Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Distracted by Deep Dickings (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Part XXXIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part XXXV): [LINK]

Tsunade never expected to live long enough to enjoy retirement. The life of a ninja was dangerous, especially for one as famous as her. Infamous might have been a better term, but she never liked that word. Then the whole clusterfuck with Madara happened, and she had been sure she was going to die.


But against all odds and her piss poor luck, here she was, still alive, kicking, and determined to make the most of the years she had left.


Which means drinking, gambling, and living it up!‘ she thought with satisfaction, finishing her bottle of sake with a loud sigh of satisfaction.


And when the strange portal opened in front of her and a hand popped through to beckon to her, Tsunade blinked, looked at her empty bottle, and then back at the hand and the portal. “Damn…this stuff must be stronger than I thought!”


The hand waved her forward again, more impatiently this time. After a few seconds of consideration, Tsunade shrugged and walked through the portal. Nothing could be as bad as the last shinobi war, right? A sense of vertigo and displacement washed over Tsunade, she always hated this part of space manipulation Jutsu. It always made her feel like she was having the worst kind of hangover for a few seconds.


She stepped out of the portal into an outdoor tropical setting. The heat and humidity hit her like a wall as she shaded her eyes from the glaring sun overhead. She was standing by a large outdoor bar, several empty glasses stacked in a pyramid on the counter. She then saw a beach nearby, the women walking about wearing some of the skimpiest swimsuits she’d ever seen!


“Thank you for coming, Lady Tsunade. Welcome to Ranko Island.” said a man’s familiar voice.


“Oh, it’s you,” was Tsunade’s grumbling response when she saw it was Sasuke Uchiha who had ‘invited’ her here. He let his hair fall back over his left eye, hiding his Rinnegan which he could use to open such special portals. “What the hell do you want?” she asked. She then raised an eyebrow as she got a better look at him. He looked like hell, his hair was a mess, and she could tell from his eyes and skin that he was hungover pretty bad. Being a heavy drinker herself, Tsunade could relate, but she knew depression drinking when she saw it.


“Moreover, what the hell happened to you?” she asked a little less antagonistically.


To his minor credit, Sasuke’s expression didn’t even twitch as he said, “I was hoping you could help me with a… medical issue, one quite personal to me.” As Tsunade made a ‘get on with it’ gesture, he continued. “It seems that Sakura isn’t satisfied anymore with the size of my penis. I was hoping that, as one of the foremost medical ninja in the world, you could help me.”


Tsunade blinked before throwing back her head and laughing. “HAHAHA! Are you serious? Pfft…”


As Sasuke’s eyes narrowed dangerously, Tsunade snorted and waved her hand. “Calm down kid. I’m not saying I refuse, but I’m doing this for Sakura, not you. My apprentice loves you.” she said, then added under her breath, “No accounting for taste, but that’s love for you.” She then spoke up again, “So if it will make her happy, I’m in.”


Relaxing, Sasuke nodded his thanks.


Tsunade took a deep breath and dusted herself off before she spoke again, “Alright, go ahead and strip naked; let me see what I’m working with.” she instructed him. Sasuke did so in an instant, stripping off the swimming trunks he was wearing with only the faintest hint of red on his face to hint at his embarrassment.


She looked at Sasuke from a completely medical perspective, ‘Hmm… Definitely nothing impressive, not exactly on the small side of things,’ she thought. She’d seen smaller, Shikamaru for instance was much smaller.Though I suppose I have seen bigger,‘ Tsunade thought as she clinically examined Sasuke’s dick. Her hand shot forward to wrap around it, and Sasuke grunted in surprise as she began to jerk him off. His dick hardened quickly as she moved her hands in a perfectly trained way. It was a shame that kunoichi weren’t trained in this kind of thing properly anymore. Then again, such tactics weren’t really needed these days.


To her lack of surprise, he only lasted a few minutes before cumming. Tsunade hid her disappointment easily as his ejaculate shot past her face. “All right, I can help. I know some medicinal mixes that will increase your sexual stamina and such. Size alterations will take a bit more work, but I have a couple of ideas. Does this island have any decent shops or stores?”


Recovering from the embarrassing ordeal, the barest trace of a smirk crossed Sasuke’s face. “You could say that.”


Tsunade gave him a mildly suspicious look but just nodded. “I’ll need to buy the ingredients before I can make anything. Not sure how long it will take me though.”


“That’s fine,” Sasuke assured her. “I’m willing to wait. Here,” he handed her a note with an address written on it, “This is the hotel and room number that Sakura and I are staying in. Please come there when you are finished.”


With that settled, Tsunade set out, intending to finish this as quickly as possible.



