Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Himawari’s Turn

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 95): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 97): [LINK]

Himawari Uzumaki didn’t know where she was! One second she was at her grandfather’s home for her usual injutsu training, which he had stepped up the intensity of thanks to both her parents being away. The next moment, she was on a beach somewhere. The worst part of it was when she emptied her stomach from the sudden wave of dizziness that hit her.


Her father had told her about teleporting before, but no description could have prepared her for it in reality. Thankfully, the dizziness and sense of displacement was brief, and Himawari began looking around her new location. It didn’t take her very long to figure out where she was, which was the island where her father was with her mother. Though she had no idea where to begin looking for them.


Her first priority was to try and contact her grandfather to let him know she was okay. It took a little bit of work, but she managed to secure a phone-line to the mainland and called him. He immediately wired her enough money for food and lodgings, telling her to find a room and stay put until the travel ban was lifted. He also said she could call again if she needed any more funds.


For the first couple of days, Himawari just stayed in the room she found in a hotel not far from the beach where she had initially emerged from. But boredom had quickly set in before she went out exploring. She’d barely stepped out of the hotel main building before she encountered her first display of open debauchery.


A young man with dark colored hair and a tattoo on his arm was ravishing a girl with blue hair, blue eyes, and really big boobs. Rather than being shocked by the sight of open fornication though, Himawari was fascinated! Her training with grandpa and Hanabi Onee-chan had taught her all the basic fundamentals of sexual copulation.


Hanabi Onee-chan had shown her a few videos for her “education”, they were basically just porno movies, but they served the purpose of showing Himawari “the basics” as Hanabi put it. Though she found the bit with the pizza delivery guy more funny than anything else. The pizza guy who delivered it to her home didn’t look anywhere near that handsome.


What fascinated Himawari though was how BAD at it they were! There was no technique in their movements at all. And the way it was making the girl moan was almost comical to Himawari. The dark haired man was on top of the blue haired girl, leaning over her in the doggy style position, slamming his manhood in and out of her wildly. If her grandfather were here, he’d smack the man over the head for such clumsy movements!


And as for the girl, she wasn’t trying to control her orgasms at all! Her pussy was spraying everywhere like a broken faucet. Himawari continued to watch the show until the man came inside the woman and the two collapsed together in a sweaty heap. She then began making her way around the city itself where she found a shop that sold really interesting swimsuits made up of these special stickers that went over the nipples and pussy.


Himawari thought the design was neat and bought one for herself made up of three heart shaped stickers. The two smaller ones were for her nipples, while a larger one covered her pussy. The way it adhered to the skin was some kind of silicon-like material that was very sticky to skin, but not so much that it couldn’t easily be removed. And it didn’t adhere to hair at all. The reason behind that was obvious, though thankfully Himawari didn’t currently have any pubic hairs to worry with. She’d seen her mother and Hanabi Onee-chan waxing their legs and pubic areas before, it did NOT look comfortable!


After that, Himawari spent most of the day at the beach, engrossed in watching the varied acts of fornication. The ones she liked watching most were the group sex shows, with multiple men taking on one girl. She’d always wondered what that would be like, having to fight several opponents like that at once. Grandpa had said her training would reach that point later, after she mastered other techniques.


When she finally grew bored with that, she’d swam in the ocean a bit, being careful not to go out too deep. The sticker based swimsuit was actually really good for swimming in as it turned out, almost like skinny dipping! Eventually, Himawari felt a little tired from swimming and went back ashore. She had planned to head back to her hotel for the night when she spotted her father walking around with a woman that had really pretty lavender colored hair! They were coming out of one of the many clubs here when another woman with skin like snow and matching hair came running over to them. They spoke for a few moments, but Himawari couldn’t hear them thanks to the distance. She could have used her Byakugan to read their lips, if she had any talent for that at all!


Instead, the dark haired girl was about to run over to her father when another man appeared. A big man with dark skin and a bulky muscle build. His left arm was wrapped in bandages like her father’s right one. Himawari had only met him a couple of times. He was the former Raikage of the Hidden Cloud, and his name was really weird, just being a letter, A.


Her father and the two women finished speaking with A after a few moments and then went to another building, Himawari followed. The group went into another club building, but this one had a long line outside. A seemed to have an arrangement of some kind with the people who worked here, as he and her father’s group were able to bypass the line entirely and go right inside.


“And because of that, I had to wait in the line outside to get in.” Himawari finished explaining to her dad.


