Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Dark Chocolate and Honey: A Family Affair

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Bleach stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 61): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 63): To Be Continued…

β€œAaaaah… I wish I could wake up to this view every day!” Yoruichi Shihoin mused to herself, sitting in a hanging chair and holding a cup of steaming coffee in one hand while taking in the scenery in front of her amber eyes.


β€œYou talking about the mountains? Or something else?” Francesca Mila Rose asked knowingly and with a teasing smile on her face.


The muscular Arrancar Amazoness only wore a flimsy pink thong that wasn’t more than mere dental floss that vanished between the two dark buns that were her butt cheeks. Even with her back towards Yoruichi, one could clearly see the outline of her gargantuan unbound tits, each of which was two times bigger than her entire head! The sight of the chocolate amazoness’ shapely and muscular ass alone was enough to rile Yoruichi up and send her pussy into overdrive. Without even thinking about it, she already started to dip two fingers into her moist pussy, biting her lower lip after drinking from the steaming black coffee.


Both her and Mila Rose’s nipples were hard as rock, not just because of the chill air blowing towards them from the mountains, but also because of what they had been doing the night prior. Early morning mist came creeping over the hills and the picturesque river bed in front of the hotel they had been staying in last night. The first rays of the rising sun illuminated the tops of the fir and pine trees that formed the surrounding forest, bathing everything in a golden light.


Yoruichi smiled, making no attempt to slow down the motion of her fingers whatsoever. β€œWhy not both?!” She asked her girlfriend with a playful wink in her eyes.


β€œPoint given!” replied Mila Rose. She pushed herself away from the wooden railing of their balcony and turned around to strut towards the purplette vixen, putting a seductive swing in each step. β€œMaybe we can tell that old bastard with the bucket hat to extend our time here? Seems like someone’s already in the mood for seconds, hm~!”


β€œMmmmh, you know it!” Yoruichi purred, looking up at her muscular partner while still stroking her eagerly dropping and damp pussy.


β€œBig sis? What’s with all the noise already?” the sleep-drunken voice of Yushiro Shihoin asked from the door behind Yoruichi’s left shoulder.


β€œHm? Already awake again?” Mila Rose teased with a raised eyebrow. β€œAnd here I thought a shrimp like you would need some more time to recover after last night.”


β€œHA?!! What’s that supposed to mean?!” Yushiro shot back, his face glowing red with embarrassment. Since he hadn’t even bothered to put on anything after they finished filming and taking pictures, both chocolate skinned women watched amused as his dick, which was still covered from top to bottom with purple lipstick marks and the iconic markings that showed up whenever Sui-Feng struck her target with her Zanpakuto, twitched and began to grow.


β€œI mean, you worked so hard to please us all in front of that camera, I thought you would be out cold for at least five more hours.” the brunette lioness continued with her teasing remarks, even as she sat down on Yoruichi’s lap. She grinned from one ear to the other as she cupped the older sister’s tits with both hands while grinding her lower body against her. β€œYou were so out of breath at the end of it… seems like we were more than you could bite off.”


β€œPrrrrr~!” Yoruichi began to purr, arching her back and closing her eyes in bliss as the fierce Arrancar kneaded her dark skinned tits like they were dough. β€œPrrrrr~!! Don’t stop now! Tease him some more! It turns me ooooooh~n so muuuuuch!”


β€œSIS!?!?” Yushiro squealed, stomping down his bare foot in protest. β€œDon’t encourage her like this!”


β€œOh, man up already, boy!” Mila Rose snarled at him, while licking the side of Yoruichi’s neck. As she continued rubbing her lower body against that of the purple haired Shinigami, she also produced one of Kisuke Urahara’s Futa Pills out of thin air and let it wander between her fingers. β€œWhy don’t you just sit back and watch as I fuck your sister’s brain out, hm?! Maybe you’ll learn a thing or two about how to really fuck someone!”


β€œNnnnnmh… you did such a fine job fucking me and the little bee last night already, I thought I could be in charge for once.” Yoruichi suggested, throwing her arms around Mila Rose’s muscular back and hugging her tight. She looked up, past the two giant mounds of chesticles in front of her face and into her girlfriend’s bright green eyes. β€œLet me return the favor, babe, please.”


