Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Handling Huge Tetas

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part VI): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part VIII): [LINK]

“Carolina… SMAAASH!!!” Izuku “Deku” Midoriya yelled as he kicked out with his left leg in a high side kick. With One for All at 30%, the simple motion produced a powerful blast wave that obliterated the ball of green fire that the villain had launched towards him. A potent stench like a thousand farts filled the air and Izuku kicked again to disperse the stench.


There was a slight distortion in the air where whatever kind of gas the villain ignited was still concentrated, but it quickly vanished. The villain himself was a strange looking man wearing a black unitard that covered his entire body, leaving only his face and hands visible. His hair was as odd as his costume, a close buzz cut with only a single point of hair coming out the top of his head. The villain’s Quirk however, was the most disconcerting, his butt was like a pair of bubbles clenched tightly together. And it jiggled grossly every time he moved. Worse though, was that his quirk involved lighting his own explosively powerful farts to make dangerous fireballs!


AAHHH!!! Just get lost, you annoying goodie goodie!” the man yelled as he continued to run away. Izuku continued to give chase, though it was hard as the man’s fart Quirk allowed him to propel himself like a rocket with his own gas, leaving behind a potent cloud of stink. Izuku’s eyes were already red and tearing from the intensity of it all.


“Secret Jiggle Butt Art: Point Blank Ecstasy!!!” the villain called out as Izuku kicked One for All to fifty percent and launched himself forward with Float. A yellow green plum of gas exploded from the man’s ass and Izuku caught it full in his face. The stench was amongst the worst thing he’d ever smelled. So potent it made him dizzy as his vision went double. Tears ran down his cheeks as he strained to keep his eyes open so as not to lose sight of him.


Coughing hard through the gass, Izuku’s vision worsened as he covered his mouth and nose with one hand to try and filter out at least some of the stench. His face mask would have been better if it had the ability to filter out toxins, but it was mainly decorative. He made a mental note to talk with Melissa about it when he saw her next. The blonde American girl was living in Japan now, running a small Support Gear company she started in the aftermath of All for One’s chaos. He saw her semi-regularly, always tweaking his costume. She was easier to work with than Hatsume as she shared Izuku’s aesthetic for high function, but low form gear.


He pushed One for All to fifty percent in his arm and waved his hand back and forth, making a miniature whirlwind to clear away the stinking gas. He then mentally cursed himself for slowing down as the thief had managed to triple the distance between them while he was distracted.


HAHAHA, You’ll never catch me now, All Might Light!” he called back at him.


Izuku resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the pathetic excuse for an insult. Most of the world knew about One for All now, keeping it secret after everything with All for One was impossible. Thankfully people also knew it wasn’t something that could be stolen, only given. AND, that unless you were Quirkless, having it was a death sentence. Some Villains had taken to calling Izuku; All Might Light, as though he were a beer of some kind. Izuku didn’t consider it an insult, more of a compliment. He wasn’t All Might, and he never would be, but he was a worthy successor to his mantle, and he proved it with every villain he took down.


The green haired youth knew he’d need to push things a little harder now to catch up, so he began doing a series of squats to charge the quirk of the third user, Fa Jin. It was a tricky Quirk to use, but it allowed him to use a kind of pseudo 100% motion with nearly no backlash. He was on his third squat when he heard a woman’s voice crying out.


OPPAI BOP!!!” said the voice, and Izuku looked up in time to see the rookie heroine Tetas leaping in front of the villain with a grin just as she thrusted her chest out. Her already large boobs expanded rapidly, ballooning until they were both bigger than her entire body. The fleeing villain couldn’t alter his trajectory and smashed face first into her cleavage! Impact ripples jiggled out along the massive volume of tit flesh before Tetas retraced her chest down to its regular size.


“Halt villain!” she yelled at him.


“Out of my way little girl!” the villain said, throwing a right hook punch at her. The purple clad heroine deftly dodged the blow, spinning away from the attack. Then, as her front spun back towards the villain, her breasts quickly expanded, the side of her left one slamming into him with enough force to knock him back against a wall. She followed through quickly, delivering a left and right jab to the man’s gut. She instantly followed through with a left hook that solidly collided with his face!


HOOOOOF!” he grunted. “You BITCH!!!” he shouted, “Suck on THIS!!!” he said, as he squatted down.




The explosive fat released a visible gas that was a disgusting putrid yellow color. Tetas quickly backflipped away. Izuku then blinked as her breasts began expanding and shrinking repeatedly and rapidly. At first, Izuku thought she was just trying to distract the villain, but then he saw that his foul smelling gas was staying away from her. Tetas was using the volume of her breasts to displace the air itself, keeping the worst of the gas away from her. The stuff thinned out and dispersed the farther away from the source it got, meaning few if any civilians would be in harm’s way.


Moving at twenty percent output, Izuku held his breath as he caught up to them. Raising his left arm up high, Izuku performed the Michigan Smash, delivering a haymaker at 20% power to the right side of the villain’s face. He would have called out the name of the punch, but the green haired youth didn’t want to take in any more of the villain’s fart quirk than he had to.


