twilight?’ With two bottles in hand, she then faced her superior again. “How would you like your martini?”


“Shaken, not stirred.” Loid answered. ‘There’s been a change of plans. We need to be extra cautious. Did you notice anything suspicious?’ He leaned forward on the counter and acted as if he was interested in the other two women working there.


All the women working here wore an outfit that was called a bunny suit overseas. Personally, Loid had a hard time connecting the dots as to why it was called that way. There was nothing inherently “Bunny” about it. It did however accentuate the bare legs of each woman greatly and rode up their asses in some cases whenever they moved around too much. It also made it pretty clear that none of the women even bothered with wearing anything underneath the black latex fabric of their suits, with each of them showing off a perfect cameltoe that would make most ordinary men go nuts.


“Shaken martini. You got it, hot stuff~!” Fiona said with a wink that could have been playful if it weren’t for her emotionless expression. She poured the red wine into a glass, then went on to prepare Loid’s drink. ‘Nothing noteworthy going on so far.’


‘Are you locked in that bar the entire night, or are you able to leave later? I need you to distract Yuri Briar while I take a look around!’ Loid asked silently, while tapping on the counter with his finger, almost as if he couldn’t wait to get his drink for much longer.


‘That should be doable. I’m supposed to be on stage later today, I’ll make sure to put on a show that he never forgets!’ She replied without moving her lips at all. ‘I hope you will never forget it as well! I’ll dedicate it to you! Even though you probably won’t get to see it, I want you to know that it’s an expression of my undying love for you!’ She added in her mind alone. “Here you go, hot stuff. A shaken martini just for you. And a wine for… your wife!”


“Thanks. You can keep the change!” Loid accepted the two glasses and slid some cash over the counter. ‘There are two of my wigs with the money. Take whichever one you need, just make sure that no one notices you!’


He left his fellow agent behind to her own devices and returned to his wife, who was already waiting for him at their table. “There you are. The show is about to begin!” She told him once he was within hearing distance.


“Haha. Sorry for making you wait.” Loid apologized. Handing her the red wine in his left hand, he then raised the glass with his martini for a toast. “To our date night!”


“Y- yeah.” Yor’s face turned as red as her eyes as she heard him talk so openly about why they were here in the first place. “To… that.” She took a first sip from her wine and let out a sigh. Trying to focus on other things than her rapidly beating heart, she then tipped against the silver pole at the center of their round table. “What a weird installment. Do you have any idea what it’s for?”


Loid almost spat out his drink at the question. As Yor simply leaned her head to the side, he cleared his throat. “Erm, your colleague… she really didn’t tell you what club this is, did she?” He asked carefully.


“Hm? It’s a nightclub, isn’t it?” the black haired beauty asked in return.


“It’s… a bit more complicated, actually.” Loid began to explain. “You see, they-!”


LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!!!” a female voice echoed through the entire room. At the same time, all but one spotlight that was aimed at the red haired woman at the center of the stage went out, leaving the room shrouded in darkness and covered in silence. “IT IS WITH GREAT PLEASURE THAT I AM ALLOWED TO WELCOME YOU ALL TO BUSTEEZ’S BIG OPENING NIGHT HERE IN BERLINT! THIS IS A MOMENTOUS OCCASION THAT I THINK MANY OF YOU WILL REMEMBER FOR A LONG WHILE!!!


The woman kept on talking into her microphone as she walked like a supermodel on the stage that stretched from one end of the room to the other, with two branches stretching out to the left and right at the very center, giving it a “t”-shape. All eyes were immediately locked on her, as she demanded everyone’s attention with a simple swing of her hips. She wore a regal dress that dragged over the floor behind her as she walked past the hungry looking men below her.




Once she reached the end of the stage, a cloud of smoke erupted from down below. The club’s manager used this to get off the stage unnoticed while six scantily dressed women went on stage after her. The audience bursted out with cheer as the women began moving their bodies in perfect harmony to the music that now grew louder again.


WHAAAAA??” Somehow Yor’s face got even more red as she found herself face to face with the clapping ass of one of the performers. She looked from the two barely covered, oiled, and wetly plapping mounts to Loid, then back, and then to Loid again. “What… what is going on?”


Loid nervously fidgeted with the collar of his shirt. “The Busteez is a… different kind of nightclub.” He said demurely, far too embarrassed to look his wife in the eyes as a couple meters in front of them another woman gyrated her fat ass in the air.