β€œHmm?” Mila Rose waited for a moment, locking eyes with her beautiful girlfriend. She then shrugged her shoulders. β€œSure, why not?! Could be fun watching you try to be dominant again.”


Faster than even Yushiro had time to react, both women disappeared right in front of the young man’s eyes, only to then appear seconds later. Yoruichi more than lived up to her title of β€œFlash Goddess” as she had gone back into the hotel room to pick up something while still carrying Mila Rose in her hands. After dropping her girlfriend off safely, she slapped her asscheeks with the purple phallus shaped object she had retrieved from the hotel.


β€œYou remember this one, don’t you?” Yoruichi moaned hoarsely into the Arrancar’s ear, an act that forced her to stand on her toes due to Mila Rose being twenty centimeters taller than her.


A shiver ran down Mila Rose’s spine as the purple haired vixen ran the barbed dildo between her buttocks slowly. β€œHow could I forget?! Your screams were so sexy that day!”


β€œWell, I promise you, this time it will be you who will scream her heart out!” Yoruichi assured with a confidence that turned both women on. She idly poked the same double-sided dildo that Mila Rose once used against her during their second intercourse against the entrance to the dark skinned lioness’ asshole.


β€œI’ll make you cum…” She shoved the rubber dick one inch deep, causing Mila Rose to squirm with anticipation.


β€œAnd cum…” another two inches invaded Mila Rose’s tight butt.


β€œAnd cum…” Mila Rose had to bite down on her lip to prevent herself from moaning out loud at the surge of pleasure coursing through her.


The dildo’s size wasn’t anything special. Mila Rose had seen and felt bigger dicks more than enough by now. What really sent her over the edge was the intimacy with the former enemy. Two stiff nubs poked against her back, a testimony to how horny Yoruichi was at the moment as well, while her hoarse breath made the hair on her neck stand on edge!


β€œAnd cum some more…!” Yoruichi promised as she made more than eight inches disappear between her girlfriend’s cakes. Her teeth flashed in a perfect white as she gently started to nibble on the dark skinned amazoness’ earlobe. β€œUntil you can think of nothing else than to be fucked by me to completion again!”


As she said that last part, Yoruichi retracted the dildo again, twisting it from side to side to make sure its barbs would hit every nerve on their way out of the tight Arrancar ass. β€œAaaahhaah…” Mila Rose whimpered slightly, her eyes fluttering softly for she had almost cum right then and there. β€œHaaa, haaa, haaa… seems like the kitty learned some new tricks!” She panted with a weak smile, forcing herself to NOT beg for a continuation of what Yoruichi just did. β€œBut you can’t honestly think that this little toy will be enough to make me submit?! I’ve had a taste of the Kurosaki boy’s dick! This is nothing by comparison!”


β€œWe’ll see about that.” the former Shinigami Captain stated ominously. Reaching around Mila Rose’s back, the purplette woman pierced the rubber penis through the other woman’s cleavage until it came out on the other side again. β€œLick it!” She ordered in a stern tone. And if you do a good job and truly lust for a real big dick, maybe Yushiro will reward you with a nice and deep pounding.”


β€œThat twerp? Don’t make me laugh!” Despite her words and feelings regarding the younger Shihoin sibling, Mila Rose nonetheless started to lick on the nubbed plastic phallus in front of her. β€œMMMMH!!!”


β€œThat’s my girl.” Yoruichi praised her girlfriend, while jerking the dildo between her tits up and down. β€œWork that tongue, slut!”


β€œHMMPH!!!” Mila Rose moaned in defiance, yet she still didn’t stop moving her tongue in slow strokes. The initial weird taste of her own ass quickly made way for pure ecstasy. β€œSHLLLR, SHLURRR, SHLURRRRRR!!!”


The aromatic smell of her own arousal filled the air on the balcony now as her pussy twitched with appetite, something that Yoruichi picked up on right away. β€œSeems like that foul mouth of yours isn’t the only thing starving.” without even slowing down the jerking motion of her right hand, Yoruichi reached down towards Mila Rose’s pussy and dipped two fingers in. β€œSo hungry. So eager for cock… YUSHIRO!!!”