The punch collided solidly with a satisfying cracking noise, sending him tumbling end over end through the air and smashing into another wall. When he fell to the ground, he wasn’t moving aside from the steady motion of his chest, meaning he was still breathing. Across from him, Tetas pirouetted while quickly expanding and contracting her breast size, dispersing the remaining gas. Izuku let out his breath and took in a lungful of sweet CLEAN air. Well, as clean as city air could be, though he preferred that to the stench he’d been dealing with for the last few minutes.


“Wooooow, that punch was awwwwsome!!!” Tetas said as she ran over to him, her still dramatically large tits bobbing up and down with her running steps. “You were all like ‘HIYA!’ And he was like, ‘WAAAAH!’ then bam, crash good night sweet prince!” she said, mimicking his haymaker punch.


Izuku smiled awkwardly, still not used to having fans gush over him, let alone a fellow hero. “Yeah, I’d have liked to call out it’s name, but that guy’s Quirk was something else.” he said to her.


“Yeah I know, phew, pii yew! Whatever god is in charge of Quirks was in a vicious mood when it came to that guy.” said Tetas as she reached in between her massive cleavage and produced a smartphone. “I’ll call the police if you don’t mind.” she said.


Izuku shook his head, “Nah, go ahead,” he told her. He then pulled a pair of zip tie cuffs that were made of a special material to secure the villain’s hands behind his back. He was still completely out, his eyes nothing but swirls in their sockets, he wouldn’t be up for a while.


“Say uh, what do you call that move, where you used your um, uh, b… b…” he stammered as he tried to ask about the move he’d seen her use.


Tetas blinked, “Hmm? You mean this?” she asked, expanding her breasts and contracting them again rapidly, producing a powerful gust of wind.


Izuku nodded and Tetas smirked proudly, “I call it “Oppai Rapid Gust Attack!” Though I’m still kinda working on it, since it’s kind of a mouthful to say in the heat of the moment. What’d you call that punch?” she asked him back.


“Michigan Smash, but I couldn’t call much out in that gas.” he told her.


“Sooo awesome!” Tetas said, clenching her fists under her chin, her arms squishing her giant tits tight against her body. Izuku caught himself staring and coughed, forcing his eyes to meet hers.


“Thanks!” he said, his voice cracking slightly.


“Say, after we turn this guy in, how about we grab a coffee!?” she asked, “I’ve been wanting to follow up on that date we made a while back.


Izuku felt his face turning red, ‘Date!?’ he thought, ‘Date!? Date!? Date!? Date!?’ the word repeated again and again in his head like a broken record. The loop only broke when Tetas waved her hand in front of his face.


“Hey, you alright?” she asked, “If the timing is bad, then that’s okay…” she said, sounding more than a little disappointed.


Izuku shook his head rapidly, “No,no,no!!It’sfine!That’dbenice!” he said in a rush.


“Alright!” Tetas said, jumping up and pumping her fist in the air, making those giant tits of hers bounce and jiggle so much Izuku’s eyes moved almost on their own.



“So, I graduated fifth in my class, but the Safety Commission wouldn’t issue me a license because of how my Quirk worked.” explained Tetas before taking a sip of coffee. They were in a small Sunbucks cafe on the first floor of a nearby Hotel. After the police collected the villain, whom they identified as Flatus Odorus. He was a low level thug working for a gang of thieves known only as the BJG, what it stood for nobody knew.


“Really?” Izuku asked, “Well that’s dumb! You’re a good fighter, and you can use your Quirk well.”


“I know, right!?” Tetas said, “It was a year or so ago, just before things got really bad and they were still enforcing those dumb rules for female heroes. But Midnight made an appeal for me to the new commission and they issued my license finally. Though I still had to use a more ‘conservative’ costume.” she said with a sour look.


“Huh, conservative how?” Izuku asked.


Tetas reached into her cleavage again, pulling out her phone. She began tapping away at the screen several times before she handed it over to him. The image displayed sent twin jets of blood shooting out his nostrils as he fell backwards, chair and all.


“Oh! Are you okay!?” Tetas asked, getting up and moving over to help him back up. The comotion drew a few gazes to them as Izuku got back up.


“Hey, isn’t that that Deku guy?” one voice said in a loud whisper. Izuku couldn’t see where it was coming from, but it was definitely a girl’s voice.


OMG I think it is!” answered another girl’s voice.


“Hey, you should go ask him out!” said a third voice. Izuku spotted the source when he sat back up properly again. A small group of highschool girls sat several tables away from them. Two blondes, one in pigtails with spherical buns where they connected to her head. The other with just a red bow in her hair. A brunette in a ponytail, a girl with long raven black hair, and a girl with short blue hair and glasses.


“No way, a major Hero like that wouldn’t be caught dead dating someone like me…!” whispered the blonde with the bow.


“Oh come on, I hear he’s super nice!” said Buns.


“Guy that hot, probably already has a girlfriend,” said Ponytail dejectedly, “Maybe several.”


“Actually, according to fan sites, he’s currently single, though he has been going to that Exclusive Hero Agency a lot as of late.” said Glasses.


“Hey, isn’t that the kinky hero sex spot?” asked Bow.


“That’s just a rumor!” said raven hair, “I think it’s really just a private agency for heroes to go unwind and talk with other heroes outside work.”


