Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Esper Sextravaganza

Previous Story (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 03): To Be Continued…



Saitama looked up from the portable gamestation King had lent him as someone banged loudly on the door to his apartment. ‘Who could that be?’ he thought to himself. Genos was out again, testing some new gear implanted on his body just outside the city limits. Saitama had seen a large explosion around that area earlier. No alerts had gone out, so he figured it was nothing to worry about.




“Alriiiight, keep your shirt on…” he muttered, while lazily getting up after pressing the pause button and setting the game station down. “Huh, why do I feel a sense of deja vu?” he asked to no one in particular.




A half second passed between him saying those words and his front door exploding inward, reduced to a shower of splinters. The sharp bits of wood peppered his body, bouncing off him as though he were made of iron. One splinter hit him right in the eye and crinkled in on itself as he blinked the offending wood away, unharmed.


“Answer your door properly!” the person waiting in the hallway said. It was a young woman, though she looked more like a little girl with her petite frame and short stature. She had short cut curly green hair and eyes and was dressed in an exotic dress like something a sorceress in a fantasy movie might wear. Her entire body was wreathed in a soft green aura as she levitated off the ground by a couple of feet.


“That’s going to come out of my deposit you know.” he said dourly.


Tatsumaki, the S-Class heroine, gave Saitama a dark look as her eyebrow twitched in irritation. “Here!” she said, holding up a small black box. The aura that enveloped her body enveloped the box and it floated over to Saitama before flipping open. Inside was a gold ring with a fairly large diamond set into it.


He blinked as he looked from the ring to Tatsumaki and back again several times. He then looked her in the eyes, “Sorry, but I’ll have to decline.” he said. “I’m not looking to get married right now.”


“It’s not for you, it’s for my sister!” Tatsumaki corrected him.


“You wanna marry your sister? Kinky.” he replied in a disinterested voice.


A vein throbbed on the green haired woman’s forehead before she snapped at him, “I’m not marrying her, you dumb baldy! You are!” she shouted at him, “Or do you think you can take a maiden’s purity without taking responsibility!?” she told him as he suddenly found himself being levitated off the floor before Tatsumaki took him flying out the sliding glass door that led out to his balcony.


“You’re coming with me whether you like it or not!” she yelled at him before shooting across the city so fast she made a loud sonic boom with Saitama floating closely behind.


“Hmm, this could be trouble. That game station doesn’t belong to me you know, and you left my apartment wide open.” he said quietly.


“Shut up!” she shouted back at him, “Nobody is gonna break into your apartment because no one but you even lives in that part of City Z anymore!”


“Oh, right.” Saitama replied, conceding that point. He hadn’t seen anyone around his neighborhood in a long time aside from the store vendors and a few monsters.


“So, where are we going?” he asked.


“My sister’s place.” Tatsumaki replied.



Fubuki’s “place” turned out to be the Hero Association Headquarters. Saitama knew some heroes had moved into the building after the recent mess with organized monsters. He had been offered an apartment, though the rent was higher than his current place, so he said no.


It was Saitama’s first time in the residential sector of the building. He’d only been to the office and tactical sections. “Hmm, fancy.” he said as they walked into an apartment that looked more like the entrance to some big mansion than a traditional apartment. Everything inside was hardwood and paneling instead of the modern industrial/sci-fi settings of the other areas he’d seen.


“Yeah, this place is too uppity for my tastes.” Tatsumaki agreed, “My little sister lives here because she likes to put on appearances.”


“Huh? Little Sister… But I thought…” he stopped short as an air of danger suddenly filled the room and Tatsumaki turned to look at him with an expression that could have chilled most to Absolute Zero.


“You. Thought. What?” she asked in a dangerous tone.


“I thought you were the little sister.” he said plainly before he suddenly found himself on the outside of the building, having been thrown through several walls.


He came crashing down somewhere in City B. As far as he could tell, he wasn’t entirely sure which side of the building he’d come out of. Standing up inside the large impact crater he made, Saitama dusted himself off, unharmed.