β€œH- HUH??” Yoruichi’s younger brother squealed, startled by the sudden sharp tone with which Yoruichi had addressed him. Due to him intensely following the spectacle between the two women, his dick had grown almost painfully erect by now. β€œWh- what is it?”


β€œDon’t you β€˜Huh’ me! When I call for you, you’ll respond with either β€˜Yoruichi-sama’ or β€˜Mistress Yoruichi’, got it?! Now, don’t just stand there like a virgin!” chided Yoruichi as she then parted Mila Rose’s nether lips with her fingers for him. β€œGet your fat cock over here and fuck Mila Rose like she had never been fucked before!”


β€œY- yeah!” Yushiro responded meekly. A merciless stare from Yoruichi quickly made him add. β€œYes, Yoruichi-sama!”


Anxiety took hold of his body, mind, and soul. Frankly, Mila Rose scared him and he couldn’t understand what his sister liked so much about her. But with Yoruichi at his side, he felt more than capable of handling any situation!


Just as he was about to rush over towards the lesbian duo, he heard the sliding door leading into another part of the hotel room being opened. β€œWhat is going on out there? I’m trying to get some work done!” Sui-Feng introduced herself as she strutted out into the early morning light.


β€œLittle bee! Excellent timing!” Yoruichi greeted her former apprentice, not slowing down the speed with which she thrusted the plastic dick between Mila Rose’s tits. β€œGet the camera! There are more promo videos to be shot!”


β€œYoruichi-sama, you… you want me to film as you and Yushiro-sama fuck that Arrancar slut?” Sui-Feng asked to make sure that she understood her master right.


Yoruichi only grinned. β€œYou won’t get an opportunity like this all the time.” She replied whilst biting down on the edge of Mila Rose’s earlobe. β€œShe’s so complacent and desperate for dick right now! I…”


β€œNO!! I can’t allow this!” Sui-Feng interrupted her idol. Something between desperation and determination was reflected in her dark eyes as she walked up to Yushiro. β€œWe’ve got more than enough material for ten commercials!” She clarified while grabbing a surprised Yushiro by the balls. β€œAnd aside from getting these stupid markings all over his cock, all I did was film and work the camera! I have enough of it! Now it’s my time to have some fun!”


β€œS- Sui-nee-san?” Yushiro gulped as Sui-Feng’s sharp purple nails dug into the sensitive skin of his balls.


β€œSILENCE!” with a tone that left no room for objection, Sui-Feng instantly made the young Shihoin heir submit to her. β€œYou… your dick is mine now! Understand!?”


β€œYes. As you wiIIIIIIIIIIECK!!!” He hadn’t even time to finish his sentence when Sui-Feng already pulled him to the ground and straddled his legs.


β€œThat’s more like it!” Sui-Feng’s breathing became a bit more controlled as she grinded her pussy against the base of the dark skinned man’s already fully erect cock. β€œNow, time for what I waited for this entire time!”


With one hand firmly around the hard throbbing piece of man meat, Sui-Feng carefully guided it into her soaking moist pussy. β€˜Man! How long has my little bee held those urges back?’ Yoruichi wondered idly as she watched her former disciple wail with maddening pleasure as she stabbed herself with Yushiro’s cock!


β€œAAAAAAAHHHCK!!!! IT’S SO FUCKING BHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH!!!!!” screamed the black haired Captain. Her normally flat stomach tented outwards, the shape of Yushiro’s meat firmly branding itself in her flesh. β€œOH, HOW I MISSED THIS! YUSHIRO-SAMA’S BLACK MONSTER MAMBA INSIDE OF ME!! IT’S SO HOT, MY ENTIRE BODY IS ON FIRE, BUT IT FEELS SO GOOO~OOD!!!!! I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT!!!!”


β€œHnnnngh…!” Yushiro gritted his teeth. Raw primal instincts took control of his body and forced him to thrust his hips upwards to intercept Sui-Feng’s downward motions. β€œSui-nee-san… you’re so fucking tight…!” He grunted.


