Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Fairy Tail’s Biggest Fuck-Slut

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of SailorIo stories)
Previous Story (Part 40): [LINK]
Beginning (Part 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Part 42): [LINK]

AGUH, GUMMMPH, GWEH, GUG…!” Lucy Heartfilia choked and gagged on the cock currently occupying her throat, her bright brown eyes rolling up in her head as she let out a deep throaty moan. She loved the feeling of having her throat stuffed like this! The way her jaw ached, and the sensation of the tip of the dick moving in and out of her throat drove her crazy with pleasure.


The young blonde girl currently lay naked on a long table in the middle of the Fairy Tail Guild Hall. Standing over Lucy right now was one of her fellow guildmates, Elfman, with his huge dick currently shoved down her throat. His big, meaty hands held onto the sides of her head as he fucked her face like a pussy! His cock, a rod of fuckmeat nearly as long and thick as her leg, was pumping in and out of her mouth roughly. Lucy could feel how her throat bulged from the girth of his dick inside her mouth as Elfman’s balls smacked against her face again and again.


“Hmmmmn, do her face harder.” said a mildly amused voice from beneath Lucy. Though she couldn’t see her, Lucy easily recognized her fiance Brandish’s voice. The blonde then moaned even deeper as she felt a wet and nimble tongue slipping between the folds of her exposed pussy.


GUUUHMMMMMMMMMPH!!!” Lucy gagged loudly, her hips bucking on reflex as the green haired woman let out a muffled giggle and pressed her mouth to Lucy’s pussy harder.


“Nmmmmmh, your pussy tastes best when you’re cumming, Lucy…” Brandish purred, while moving her tongue in a long broad stroke over the folds of her cunt.


AGUH GUH GUG GUH…!” was all Lucy could say in response as Elfman continued fucking her mouth, his hands holding onto the two short pigtails at the base of her head like handle bars on a bike.


“Hmmmmm, what was that, Lucy? You want his dick bigger? Okay…” Brandish said, her voice teasing as she snapped her fingers and suddenly made Elfman’s dick even thicker!


HAAGUUUUUUPH!!!!” Lucy gagged loudly, her pussy gushing as the sudden increase in size made her cum instantly. Her jaw felt like it might snap off at any second, and she could barely even breathe, but it felt so GOOD, she didn’t even care!


GURGH GUG GUH GOUPH, AUUGH GUH, GWEPH, GUCK…!” she choked, then moaned deeply as Brandish began eating out her pussy even harder.


“Nmmmmmmmmmh, sho tashteyyy…” Brandish moaned, sliding her tongue as deep into Lucy’s pussy as it would go.


“Heheh, take a good look, Natsu! See how a Real Man fucks a woman’s face!!!” Elfman boasted.


GUUUGUUUUPH!!!” Lucy tried to yell, but she couldn’t even make poorly worded sentences right now, not with her throat stuffed at this angle. She turned her eyes towards where Natsu sat across from Lucy on one of the benches lined up with the table. Her pink haired second fiance was also naked as he leaned back on the bench. A mass of auburn colored hair bobbed up and down in his lap, and Lucy could hear the lewd wet slurping sounds of Flare’s slutty lips gliding back and forth over his dick!


Lucy then saw her self-proclaimed sex slave lift her head up, her seemingly always deranged face in an indignant expression, “How rude! Master fucks my mouth-pussy harder than that all the time!” she declared before deepthroating his dick again. Flare had come to them a little while back, begging both Lucy and Natsu to let her be their personal sex slave.


They accepted.


It was strange, Lucy thought as she gagged and moaned on Elfman’s cock as he began facefucking her even harder! Not that long ago, Lucy wouldn’t have been caught dead in a situation like this. Hell, if she had walked into the guild and saw the orgy currently going on all around them, she might have died from embarrassment at the sight alone.


But then the Manko Flowers came up seemingly out of nowhere. People still didn’t know where they had come from, only that they had a very strange effect on people who regularly used Magic like a wizard. People who only used magic tools and other items were mostly immune to the effects. But anyone who used magic professionally had an intense reaction almost like an allergy.


