Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Fighting the Urges Within

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 79): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 81): [LINK]

“It’s time! Hope you’re ready for round three, you uppity bitch!” said a gruff voice over Hinata Uzumaki as she sunned her naked body on an isolated sector of the beach. A large shadow fell over her, blocking out what little light remained as the sun began to set over the horizon. Hinata laid on her stomach, wanting to make sure whatever tan she did pick up was evenly distributed. Though at this exact moment, it proved to be a detriment as her assailant used her vulnerable position to get the drop on her!


WAH!?” yelped the dark haired woman as she suddenly found herself pulled up and rolled onto her side as the shadow’s owner unceremoniously shoved his insanely huge dick up her asshole! ‘So thick!’ That was the first thought that went through her mind as the former Raikage’s cock pushed far into her ass! Her stomach stretched out from the length as it reached up into her gut. In a minor display of graciousness, A, the former Raikage, had already slicked his cock with some kind of lubricant, as it slipped right up her ass with nearly no resistance!


He looked down at her with a smug grin, his cock sinking deeper and deeper as Hinata’s eyes went cross for just a second. It was the sudden shock of having her asshole unexpectedly violated, not because she was getting any kind of pleasure from the experience. Oddly enough though, it didn’t hurt either!


Normally, going into anal sex without any warm-up work beforehand wasn’t exactly pleasurable. The same rule applied to regular sex when the woman wasn’t aroused. Hinata’s generation called it a ‘dry fuck’, and part of her own injutsu training included how to make her pussy instantly wet just to avoid the pain from such sudden attacks. There was a technique for anal as well, but thankfully, Hinata didn’t need to use it.


The shock of it all wore off after the moment Hinata felt A’s entire dick slide inside her, with her stomach tenting up dramatically from the sheer size. “Ack, how rude!” she snapped at him.


“Your guard was down!” replied A as he reached out to grab one heavy tit with his meaty, bandaged, hand.


“Ngh…!” Hinata moaned as she felt A’s cock pulling out of her slowly, whatever lube he’d used had something in it that was playing with her sensitivity. Though she didn’t normally use them, Hinata knew the effects of an aphrodisiac when she felt them. The tingling sensation in her pussy, the false sense of arousal that came with a quickening heartbeat, and a feeling of dizziness and heat that settled in her brain.


“You’re… Fighting, nghgh, dirty!” she moaned as A’s cock slipped back out of her. It was like she was being turned inside out, but it felt good! The tingling heat in her pussy was rapidly growing more intense, already her love juices were flowing freely, her clit so swollen it was peeking out from under the hood of her labia. Her tits were also growing more sensitive as well, even as the feeling of his hand on her breast was rippling through her, almost like pins and needles all over her body.


We never set any rules against little tricks like this!” A told her, “Now, feel the power of Kumogakure’s special Bitch Breaking aphrodisiac!” he yelled, while slamming his cock back up her ass with a loud SMACK.


“Ngh, it doesn’t matter! I beat you twice before, this is no different! So go ahead and fuck me as rough as you can! I’ll beat you again!” she told him


“You’ll eat those words!” A roared as he pulled out again and quickly buried his cock all the way inside her with an even louder SLAP!


AHHAAAAAAAAAAAAHN!!!!” Hinata moaned loudly, cumming instantly and hard! “What, hooooow…?” she panted, dizzy from cumming so unexpectedly, her body felt weakened and numb. ‘This is bad,’ she thought, ‘My body, I can’t control its reactions! This lube, whatever is inside it works so fast, I can’t think!


“This is the lube my village used on bitches like you a long time ago. Making it wasn’t easy either since we’re stuck here. But I managed. So how do you like it, you Hokage Whore!?” A explained moving to pull back again, his cock making wet, sticky noises as it pulled back out of her asshole.


Ahhh, his cock feels so hot!’ thought Hinata, ‘My head, it feels like it’s burning from the heat! Gotta think, but it’s so hard, and his dick, it feels so good in my ass! I… I can’t…




A grinned down at her, a disgustingly smug expression as he shoved his cock back inside again, then again, and again! The PLAP PLAP PLAP of his body smacking against hers was as loud as explosions to Hinata, echoing in her ears along with her own howling moans.






“Hahaha,” laughed A, “Don’t worry, I’ll give that slut cunt a good fucking when I knock you up in front of your husband! It’ll be a good lesson for you both!” he told her as he grabbed her ankles and rolled her so she was on her back now. Her huge tits heaved up and down as she gasped for breath. She’d cum so many times already, her mind was fuzzy. It was hard to think of anything aside from the gigantic dick up her ass!


