Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Gloryhole Goddess Pounding

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 93): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 95): [LINK]

β€œGUHMMMMPH HMMMMPH NMMMMPH…!” Konan moaned as she suppressed her gag reflex while rocking her head back and forth slowly on the long, thick male rod that stuck out from a hole in the wall. The immensely thick cock in her throat throbbed and twitched from her movements. Kneeling on the floor next to her, a woman with bleach white skin and horns kept her huge tits pressed around another cock that jutted out from the wall in front of them.


β€œNRMMMMMPH, SLURP, SLUUUUURP, GHMMMMMMMPH!!!” the woman moaned as she loudly sucked and slurped at the huge cock coming out of the hole in front of her. On the other side of the wall, both women could hear the two men groaning as they continued.


Konan and Naruto were leaving the club called Rook’s when they quite literally bumped into Kaguya Otsutsuki. She said she’d just left Hinata and Boruto at another hotel, with the former saying she was going to continue the latter’s training. Hinata had apparently ordered Kaguya to find her husband and bring him to the hotel, and Kaguya had been tracking Naruto since.


Naruto had asked how she could track anything in this mess of chakra on the island. When Kaguya explained it, she could only follow about half of it. It had something to do with how she had the Rinnegan, Sharingan, and Byakugan all at once. That had been as much as she could follow at least.


Just before they could go back to the hotel where Hinata was waiting though, they ran into the former Raikage, A. The two of them immediately began talking about something to do with Hinata. Konan didn’t follow most of it, but it sounded like Naruto’s wife had humiliated the Raikage somehow.


β€œAnyway, I met what I think is a cousin of yours or something. She was a lot stronger fuck than your wife, but not a complete bitch about it.” A told him.


β€œKarin? I didn’t know she was on the island.” said Naruto.


β€œNo, not her, she seemed a bit younger, early to mid-twenties.” said A.


β€œHmmmmn,” said Naruto, β€œI don’t know anyone like that. But I don’t talk to the main Uzumaki Clan much. Karin was about the only one I spoke with on a semi-regular basis.”


A shrugged, β€œWell, I remember her mentioning she was looking for someone, I don’t know who.”


Before Naruto could respond to that nugget of information, Kaguya threw herself into the blonde Hokage’s arms, trembling slightly.


β€œP-Please, Naruto-sama… Ravish me. My p-p-pussy is already aching to be filled by you or your son againnnn…” the ivory skinned beauty whimpered. She almost reminded Konan of a drug addict in need of a fix.


A laughed, β€œI’ll have your wife begging like that next time!” he boasted.


Konan was surprised when such a bold statement didn’t anger Naruto in the slightest. He merely smirked and put an arm around Kaguya’s naked body, pulling her close. The snow queen woman almost seemed to melt against Naruto, and Konan felt a pang of jealousy. Why was she feeling that? She knew what was between her and Naruto was more physical than emotional.


Irritated by this unwanted emotion, Konan spoke up, β€œWhy don’t you show me what you mean by that, Raikage-sama?” she had asked.


And now, they were here!


β€œGUMMMMMPH, HRMMMMMPH, YESH, DHICK, MASHTER’SH DHIIIIIICK!!!” Kaguya slurred loudly around Naruto’s cock as she pressed her fat tits around it while needily sucking at the tip.


Konan was still a bit annoyed watching her. But she now realized it wasn’t romantic jealousy she was feeling. SHE wanted to be the one sucking Naruto’s fat cock! Even if he wasn’t letting himself become fully erect. The odd club they currently occupied was themed around this fetish called a Glory Hole, Konan had heard of it, but just never experienced it before.


Honestly, she didn’t see the appeal. And she figured it had to be a man thing.


Thinking of man things, Konan turned her attention back to the Raikage’s dick, fitting more of it down her throat slowly. She could feel her neck bulging from the thickness as it pushed down into her very stomach! She then let out a deep moan as she slowly pulled back, her lips making a wet slurping noise against his cock. On the other side of the wall, Konan heard A groan quietly and moved to deepthroat his length again.


β€œGHMMMMMMPH…!” Konan moaned softly, letting herself enjoy the feel of A’s thick cock stuffing her mouth and throat. It wasn’t Naruto’s dick, but it still felt good in her mouth and throat! Closing her eyes, Konan rocked her entire body back and forth slowly, letting out another long moan as she felt the fat tip of A’s cock pulling against her throat.


β€œGOOOOH, OGOOOOH…! HRMMMMMPH, GUH, NRGHMMMMPH, SHO, PHIIIICK…!” Konan gagged, her head feeling light now as she bounced herself back and forth faster. She could feel A’s cock throb and twitch in her mouth as she let out another deep moan, pulling herself off completely and moving to lick her way down his length.