The former Hokage has heard of this place before from Kakashi. When he called this a pleasure island, she had honestly thought he was exaggerating. But if anything, he had downplayed the nature of it!


Eroticism and sex were all over the place, not hidden in the slightest, with multiple couples fucking in broad daylight, in every kind of position imaginable. Tsunade did her best not to gawk as she walked through the streets, though it was very hard. She thought of herself as experienced, after all, she’d done her share of seduction missions in her youth. But there were things going on that even she had never seen before!


One particularly large and flashy sign she passed was advertising ‘Festival of the Dead, Coming Soon!’ Whatever that meant; it was a mystery to Tsunade, but a lot of people seemed to be excited by it. She overheard a couple of what she assumed were locals talking about meeting some guy.


Shaking her head sharply, Tsunade focused. She had ingredients to collect, so she needed to-


“Hey! You there, the blonde with the cow tits and huge ass!” shouted a man’s voice.


Automatically turning her head, Tsunade scowled at the weasley looking business man. “What do you want?!” she asked dangerously.


If he recognized that he was in trouble, the man hid it well. “You interested in filming a scene for Ranko TV?” he asked bluntly. “I got a role that you’d be perfect for!”


Tsunade rolled her eyes. “Look buddy, I’ve got some shopping to do, and I need to get it done in a hurry, so if you don’t mind…” she began to say, but he cut her off.


“Hey, no worries! The scene will be as quick or as long as you want,” the man hurriedly assured her. “My building is right here,” he told her, gesturing to the building behind him. “There’s also plenty of booze inside,” oh yeah, that got her attention, seeing her wavering, he put on a crafty expression. “And of course,” he pulled out a massive wad of cash, it was easily a million ryo! “I’ll pay you up front!”


“Eh?!” Tsunade’s eyes turned into a pair of hearts. “Well, what are we waiting for?!” the former Hokage cheered, grabbing his arm and yanking him into his own building. The interior was like a large studio, lots of cameras and lighting equipment. The air smelled almost antiseptically clean, and she could hear a powerful air filter running overhead. As they moved farther inside, Tsunade found herself faced with a rack of clothing. The blonde woman stopped in curiosity, giving the man time to get his arm back.


Rolling his shoulders with a wince he said, “Damn, you’re a lot stronger than you look. Go ahead and pick out a costume while I get things set up.”


He was gone before Tsunade could ask any questions. Shrugging, the former Hokage browsed through the selection. All of the outfits were incredibly sexy and revealing. Eventually, she found one that she liked.


HA! Now this is what I call a swimsuit!” Tsunade declared mockingly as she held up what was little more than a collection of thin straps and heart-shaped rings that held it together. Normally, Tsunade wouldn’t have been caught dead in such a get-up, but given where she was, and what she’d seen since coming here, she thought, ‘Aw fuck it, why not?!


Quickly stripping naked and then donning the “swimsuit”, Tsunade took a moment to admire herself in a nearby mirror. “Yep, I’ve still got it.” she said as she looked at her ass and the way the back of the suit rode up between the cheeks.


“You sure do!” someone said behind her.


Wait… she knew that voice! Whirling around, Tsunade gasped at Naruto, clad only in a pair of shorts. “Naruto?! What are you doing here?”


“Same as you, I imagine,” her fellow blonde replied with a shrug. “Earning some easy cash and killing some time. So, you’re going to be my partner?” He gave her a teasing smirk. “Think you can keep up with me?”


Tsunade growled before smirking back. “Oh, you’re in for it now, brat!”


“Bring it on, Granny!” They mock-glared at each other for a moment before they both chuckled. “But seriously, what are you doing here?”


Laughing harder, Tsunade replied, “Sasuke hijacked me here. I’m helping him deal with a, heh, ‘private’ matter.” She sighed as Naruto just tilted his head in confusion; she could almost see the question marks popping up above him. “Never mind, I’ll explain later.”


“Are you two ready?” asked the man from earlier as he returned with a steaming cup in his hand that smelled like coffee.


They both looked at the man, the cameras, and then each other before nodding.


Then Naruto dropped his shorts and Tsunade dropped her jaw. “Oh…my… FUCKING… GOD…!!!


“Like it, granny?” Naruto asked smugly, his giant dick waving gently in the air. It was rapidly hardening as Naruto stared at her mostly exposed body. “Because I definitely like what I’m seeing.” he told her with a lecherous grin that reminded her of his master Jiraiya. The blonde kunoichi watched in a state of mild shock as Naruto’s dick stood up almost completely straight, the tip reaching up to just under his chin!


Well no wonder he slouched so much as a kid,’ she thought as she continued to stare.