I’M FIVE YEARS OLDER THAN HER!” the green haired woman screamed at him as she was suddenly floating overtop him. “STUPID,” she shouted, while bringing a large car left in ruins from a recent monster attack smashing down on top of him, “NO GOOD,” she then brought down a large chunk of broken concrete from that same attack, “BALDY!!!” she said, while telekinetically lifting every bit of debris she could and flinging it all at him at high speed.


Aside from the car, which had blown up on impact, Saitama effortlessly dodged each attack, “Sorry,” he said, “I didn’t know. You’re a lot shorter than her, that’s all.”


RRRAAAAAAGH!!!!” Tatsumaki bellowed, renewing her assault.


“That’s rather rude, it’s an honest mistake.” Saitama said when Tatsumaki finally stopped throwing things with her powers. He stepped out of the mess she made and brushed the rubble off of his clothes.


Tatsumaki stomped her foot and turned her back on him before lifting him up and carrying him back into the building through the hole she made. Once inside, the green haired woman let him walk on his own again and led him through the mansion-like area of the building.


“Weird how this part of the building has its own second floor…” Saitama commented as he walked up a flight of stairs.


“It has four, actually.” Tatsumaki commented offhandedly.


Before he could say anything else though, there was a loud banging sound from the room just ahead of them in the hallway. A door to the left flew open and a naked man came stumbling out. “Ahh, AHHH, get out of the way, she’s nuts!!!” he shouted, while flailing his arms as he struggled to stay on his feet before running naked past the two of them


“Hey wait! I found another one!” said Fubuki’s voice as she came out of the room, completely naked and holding a condom in a silver wrapper. She had on SOME make-up, but it did nothing to hide a kind of dazed look on her face.


Tatsumaki let out a frustrated sigh as she levitated over to her tall little sister, “Fubuki! That’s enough, I found him!” she shouted at the dark haired girl.


“Huh, Onee-chan?” Fubuki said, turning towards them. She still looked a little dazed. If Saitama were to venture a guess, she looked drunk, but she didn’t seem the type to drink herself stupid.


Tatsumaki’s cheeks reddened, “UGH! PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!!!” the green haired woman shouted at her little sister. She telekinetically grabbed the curtains from one fake window and wrapped them around Fubuki’s body in a makeshift toga.


Fubuki didn’t protest this as her eyes fell on Saitama. Almost instantly the dazed look on her face sharpened as she dashed over to him, draping her arms around his shoulders and pressing her face to his. Saitama’s eyes went wide in surprise as Fubuki began rubbing herself against him like a cat in heat.


“Okay, good. You take care of her now, I’ll go fill out the paperwork!” Tatsumaki said, sounding annoyed.


“What paperwork?” both Saitama and Fubuki answered together.


“The marriage certificate paperwork! Duh! You don’t think I’d let you defile my little sister and not take responsibility for it, do you!?” Tatsumaki snapped.


WHAAAAT!?” the two yelled in sync again.


“You heard me! Too bad for you, baldy. You missed out on this!” Tatsumaki said, slapping her own rounded ass.


“Nee-chan, I’m not getting married!” Fubuki protested.


“Neither am I.” Saitama said.


“Oh yes you are!” Tatsumaki snapped, fixing them both with a fierce expression.


“I’ll not have a little sister who gives up her virginity to a guy and then DOESN’T marry him!” the green haired woman then added, “You’re just lucky he isn’t a complete loser!”


“Tch, teehee, AHAHAHAHA, HAHAHA!” Fubuki began laughing hysterically.


“Huh?” Tatsumaki said, “What’s so funny?” she asked.


“I haven’t been a virgin since I was sixteen, onee-chan!” Fubuki said.


Tatsumaki’s eyes went as wide as dinner plates. “What!? How, when, who?!”


“I think you know how, during my second year in highschool, and who is none of your business!” Fubuki said, while standing up straighter, “Does this mean I finally beat you at something!?” she asked excitedly.


AHLALALA, I don’t wanna hear this! Just do what you want, sheesh!!!” Tatsumaki said, covering her ears with her hands and humming loudly before she flew off and vanished around a corner in the hallway.


Fubuki stood there for several moments, still laughing, though not as heartily. When she finally got her mirth under control, she turned to look at Saitama again. She eyed him up and down several times, then looked at the condom she held in her hand.