That reaction being sudden, complete, throws your inhibitions to the wind horniness!


When Lucy first experienced it on the road with Natsu and Gray, she thought she’d gone crazy. But as the days passed, Lucy found such activities felt more and more natural to her. She even enjoyed what she would have called acts of depravity before. The blonde didn’t know which should have bothered her more, the loss of her inhibitions, or the fact that she no longer WANTED to go back to how her life was before.


I don’t wanna go back to how I was before,’ Lucy thought as she felt herself cumming again from the feel of Elfman’s cock fucking her mouth and throat as well as Brandish’s tongue delving in and out of her. All she could do at the moment was writhe in ecstasy between the two as both held her firmly in place!


NMMMMMMPH, AGUH GUG GUH, MOAR, AGUUH, MOOARRR!” Lucy managed to choke out as her entire body shook with another orgasm,


HMMMMMMN!!! YESH, MAHKE HER CUHM MOAR!!!” demanded Brandish, burying her face in Lucy’s pussy and shaking her head from side to side. The golden ring on Brandish’s left hand glowed a soft green from the gemstone embedded in it, and Lucy could feel Brandish’s, Natsu’s, and Flare’s pleasure as keenly as her own.


“Heh, alright then! HUUUUAAAHHH…!” groaned Elfman as he began swinging his hips faster and harder, and Lucy gagged again, her eyes rolling back again as she felt herself cumming hard!


AGUUUUUGGUH!! GUUMMINGH!! AYE’M GUUUUUMMINGH WIPH MUH MOUPH-CUND!!!!” gagged Lucy as she shuddered with obscene pleasure. She heard Natsu groaning next to her, followed by a loud gulping sound. Thanks to their link, Lucy could feel Natsu’s orgasm as if she had her own dick! The sensation was so intense, she felt like she might go insane from it. The feel of her[Natsu’s] cock and balls draining into Flare’s hot little mouth-pussy at the same time her own pussy came all over Brandish’s face, it felt so amazingly good!


She also could feel Flare’s and her own stomach flooding with cum. Their bellies swelling from the sheer volume of it! Lucy then gasped and coughed softly as Elfman slowly pulled his dick free. When he finally let go of her head, Lucy flopped down onto the table, feeling all the cum in her gut sloshing around inside her!


There was a lewd slurping sound next to her, and Lucy turned just in time to see Flare pulling her mouth off of Natsu’s giant dragon dick, “Hmmm, that’s all?” she asked, “Master can do better than that!” she boasted.


“Down, girl! Go back to sucking my dick!” Natsu chided.


Without question, Flare did as told, looking so happy to receive a perverted command like that. Lucy could feel Flare’s heart racing with excitement as she engulfed Natsu’s cock again! The blonde girl moaned as she felt the sensation of a hot, wet, tight mouth sucking her[Natsu’s] dick again. She could also feel the obstruction in her throat, but now, the feeling didn’t even distract her unlike when there was an actual dick in her own mouth!


“Mmmmmmmmmh, you look so sexy laying on the table like this…” cooed Brandish as she crawled naked on top of Lucy, her breasts dragging over Lucy’s belly before they rubbed against her own. The blonde slipped her arms around Brandish, hugging her tight and savoring the feel of another woman’s naked body against her own.


They kissed, and Brandish sucked on Lucy’s tongue as if it were a cock for several long minutes while the two of them scissored their smooth thighs together. Lucy closed her eyes, savoring the smooth, soft, warmth of Brandish’s body as she enjoyed the feel of Flare’s blowjob through her body link with Natsu! When Brandish broke the kiss a few moments later, Lucy rolled onto her side with the green haired girl, pulling away so she could take in all of her naked glory.


Brandish had a beautiful body, with curves in all the right places and a fit, tone physique that wasn’t bulky. Lucy wondered how she kept so fit, it was a struggle for the blonde herself, requiring a precise diet and exercise routine most of the time. Brandish rubbed her hand over Lucy’s cum swollen stomach, smiling at her before leaning forward to kiss her again. She kissed back, moaning happily as she explored the inside of Brandish’s mouth with her tongue.