Feeling like she was in a daze, Tsunade reached out and touched the head of Naruto’s cock, letting out an involuntary moan when she felt how hard and hot it was. She began rubbing her thighs together, biting her lip.


Her arousal didn’t go unnoticed by Naruto, who smirked. “You want it?”


“Mmhmm!” Tsunade groaned, leaning her body over and opening her mouth. She started swallowing Naruto’s cock even as she wrapped her massive tits around his equally large dick. The heat she felt coming off his dick felt like it was hot enough to cook an egg with. And the smell! How long had it been since she’d smelled such a manly scent.


“There you go! Suck it down! Use those fat tits!” Naruto ordered with a laugh, grabbing hold of Tsunade’s pigtails and using them to pull her head down even further. “Take my swollen cock, you slut!”


HMMMMGMMMMMPH!!! UGMPH! HMMM AGUH GUGH GUH!” Tsunade gagged and choked loudly, but she didn’t care; she wanted to deepthroat Naruto’s cock so badly! Pushing harder, she managed to get it all the way down her throat, dropping down to her knees with her cheeks bulging and her neck expanding. Then she pumped her head back and forth, helped by Naruto’s hold on her hair.


AGUIGH GUG, GUH HURGH GUPH HURK GUG GUH!!” she choked again and again as Naruto began fucking her mouth, throat, and stomach! She could feel the tip of his cock pushing against the pit of her stomach every time her nose was buried in his pubes. Her brown eyes rolled back in their sockets as she felt herself cumming every time it did! Her pussy was positively SOAKED, her love juices running down her thighs in long rivers. She hadn’t been this turned on in YEARS! Not since her last real sexcraft fight.


YES! I LOVE YOUR HOT MOUTH! AND THAT TONGUE! SUCK IT YOU WHORE!” Naruto shouted, really getting into his role as he fucked Tsunade’s face without mercy, his balls slapping against her chin and chest.


Tsunade gobbled and sucked frantically, wanting Naruto to cum so he could fuck her dripping wet pussy! Her eyes and cheeks then bulged when he came with a shout, almost drowning her in cum. It dripped from her mouth onto her tits as the busty blonde swallowed as fast as she could.


GUG, GUG, GUG!” Tsunade gulped loudly as Naruto’s flow of cum never seemed to end! It was hot and thick, almost like a warm yogurt that filled her belly. When it finally slowed to a stop, Tsunade still held his cock in her mouth making sure to swallow every drop she could get down. Her stomach felt so heavy and full, like she’d just eaten a huge meal.


“Hack! Cough!” Tsunade sputtered, wiping her mouth after pulling away from his cock. The other blonde pushed her onto her back and fell on her, grabbing her legs and spreading them wide before rubbing the underside of his dick against her slit. He then pulled back until the wide tip was pressing against her hole, his cock then sliding right into her pussy with a wet sound.


AGUG GAH, HAH, OH FUUUUCK!” she screamed as she felt her pussy being spread wider than she could ever remember. Naruto’s cock was like a log, visibly pushing up her abdomen with its sheer length and girth! Tsunade let out a long lewd moan, her hands clawing at the floor as Naruto swung his hips wildly, slamming his length in and out of her again and again.


DAMN! SO TIGHT AND WET! YOU MUST BE FRUSTRATED AS HELL, TSUNADE!” Nauruto declared, pulling his hips back before ramming them forward and slamming his cock into Tsunade! Her pussy gushed and sprayed like a faucet, his cock sliding in and out of her easily as she clawed at the floor in pleasure. The wet SMACK SMACK SMACK of their bodies colliding echoed in the room as she bucked back and forth from his thrusts.




YOU GOT IT, YOU JUGGY TRAMP!” Naruto roared, his hips blurring as he pounded Tsunade like a jackhammer, triggering multiple orgasms in a row. “HHHRAAAAAAAHHHH!!” he shouted, chakra flaring around his body.


Tsunade shrieked wordlessly, her head thrown back as her eyes rolled up into her head. She was vaguely aware of Naruto sucking on her breasts, but most of her attention was taken by his huge cock. It felt so good, stretching her in ways that she had never imagined possible, but was now addicted to. “COCK! NARUTO’S COCK! I LOVE IT!!!


YOU HORNY COW!!! HOW ABOUT THIS THEN!!!” Naruto groaned, pulling her up to a sitting position on his lap and bouncing her up and down on his meat stick! Her vision turned double as her eyes crossed involuntarily. Tsunade screamed again, scarcely able to think anymore as she came over and over again!


COCK, COCK COCK COCK!!! MORE COOOOOCK!!!! FUCK MY HOLE!!!! FUCK MY PUSSY INTO A SLOPPY MESS NOOOOOW!!!!” she begged as she began panting and drooling like a dog in heat.