“Meh!” he said, tossing the thing aside before using her powers to turn the makeshift toga into so many rags, exposing her naked figure beneath. He then felt her tugging on his clothes with her power and made a powerful sweeping gesture with his arm, sending a blast of air pressure through the hallway.


“I like these clothes.” he said. He was dressed casually in his OPPAI sweatshirt and some once dark blue jeans that had faded nicely from many washings.


“Awww…” Fubuki whined, moving over to him, he didn’t fail to notice the extra swing she placed in her hips as she came over. She wrapped her arms around him again and planted another kiss on his lips.


“You’re forwaauugh guh…!” he began to say before she used the brief second his mouth was open to kiss him again and shove her tongue into his mouth.


“Nmmmmmmh…” she moaned into his mouth, pressing her naked body against him. He could feel the warm softness of her breasts squishing against his chest as she swapped spit with him.


“Come with me.” she said, while stepping back and taking his hand in hers, actually walking him farther into the mansion-like apartment instead of floating him forcibly. For that reason alone he didn’t offer any resistance and just followed her.


Fubuki led him into a large bedroom. Saitama could tell the room hadn’t been used in a while, as the air was stale, the kind of stale that came into a room when no one had been inside for a while. It was clean though, not a speck of dust to be seen. The floor was hardwood, with a large rug that dominated the center of the room. There was also a big bed that looked way more comfier than the one from before. The sheets covering it were blue satin, and looked pretty plush. The blanket would have been great in the winter, but absolute murder in the summer heat.


“Well, get naked already!” Fubuki said in a demanding voice.


“Not much for foreplay, huh?” Saitama asked.


“You only have yourself to blame!” Fubuki said as she sat down, her legs spread wide to show off her pussy, “It’s been constantly craving it since that day. Toys and other guys aren’t enough, I need that godly dick again before I completely go insane!”


“Godly huh?” Saitama said.


“Yes, godly! And I want to feel it in me again noooow…” she moaned, beginning to masturbate there in front of him. Her skin was looking flush and feverish again, as if being near him had triggered something.


“Nmmmmmh, please… You can have as much as you want…” she said with an erotic moan, her fingers making wet squishy sounds as they dipped in and out of her pussy.


Moving faster than Fubuki’s eyes could follow, Saitama stripped out of his clothes, leaving them in a neat folded pile on top of the dresser in the room. He then climbed into bed with the dark haired young woman, his dick already fully erect. Fubuki let out a happy sound as she gazed up at his length longingly.


Like a cat pouncing on its prey, Fubuki leapt forward, hugging his cock against herself and kissing it all over. She even purred happily as she nuzzled her face against it.


“Ahhh, finally, a REAL diiiick!” she moaned. “This smell, ahh, I’m getting so weeeet!” she said, her voice thick with lust and desire. She then looked at him, with her eyes shimmering in arousal, “Take me!” she said simply.


WAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!” Fubuki then screamed as Saitama pushed her down onto the bed, grabbing her knees and spreading her legs apart before ramming his length inside! Fubuki’s pussy was so slick with love juices that he slipped inside almost without any friction at all. Her well maintained stomach instantly tented upward, a perfect outline of his dick visible in her flesh.


Once his cock was inside though, Fubuki’s pussy instantly clamped down on him like a vice. Saitama was surprised when he actually had to use a tiny bit of effort to pull back after sliding in so easily. His cock made a wet sound in her pussy as he withdrew just a little, making the lump in her belly move down as well.




“Alright.” Saitama said, then added, “Don’t scream so shrilly, it’s irritating.”


He didn’t wait for her to respond before he began moving his hips in a quick succession of thrusting motions. His balls made a loud SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP as they smacked wetly against Fubuki’s shapely ass. Her reaction was both instant, and very loud.