It didn’t take long for one of the men in the audience to throw his first three five-dalc notes on stage. This quickly turned into a shower of dalc notes of all kinds that rained down on the women as they continued with their choreography. Right in front of table 25, Fiona (now wearing the blonde wig she used during her disguise as Nafalia Foney from her last real mission with Loid) ignored the money and, as if she had been practicing for this her entire life, was able to match her fellow dancers.


Franky couldn’t get his eyes off of her and was already mentally undressing her as she bent over in front of him, sensually dragging her fingers from her left ankles upwards. She graced her thicc thighs with the tip of her red painted fingers and rubbed her pussy through the thin fabric of the costume she was wearing. Slipping a finger underneath the stretchy fabric, she pulled on it wide enough to give Franky the hope he could see her pussy, only to let it snap back in place with a loud PLAP sound.


WOOOOHOOOO!!!!” Franky catcalled and wolf whistled energetically, stomping with his feet on the floor. He drank from his beer and tried to get the disinterested looking Yuri to join his cheering as well. When Yuri didn’t comply, Franky reached into his pocket and pulled out some banknotes to throw at Fiona. “SHOW US MORE OF THAT GOOD STUFF, BABY!!! I WANNA SEE MORE!!


Fiona actually had to fight the urge to blush at his comments, and gritted her teeth. ‘I’m gonna kill him! I’m so gonna kill him once this is over!’ She thought while spinning around to give him a good look at her ass. The white haired agent spanked her own butt and squeezed it tight, much to Franky’s approval. ‘I hope you appreciate this, Loid! I’m only doing this for you!


“This is ridiculous! Who would actually want to sit through and watch something like this an entire night?!” Yuri thought out loud. Pushing himself off of the table, he turned towards where Yor was sitting. “I’m leaving with her. This is no place for her!” He then looked down at the still enthusiastically cheering Franky with a look full of contempt and disgust. “She was probably forced to come here with you perverts anyways! No way would my sweet sister ever go anywhere near such an establishment!”


In the flash of an eye, Fiona suddenly jumped on table 25, landing on all fours. Before Yuri could leave, she grabbed his arm by the wrist and pulled him back to the table. “Leaving so soon, baby?” purring as sensually as possible, despite Yuri being her enemy, she pushed him back on the table and all but shoved her tits in his face while simultaneously bouncing her ass up and down right in front of Franky’s eyes. “But the show hasn’t even started yet!”


One after the other, each dancer on stage found themselves on a table nearby. The music slowly faded away as the women had to find their own beat to deal with up to five customers at once at times. None of them were on Loid’s and Yor’s table though, the latter of whom buried her face in her hands, too ashamed to even look up. This simultaneously gave Loid more than enough opportunities to scan the area for anything out of place.


“I… I’m so sorry, Loid!” Yor apologized desperately. “I… I truly didn’t know that things would escalate that much. I just wanted to go on a nice date with you to make you happy…”


“Hey, it’s alright. You don’t need to be sorry about anything!” Loid reached for her hands and pulled them away from her face to look into her mesmerizing red eyes. “If there’s anyone who should apologize, it’s us! We all should have told you earlier about what kind of club this actually is!”


Reaching for her glass, Yor downed more than half of the wine in one swing. “Ahhh… I feel so stupid! How couldn’t I notice this earlier?! Stupid, stupid, stupid!” She banged her own head against the table three times, then emptied her entire glass. “I just want to make you happy, and this is how it ends… I’m a failure as a wiiiiiiiiiiiiife!!”


“Don’t say that! You tried your best, that’s all that counts!” the blonde man reassured her, honestly meaning every word that he said. “Come, let’s just leave this place! I’m sure we’ll find something fun to do some other time!” He suggested, already standing up from the table and extending his arm to her. ‘I haven’t found any microphones or anything, but just to be safe, I’m gonna go out with her, then say that I go back in to get Yuri and Franky. Yuri probably wants to leave anyway which would give Nightfall and Franky the time and freedom to investigate on their own terms without worrying about anything!


Yor sniffled and looked up through teary eyes. “O- okay…!” She wiped away the tears and took her husband’s hand.


They were already halfway through the club again, having carefully avoided the tables with the dancers on them, when suddenly the light of two spotlights fell on the stage again. “NOW, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, IT’S TIME FOR OUR VERY SPECIAL PROGRAM OF TONIGHT’S CEREMONY!!!” the club’s manager from earlier announced after stepping on the stage again. “SEX… IS NOTHING TO BE AFRAID OF! NOR DOES IT NEED TO HAPPEN BEHIND LOCKED DOORS ONLY!!! IT’S LIBERATING, A WAY TO EXPRESS ONESELF, TO HAVE FUN… TO BE FREE!!!!