“Guy, guys! I think he can hear us!” said Buns as she caught Izuku looking in their direction.


“Oh crap, you’re right!” said Ponytail. Izuku gave them a slightly awkward smile and waved to them. All five girls blushed a deep shade of red before grabbing their things and making a hasty exit.


Tetas took her seat across from him again and chuckled, “We fangirls, we’re all the same.” she said with a soft smile. “So, whatcha think?” she asked, nodding toward her phone which he had dropped on top of the table. The screen still displayed Tetas in her original Hero costume. Izuku could tell it was homemade, and why the Commission rejected it.


The costume was just three pasties covering her nipples and pussy with some dark purple fabric. The edges of her areola were clearly visible, as were the folds of her pussy. The pasty covering her right nipple was a simple purple circle, but the one on the left had a yellow 10t printed in the center. The skimpy version of her current costume he’d seen her wearing at Busteez actually covered more!


“I meant for it to allow me to use my quirk without restrictions. This fabric is of the same material as the one that Mt. Lady uses, but stretchy as it is, it does hold me back a little.” she explained, pulling at the shoulder straps of the leotard she had on and making her tits bounce again.


“I… I see!” said Izuku, trying hard to keep his voice from cracking.


“I heard Midnight and Creati both had slightly similar outfits too. It’s not fair, there are guy heroes who wear only speedos and no one complains! But a heroine showing just a little skin and everybody freaks the hell out!” said Tetas with a harumph.


“That’s more than just a little…” Izuku said so quietly even he wouldn’t have heard it if he weren’t the one saying it.


“Anyway, I got my license and they let me have this costume.” said Tetas with a smile.


“Well, it still works,” said Izuku.


“Yeah, for the most part,” Tetas agreed, “But I can’t use my Quirk to its fullest with it. I had the circle coverings to let me use a move that has me expanding just one of my boobs. It let’s me shift my center of gravity easily in midair. But with this costume, it causes it to bunch up uncomfortably, also the other one would let me do the same with my butt without all the wedgies.” she explained as she stood up and showed her butt to him. She then hooked a finger along the seat of her leotard and traced the fabric along her hip. “Don’t get me wrong, I like a thong for the sexiness, but that’s when I start out with it, sudden wedgies are a pain.” she told him before sitting back down.


“I guess I can understand that.” Izuku said as Tetas took her phone back and shut off the displayed image. She then tapped the screen again, moving through several menus and icons, until she had a bit of text displayed. The file name at the top of the screen read “Deku”, and while it was hard to make out upside down, he could see a number of fairly thorough notes about him there.


“So, you were gonna tell me about the previous inheritors?” she asked.


Izuku smiled and began telling her the history of One for All, how All for One had accidentally created it for what he thought was his Quirkless brother. About how it had moved through the ages in eight heroes before Izuku was gifted it from All Might. Tetas listened intently, hanging on his every word. Izuku was impressed with her note taking skills, she wasn’t even looking at the keyboard display as she typed.


“So you can use all the Quirks of everyone who had it before you?” she asked when he got to that part.


Izuku held up his hand, black and green tendrils of energy sparked around and between his fingers as he nodded. “Yes, though more than a few took a while to get the hang of. Like One for All, they grew stronger with each successor. Danger Sense was the worst, not to speak ill of it, it’s saved my life more times than I can count, but at first it was a massive headache, literally.”


“That’s SO cool! So it’s almost like a utility knife.” she said, nodding as she watched him make several tiny whips with the Black Whip before turning off the quirk.


“I suppose you could look at it that way.” he said. He neglected to tell her about how all the holders’ consciousness were still alive and aware inside him. Most people got a little freaked out by that.


“One of the most useful to date has been flooooooaaaaah!!!” Izuku yelped as someone bumped into him and searing hot liquid poured down his back and neck. Behind him, a waitress yelped at the same time as she tumbled forward, her arms waving wildly. Izuku wanted to use Black Whip to break her fall, but the scalding heat of the coffee going down his back made it impossible to focus.




The sound of Tetas’ tits expanding outward was almost as loud as the sound of the table breaking under their immense weight! The poor waitress suddenly found herself bouncing up and down on the dark haired girl’s now giant tits.


“Are you okay!?” Tetas and Izuku said together, though Izuku hissed it out as the pain going down his back slowly ebbed away.


“Ohhhh man, I’m sorry…” the waitress said, her face a little flushed when she saw what had broken her fall. Tetas waited for her to get on her feet again before reducing herself back to what for her was normal. The waitress immediately pulled a large clean rag from a pocket in her skirt and began dabbing carefully at Izuku’s back.


“Boss, this bloody break in the floor tripped me again, when are you gonna have it fixed!?” she called out. Izuku turned his head and saw that there indeed was a large crack in the floor. A split in the marble that could easily trip someone if they caught their foot at the wrong angle.


A man with a pencil thin mustache and VERY thick eyebrows came out, his hands clasped together, an irritated expression on his face. When he saw Izuku with the coffee stain running down his back, the irritation turned to worry.


“Oh my, I’m so very sorry sir, are you injured?” he asked, his voice nasally and high.