OOOOOOOHHH, WOOOAAAAH, YES! AH YESSSS!!! MY PUSSY! MY PUSSSSYYYYY!!! IT FEELS SO GOOOOOOOD! MY WOMB IS BEING MOLDED TO YOUR DIIIIICK! I’M GONNA BECOME A COCKSLEEVE JUST FOR YOUR DICK! BUT IT FEELS SO GOOD, I CAN’T STOOOOOP!!!” Fubuki screamed in wild lust and pleasure. She rolled and bucked her hips into his thrusts as Saitama grabbed her tits in both hands, squeezing them tightly.


HMMMMMMMH, YESSSS!! SQUEEZE THEM HARDER, ROUGHER!!!” Fubuki screamed as Saitama leaned in close, taking one fat and stiff nipple between his lips, sucking it hard.


OOOH FUUUUUUUCK!!!” Fubuki wailed, and he could feel her pussy squirting against his groin. “CUMMING! I’M CUMMING, YESSSS!!!” she screamed, grabbing his head and pulling his face back to hers and kissing him roughly. Her tongue moved all around inside his mouth, as if it were trying to map it by touch.




“Okay.” he replied before hooking his arms under her knees, pushing her legs up over her head and holding them there. Without her thighs in the way, he could move his hips more quickly as he began SLAMMING his cock into her.


Fubuki broke the kiss to scream in ecstasy, a look of wild pleasure on her face. “AHHHHAAAAAH, SO GOOD!! FEELS SO GOOD!!! I CAN’T THIIIIINK!!! MY PUSSY, MY PUSSY IS GOING CRAZYYY!!!


Saitama groaned, feeling her pussy clenching tight around his cock again and again as he swung his hips. The sensation of her pussy clinging tightly to his dick was incredible, almost like it didn’t ever want his dick to pull out. He grunted as he began pumping his cock in and out of her harder, with the frame of the bed creaking in protest to the force he exerted on it.




Still grunting, Saitama pounded his cock into Fubuki even harder, she let out long, braying moans like an animal in rutting season. She wrapped her arms around his shoulder, hugging herself against him tightly.


“Hurr, hurr, hurr, huuuurgh!!!” Saitama grunted and groaned, slamming his cock back and forth several times in quick succession. The bed frame creaked again in protest before the bald headed man shoved his entire length inside her again and groaned. His balls throbbed and twitched as he began cumming inside Fubuki!


OHHH GAAAAWWWD!!!! SO MUCH CUMMMMMM!!!!” Fubuki wailed in ecstasy. The bald headed man pushed himself up, unlocking her legs from his arms. Those same legs relocked themselves around his waist, keeping him inside her. He grabbed her hips, pushing himself up on his knees as he continued cumming inside her. Fubuki’s entire body spasmed as if she were having a seizure as she moaned in pleasure.


“Ahhhn, so… So full… Full of cummmm…” Fubuki said weakly. She held him inside her until he finally stopped cumming, only then did she unlock her legs from around his waist. Saitama fell back against the bed, his cock slipping out of Fubuki with a wet sucking sound, like when you pulled a clog out of a drain.


Cum gushed out of her pussy in a thick rush of white. In seconds the bedsheets were all wet, sticky, and gross. Fubuki didn’t seem to care though, as her face had shifted from ecstasy to utter contentment. “Haaaaaaah, much better…” she said weakly.


“Right, glad you’re feeling better.” said Saitama, “There a bath here by any chance?”


“Out the door, turn right, two doors down.” she said, her words slow, but comprehensible.


“Thanks.” he said politely, getting up and walking to the door. When he opened it, a shocked looking Tatsumaki stood there, with her face looking like something out of a horror movie when someone saw something awful.


“Eavesdropping is rude, you know?” he said simply before walking naked past the now blushing green haired woman. He made it several steps down the hall before he turned back and saw Tatsumaki still standing there, blushing a bright red color and looking horrified.


“Man, I don’t even have to clean this up.” he said when he saw his own footprints on the hardwood floor that were made up of his own spunk.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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10 months ago


10 months ago
Reply to  Whitis

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

10 months ago

This was really fun! I like how casual saitama was and I like how tatsumaki was jealous, also Fubuki getting one over her sister is always nice to see.

10 months ago
Reply to  Blank

Yeah, I decided to go with the idea that Tatsumaki is still a virgin because she doesn’t wanna go with guys who have a particular fetish that she fill just by standing there.