The entire club went silent as the woman continued her speech.




She walked up and down on the stage as her monologue went on. Loid tried to continue pulling Yor with him out of the club, but Yor wouldn’t budge an inch as she kept on listening to the older woman’s words.




Despite so many men having thrown their money on stage just a couple of minutes ago, none of them wanted to get naked on stage. They all watched awkwardly and fidgeted with their fingers, waiting for the moment to pass.


NO ONE? REALLY??” the club manager clicked her tongue and shook her head. “WHAT A SHAME! AND HERE I THOUGHT THE MEN IN OSTANIA HAD BACKBONE! VERY WELL, THEN I SHALL NOMINATE SOMEONE FROM THE CROWD!!” The spotlights kept on scanning the audience for people as the ginger haired woman looked around. “EENIE, MEENIE, MINEY… YOU TWO!!!


In an instant, Loid’s blood turned cold as ice as every single spotlight shone down on Yor and him. ‘This got to be some kind of twisted joke!’ He thought, beginning to sweat profusely as he thought of a way out of the situation.


Next to him, Yor’s face turned into an unreadable mask that showed no, and yet every reaction possible at the same time. “I… we… Loid… what… should we…?”




What should I do? If I comply, people might see and recognize my face. What if they take a photo or write an article about this evening in the newspaper? It could jeopardize Operation Strix forever!’ He argued with himself. ‘But if I don’t go, Yuri might think I don’t truly love Yor. It could also lead to a scene that would make the people here susp-!


“L- Loid? Can we… I want to give this a try.” Yor then spoke up. When she noticed his baffled face, she quickly added. “Only if it’s okay with you of course! I just want to make sure that I’m the perfect wife for you!”


“Hrrrrgh…!” Loid groaned, trying to find any other ways out of the situation, only to realize that there aren’t any at the moment. “Okay. For you!”


Together, the young couple walked on stage, applauded by a handful of people while the rest of them watched in awkward silence. Once they were next to the older woman, she put her microphone to the side and whispered, “Don’t worry, you don’t need to do anything crazy. A simple paizuri should be good enough for the people here! You also can rest easy, security outside will make sure to confiscate any film that was produced here. Not a single picture of you doing anything will leave this club!”


She kept on talking about the club’s policies, but Loid and Yor could only think about one thing, ‘What’s a paizuri?


Once she was finished explaining the details to Loid and Yor, she brought the microphone to her mouth again. “THERE WE HAVE IT!! PLEASE, ENJOY THE SERVICES OF OUR DANCERS ON THE TABLE AS YOUR EYES FEAST ON A DISPLAY OF YOUNG AND HOT LOVE!!!


Just as quickly as she appeared on stage, the woman left it again. Before the situation could get too awkward for Yor and Loid, the band began playing their music again, while all the women continued where they left off. Only the eyes of those men who didn’t have a next to naked woman in front of them now rested on them.


“Should we… should we really do this?” Loid asked over the rapid pounding of his heart.


NO!! Don’t do it! Don’t you dare do it!’ Fiona shouted in her mind. The undercover agent hugged Yuri’s face deep into her cleavage and smothered him with her tits, partially to prevent him from seeing what was going on at the moment, but also to vent some excess energy and aggression that suddenly coursed through her veins! “Mmmmh~! Yeah, you like that, don’t you?!”


NHOOOOOO!!!!” Yuri’s struggles were in vain as he found himself unable to escape the woman’s clutches. “MUH SHISHDA… I SHENSHE HEW DOING SHUMSHING WIPH LOI-LOI!!! LEMME GHOOOOOO!!!!!


“Nnnnngh… if you squirm like that… Oh my, what a fighter you are!” She played the role of a sensual dancer while thinking inwardly, ‘This can’t be happening! Why are you doing this to me, Loid? Can’t you see that you’re breaking my heart??


Man! I totally should have taken my camera with me!’ Franky thought in stark jovial contrast. ‘Those pics would have made for excellent leverage against Loid!


Despite Fiona’s and Yuri’s silent pleas, Loid and Yor stripped down on top of the stage. ‘This is all just for the mission, Twilight. Nothing more. Just the mission!’ He thought as, against his own will, his cock grew to a full erection at the sight of Yor’s basically naked body.