Standing in front of a hole made in the wall by Kaguya, Naruto Uzumaki let out a sound of frustration as he looked up at the ceiling. “Daddy?” Himawari asked after everyone was quiet for a few moments. The only sound came from another part of the club where music was being played. Some thrumming tune that made Himawari’s teeth feel like they were rattling.


So, that’s who Sasuke has with.” her father muttered. “I should have seen it sooner, what with everything happening here.”


“Heh, I fucked your mom, Hokage Brat!” A said with a smirk.


“From the sounds of it, she fucked you. There’s a difference.” Naruto countered. Himawari watched as her father crossed his arms over his chest and lowered his head in thought. “Heading back to the hotel can wait.” he finally said.


“A, can I ask you a favor?” he then said.


“Keep an eye on your little princess there?” A guessed.


“Dad! I can look after myself!” Himawari complained. After all, she had been taking care of herself for a couple of days now without issue.


“I will watch after the Princess, master.” Kaguya said, sounding almost dutiful in her tone.


Naruto seemed conflicted for a moment as he thought about it. He then nodded, “Take Himawari back to where you left my wife and Boruto. Tell her everything Himawari told us.” he instructed.


Kaguya nodded, and stood up, her massive chest and big ass jiggling from her motions.


A and her father exchanged words again, though Himawari only followed a bit of it. Something about tracking down Sasuke and her grandmother. A agreed to escort Himawari and Kaguya as far as the hotel where her mother and older brother were apparently, but that was all. Her father then took Konan, the woman with the lavender hair, with him and left the club.


There was a brief extra bit of drama when the club’s owner came over and saw the damage wrought by her dad and Kaguya, but A settled it with the words, “Bill the Hokage of Konoha for the damages.” followed by the address for the Hokage Office in Konoha.


“Come on, kid.” A then said, “And you too, you damned Uzumaki fuck pig.” A directed at Kaguya.


“Oink.” Kaguya said, her voice dry of every emotion except sarcasm.


The three of them left the club, A allowed Kaguya to lead the way, taking them through the bustling island streets. Himawari smiled and watched in fascination as they passed by a number of pornographic displays. Though she found all of them as messy and uncoordinated as the ones she’d observed earlier.


“You have keen eyes, Princess.” Kaguya said, having noticed the way she was watching the groups they passed.


“Grandpa’s training was pretty intense.” she replied, suddenly feeling bashful, afterall, only her grandpa and Hanabi Onee-chan really ever talked to her about training in the injutsu stuff. And they were always so serious about things. So it felt weird to receive any kind of praise like this.


“Hrmph, so you’ve been trained like your mom, eh?” A asked, feigning disinterest.


“Well… I guess? I’m not really supposed to tell mom about it until later. She and grandpa had some arguments over me and onii-chan being trained at all.” Himawari confessed.


“Circumstances there have changed.” Kaguya said, “The Mistress has decided to pursue my True Master’s formal training now.


“Eh, about that. Not that I’m complaining, since dealing with you the last time was, well, annoying seems too light a word. But what’s with this Master stuff? And you’re calling the Hokage’s bratty son that?” said A.


“Hey! Be nice to my onii-chan!!!” Himawari snapped. “He’s not bratty!!!”


“That’s right, he is my True Master now!” Kaguya said, siding with Himawari.


“That’s the part I don’t get.” said A, “I know who you are, and it doesn’t make sense for you to submit to a snot nosed punk with a bad GWOOOOHPH!!!!” A began to say, before Himawari punched him in his balls at the same time Kaguya delivered a swift kick to the same location.


“I will escort the Princess from here, you boar of a man.” Kaguya said before Himawari and her left the man on his knees with his hands on his crotch!


The two of them made it a couple of blocks away before Himawari looked up at Kaguya. She was really pretty, with her snow white skin, ruby colored lips, and silvery hair that was almost like mercury. The horns that came out of her head looked like bunny ears and were really cute! Her body had curves in all the right spots like her mother and Hanabi Onee-chan. It made Himawari jealous as she looked down at her own nearly flat breasts.


The dark haired girl had to admit, she wondered what her big brother did to tame her, as she’d heard a few stories from her father about his fight with this woman a long time ago. She didn’t seem like the type to simply fall for anyone, so Himawari doubted it was love.


“It was the Kami Chinpo,” Kaguya said, answering Himawari’s unanswered question. “Even I, a Goddess to all Shinobi, was powerless against it.”


“God Dick?” echoed Himawari.