β€œYESS!! I KNOW! AND IT’S ALL FOR YOU!!!!” She retorted in labor, even with her subtle tits bouncing up and down whenever she moved. β€œMY PUSSY! MY ASS! MY TITS! MY MOUTH! IT’S ALL YOURS NOW, YUSHIRO-SAMA!!! TAKE ME AND FUCK ME HOWEVER YOU WANT!!” She arched her back in orgasmic bliss. Her saliva and pussy juices flew in every direction as she stared up into the clear blue sky above. β€œAND IN RETURN…” Her eyes narrowed down into slits as she looked down on him and massaged his throbbing erection through her bloated stomach. β€œI WANT THIS DICK!!! IT IS MINE, YOU HEAR ME, YUSHIRO-SAMA!?!!? THIS DICK BELONGS TO ME FROM NOW ON!!!!! YOU’LL BE MY PERSONAL BOYTOOOYY!!!”


With trembling hands, the androgynous man managed to grab his wailing partner by her hips in an attempt to regain at least a bit of control over the situation. β€œHaa, haa, hee, hehehe…!” He somehow managed to chuckle without biting on his tongue, while also picking up speed with every push of his hips. β€œAaaah… as you wish!”


β€œTHIS DICK… IT’S MINE!! MINE, MINE, MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINEE!!!!!!” Sui-Feng screamed in unbridled ecstasy, her pussy convulsing as she repeatedly stabbed herself with the entire length of Yushiro’s cock. β€œOH, GO~D!!! MY PUSSY IS ON FIRE!!! CUMMING, I’M CUMMING MY BRAINS OUT!!!! I’M LOSING MY MIIIIIII~IIND!!!”


β€œFuuuck!! Sui-nee-san… don’t slow down…” Yushiro panted. Sweat made his entire body shimmer as the light of the early summer sun shone down on them. He grabbed her even tighter, losing himself in the hot and wet embrace of her most private part. β€œThat feels so good… it’s incredible!”


β€œCUMMING!!! I CAN’T STOP CUMMING!!!!” Sui-Feng’s eyes rolled all the way back in their sockets as she stirred the massive black phallus inside of her around with her hips. The noticeable distention in her stomach moved around, making her moan even louder. Each orgasm was more mind shattering than the last and made her juices drop down on Yushiro’s chest like rain. β€œCUM WITH ME!!! CUM INSIDE OF ME!!!! DO IT, BOYTOY!!!! CUM!! NOOOOOOOOOOWW!!!!!”


β€œHurr, hurr, hurr…!” like an animal in its rutting season, Yushiro threw his hips with reckless abandon. His tongue hung out of the side of his mouth like that of a panting dog as each consecutive thrust became more powerful than the last. β€œYou want it that bad?! With pleasure! Here. You! G-!”


β€œHOLD IT RIGHT THERE, YUSHIRO!!” Yoruichi’s fiery voice interrupted him just when he was about to unload his balls.


Her words worked like a rope around his shaft, preventing him from letting out even a single droplet of his seed. So far, Yoruichi and Mila Rose had spent their time idly watching the other two going at it, but now the oldest Shihoin sibling had decided to step in!


β€œLittle bee may use you as her personal meatstick now, but that doesn’t mean that you can cum willy-nilly! I’m your sister, and you’re still my younger brother. Outside of work related matters, you will only cum when I allow it!” She told him while slowly pulling the dildo between Mila Rose’s tits out again. The upper half of the purple plastic was now completely covered with her girlfriend’s spit as she pointed it at the other couple. β€œShe can fuck you whenever she wants, but I’ll be the one to decide whether you’re allowed to cum or not! Got it?”


Yushiro gulped. Clearly fighting the urges within to not bust his load right then and there took a toll on him. β€œY- yes, big si- I mean, Yoruichi-sama!” He answered meekly.


β€œGood boy! Now, continue fucking her however she wants! But don’t you DARE cum!” She ordered him. At the same time as he resumed where he left off, Yoruichi began slapping her dildo against Mila Rose’s butt. β€œNow… back to you. After all that foreplay and teasing, you deserve to take this properly, don’t you?!”


β€œNnnnngnh… try your worst!” Mila Rose challenged the other dark skinned beauty, pressing her toned bubbly butt back against her.


β€œPrrrrr~! I like that defiance in your eyes. But let’s see if you can keep up the tough-girl persona once I do… THIS!!!”