The only thing she wore underneath her dress was black laced lingerie that left next to nothing open for interpretation. It earned her dozens of catcalls from the people watching, as well as another shower of money. She gulped at the sight of the tent Loid fetched in his underwear. Okay… I- I’m coming, Loid!” Yor moaned silently as she crawled over towards him.


The mission!’ Loid thought, clenching his hands hard enough into fists to draw blood. His knees felt like jello as he watched Yor drawing closer on her hands and knees. Did she always look that beautiful? Was this actually happening right now? She put her hands on his briefs and pulled them down in one swift move, freeing his raging erection from its prison. ‘IT’S JUST FOR THE MISSION!!!


OH!” Yor gasped as the red hot tip of her husband’s dick pointed straight at her like some kind of weapon. “It’s so… big!” She moaned as she reached for his member.


When her finger touched the hard cock, it felt like a static shock coursing through both of their bodies. A tingle spread from Yor’s fingers through her entire body as she took hold of it. “Fuck…!” Loid grunted as the same kind of tingle found its way through his body, mind, and soul. ‘Her hands are so soft!


Please don’t watch now, Yuri. Your sister is doing something really naughty!’ Yor thought as she moved her hand back and forth in a slow jerking motion. Her breath became slower and heavier with each beat of her heart, steaming out of her wide open and salivating mouth. “Aaaah… it’s still getting bigger!”


“Haaa! Yor, please don’t talk like that…” Loid closed his eyes. His entire body went stiff as a board as a new kind of pressure began building up deep within him.


“I try… but I can’t!” She answered honestly. With her free hand, the talented assassin then stripped out of the rest of her lingerie and began fondling her own tit. “You’re throbbing so much… Am I doing a good job? Does it feel good?”


“You… you’re doing good!” panted Loid.


This can’t be happening! That stupid woman is stealing my Loid away from me!! And I can’t do anything to stop it!! It’s so unfair!’ Now sitting on Yuri’s lap, Fiona grinded her pussy against his crotch while still keeping his face nestled between her tits. ‘I will never forgive you for that!


With surprisingly strong hands, Yor easily pushed Loid to the ground. He only watched as she straddled his lap and went on with her handjob. Even without any lube, her hand moved smoothly over his skin, jerking him to complete erection with only a handful of strokes. “You’re too big, Loid! You feel so good in my hands!”


“Fuck! Don’t… don’t stop!” Loid let his head rest on the floor below him and tried to relax as best as he could.


He’s too big for my hands… I can’t hold him!’ Yor realized. ‘But what if I…?


Before he knew it, Yor wrapped her tits around his girth, engulfing it completely with their softness. “OH GOD…!!” Loid ended up gasping louder than he planned. It felt as if a pair of pillows were pressed around his cock!


They were so soft! So hot! And he could feel Yor’s rapidly beating heart through it!


“Loid… does it really feel that good?” Yor asked again. She began kneading her own tits around his member, massaging it from all sides at once and causing his dick to spurt out precum non-stop. “AAAH…! My breasts… AAAH, HA, HA, HAAAA!!!” Yor wanted to pull a hand away from her tits to instead stroke her pussy. ‘Why is it tingling so much down there? I never felt so hot down there before! Am I gonna…?


Get a hold of yourself, Twilight! Don’t give in just yet!’ Loid chided himself as the pressure in his balls built up more and more. “Grrrr!! How… are you… NGGGH!!! Doing this…?”


“This is my first time doing something like this, you have to believe me!” Yor answered his question, rubbing Loid’s dick faster now with her highly sensitive balls. Her now dripping pussy rained its juices down on the stage as she got them both closer and closer towards an orgasm.


DAMMIT, Loid!! How can you be that lucky?! It’s unfair!’ Franky thought in frustration as the young couple on stage now moaned with one voice. All he could do was to watch Fiona keep Yuri occupied, which currently consisted of Fiona sitting on the table and keeping Yuri’s face pressed tightly against her crotch.


“Yes~! Eat my pussy, lover boy! I know you like it! Dig deeper with that talented tongue of yours!” Fiona purred lowly as she arched her back. Inside of her though, Fiona fought with a mix of anger and sorrow. ‘That stupid floozy of a wannabe wife! What does she think she’s doing to MY man!? She can’t even give a paizuri right!


“L- Loid…!” Yor moved her tits now with the speed of a jackhammer, with the resulting PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP of flesh against flesh echoing loud and clear through the entire building. “I’m gonna… I think I’m gonna…!”


Are her breasts really that sensitive? I have to remember that!’ Loid thought during a brief moment of clarity, which quickly disappeared again as he found his cock churning out almost twenty ounces worth of cum. “Fuck! I’m cumming too!! FUUUCK!!!