The lavender haired woman then looked over to Kaguya again. Her orange eyes went wide as the snow skinned woman also lifted herself off Naruto’s now gigantic erections, easily as big if not bigger and thicker than A’s! The wall around the hole his cock was jutting out from had visible cracks in it as Kaguya moved to IMPALE her pussy on that gigantic length! Konan felt her pussy twinge as she saw the ivory woman’s belly stretching forward from the Hokage’s length pushing inside her.


β€œHOOOOOOOH!!! OOOOOOOOH!!! YES!!! SO BHIIIIG, MY PUSSY CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF UZUMAKI DIIIIICK!!! I’M A SLAVE TO THE UZUMAKI GOD COOOOOCK!!!!” Kaguya wailed, bouncing herself back and forth, her wide ass smacking hard against the wall every time she brought herself back against it, making the cracks deepen and widen.


Still dragging her tongue over A’s cock, Konan watched as Kaguya fucked herself against Naruto’s cock. Her pussy clung tightly to the thick rod of man flesh every time she pulled herself away from the wall. Her opal colored eyes and the one Sharingan eye in her forehead all looked towards one another and her tongue hung out of her mouth like a panting dog’s. The cracks in the wall from her ass spread out in a spider web pattern as she let out long, deep, whorish moans of pleasure.


Konan pouted, β€œHmmmm, I wanna be moaning like that!” she muttered to herself, dragging her tongue over A’s cock again. Though she openly admitted to herself that even with the size the man had, she was bored with it already and wanted that soul fucking dick Kaguya was currently enjoying!


β€œAHHHHN, YES! CUMMING! I’M CUMMING ALREADYYYYY!!! MY PUSSY CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF THIIIIISSSS!!!” Kaguya wailed in pleasure, her mouth hanging open and drool dripping off the tip of her tongue. She looked like a complete whore, but at the same time, Konan couldn’t help but think how hot she looked with her face like that.


The purple haired young woman moved to straddle A’s cock between her thick thighs, moaning softly as she felt it rubbing against her pussy as she rocked herself back and forth. A must have been enjoying it, as Konan could see copious amounts of precum oozing out of the tip. The thick, clear fluid had a strong odor to it, Konan felt a little dizzy as she grabbed at her own tits, leaning herself back against the wall as she watched Kaguya going wild.


β€œHOOOOOOH, OOOOOOOOH, AAAAHHHHAAAAH, YEEESSSSS!!! I’M CUMMING…! I’M GONNA CUM!! CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING, I’M CUUUUMMMMINGH!!!!” howled Kaguya in a deep, throaty voice full of unabashed lust, her pussy spraying every time she moved her body back or forth. Her fat ass rippled every time it smacked back against the more and more fractured wall until, with a loud cracking and crunching sound, the reinforced plaster drywall gave way. With a grunt of surprise, Naruto fell through the wall, large chunks of it falling around him and kicking up clouds of dust in the air!




Naruto chuckled, grabbing Kaguya by the rabbit ear-like horns on her head, using them like handlebars as he pulled her head back and began pounding into her from behind. β€œAnd we’ll hold you to those words, you horny slut! Take this dattebayooo!!!” he groaned, his dick seeming to glow a light golden color as he jammed it into her, making her belly stand out all the more prominently!


β€œAHHIIIIYAAAAAAAAA~~~!!! GOOOD! FEELS GOOOOOOODD!! MY PUSSY IS SO FUUUULLLLL!!!!” wailed Kaguya in raw, insane ecstasy as her eyes rolled back in their sockets, unfocused, unseeing. Behind her, Naruto groaned, pounding his giant cock into her mercilessly. Were the woman not howling like a whore in pleasure, it might look as if he were trying to hurt her.


β€œYeeaah, that’s it! With this, you’re gonna me mine and my son’s personal cocksleeve for the rest of your life! So tell me, how does it feel being reduced to a sex toy for the man who beat you and his son!?” Naruto asked her, β€œJust a set of holes for us to use at our whim! An outlet for our lusts! To be used whenever and wherever we need to bust a nut! From now until you die, we’re gonna fuck this pasty ass and ravage it as we want!!!”


β€œHAAAAAAH YEEEEESSSSS!!! I WANT THAT! I WANT IT, I WANT IT, I WANT IT, I WANT IIIIT!!! MY BODY BELONGS TO YOUR FAMILYYYYYYY!!!!” Kaguya screamed, her voice sounding hoarse now from all her loud screaming.


Naruto grinned, slamming his cock in and out of her faster now with a loud PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP that sent more ripples across her wide ass. But after a few moments, his thrusts slowed noticeably to a slower and more deliberate PLAP, PLAP, PLAP.


