Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Double Dicking Request (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 37): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 39): [LINK]

“Any idea why the client wanted to meet us out here?” Kagura asked Jellal, scanning the Sakura trees around them. It was an unusual choice, but she wasn’t complaining; the pink blossoms were absolutely gorgeous, and very distracting.


If just a few months ago, someone had told Kagura that she would be a member of a sex guild and willingly ‘work’ with Jellal… well, she wasn’t sure if she would have laughed in their face or kicked their asses for even daring to suggest such things.


Life can be very, very strange,‘ Kagura thought, not for the first time.


Jellal shook his head, also looking around the clearing with appreciation. “No idea, but I definitely don’t mind. I just hope he’s not late-”


“Hey there!”


“Never mind,” Jellal finished with a quick chuckle, waving at the black haired man running towards them, a huge grin on his average looking features.


“Awesome! You’re both really here! I had hoped you would be, but this all seemed too good to be true, and Fairy Tail is kind of wild, and I’m babbling, so I’ll shut up,” the man rapidly said, snapping his jaw shut at the end and blushing a little.


Kagura fought hard against giggling; from the twitch of Jellal’s lips, he felt the same amusement. Impressively, there was no hint of it in his voice when he spoke. “Fairy Tail always keeps its promises, I assure you of that. So, now that we’re all here, may I ask why this location, and what do you have planned?”


“Oh, the location is easy: I just really like it and think it’s beautiful and peaceful,” the client admitted easily, casting his own admiring look around. “As for what I have planned…that’s a little more embarrassing…”


Deciding she had been quiet for long enough, Kagura took a step forward, offering the nervous man a small smile. “Don’t worry, we’re not here to judge you. Fairy Tail caters to all kinds of sexual desires; as long as you follow our simple rules and guidelines, there won’t be any problem.”


Visibly relaxing at her words, the man nodded. “Right, okay. So…when I watched the last Grand Magical Games, I thought you were the sexiest lady there.”


Kagura blinked before blushing hard at the honest compliment, shooting a quick glare at an amused looking Jellal.


“And when I heard that you were part of the new sex guild, I almost couldn’t believe it. It took a bit of saving, but I knew you were the first one I wanted to have sex with.”


Jellal coughed lightly, drawing attention away from the bright red Kagura. “Kagura I understand, but why did you request me as well?”


The client grimaced, rubbing the back of his head. “That’s the kind of embarrassing part: I wanted to see Kagura as she gets fucked by two men at once, and none of my buddies were willing to save up and spend that kind of money. Sooo…here you are.” He smiled sheepishly even as he cringed.


“…okay,” Jellal said simply.


“Huh? You really don’t mind?” the man asked hopefully, starting to perk up.


Jellal gave him a reassuring nod. “It’s not that odd of a request, believe me. And,” he gave Kagura, who was starting to recover from her blush, a teasing look, “I certainly don’t mind the excuse to have sex with Kagura.”


That brought the blush back in full force, as well as her glare. Busy dealing with both, she almost missed what their client said next.


“Great! You two go ahead and get started, and I’ll jump in when the time is right!”


Kagura blinked and then her eyes bulged when she found Jellal’s lips on her mouth, his tongue already plunging into her mouth! “MPH! MMMPPPHHH?!” she first protested and then squeaked when his hands grabbed her breasts hard. Snapping out of her shock, she kissed him back fiercely, pulling off his clothes as he did the same to her.


Kagura was dimly aware of their client cheering them on as she and Jellal stripped each other naked, but that was a distant concern. The familiar lust was rising up in her, made even better by her lingering, complicated feelings for having sex with someone she had hated for so long.


It added an edge that she could couldn’t describe to their fucking.


Now they were on the ground, rolling in the grass as they made out, Jellal’s cock rapidly hardening and swelling as it pressed against her body. Kagura ended up on top, still kissing Jellal with fervor. Wiggling her body and then lifting it, she pushed her pussy onto his hard dick, moaning into his mouth as she felt it fill her.


An answering moan from Jellal vibrated against her lips, and then Jellal was thrusting up into her, and she was moving in time with him, and oh spirits, her pussy was already so hot and wet-




AAAAAIIIIEEEE!” Kagura screamed in surprise when another cock suddenly pushed into her ass. Biting her lower lip hard, she shuddered as it pushed deeper and deeper into her butt. Jellal came at the same time, which pushed her over the edge as well, making her scream with pleasure.


FUCK!! THIS CHEAP SLUT’S ASS IS SO TIGHT!!!” the man declared joyously; with one final push, he buried his dick inside of her. “I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!


OH GOD! I CAN’T STOP CUMMING!!!” And sure enough, another load of Jellal’s cum shot into Kagura’s already overloaded pussy. She arched up with another scream, only to gasp as her long hair was seized and pulled, forcing her to keep her head up.




AHH! OOH!” Kagura moaned as she was spanked, once on each cheek.


YEAH, you like that, don’t you, slut?! I can feel your ass tighten each time I spank you! I bet your pussy is doing the same, isn’t it?!”


YES!” Jellal shouted, before sucking one of her tits into his mouth, using his hand to grope the other one hard.


AHHHHH! CUMMING AGAIN!!!” Kagura shouted, her whole body locking up as pleasure swept through her. It felt amazing! The only way it could have been better was if Erza was involved as well. ‘Maybe next time…


She was disappointed when the client pulled out of her ass, only to choke and splutter when he zipped around to the front of her and shoved his cock into her mouth! “HMPHH!?!?




The way he’s talking to me…so demeaning and humiliating…but why is it turning me on so much?!


Kagura didn’t know the answer, but the question faded as her double fucking continued: Jellal pumping even more semen into her dripping pussy, while their client face fucked, yelling more insults and names all the while.


All under the beauty of the cherry blossoms…

(Story by User: S22132)

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