GUG, GUH, GUH, GUH, GUUMMMMMMMPH!!!” Flare gagged and moaned next to them as Natsu forced her to deepthroat his dick before he came in her stomach again. Lucy and Brandish both moaned with the auburn haired girl, hugging each other close as they felt a man’s orgasm ripping through them, making their pussies squirt together!


“Hey, Lulu, check this out!” said a new voice as Levy McGarden came over to their table. The normally petite blue haired woman currently sported a pair of gigantic breasts bigger than her entire body. The massive mammary glands bounced and wobbled wildly as she ran over. How could Levy even stand with those things!?


“Levy?” Lucy asked, acknowledging her friend and moving to sit up on the table now.


Levy held in her hand a beaker like from an apothecary or doctor’s office, inside was a deep indigo blue liquid that was almost purple. It almost looked like ink with how opaque it was.


“What’s that?” asked Lucy.


“A tonic made from the indigo Manko Flower petals. You know, the ones that make your boobs and butt bigger!” explained Levy.


“I remember.” said Lucy, quickly putting together what was in the beaker. “Someone already figured it out?”


“Sorta. This is basically a tea made from dried and ground up petals.” explained Levy, rubbing her free hand over her own giant knockers now, “Works really well.”


“She doesn’t need it.” Brandish said in a disinterested voice, “That’s why I’m here!” she said with an almost sadistic grin as she snapped her fingers.


“Wah!?” yelped Lucy as her chest ballooned outwards, each of her breasts growing as big as her entire torso. The sudden weight pinned Lucy in place as Brandish snapped her fingers again, repeating this with her rump.


“Gotta make it match.” she said casually.


“Brandiiii…!” Lucy whined.


“Oh you know you love it!” Brandish countered before she shouted so everyone in the guild could hear her, “Hey everyone, let’s run a train on Lucy!”


EEEEEEH…!?!?” was Lucy’s only reply to that.



AHHHH, HAAAAH, AHHHHHN, FUUUUCK, WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO MEEEE!?” Lucy lamented as she found herself bent over at ninety degrees. Her now gigantic tits swayed underneath her as she rocked back and forth. A loud PLAP PLAP PLAP could be heard behind her as Natsu gripped her ass tight, his massive dick drilling in and out of her asshole!


Various bits of graffiti covered Lucy’s body, derogatory marks like SLUT and SEX were written over her tits in permanent marker. With things like BITCH, FAT ASS, and FUCK TOY written on her ass. Someone even had begun tallying how many men had used her pussy over one of her breasts. She’d personally lost count after five, only able to recall the way Brandish had used her magic to make off of them as big as Natsu while they fucked her!


And she couldn’t have been more turned on right now if she tried!


“Heeeeh, awww yeah, your ass is still so tiiight…!” groaned Natsu as he continued pounding his cock in and out of her asshole.




He laughed, gripping her ass tighter as he pounded his dragon dick in and out of her even faster.


HAAAAAAAAAH, SO THIIIIIIIICK!!!!” Lucy moaned in a throaty voice.


“Keep going, Master!” Flare cheered from where she sat naked by one of the table, both her hands between her legs as she masturbated to the sight of them, “Fuck the Princess even harder!!!”


“Yeah!” agreed Brandish, “She may complain, but she’s loving every second of this! I don’t even need the rings to know that!”


AHHHHHN, YOU’RE AWFUL BRANDIIIII…!” Lucy whined again even as she felt her pussy gushing with pleasure, “AHHHH, IT’S SO GOOOOD! MY ASS, I’M CUMMING WITH MY ASSSSS!!!” the blonde wailed in pleasure.


That was when Natsu leaned down over her enhanced ass, his hands grabbing her now gigantic tits before he pressed his mouth against hers. Their tongues met in a sloppy, wet kiss as she let out a panting moan.


AHHHHN HAWDER!!! PHUG MEH HAWDER NASHU!!!” Lucy moaned, rocking herself back into his thrusts.