“A technique that runs in your paternal family line. My son, Hagoromo, developed it, and passed it on as a genetic Kekkei Genkai through the bloodline of the Senju Clan and ultimately into the Uzumaki Clan.” she explained, her voice, while calm, was definitely vexed. “No woman is immune, though a woman with Uzumaki blood may have some mild resistance.”


“I remember Onee-chan talking about it with grandpa once, but they wouldn’t tell me anything.” Himawari said.


Kaguya sighed as they continued walking, “In simplest terms, it involves channeling one’s chakra through the penis during copulation. For the woman on the receiving end of things, it brings unimaginable pleasures.” she explained, her voice shifting from vexed to wistful, “While any shinobi worth his salt could do the same, there’s also the factor of the amount of chakra produced by the Uzumaki Clan, and their insane natural penis size. A normal shinobi male wouldn’t be able to sustain the needed level for even a split second, they’d die. Even for an exceptional one, they wouldn’t be able to manage it long enough to get any use as the exhaustion would rob them of their erection in an instant.”


Himawari could follow that. Both her father and brother put out a TON of chakra even when they didn’t want to. Himawari could see it with her Byakugan when she really tried. She nodded and silently beckoned Kaguya to continue.


“A man’s NATURAL penis size is also a factor.” Kaguya said. “The bigger, the better. The more a woman’s vagina is… Filled…” Kaguya said, stammering slightly and Himawari saw her biting her lower lip as she clenched her creamy thighs together, “The better the, energy… Is… Hahhnn… Just thinking about it is making me so weeeet…” she said in a shuddery voice. She stopped in mid stride, leaning against the wall and hugging her arms at her sides. Himawari saw a steady trickle of love juices flowing down the woman’s thighs now as her breath became shaky.


“When done properly, it’s instantly addicting, stronger than any narcotic. Even now, my pussy is craving your brother’s penis, or baring that, your father’s…” she said, gasping slightly, “Both were so much more efficient with it than my son when he used it to defeat me an eternity ago.”


“Huh?” asked Himawari, but Kaguya didn’t elaborate further as she got down on her knees. “We’re so close now, but I can’t stand it, my body is craving it so much again, ahhhhn…!” Kaguya moaned, shoving her right hand between her legs to touch herself. Himawari heard the familiar squishy noise of her fingers toying with her pussy, moving the slender digits in and out of the wet hole there.


The dark haired girl then gasped when Kaguya fell forward, bracing herself on her left hand and knees, rocking her body back and forth as she masturbated there in the street. “Ahhhh, it’s the service inmon I took on to prove my loyalty to Mistress Hinata, ahhhnmmmmh, it’s making it woooorse!!! Ahhh, I want it… My master’s dick!! I want to feel it insiiiiiide…!” panted Kaguya, with a trickle of drool running down her chin. Her heavy breasts hung from her chest, swaying slightly as she gasped for every breath.


“Ahhhhn, masterrrr… Please, come and ravish me! Stuff my holes with your godly dhiiiick…” she moaned, her fingers plunging in and out of her pussy roughly now, making a wet SHLICK SHLICK SHLICK noise.


She looked almost pitiful now, whimpering in need like that as she looked farther up the street. Himawari couldn’t tell where exactly, as there were several hotel buildings in that direction, her mother and brother could be staying in any one of them. She tried asking Kaguya which one, as Himawari was pretty sure she might be able to get her at least to the lobby of one of the buildings with a little effort. Petite as she was, Himawari was stronger than she looked. Grandpa had taught her how to use chakra to augment her muscles. She couldn’t do it for very long, but when she was pushed, she could easily lift over three times her own body weight for a little while.


But when she asked, Kaguya just let out a needy moan and continued to masturbate. “Ahhhn, I can’t take iiiit… My body is gonna meeeelt…!” Kaguya moaned. “So hot, my body feels so haawwt…!” she said as she pushed four fingers into her pussy, causing wet gushes of heady juices to spray out of herself. Her opal colored eyes were rolling back in her sockets and the red sharingan eye with the magatama in it seemed completely unfocused.




“Wow…” was all Himawari could say as she watched. Her grandfather had told her of women broken by injutsu, but she’d never seen it in person, until now.


COCK, KAGUYA WANTS YOUR GIANT GODLY COCK INSIDE HER DRIPPING WET PUSSSYYYYY…!” she cried as she pushed those four fingers deep inside herself, “Ahhhh, it feels so good, I wanna cum, I wanna cum so bad right nooow…” Kaguya said in a quieter voice.