“Just a little scalded, believe me, I’ve had way worse.” Izuku told him, “It wasn’t this young lady’s fault, you really should get this fixed.” he said, tapping at the crack in the floor with his Iron Sole. The hardened boot clanked against the broken stone chipping away a tiny bit more.


“Yes sir, I do apologize, I will have a crew out here right away!” the man said.


“Tch, yeah, now that your cheap ass got a hero burned…” the waitress muttered.


Izuku suppressed a light chuckle at that as the man shot the waitress a sidelong glare. He then began rubbing his hands together again as he said, “Please, allow me to apologize by having our staff clean your uniform. You’re free to stay in one of our suites until it is ready.”



“You know, I could have just stored my costume in the quickband,” Izuku said as he stepped out of the shower. Before he could decline, Tetas accepted the Hotel Manager’s offer for him. She then asked for the HoneyMoon Suite and the manager quickly agreed. He then showed the two of them to the penthouse room. Izuku figured he might as well take a quick shower while his costume was sent to a dry cleaning service as he was already feeling sticky. The burn on his back was superficial, thankfully his costume had absorbed the worst of the heat from the coffee.


“Well, I’ve never seen a HoneyMoon Suite before, and this was a good chance!” Tetas called back to him from the main area of the suite. “This place is really awesome, the movies don’t really do it justice.”


Izuku shook his head as he finished toweling off the water before wrapping the towel around his waist. The bath in the suite was clearly made for two, with a huge assortment of soaps and oils and the like. Izuku grabbed a smaller towel and began drying out his hair before draping the second towel over his shoulders. He then walked out of the bathroom and saw Tetas sitting on the edge of the massive heart shaped bed. She held a glass of some red colored drink in one hand, the bottle in the other. The label had a sigil on it he recognized from Busteez. It meant the wine in the bottle was fake, a new stuff called synthale. It had all the flavor or real alcohol, even the warming sensation when drinking it. Only you could drink it by the gallon and not get drunk.


“Besides, we can keep chatting here in private.” she said as she took a sip of the wine, holding up the bottle in a silent offer to pour him a glass. Izuku shook his head and turned to look out the window. They were on the top floor of the hotel, where the windows were all tinted to prevent anyone from looking inside. He saw Tetas’ reflection behind him as she smiled, “So, where…?” she began, but trailed off, “Oh my god, your arm!” she said, dropping the glass to the floor and standing up quickly, knocking over the bottle next.


Izuku blinked, “Huh, this?” he asked, looking at his mostly ruined right arm. “I’m okay, trust me, it looks a lot worse than it is now.” he told her as she came over to him, grabbing his right arm and leaning in to look at it. He had all but forgotten about how it looked to uninformed people, the ruined tissue around his tricep and the crookedness of his right hand.


Tetas gently reached a gloved hand up to trace her fingers along the scar tissue. Izuku offered no resistance, letting her have a good look at the damage. When she asked him what happened, he recounted the story to her. How in his first year, on a training camp in the mountains, villains had attacked his class. One villain ended up targeting Kota, a young boy he’d met there, just because they crossed paths.


“I heard some of you were injured, I didn’t know it was this bad though.” said Tetas.


“Yeah, I didn’t have the control I do now, and I hadn’t awakened my other Quirks yet. Still, if I hadn’t stepped in, that maniac would have killed Kota and laughed about it.” Izuku told her as he began blushing lightly as the girl continued to run her fingers along the edge of the scar. Her touch was gentle and had begun sending tingles down his spine as she moved her hand.


“Ah hah, uh, Tetas-san…” he began.


“Rie,” she said, “You can call me Rie,” she told him gently.


He felt himself blushing further, “R… Rie-san,” he began.


“Just Rie,” said Rie as she leaned her head down and kissed the most badly scared section of his arm. He could only barely feel there now, but her lips were soft like marshmallows, and very warm against his now cooled skin. Izuku felt his entire body blushing now as she held her lips there for a long moment. Steam was coming off his head by the time she finally lifted her face away.


“You really are a true hero,” she said softly, “You give so much without asking anything in return.”


“Well, I… Uh…” he stuttered, searching for the right words. But she was right. After the incident with All for One, the government of Japan offered to pay him an obscene amount of money for his part in it all. Izuku had declined it. His words further caught in his throat when she looked down at him with some emotion he couldn’t identify in her golden eyes. His own green eyes then went wide as she leaned her face down and softly pressed her lips to his.


Izuku felt his heart threaten to jump out of his chest as it sped up. He hadn’t noticed earlier because of his own sweat and the remaining stink from the fart villain, but Rie smelled nice, really nice! It was strange, because she had to have been sweating as well from that fight as well as having been outside in this heat.


“Hmmmmmh…” Rie breathed against his lips, the feel of her nose tickled his cheek as he felt her tongue brushing over his lips. He gasped at the feeling and Rie pushed her tongue into his mouth!


Izuku was caught somewhere between panic and dizziness. This wasn’t Busteez, Rie wasn’t doing this out of some obligation to her job. She was kissing him because she wanted to! Her tongue slowly, but thoroughly explored the inside of his mouth. She then pressed herself against him, her breasts felt so very warm against his cool chest. Feeling no resistance, she leaned him back against the large window that overlooked the city below as she pulled the towel off his shoulders.