β€œHnnmmmmmmmmh, yeah, I’m gonna cum in you! Take it all, you Fallen Goddess Whooore!!!” Naruto groaned, jamming his cock deep inside Kaguya! Konan felt her heart skipping in her chest as she actually HEARD his cum pouring into her with a SPLUT, SPLUT, SPUUUURT sound! Her thighs clenched tight around A’s cock as she sawed herself back and forth, pushing herself into her own orgasm as the older man’s cock began spurting between her thighs as well. Thick jets of cum so hot that it actually steamed slightly in the cool air splattered on the fall wall, running down the surface in thick globules.


Next to Konan, the woman let out another, weaker moan as her pussy guzzled every bit, taking it all in as if it didn’t want to waste a single drop. Kaguya’s entire body shuddered in pleasure as her moans grew weaker and weaker. Turning to soft, gasping pants by the end as Naruto released her horns and pulled out of her with a gross sucking noise.




More cum gushed back out of Kaguya as she fell forward onto her face, her ass up in the air. Naruto’s cum rushed out of her like some kind of perverted fountain as her belly shrank back down to normal. She then lay mostly still, her pussy gaping so wide that Konan could have fit both her fists inside the woman and not come into contact with her vaginal walls.


β€œHmmm, my village has a medicine for that.” said A’s voice as he suddenly appeared standing next to Naruto, his half hard dick hanging down well past his knee. Konan hadn’t even felt him pull away as she stopped herself from humping empty air with a blush. The former Raikage then surveyed the mess wrought by Kaguya’s demolishing the wall.


β€œLet’s call this a draw because she broke the wall.” he said to Naruto.


He nodded, and Konan tried to understand what they meant. But she didn’t recall much of their conversation from before she found herself sucking A’s cock through the hole in the wall. It was some kind of competition, but she had no idea what the goal or stakes even were!


β€œFine by me. I need to…” Naruto began to say, but stopped mid-sentence and Konan saw all color draining from his face. It was like he’d suddenly seen a ghost!


β€œWhat?” A asked, equally confused by this.


Slowly, Naruto turned to look behind him, through the massive hole in the wall behind them. There, a young girl with short cut dark black hair and crystalline blue eyes stood staring at the scene. She had a cute face and a petite figure. She was dressed, or rather, undressed, in one of the sticker bikinis that were popular on the island. On her cheeks were the same whisker-like marks that Naruto had as she looked at them with a mix of surprise and wonder.


β€œDaddy?” the girl asked.


β€œEh, Hima-chan, what are you doing here?” Naruto asked, sounding a lot calmer than his face showed. That was the look of panic on a man’s face who’d just been caught cheating by his wife! Well, it was as close as Konan could describe it. Maybe the same expression applied to parents who’d just been caught fucking by their child?


β€œHold on, HOW are you even here!?” Naruto asked as his panic shifted to confusion by the very fact that his own daughter was on the island when she was supposed to be back home in Konoha.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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2 months ago

Great chapters back-to-back! So excited for Himawari!

2 months ago


2 months ago

Now that both chapters are out, let’s talk about them at the same time for a bit. πŸ€”

Let’s start with the first one: It’s certainly an improvement over the original version in several ways. More than I would have guessed. I personally enjoyed it for what it was. More so given it’s a Kaguya centered fic with Hinata and Boruto, although it seems like she’s finally ready to teach and train for real. But I really do hope she’s done with punishing him now, because it’s starting to get a little much. πŸ˜…

Which brings me to the second one: As silly as it sounds, this one I actually like more. Not just because of the content, but rather how it was laid out. More so given aside from Kaguya, this also features Konan, as well as Naruto and A. Plus it showing how different Konan and Kaguya are, in light of their very similar positions in the story. But it really got awkward in the end with Himawari showing up at the worst possible time. πŸ‘€

While I still don’t know how to feel about Himawari getting in on things {at least as of yet}, I do know that I liked these two chapters for what they are. πŸ‘

So well done. Until next time. πŸ‘‹

– Hiryu

2 months ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Thanks man, I’m glad you enjoyed these. The next chapter should be done at the end of the week. After that, I’m looking to do a large number of smaller chapters more focused on the artwork than the main plot-line.

2 months ago

I hope we see something about Naturo x Himawari in the future… a father – daughter time would be interesting… i hope there are images for it.

2 months ago
Reply to  BustezHero

That stuff is tricky. While I don’t have issue with mother/son or siblings stuff, Father/daughter is rougher, I prefer to only write it under specific conditions tied to the story itself

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
2 months ago

It was a great chapter and was kind of funny at the end with himawari and hope it will be more funny when hinata and boruto know about it

2 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

Yeah, just stay tuned

2 months ago

Based on the pictures that have been provided in the past I already know where this going with Himawari.

I hope the strap-on she uses is modeled after father’s dick and not her brother.

2 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

Wasn’t planning to detail that. Still not.

2 months ago

Double Kaguya banging, today is a good day, a good day indeed

2 months ago
Reply to  Xcelsior

More Kaguya coming soon!!!