Himawari then remembered what her grandfather had told her, ‘Sometimes, when a broken woman is craving orgasm to the point of madness, one’s first instinct is to try and deny them such release. But in some cases, that can actually make it worse. That desire can feed on itself, making the woman drop even deeper into a depraved lust. In cases like these, Himawari, providing a powerful enough orgasm, can restore sanity, at least in the short term. Until proper treatment can be applied.’


Moving in closer to Kaguya, Himawari rested one hand on her creamy white ass, feeling the raw heat coming off of her. It was actually surprising, as the woman’s outer appearance would make you think she’d be cool to the touch, especially since she was walking around completely naked. But it was quite the opposite, as her body was hot as if with a fever.


Himawari moved her other hand to help stroke Kaguya’s pussy, pushing the ivory skinned woman’s hand aside and taking its place with her own. She moved her fingers in the same way she did with herself whenever she was training. More naughty juices poured forth from Kaguya as she panted and moaned unintelligibly.


“How’s that?” Himawari asked, moving to push her fingers inside the woman now. The inside of her pussy was all squishy and wet, and her scent was strong, it almost made Himawari dizzy as she delved her fingers in deep, then twisted them around before pulling them out. She then repeated the motion several times, making Kaguya let out a deep, animal sounding moan.




Himawari grinned, slapping Kaguya’s ass hard enough to make it jiggle, “That mean old man said you were my family’s fuck pig, right?” she asked.




“Alright!” Himawari said with a giggle, pulling her hand away. Kaguya moved quickly, moving to kneel before Himawari, her hands clinging to her slender body.


“Please no, don’t stoooop…” she begged as Himawari peeled off her sticker bikini, exposing her naked body beneath. She then moved to clench her inner muscles, and some slick, clear fluids began to flow out of her pussy, followed by a silver cylinder that was rounded at both ends. It was about as long as her hand from the tip of her middle finger to her wrist. Part of her training had been keeping this item inside herself for long periods. It was merely a simple waterproof storage container, with enough space inside for a few simple survival items.


Himawari had been using it for a wallet.


She held the tube in both her hands and twisted them in opposite directions, unscrewing the container. Some small colored lipsticks and a mini-make up kit fell out, as they were too small to stay tucked inside once it was open. There was also a bundle of ryo, and a single scroll Hanabi Onee-chan had given her.


Taking the scroll and make-up, Himawari went to work, applying the red lipstick to herself and some rainbow colors to Kaguya. The dark haired girl then peppered the woman with kisses, leaving marks all over her ivory skin. One thing often forgotten in injutsu that she’d been taught. Light physical intimacy acts such as kissing, could go a long way if done correctly.


“Pleeeease, Princess Himawariiii… It huuuuurts…” Kaguya begged, “My body wants to cum so badly, it hurts, it huuuurts!!!”


Himawari grinned a cheeky grin, using the make up to scrawl ‘Uzumaki Clan’s Bitch’ on her fat white ass! She then gave it a loud slap, which made Kaguya moan in pleasure. Next, Himawari unfurled the small scroll. She only saw the text on it for a second, not long enough to read it, but she recognized a sealing jutsu when she saw one. There was a large plume of smoke as the seal was released, and when it cleared…


“Ahhhaaah!!!” Kaguya gasped at the gigantic clear rubber dildo that was now strapped tightly to Himawari’s groin. As long as she was tall, and as wide as her hips, the huge fake dick was made of a clear blue rubber material that shone in the street lamp light. It was heavy too, but not unwieldy.


Himawari didn’t even need to say anything as Kaguya turned, presenting her ass to Himawari like a pilgrim making an offering to a temple! Himawari held the giant dildo with her hands, it was so thick, she couldn’t even hope to bring her fingertips together around it, even with both hands. She slapped the big fake dick against Kaguya’s ass a couple of times before she positioned it where she wanted, and SHOVED!


HWEEEEEEEEEEGH!!! THAT’S NOT MY PUSSYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!” squealed Kaguya as Himawari shoved the huge dick up her asshole!


“No,” said Himawari as she began swinging her hips quickly, “It’s NOOOOT!!!” she yelled as she drove the giant dildo in and out of the ivory skinned woman’s asshole. Luckily, the dildo was already preslicked with a special lubricant when Himawari summoned it, so she knew that Kaguya wasn’t in any pain. Himawari continued holding onto the woman’s wide ass as she slammed the massive length in and out of her.




Ripples jiggled across Kaguya’s ass every time Himawari pounded the fake dick into her. The dark haired girl grinned as Kaguya’s initial cry of displeasure turned to more of those animalistic moans.