The green haired youth didn’t know what to do, his arms were out at his sides, and he fought the urge to move them around her body. Rie then made the choice for him, moving to grab his wrists and pull his arms around her and moving his right hand to her butt. His fingers flexed on reflex, squeezing her ass gently. It was surprisingly soft, yet firm at the same time. Rie cooed into his mouth gently as she hugged herself against him harder.


Closing his eyes slowly, Izuku felt his head swimming as his tongue slipped and slid along hers. She tasted wonderful, a sweet, almost fruity flavor that might have come from the wine she’d been drinking. All he knew was he liked it as he began finally kissing her back.


“Mmmmmh…” Rie murmured softly, breaking the kiss slowly and gently. She then backed away just a bit, then reached her hands up and hooked her thumbs through the shoulder straps of her costume. Pulling the straps away from her shoulders, Rie’s huge breasts spilled out with a soft bouncing motion, her perfectly pink nipples were already stiff and standing out prominently.


Izuku pulled his hands back, his fingers sliding over her hips slowly as he tentatively moved them up to her breasts. She smiled at him as he lifted one in each hand. They were heavy, he couldn’t begin to guess how much they weighed, but they were soft and warm. His fingers sank in deep as he gave them a gentle squeeze.


“Mmmmmh, you can do better than that,” she said with a giggle before reaching her hands up to touch his face, “I won’t break you know,” she whispered before kissing him again. Izuku closed his eyes and kissed her back, his hands squeezing her tits harder now. Rie moaned and pressed her breasts into his hands harder.


“Mmmh, yeah, ahh…” she moaned into his mouth as she moved her hands down his neck and shoulders, then down the sides of his arms. Her touch sent tiny shivers up his spine as she moved her hands to his waist, pulling the towel away from him.


Izuku tensed for a moment when he felt her hands gently taking hold of his dick, but he quickly relaxed as she kissed him a little harder. He groaned softly as her hands slowly began stroking him, his cock thickening and growing with every beat of his heart. As his cock grew to its full length, Rie broke the kiss, pulling his cock up between them and pressing her warm heavy tits around the shaft.


“Mmmmmmh, it’s so warm…” she purred as she kissed the tip gently, making Izuku groan softly. Keeping her breasts around his cock, Rie slipped off the leotard of her costume, kicking it away as it pooled at her feet. She then hugged her naked torso against him, using her whole body to stroke his length.


Izuku groaned again at the soft smooth warmth of her skin, watching as Rie licked and kissed the tip of his dick happily. The dark haired young woman kept her breasts wrapped around his cock tightly. Using her arms to hold them together, she moved her body up and down faster, giggling as Izuku grunted and groaned at the feeling.


“Mmmmh, you like that?” she asked, “Like my big heavy boobs jerking off this big monster cock?” she asked him with an impish grin, “You and I are a perfect match, my monster tits for this monster cock!” she said, kissing and licking the side of his dick with a soft moan. “Haaaah, I just love feeling this between my breasts! It makes me so wet…” she moaned and began moving her body faster.


Izuku shuddered in pleasure at the feeling as his hips moved almost on their own. Thrusting his cock up and down between her massive breasts as Rie moaned with him. Her voice was so cute and sexy, Izuku felt his balls already building a massive load inside them.


The green haired youth then moved his hands up to grab them, loving the way his fingers sank in deep as he pulled one tit up higher. Opening his mouth wide, he took the fat nipple into it and began sucking it hard.


“Ahhhhn, yeah, suck it, suck it harder, ahhh, my nipple feels so good!!!” Rie moaned, moving her arms around him and hugging him close. Opening his mouth wide again, Izuku tried to pull more of her nipple into his mouth, loving the way it made her moan. He swirled his tongue around the stiff nub of flesh, biting down lightly. Rie moaned again and began bucking her hips against the underside of his cock. He could feel the heat coming off her pussy as he tugged on her nipple with his teeth.


“Cummingggggg…” Rie hissed through clenched teeth and Izuku felt her pussy letting out a hot spray across his balls. She then moved to grab his head again, pulling his mouth off her nipple and kissing him passionately. Izuku felt his cock throbbing between their bodies as their tongues dueled fiercely. He moved his hands to grab her ass again, gripping it with both of them as he pulled her tight against him.


They held the kiss for a long while, each time one would try and pull away, the other drew them in deeper. After what felt like an eternity, both of them broke the kiss together and panted for breath as they looked into one another’s eyes. Rie then pulled back and moved to lean her body against the massive glass window, pressing her tits against it as she pushed her ass out at him.


Izuku reached his right hand out to grab her ass again, smiling at her as he pressed his cock against the opposing cheek. Rie shivered and cooed, pushing her butt against him more. He smiled up at her as he moved to press his dick between her thighs gently.


“Um, ah, Deku-sama…” she said timidly.


“Izuku, or just Deku is fine.” he told her.


“Izuku…” Rie said, reaching her left hand behind herself and prying the cheeks of her ass open, “Here!” she said with her asshole twitching in want.


“You sure?” Izuku asked, and Rie nodded.