No, this isn’t good! I’m going to lose to a cock that isn’t my husband’s!’ thought Hinata. She could handle losing to Boruto as his training progressed. In fact, she fully expected to, but that was Future Hinata’s problem. Present Hinata had much bigger things to worry about as A grabbed both her tits and leaned down over her, with his dick pushing deeper and deeper up her ass.


“Ahhhhn, ur dhick, it’sh shtirring ub muh inshiiiidesh…!” Hinata slurred as A forced his tongue into her mouth, swirling it around her own. Her mind felt so hazy now, the sensations running through her body were rapidly eroding her thoughts. ‘Ahhhh, no, I don’t want it, but it feels so good. My body, it’s craving more pleasure now!’ she thought as her hips began moving almost on their own, rolling against his thrusts.


AHHHHHGH, SHO DHEEEEEP! MUH ASSH PHEELSH GUUUUD!!!” she slurred around the Raikage’s tongue.


“Hehehe, enjoy it, you Uzumaki whore! I’ll tame you with my cock, then fuck you in every hole before I take you to your husband and show him just how weak his prize wife is! Then, after I’m done, I’ll throw you away like trash!” A promised her.


AHHHHN… NHOOOOOOH, DHOOOON’D! DHON’D MAHKE MEH CUM AHNYMOAR!!!” Hinata begged, her words still slurred as her tongue hung out of her mouth like a panting dog’s. “AHHHHHEEEEEEEEE!!!” she then screamed as A began moving his hips faster, groaning in pleasure.


I’m gonna lose, I’m gonna lose, I’m gonna lose, I’m gonna lose, noooooo!’ thought Hinata as she felt another orgasm building inside her, a big one. If it hit her, she knew her mind would break like Samui’s had, and she’d become the Raikage’s plaything. Naruto would be humiliated by this!


What do I do? What do I do!? Think Hinata, think! Ahhh, but it feels so good, I can’t think!’ she thought, but since her mind was enveloped in a thick haze, everything felt fuzzy. The heat from her asshole was moving through her entire body. How could she have been so foolish? Letting her guard down like that and getting his with an aphrodisiac attack.


Wait, the aphrodisiac!


Hinata’s mind flashed back to years ago, her training with Neji!


AHHHHHHHHN, NHOOOO, IT FEELS TOO GOOOOOOOD!!! I’M GONNA CUM! I’M GONNA CUM AGAAAAIIIIN!!!” Hinata howled as Neji Hyuuga drove his thick cock into her pussy. The two of them were both naked in the training dojo of the head family’s home. Neji had Hinata down on all fours, with her big tits swinging back and forth beneath her as his pelvis smacked into her ass again and again.


“Hinata!” she heard her father yell sternly, “What do you do when hit with an aphrodisiac like this? The effects are always powerful, but this arousal is fake. Your body is having a chemical reaction, not a natural one. So as long as you don’t lose your head, you can fight it.” he told her.


AHHHHHN, NHOOOOO…. I… I CAN’T, MY PUSSY, NEJI ONII-CHAN’S COCK FEELS SO GOOOOOOOOD!” Hinata moaned, with her body moving on its own now, seeking more pleasure as Neji grabbed her tits from behind, kneading and squeezing them roughly.


“No excuses!” her father said, “You may have lost your place as Heiress to the Hyuuga Clan House, but that has nothing to do with your injutsu training! Neji is using an aphrodisiac laced lubricant on his dick. Think! While powerful against women, an aphrodisiac applied in such a way is a double edged sword. The user also feels the effects!”


Hinata’s eyes then snapped open, with her mind back in the present. Veins bulged around them as she triggered her Byakugan. Her entire world became a strange monochromatic environment. The only splashes of color were on her and A’s bodies. Her entire body was lit up in a kind of pink and purple aura. The pink areas being focused on her asshole, her pussy, and her tits, the places she was feeling the most pleasure. The purple areas were still feeling good, but to a lesser degree. In her stomach, she saw a mass of pink building up within, growing quickly and steadily. It was her next orgasm.


She forced herself not to think about it and looked through herself, to A’s cock as it drove in and out of her asshole. The entire thing was a bright neon pink glow! How was he not cumming already?! A glow that bright meant orgasmic levels of pleasure. By all rights, he should have cum so hard now he’d be unconscious!