Himawari laughed, “I’m just getting started! If you’re gonna be the family pet, then I’m gonna play with you a LOT!!!” she said cheerfully as she began thrusting more intensely, the loud PLAP PLAP PLAP became even faster as she leaned her weight down on the pale skinned woman. She reached her hands up, grabbing her big and heavy tits. They were soft and squishy, Himawari liked the feel of them in her hands as she moved with her entire body, fucking Kaguya’s asshole just like she’d been taught!


HOOOOOH, YEEESSSSSS, MY ASS FEELS SO GOOD!!! I’M GONNA CUM!! I’M REALLY GONNA CUM ON A BIG FAKE DIIIIIICK!!!” Kaguya moaned. “IT’S NOT MASTER’S DICK, BUT IT STILL FEELS GOOOOOOOD!!!!” she cried out in a deep throaty voice full of raw lust and need.


“Yeah, how does THIS FEEL THEN!?!?!” Himawari asked as she closed her eyes, harmonizing her chakra and sending it into the rubber dick! It wasn’t easy, since metal was the material that best absorbed chakra for some reason. Organic, or once organic materials like rubber, still held traces of the original nature chakra in them. At least, she thought that was how it worked. Still, Himawari had a LOT she could use as the clear length of rubber began glowing softly from within.


Kaguya’s reaction was instant!


HAAAAAAAAAAAAHN, CUUMMINGH!!! CUMMING CUMMING CUMMING!!! MY ASS IS CUUUUMMMMINGH!!!! AHHHHN YESSSSSSS, DON’T STOOOOOOP!!!” she begged, rocking herself back against Himawari’s thrusts even harder, seeking pleasure like an addict seeking a fix. “MAKE ME CUM MOOORE! AHHHN, SO GOOD, MY ASS FEELS SO GOOD, I KEEP ON CUUUMMMMINGH!!!!” she screamed as Himawari laughed.


When Kaguya explained it to her, Himwari figured she might be able to do the same using her dildo, though it wouldn’t be anywhere near as potent as the real thing, which was why she chose to use Kaguya’s asshole. The added sensitivity there might just make up the difference this time!


“Yeah, go on and cum, Kaguya-chan!!! Hahaha! You make such a slutty face when you cum!!!” Himawari said, slapping her hands down on the woman’s ass again as she pulled her up on all fours now, standing up fully behind her.


AHHHN, CUMMING, I’M CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, CUM~~~MINGHHH!!!” howled the fallen goddess as her entire body seemed to seize up for a moment, her pussy sending out a near constant spray of her naughty fluids. She leaned her head back, mouth agape and tongue hanging off her lower lip. Her entire body shook for several long seconds before she went limp all at once. Himawari’s dildo slipped out of her ass with a SHLUCK sound and stood out proudly from her crotch.


The dark haired girl then stood there for several minutes, waiting until the woman’s breathing normalized again.


“Better?” she asked.


Kaguya got up slowly, seeming strangely composed in comparison to how she was just moments ago. “Yes, Princess. Thank you…” she said in a submissive tone.


“Good. Now, take me to see mom and onii-chan!!!” Himawari said with a wide grin!



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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17 days ago

honestly I hope himawari gets her cheeks clapped too, with all the big dicks on the island there gonna be someone after hers

17 days ago
Reply to  tutu]

Gimme time.

1 month ago

Let’s gooooo Himawari clappin’ dem cheeks!

1 month ago

More soon with luck

1 month ago

I have to ask, will Hinata and Boruto have a real conversation about things. I get this is a punishment but I have to think of she talks to him about things as his mother but kind. He might be willing to actually go along with it more serious.

1 month ago
Reply to  RolanRunn

Later maybe

1 month ago

Ok, a good chapter from start to finish, but I like those chapters where they mention others and connect the rest of the past episodes, it’s a good detail there, now with the topic of Himawari, her introduction of how she carried out her training with her was good. grandfather and Hanabi everything was fine until the interaction with Kaguya.


I hope there are no problems again with the issue of characters who don’t look 18 years old

1 month ago
Reply to  AL-720

Thanks, more with her soon I hope

Your local anon
Your local anon
1 month ago

I’ll admit to enjoying A getting hit in the nuts a lot more than I should’ve, but I find myself glad that someone actually *asked* how Kaguya ended up submitting to Boruto given her reputation instead of just…rolling with it.

1 month ago

Glad you liked it, and yeah, she just asked.