Meanwhile, the man was talking frantically to his crew. “Forget the recording, get this streaming! We’ll make a fortune on Ranko TV!” he said as the two of them moved into the doggie position. Tsunade could barely keep herself upright as she rocked back and forth. She could feel her ass rippling from the force of Naruto’s thrusts as she moaned at length.


MY PUSSY…. AHHHH, MY PUSSY IS GOING INSANE, I’M GOING INSANE, YESSSS, FUCK ME HARDER NARUTO, STUFF MY HOLE WITH THAT MASSIVE COOOOOOOCK!!!!!” she screamed as Naruto laughed and began spanking her ass with both hands hard!


SIR!” His crew saluted and got to work. Soon everyone on the island was able to watch massively busty blonde and her hugely endowed blond partner as they enthusiastically fucked for hours.



Back in his hotel room, Sasuke looked out the window to see that the sky was turning a muted orange as the sun set. It had been several hours since he had expended a massive amount of chakra to bring Tsunade to the island.


…It’s getting dark. I wonder what is taking Tsunade so long? Perhaps I’ll watch some television to pass the time.‘ he thought as he turned on the TV only to be greeted by the sight of Tsunade being fucked in her ass by Naruto’s gigantic dick!


“What the fuck…!?”



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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4 months ago

Y’know, I just realized Tsunade hasn’t kissed or made out with Naruto in any of their sex-sessions, though they have them often, is there a reason?

4 months ago
Reply to  Cuchilla

not really, no

Ichigo Kurosaki
1 year ago

excellent history i hope more Tsunade

1 year ago

Really love how you have Naruto and Tsunade getting it on together in this. Hope you do more of the two

1 year ago
Reply to  EndoSama26

I’ll try, it all is directly dependant on the images provided.

1 year ago

Would love a scenario where Tsunade becomes a knocked up broodmare, almost hellbent to repopulate the village of the leaf one litter of kids at a time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gorel29

What series are you reading? ;P

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Just throwing the idea out there… But still, would make for an interesting plot. After a crisis, Tsunade looks for an answer to bring the village’s population back up and finds a forbidden jutsu scroll, one that offers increased fertility at a price. She uses it on herself and it very quickly makes her a man-hungry nymph! By the time Shizune finds out, Tsunade has pretty gone through a dozen men and is the plump and proud mother of 50 kids! All in the span of a week.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gorel29

Granted, not all at once. More like a litter of 4-5 kids from every guy she’s dragged with her into a motel bedroom, bar washroom or alleyway. All the while her curves expand larger and her demeanor becomes that of a sexual lioness.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gorel29

This idea in no way fits into the current series. Sorry.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I know, but would make for an interesting one-off or even a NEW story all together.

1 year ago
Reply to  Gorel29

One off’s aren’t really going to be a thing, and with the new image schedule, a new series isn’t practical. Again, I’m sorry.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

No worries, it was just a thought. Who knows, maybe I’ll write it out in time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

I was just wondering if there will be a new story today or not

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

Nothing’s better than seeing a small-dicked cuck get left in the dust by girl’s far above his level! And this chapter certainly delivers on that front! While I’m personally a bigger fan of the cuckie being actively involved in the sex scenes as well (like him being kept around by the bull for his own entertainment or so the girl can make actively make fun of the cuckie during sex), I’m all too well aware of that kind of thing not really fitting here. Especially when it’s Naruto who fucks Tsunade. Something tells me he wouldn’t be that kind of bull (or any bull at all, to be honest). Personal feelings aside, I really liked this chapter. Not only because it featured Tsunade for the first time, but also because it was actually really hilarious how quickly she went from “I have to help my student with her limp-dicked hubby” to “Yeah, of course I’ll fuck some rando on camera for some free booze”. That’s the good stuff.

Don’t think there’s anything more to add. Great job!

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

100% agreed

1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

I can try and do something along those lines later on. I’ve had a rough week last week, didn’t get nearly as much done as I wanted. Hopefully this week will be better and I can knock out two or three stories. -fingers crossed-

1 year ago

Hey are you ever planning on using that one image of Boruto with tsunade? The on where she’s grabbing her ass while squatting.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous358

I think the name of the chapter it was used on was high score whores.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anonymous358

That was in my original series I believe, it’d need an entirely new chapter for here, and not sure if it will be recycled yet

1 year ago

My favorite bit of this is the cock shock when Naruto dropped his shorts. I love that being used in smut writing.

1 year ago

Yeah, it’s fun to use, though I try to be careful with it, so as not to over use it