As if he had been waiting for her to say that, Natsu groaned as he stepped up his motions. The PLAP PLAP PLAP sound grew even louder, but Lucy barely heard it over her own howling moan!


OOOOHHHH YEEEEEESSSSSSH!!! GUUUMING, AYE’M GUUUUMMMINGH!!! MOAR, MOOOAAR, OH GAAAAWD, SHO GUUUUUUUUD!!! PHUG MEEEH!!!” Lucy wailed in ecstasy, her pussy gushing non-stop now as Natsu pistoned her asshole mercilessly. She could feel his cock as if it were her own still, the duel pleasures were too much as she bucked and moaned before Natsu drilled his entire cock up her asshole and came hard! Thick, hot, white cum flooded her belly from the other end. Lucy felt her stomach filling again as she let out a deep moan of pleasure, her knees becoming weak.


“Oooooooh…” Natsu groaned, gripping her gigantic tits tightly as he pumped load after load of his cum into her asshole. Lucy’s stomach felt fuller than it had from any meal she’d ever had before from all the cum stuffing her!


SOOOO, FUUULLLLL…” she moaned as her entire body shuddered with multiple orgasms and she began to black out.


Before she could fully lose consciousness though, she dropped to her knees, still retching out cum from her belly, which now hung to the floor. Lucy then fell on her side, feeling Natsu pulling his cock out as she began to slowly recover. The blonde girl panted, rolling onto her back, her gigantic tits wobbling around like massive puddings.


She was distantly aware of Flare crawling over to her, hugging her sexy body against one huge tit while she sucked on the fat nipple that capped it. The feeling made Lucy moan again as she waited for her vision to fully clear.


“Ahehehe, that was great…” Lucy giggled, drunk from such intense orgasms. “More please!” she said loudly to the crowded guild hall.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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15 days ago

Chale…ya metieron el ntr 🥲

15 days ago
Reply to  Jal

What does Chale mean?

2 months ago

Yay, this storyline resumes!

15 days ago
Reply to  Dan

🙂 glad you liked it!

2 months ago

You alright out there, Sailor? Do you know why Enzo said he’s going to phase out fanfics? Does that mean you won’t write here anymore?

2 months ago
Reply to  Anon

This is the first I’ve heard of this!

2 months ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

That’s what he said on your page here.

2 months ago
Reply to  Anon


2 months ago
Reply to  Anon

Ok, I found the comment you mentioned. The reason I haven’t been doing stories as fast recently is the scope of the stories mainly. The longer and larger every series gets, the more I have to make sure the story lines up with the rest of the series. That, and the holiday season was particularly rough for me last year. I am working to try and step things up

2 months ago

When Elfman facefuck Erza and when Natsu facefuck Eeza

2 months ago
Reply to  Mihail

I’ll do what I can when suitable art drops

2 months ago

Yeeeeesssss. this story returns. Honestly my favorite outta the fairy tail ones. And like always this chapter is just as fun as the others. Always interesting to see how the flowers have affected everyone. And the idea of the entire hall giving it to Lucy was the first thing that came to me when I saw this artwork on the patreon. Glad we thought the same!

2 months ago
Reply to  Random

Glad you liked the story, I managed one other chapter last week. And might be able to do another soon as I get the okay from Rtenzo

2 months ago


And here’s my own fun idea I wanted to share with you all.

Brandish being the mischievous and playful girl she is comes up with a game that’s invites any female mages to try.

The winner gets a special prize.

It’s called conquer the fire dragon

Brandish uses her powers on Natsu’s already impressive penis and balls and pushes them to limit of what she can enlarge them to.

The contestants progress is recorded using the markings painted on Natsu’s dick. Whoever takes the whole thing is the automatic winner.

Lucy agrees because brandish promises to give her a cut of the entrance fee.

Flare is fine with it because she wants to play the game as well.

As for Natsu he isn’t really given much of a choice.

But as for what the prize is. Who knows.~ 😉

Last edited 2 months ago by Whitis
2 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

All depends on artwork

2 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

Pretty sure 1 of the writers already did exactly this for a boruto fanfic