With great effort, she made herself look at A’s genitals harder. His dick was so big, it easily rivaled her husband’s. The differences had to be in the millimeters at best. Just looking made her want to cum so badly, she wanted to just give in, lose herself in ecstasy. It would be so easy now. And it’s not as if this would start a war, considering that Naruto had been the one bragging to A, and Hinata had shown off just a bit too much.


AHHHH, AHHH, HAAAAAAHN, I’M GONNA CUM! I’M GONNA CUM AGAIN, IT’S A BIG ONE, MY MIND IS GONNA BREEEAAAAK…!” Hinata found herself screaming. As A laughed haughtily.


Then she saw it!


At the base of his dick, right where it connected to the rest of his body. Some kind of band. A cock ring? No, it wasn’t made of metal. It was instead some kind of rubber-like or silicone material. It was stretched out, and beyond its means at that. Was it too small?


Hinata put it together almost instantly. A WAS feeling the effects of his own lube gel, but he was countering it with that elastic cock ring, preventing himself from cumming. When she shifted her vision to his face, looking directly at him for the first time, she saw it. He tried to hide it behind his bravado, but he was straining. Sweat ran down his face, dripping off him like rain in a storm. In her training with Neji, he’d used the same trick to hold off his own orgasm. Many ninja did if they used this technique. Only true masters of injutsu didn’t have to.


And A was no master!


AHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHAAAAHHHHN!!! I WON’T LOOOOSE!!!” Hinata moaned, “AHH, AHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, HYUUGA CLAN SECRET TECHNIQUE, BUTT BOMBERRRRRRR!!!! AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHH, AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!” Hinata screamed, twerking her ass into A’s thrusts intentionally now. The pleasure she felt only grew more, but this was her last chance. Because A WASN’T an injutsu master, he had to resort to this cheap trick to make his strategy work. But he obviously wasn’t able to find a silicone cock ring in his size, which forced him to use this one that was too small. His gigantic dick was already stretching the thing past its intended limits.


Hinata meant to take it even further!


AHHHHHHHMMMMH, FUUUUCK, THAT’S IT, YOU UZUMAKI SLUT, RIDE MY DICK AND BECOME MY COCK WHOOOORE!!!” groaned A, with his voice sounding pained. Hinata kept her sight trained on the cock ring. She could see the material wearing out from the force of her thrusts. The friction made by her anus every time the cock ring slipped in and out, and the sharp stubble of her body hair in that area. She routinely groomed herself there, but the stubble remained. So small and fine that even the most sensitive dick wouldn’t feel it, but there nonetheless. Hinata used the last bit of her concentration to use a powerful technique of her clan, hardening those points of stubble to become stronger than steel! Normally, this move was used on the pubic hairs above the pussy, turning them into needle-like projectiles, but with effort, she could affect the other hairs on her body. Those tiny bits of stubble turned harder than steel, and every time the cock ring brushed against them, they dug tiny groves into the material. But the effort robbed her of what little strength she had to fight back against the pleasure she felt, and instantly, her pussy began spraying non-stop like a geyser!


AHHHHH, I’M GOING TO CUMMMMM!! CUMMING, CUMMING, CUMMING! I’M CUMMMINGH!!! OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!! NHOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!” Hinata screamed as the pleasure became too much, and the glowing pink mass at her center burst out, flaring a bright neon pink as it spread throughout her entire body!




In the same instant Hinata began climaxing, the band wrapped around the very base of A’s cock snapped like a rubber band stretched too far then lightly scratched with a knife. The black bit of silicone flung itself off of A’s body and flung itself in a random direction.


AHHHH FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!” A groaned, with his smug expression replaced with a look of both pain and pleasure as his cock began shooting its load instantly! A thick and steady stream of cum began pouring into Hinata. The flow was so quick, it was almost as if it were shooting out from a hose instead of spurting out like regular ejaculation.


OOOOOOOHHHHHHN, SO MUSH CUUUUUMMMMM…” Hinata slurred as she felt the huge amount of juices filling her swelling belly. She rested her hands over her stomach, her opal colored eyes turned in opposing directions as she felt herself cumming without end. Her entire body was shaking in pleasure as she felt her mind going completely blank. It felt, so, good…


In the same instant, A’s dark colored eyes rolled back in his head as his entire body began convulsing from both pleasure and pain. He fell backwards, with his cock pulling out of Hinata’s asshole with a revolting sound.


“Uh, uhhhhhhn…!” groaned A, falling completely unconscious onto the sand beneath him, while his cock still twitched in the air, shooting several more thick streamers up cum up before shrinking quickly. The former Raikage then laid there, with his body twitching slightly in his unconscious state.