“Yes, hmmmmmm, I want it in my ass…!” she cooed before she pushed his cock between her thighs. He could feel her pussy dripping all over him. The heat coming off her was like a furnace as she rubbed her pussy back and forth along his cock, her juices dripping all over him. She moved her body like that several times, thoroughly coating his cock in her juices before pulling away fully. Izuku kept one hand on her ass as he moved to press the tip of his cock against her asshole.


Then, the green haired youth slowly pushed his cock in, the head popping in with a soft wet sound as Rie let out a loud moan. “HMMMMMMMMMH, FUUUUUCK!!!” she said as Izuku pushed the first few inches inside her. “YEAH, YEEEEAH, AHHH, MY ASS, MY ASSSSSS FEELS GOOD, MY ASS FEELS SO GOOD…!” she screamed as she pressed her hands against the glass, pushing her butt back against him.




“Ahhn… R… Rie…” Izuku groaned as he felt her ass clenching tight around his dick, it was so tight he could barely move. But it felt so good he couldn’t help but keep moving as he shoved his cock in deeper, loving the feel of her body clinging to his dick. He placed both hands on her hips, holding her tightly as he began swinging his own hips.


HEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” Rie squealed, her entire body shaking now as her belly stretched forward from his sheer length. “I… INSIDE, I FEEL YOU SO FAR INSIDE MEEE… AHHH, MY ASSHOLE IS SO WIDE, AHHH, YOUR COCK IS STRETCHING ME TO THE LIMIT!!! CUMMING CUMMING CUMMING, I’M CUMMING SO MUCH, MY MIND IS GOING BLANK!!! AHHH, I LOVE IT, I LOVE YOUR BIG COCK STUFFING MY ASSHOOOOLE!!!” Rie screamed as she bucked and rolled her hips with him. A wet SLICK SLICK SLICK sound could be heard over her cries as he pumped his cock back and forth. The window in front of them reverberated lightly every time her distended belly smacked against it.


“Nnnnngh, Rie… So tight…” Izuku groaned, still holding onto her hips as he slammed his cock in and out of her. His heavy balls were smacking wetly against her thighs as she continued bucking herself against him.


NNNNUUUUGH, DON’T STOP, DHON’T SHTOOOP…!!! SO GOOD, SO GOOD, CAN’T THINK, MY ASS, MY ASS FEELS SO GOOD, I CAN FEEL YOUR COCK STIRRING UP MY INSIDESSSS!!! IT FEELS SO GOOD, I LOVE IT, FUCK MY ASS HARDER, REARRANGE MY INSIDES WITH YOUR HUGE COOOOCK…!” Rie howled in pleasure. “CUMMING, I’M CUMMING AGAIN, CUMMING SO MUCH!!! I… I CAN’T HOLD THEM BHAAAACK…!” she moaned as her tits suddenly ballooned outwards, mashing against the glass of the window. Izuku’s eyes went wide as they nearly doubled in size as he pushed his cock in deep. They then returned to normal as he pulled back. Then, shoving his cock in again, they more than doubled, slapping loudly against the window.


GOOOD, GOOOOD, FEELS SO GOOD, MY ASS FEELS GOOD, MORE, MORE FUCK MY ASS HARDER, DEEPER, STRETCH MY HOLE SO IT NEVER GOES NORMAL AGAAAAAIN…!” Rie screamed as her tits began expanding and contracting with the movements of his cock.


Izuku groaned with her, gripping her hips tightly as he stopped holding back and began pounding his cock in and out of her. Rie screamed in pleasure, her tits growing and shrinking constantly as her pussy let out a near constant spray as she came over and over again!




Izuku groaned with Rie, his cock throbbing in pleasure as he began thrusting harder! His entire length slid in and out of her easily as she panted and moaned with him. He then moved his hands to her tits, gripping them tightly as they continued ballooning every time he pushed his cock inside.


“Rie, ahhh… I… I can’t… Any longer…” he groaned.




Izuku groaned again, shoving his cock all the way inside her! Rie’s tits then expanded to more than double their size so quickly that the window in front of them began to crack! The dark haired girl chewed her lower lip as she moaned in ecstasy. Izuku groaned with her, his cock throbbing inside her as he came!




The sound of his cum pumping into her ass was actually audible over Rie’s long howling moan.


“Haaaahn, so full… Ahhh, my belly feels so full of cuuuum…” Rie moaned quietly, sounding utterly exhausted now. “Cumming so much, ahhhn, my body is having one unending orgasmmmm… I… I can’t… I can’t thinnnnk…!” Rie moaned at length as her knees began shaking and she fell against the window.


“Rie!” Izuku called out, pulling his cock out with a loud, wet, lewd, sucking noise followed by a sound like a large water jug being poured quickly. His cum poured back out her ass, making an utter mess of the floor as Rie dropped to her knees. The cracks in the window suddenly stopped spreading and actually began shrinking as though the glass were repairing itself!


Izuku saw an image flash on the surface of the glass when the cracks vanished completely and recognized Hatsume’s logo. Seems she invented some kind of self repairing glass, but Izuku didn’t bother to worry about the story behind that as he knelt next to Rie.


“Are you okay!?” he asked her.


Rie gave him a weak thumbs up. “I’m good… I just… Need a minute…” she said with an almost drunk giggle, “Wow, you’re really good at this…” she said.