And just like that, Yoruichi once again shoved the dildo past the pink g-string and into Mila Rose’s ass. More than half of its entire length was swallowed by her back entrance in one swift move. β€œAAAAAAYEEE!!!! FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!” Mila Rose shouted like a banshee, possessed by the euphoric sensation of all those nubs rubbing against her inner walls.


β€œYou always try to act all tough and mighty, but when it comes down to it, you enjoy getting railed like a common whore just like me!” whispered Yoruichi so only Mila Rose could hear her. Taking a step closer, Yoruichi inserted the remaining few inches into her pussy. Their bodies pressed against each other as the purple haired tease leaned forward. β€œDo a good job now and you’re gonna have the same rights over Yushiro from now on. He will do whatever you want, whenever you want!”


β€œTch! Guess I have something to look forward to then!” She snarked with a sideways glance at Yushiro. The mortified expression on the younger brother’s face upon hearing his sister’s promise only made Mila Rose hornier. β€œWhat are you waiting for then? Fuck me already like you mean it!”


Both women acted at the same time. Mila Rose threw her back against Yoruichi’s incoming thrust! PLAP! The first thunderous smack of Yoruichi’s pelvis being met by Mila Rose’s cheeks echoed over the balcony, even louder than Sui-Feng’s moans as she demanded Yushiro to finally cum inside of her. Demands that he ultimately didn’t fulfill, both out of respect for his sister, fear of what she might do to him if he were to disappoint her, and because the entire situation made his erection even more wicked. They pulled apart, only to then do it all over a split second later.




β€œCOME ON!! IS THIS THE BEST YOU CAN DO??! I KNOW VIRGINS WHO CAN FUCK BETTER THAN THIS!!!” boasted Mila Rose, despite her pussy gushing like crazy from all the attention her asshole received.


β€œHRRRRRMM!!!! Don’t lie to me!” Yoruichi purred, her own vagina convulsing every time those nasty bumps on the dildo rubbed against her clit, which was twice every second. Her fingers worked their way past the flimsy excuse of underwear and dipped into Mila Rose’s pussy. β€œYou’re about to cum. You’re such a slut… CUMMING FROM GETTING YOUR ASS FUCKED!!! WHAT A PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A LIONESS YOU TURN OUT TO BE!!!!”


β€œNNNNNNNGH!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!! WE’LL SEE WHICH ONE OF US IS THE PATHETIC ONE!!!!” Mila Rose roared back. When their bodies collided once more, the Arrancar relaxed every muscle inside of her that she could so that the invasive plastic dick would pull out some more when Yoruichi retracted her hips again. Then, when Yoruichi moved forward again, she flexed every fiber again to hold the dildo in place.


β€œAAAACK!!!” now it was Yoruichi’s turn to squeal in surprise and abrupt euphoria as she was the one on the receiving end of more than half the dildo’s length! A length that up to this point had been buried deep in Mila Rose’s butt only.




β€œHAAAAAANGH!!!!” Yoruichi’s vision doubled as her eyes went cross from the obscene amount of pleasure coursing through her every vein as Mila Rose gyrated her hips, making the dildo twist and turn around inside her pussy like a drill. The purplette gritted her teeth and clenched her free hand into a fist. β€œWE’LL SEE ABOUT THAT!!!!”


She threw her other hand around Mila Rose’s body now as well. The dark skinned Arrancar had no time to react whatsoever as Yoruichi then jammed three fingers from each hand into her vulnerable pussy. β€œHAAAAAYEK!!! YOU BITCH!!!”


β€œYOU’RE THE BITCH!!!” replied Yoruichi. Her fingers moved like little jackhammers as she pistoned them in and out of Mila Rose’s pussy.


β€œNO! YOU ARE!!!” The world around Mila Rose began to spin as she lost herself in the assault from both sides. Her pussy wouldn’t stop spasming, her body wouldn’t stop trembling, her mind wouldn’t stop shattering. The pleasure was just too intense! β€œSLUT!!!”










β€œWAAH! Y- YORUICHI-SAMA!! I can’t keep this up any longer.” Yushiro’s whining grunts brought an end to their name-calling. β€œPlease… let me c-!”


β€œSHUT UP!!!” the two dark skinned queens yelled at him with one voice, infuriated that he would dare to speak up when they were in the middle of something!