Hinata wasn’t sure how long she was unconscious, but it couldn’t have been very long, as there was still a little sunlight left. Her whole body felt weak, and her limbs were like udon noodles, loose and limp. Moving sent tingles through her like when a limb had its circulation cut off too long then returned suddenly. All of the cum inside her had leaked back out, turning the sand around her into a sticky, muddy mess.


“Mistress Hinata!” called a voice, and Hinata whimpered as she felt hands lifting her out of the sand. Her arm was draped over someone’s shoulder, and she felt the smooth, soft skin of another woman’s naked body against her own. She smelled a clean, flowery odor, like the soap they had in their hotel room.


Opening her eyes, Hinata had to force herself to focus, “Sa…mu…i?” she said, with her voice dry and hoarse.


“Are you alright, mistress?” Samui asked, with genuine concern in her eyes. “I found your son like you wanted. I left Kaguya with him and some other women from your village.Not too long ago, on a whim, Hinata had instructed her husband to break Samui with a special technique, turning her into a loyal cock slave to their family.


“Ahn, get, me, out of… Here…” Hinata said weakly.


Samui didn’t ask what happened, likely she’d put it together on her own from the scene she found. “So, you beat Raikage-sama again?” Samui asked, with a gentle smile on her face.


“No, we both, lost…” Hinata said before darkness claimed her and she fell unconscious.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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6 months ago

Great chapter ! You can also add some ninja tools and bondage where you can make another flashback where hinata is tied up and training it can add more spice to their fight

6 months ago
Reply to  Uncledrew

I can do more flashbacks of her and Neji fucking, yeah.

6 months ago

Fue bueno como raikage finalmente le mostró parte de su lugar a hinata, me gustó este cap

6 months ago
Reply to  Htclcg


6 months ago

I would love to see raikage’s stories again in the hot dog bustezz challenge have you ever thought about putting this back

6 months ago
Reply to  Zak

I have them as an option for later

6 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

ok let’s hope you do it soon those stories were Raikage take revenge on Hinata and hot dog every girl are very beautiful, keep working Bro your story are great.

Last edited 6 months ago by Zak
6 months ago

On one hand, I do enjoy that it was a double ko, here which will probably have Hinata start to get more back into shape. But on the other hand, the fact that A had to use a cock ring to keep himself from cumming kinda shows that this dude on some internal level knows that he can’t match up to the Uzumakis/Hyugas in terms of Injutsu, so he gotta use cheap tricks to level it out. It’s gonna be so good to see this man completely humbled

6 months ago
Reply to  Tony2Dirty

Yeah, A’s skills aren’t up to snuff and he knows it. But his reason for the cockring was legit, that lube was a double edged sword.

6 months ago

I’ve been looking forward to this, I want more Raihina.

6 months ago
Reply to  vbb

Gimme time.

6 months ago

On the one hand agreed that it’s nice seeing Ay humbled again. On the other hand if part four has him win I hope it has a lasting effect for a bit atleast. I recall you had a similar sort of plot before and next chapter Hianta is just bounced back to herself with zero effect not even her being hesitant to be around Ay.

6 months ago
Reply to  Meta1213

DDon’t forget, she lost here too, and with injutsu, for the women, losing has severe consequences!

6 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Fair. I wasn’t sure if it being a double KO counted, though. Also I just meant how there was another plot you had before you reset where Ay did seem to break Hinata but then the next chapter she was still mostly herself and got fixed up back to normal. Even having her be totally chill around Ay when they were shooting Boruto’s porno. So hope we get more then just next chapter. Naruto magically fixes her and she is chill.

Roger Goga
Roger Goga
6 months ago

Great chapter and can’t wait for the next chapter and keep up the good work and I wonder what will happen next but I will wait for that to happen

6 months ago
Reply to  Roger Goga

As with this chapter, I’ll get to it when I get to it. 😜 trying to finish a new chapter right now.

6 months ago

As for the competition itself it is interesting and fun. Since it’s fun seeing Hinata (how she was with Boruto in his training) plus her admittedly recent overconfidence in it be nearly destroyed but also really cool seeing her get a classic burst of will and power like in anime just with sex. At the same time it’s beyond long overdue the Raikage annoying ego gets humbled more than several times and not enough. Plus the description of the hair, cock ring and anal is hot so that too is dope.

Excluding outside factors of stuff like mentions of Naruto which i don’t care for outside it’s good stuff plus the fact that we brought back this classic photo as well it’s awesome. Keep up the work Sailor

6 months ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

Yeah, I figured now was a good time for this story.