“Um, thanks…” he replied, not knowing how to respond to such a comment. So he changed the subject, “What happened with your Quirk there?” he asked, “We almost broke the window.”


Rie looked up at the window just as Hatsume’s logo vanished, “Oh, whoops, I didn’t think about that. I lose control sometimes when I’m really cumming hard.” she told him, “It’s kinda embarrassing and why I like doing it from behind. It’s no fun when my tits throw a guy off me midway.”


Izuku chuckled, “Actually, I totally understand that! I have to be careful too, I really don’t wanna hurt someone with my Quirk either.” he said, helping her to her feet. He then looked around and gave a nervous chuckle, “I wonder if the manager’s gonna be mad…” he said at the sight of the half inch deep pool of cum around them.


Rie shook her head, “Naaaah, this is the honeymoon suite, I betcha a hundred yen this kinda thing happens all the time!”



Half an hour later, Izuku was walking out of the hotel with Tetas in his freshly laundered costume. The hotel had really done a top notch job. They even managed to remove an old mustard stain from over a month ago when he was eating hotdogs with some kids at another school. They had asked him to come by and tell the students about life at UA, and he had stayed for their All American Lunch Buffet.


“See, I told you it wasn’t a problem!” Tetas said to him as they stepped out into the late afternoon light.


“Yeah, still, I feel kinda bad we made such a mess.” Izuku said.


Tetas laughed again before grabbing him and hugging his face into her huge cleavage, “You shouldn’t worry so much Deku, you’ll have a lot more fun that way!” she said as he flailed his arms trying to get free. She then giggled and let him go, “Anyway, thanks for the coffee and powerfuck!” she said cheerfully, “Let’s do it again soon!”


“Uh, yeah, sure!” Izuku said nervously.


“‘Kaaaay, see you ‘round!” said Tetas as she stepped out into the open, “Oppai BOUNCE!!!” she called out, leaning over at a 90 degree angle and suddenly expanding her tits dramatically, launching herself into the air like a rocket.


Izuku shook his head and began walking down the street, never noticing the dark haired girl watching him and Tetas from across the street. Kyoka Jiro, better known as Earphone Jack, pulled her left earjack from the ground and lightly chewed the tip of the right one.


“That two timing… Womanizing… JERK!” Kyoka spat, “He’s just playing all innocent!” she muttered as she pulled out her phone and tapped the first number on her speed dial. “Yaomomo, hey…” she said when the person on the other end answered.



Story by Sailor Io

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11 months ago

Link needed to https://rtenzo.net/fanfiction/paizuri-confessions/ at “I’ve been wanting to follow up on that date we made a while back.”

11 months ago
Reply to  popart

Added thank you man

3 years ago

[“That two timing… Womanizing… JERK!” Kyoka spat, “He’s just playing all innocent!” she muttered as she pulled out her phone and tapped the first number on her speed dial. “Yaomomo, hey…” she said when the person on the other end answered.]

And…history repeats itself. Liked the story (before I saw Kyoka’s section) and the art, but did it absolutely need to happen this way again? How is Kyoka not aware that Izuku and Momo are not an item, and that Izuku being the kind of person he is wouldn’t realize that her crush likes him *that* way? With everything they’ve been through (considering All For One was mentioned), to believe that Izuku is some manipulative mastermind? That’s some mental gymnastic right there.

Last edited 3 years ago by Kino
3 years ago
Reply to  Kino

Save judgements until next week

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io


Jorge Tenecota
3 years ago

Tetas looks like she could be midnight’s daughter

3 years ago
Reply to  Jorge Tenecota

She isn’t, though she does look up to her, maybe I can have her see Midnight as a mother figure

3 years ago

I really like Izuku and Rie. Their good together and for each other. Not only are their sexual features the perfect match for each other but they’re personalities. I really hope Rie and Momo meet other and deal with their issues by then realizing they both love him and they have to put aside their jealousy because if they don’t they both could lose him.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

I figured they’d make a good match. Her designer gave me lots of details about her I used to mold her personality

Smiling Fiend
3 years ago

OH NO ! Izumomo ship is in danger !
… maybe not but I just finished reading it and that was the first thing I thought. Now I’m gonna review stuff in order.
I think everyone already told what they think about the villain at the beginnig and Sailor already answered and I can’t really add anything to it so I’m just gonna skip that.
I wonder if the girls at the coffee shop are a reference to other characters, the whole scene was pretty sweet but what comes after is great !
When Tetas said she got the honeymoon suite I was like “hell yeah”, such an awesome setting for them ! Usually I prefer shorter stories but this is an exception, I really think the sex scenes could’ve benefited by being a little longer, but that’s because this pair actually works pretty well imo.
Ah yes, that ending. I can only speculate what’s gonna happen next, hope for the best and of course, wait another week.

3 years ago
Reply to  Smiling Fiend

Capt. Of Izumomo: Iceberg right ahead! Wait, that’s no berg, that’s a giant Boob!

3 years ago

Si ya vamos a empezar con lo de Kyoka y Momo solo pido que se trabaje un poquito mas y no se venga todo de golpe aun asi confio en que se hara un buen trabajo

3 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

you’ll see where I’m going next week 🙂

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Mas bien ya lo se porque ya lo lei el capitulo en pateron 

3 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

Thanks for the support, I need every penny

3 years ago

Haven’t even read it yet and I love it

3 years ago
Reply to  Xcelsior


3 years ago

Okay, let’s get the elephant in the room squared away first. That was quite a unexpected opener. Especially the villain and that quirk in particular.