EEEEP!!!” Yor squealed in surprise as the salty white goo shot out of the tip of Loid’s dick.


It quickly dropped back down and landed all over her heaving tits. At the same time, her own pussy cramped and she found herself having her first actual orgasm of her life. A salty, musky smell invaded her nostrils that only made Yor feel more light headed than she already was before. The cum on her tits felt so hot and sticky, she felt tempted to scoop it up and give it a try.


NOW THAT’S WHAT I CALL A PERFORMANCE!!!” the club’s manager said suddenly as she appeared behind Loid and Yor. “PLEASE GIVE OUR STARS OF THE HOUR THE APPLAUSE THEY DESERVE!!


At this moment, Loid and Yor would have loved to do it like ostriches and bury their faces as the applause and cheers around them swelled on. Loid shook his head. ‘Let’s never do something like this again!


Yor meanwhile fell on her back and quivered in the aftermath from her orgasm just now. ‘We definitely need to do this again!



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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8 months ago

This was amazing. It was exactly what I needed on a difficult week where there was no new issue of Spy X Family to tide me over. You wrote every individual character well, and even managed to work in the strip club theme, which normally isn’t my thing, in a really enjoyable way that enhanced the comedy.

Also, I low-key kind of hope Sylvia / Handler gets some arts at some point now, ’cause this seems like a good set-up to further wacky adventures and she usually doesn’t get much.

(Fiona/Yuri is my favorite “two jerks” ship too. Simp X Simp. Heee.)

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
8 months ago
Reply to  SpectralTime

I would be overjoyed if I can do more stuff with the different Spy x Family baddies. Sylvia, Fiona, and maybe even Yor’s coworkers deserve it!

8 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Not sure how I feel about all of them needing to be filtered through the strip-club/brothel thing which was an alright (and hilarious) means-to-an-end this chapter, but… well, we’ll see!

(I wouldn’t call most of ’em baddies mind… but I admit that I also think Melinda’s pretty too! Although I guess Melinda herself’s “baddie-ness” is debatable.)

8 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Not sure how I feel about all of them needing to be filtered through the strip-club/brothel thing which was an alright (and hilarious) means-to-an-end this chapter, but… well, we’ll see!

(I wouldn’t call most of ’em baddies mind… but I admit that I also think Melinda’s pretty too! Although I guess Melinda herself’s “baddie-ness” is debatable.)

8 months ago

I’m really impressed with this story! You included a lot of details, including stuff from recent chapters of the manga, you really knew your stuff. It made it feel similar to the original source and really fun, so great job! I can’t wait to see what else comes from this! Hopefully no heavy ntr stuff, I love Loid x Yor too much.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
8 months ago
Reply to  Tempest

If it can be avoided, I would never dare to step into NTR territory with Yor and Loid.

Also, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! I kinda ended up annoying Rtenzo quite a bit, I assume, with how long it took to get this chapter right. Writing it in a way that made the sex scene feel natural and believable was a lot harder than I expected. Super appreciate you noticing it!

8 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

No problem, you did such a good job I had to notice. Yeah better be careful not to upset the big man himself. I really hope to see more chapters in the future, hopefully we’ll get more arts to help with that. Lastly you have my respect for not wanting to do ntr with Yor and Loid, they are absolutely the best when they’re together!

8 months ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

No problem, you did such a good job I had to notice. Yeah better be careful not to upset the big man himself. I really hope to see more chapters in the future, hopefully we’ll get more arts to help with that. Lastly you have my respect for not wanting to do ntr with Yor and Loid, they are absolutely the best when they’re together!

8 months ago

Wow, what a crazy start to the series, to be honest, I realized that we would only see SpyXFamily in the crossover cruise story, but I’m glad to see them in an individual series.

Good start, a pleasant chapter with very crazy moments. It was good to see Loid and Yor having relationships. Let’s hope there are more of them in cover images. In short, I give it 8.9/10 🌟 Not a bad start.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
8 months ago
Reply to  AL-720

Thanks for the kind words and high ranking. I really want to make Spy x Family stand out some more and do something with the many characters there, especially the hot girls.

8 months ago

Twenty ounces of cum, damn Loid was backed up, well good for him it seems his wife will be taking very good care of him now.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
8 months ago
Reply to  Corotone

The guy hasn’t had sex ever since Operation Strix started lol. Something tells me though that he won’t be that pent up for a loooooooooooong while.