I can definitely see and understand why it affected people the way it has and also why some didn’t like it very much at all. But if you could get past it, imagery, senses and all, there’s still a very good story there.

All that being said, I really liked how it firmly establishes Izuku and Rie’s very unique relationship, fangasms and all. XD That whole coffee shop scene was also a good highlight. Hahaha.

This also displays what else she can do and just how much she can take, as demonstrated in what can best be described as a power fuck, as she appropriately worded it! Seriously, she really took that pounding like a champion! Congratulations, Deku. You got someone else who can take all of you and won’t break! Thank God for the special glass. XD

Though it definitely looks like Izuku might have to deal with Kyoka next, considering how it all ended. I can only imagine how that would turn out. Hmm…

Overall, I really enjoyed this chapter. Hope we get more Rie/Tetas soon! She’s really a fun girl.

Very nice work. 🙂

Last edited 3 years ago by Hiryu
3 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, I needed a throw away villain, and I wanted something not really done before. The Butt Jiggle Gang guy was a good fit for the role. He was mainly just a tool to put these two together out in the field.

Rie is very much Izuku’s female self. At least that’s how I see her. Hence they get along so well. The group of fangirls was just for fun, anyone who paid attention to their descriptions knows who they were.

Marble floors are EXPENSIVE, especially to repair in a meaningful way. Patching them is cheap, but they patch is very noticable, like when you put one of a different color fabric over a hole in a shirt. So I figured a hotel manager/owner being too cheap to have it fixed right away made sense. I wanted to give him the whole scummy elitist vibe.

Kyoka’s reaction there will be explained!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

That… was an interesting way to start the chapter. I’m honestly not the biggest fan of it but to each their own. Some like it, some don’t. Tetas’ and Midoriya’s interaction was nice, although it could have gone without the other fangirls in my opinion. They’re just one more reason why I think that Midoriya is just a huge Mary Sue. Aside from that, I really liked the way you set up the way they got into the hotel room/sex scene. It felt relatively fluid although a bit strange that a hotel that offers such nice rooms, starts “saving” money by not fixing the floor in the cafè… Why not do it like the US and just don’t give the employees a reasonable salary?! Anyways, the sex was pretty great for the most part and I’m really intruiged by the fact that Tetas can’t control her Quirk during sex. It makes for an interesting dynamic and explains the artwork quite well. The ending was… okay. Don’t really like the idea of how Kyoka acted there. I mean, as far as I know, Midoriya and Momo aren’t a couple and it wasn’t ever adressed in any of the chapters before. So her saying: “two timing… Womanizing… JERK!” feels just… wrong. I mean, I guess she’s all rooting for Momo and all but seriously, I think Kyoka is smart enough to not go to such hasty conclusions.

I think it’s safe to say that this chapter is rather mediocre at best. The beginning wasn’t my favorite, the ending doesn’t really fit Kyoka in my opinion and makes her seem far too irrational and the prelude to the sex also wasn’t my favorite, with all the Midoriya-whorship and all… My apologies.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Well, as I said above, the villain was a throw away one just for fun. Kyoka’s response actually leads into the next chapter, and you may be surprised at why she reacted the way she did.

3 years ago

Se viene la trama jejeje…. veamos como izuku lo maneja… buen capitulo hermano…. vamos por todo con Momo x Izuku

3 years ago
Reply to  Soldadorayan

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! I hope to do more with Momo soon.

3 years ago

Love it but I hope this doesn’t ruin the IzuMomo ship

3 years ago
Reply to  N0bod4

Nah, not at all. Glad you enjoyed it!

3 years ago

I won’t lie, the intro took me out of it the entire chapter, because I can’t help but think that they probably smell like shit all day due to how much they were crop dusted by the villain.

3 years ago
Reply to  Unskilled

To be fair, he did write Izuku taking a shower XD

3 years ago
Reply to  Emperor-k9

What he said. Also watched the Mythbusters fart episode dor some details on how farts work. They stink something terrible, but the gas is harmless and doesn’t actually linger past a few minutes. And even that guys output would take a while in an airtight room to be lethal. Even then, you’d die from suffocation rather than the toxic contents.

3 years ago

The sex was great and the lead-up there between the two was nice. However, I couldn’t enjoy this chapter from the foul mental image I had from the beginning which tainted the rest for me for me unfortunately.

Last edited 3 years ago by Azzlover
3 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

LOL, for me it was just an homage to some throw away “villains” from a filler Episode of FairyTail.

3 years ago

I had to pause for like thirty minutes after reading the beginning from. Just how hard I was laughing. It may just be my inner 9 year old thi king fart jokes are funny, but seriously, I gotta ask, what inspired you to make THAT villain?

3 years ago
Reply to  Emperor-k9

FairyTail filler arc, the ButtJiggle Gang

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Or bJg for short.

3 years ago

Nice chapter

Is rie going to join deku’s harem?

3 years ago
Reply to  Han