β€œYou… will come when I tell you to!” Yoruichi managed to mewl, even as she herself climaxed for the umpteenth time.


β€œB- but…” He tried to complain, but Sui-Feng was even faster.


β€œYORUICHI-SAMA… PLEASE!!!! I NEED HIS CUM!!!” She screamed in a pleading tone. Her entire body shook for she had rode him for almost an entire now and hadn’t gotten a chance to feel at least one ounce of cum inside of her. β€œBUT HE WILL ONLY CUM IF YOU ALLOW HIM TO… PLEEEEAASE!!!!”


β€œUgh, fine…!” Yoruichi reluctantly gave in. Her and Mila Rose’s hips turned into a blur of motions as they fucked each other harder, deeper, and more intense than before. β€œLet’s all cum together on the count of three! ONE!!!”


Puddles of all kinds of bodily fluids formed under all four participants of the perverted spectacle. Sweat and pussy juices rolled down their naked bodies as they all braced themselves for what’s about to come!


β€œTWO!!!” Mila Rose was the second one to count.


Half an eternity passed. The balcony, no, the entire hotel creaked in protest as if it was in the very epicenter of an earthquake. But it was just the frantic repeated collisions of naked flesh against naked flesh that shook the entire building to its core!


β€œTHREEEEEEEE!!!!” all four of them then shouted at the same time. Birds flew away from the surrounding trees in droves as they all climaxed together! β€œOOOOOOWAAAAAAGHAAAYAAAAAAAAAAAAGHUUUUURRRK!!!!!”




The sound of her cunt now draining Yushiro off every single drop of cum felt like music in Sui-Feng’s ears. Yushiro groaned in relief as he was finally able to unload his balls after holding back for so long. He came with so much vigor, so much energy that his cum actually somehow defied the laws of physics and lifted the lithe black haired girl off his cock.


β€œOWAH!!! WHAT THE…???” Sui-Feng screamed as she was flung off the black meat.


With shaking eyes she watched as even more cum erupted from his cock like lava from a volcano. The viscous white goo rained down on her, bathing the Shinigami Captain from head to toe with potent, smelly, and salty goodness.


β€œI- I’m sorry Sui-nee-san! I didn’t mean to…!” Yushiro apologized, but quickly shut up as, instead of complaining about not getting her tummy full of his seed, she simply hugged his insane length.


Pressing her small tits as best as she could around his member, she opened her mouth wide in order to catch as much of the white load as possible. β€œI don’t care…” she panted, a steady stream of cum oozing out of her cunt, and while starting to rub his cock with her entire body. β€œJust… gimme more cum!! MOOOOOOAAAR!!!!”


The androgynous man was unable to do anything as Sui-Feng continued to milk him dry. Yoruichi and Mila Rose watched with mild amusement as the other two continued cumming three more times. The dark skinned couple remained standing there with shaking legs for nearly five minutes, whereas Sui-Feng eagerly swallowed each drop of cum that she managed to catch.


β€œMmmmmnh… seems like my little brother was more pent up than I realized.” Yoruichi mused with a smile curling around her lips. β€œPerhaps it’s not the worst idea to have little bee take care of his urges every now and then.”


Mila Rose leaned back against her girlfriend for support, enjoying the sensation of her huge boobs pressing against her back. β€œDon’t spoil the little boy rotten now! I want him eating out of the palm of my hand, not have him think that he’s some kind of harem king or anything.”


β€œHmm, trust me, I will make sure that he knows his place in this relationship!” Yoruichi stated ominously. β€œSo, little bee? Happy with his service?”


β€œYesss…!” Sui-Feng mewled, barely loud enough for the other two women to understand. She grabbed his dick with one hand and rubbed her face against its side like a cat in heat. β€œYushiro-sama’s big, fat, monster dick…” She shuddered as all that cum on her already started to dry off under the sun. β€œBelongs to me!”


The brunette Arrancar gave her a quick thumbs-up. β€œFine by me! As long as you remember that my little kitten and I have final say in the matter, you can do with him however you feel like!”


β€œNow, just wait a second!” Yoruichi grabbed her girlfriend’s tits tight. Her hands almost completely vanished behind all the fat as she clenched her hands around the sensitive skin. β€œWhat makes you think that you have anything to say in that matter?”


β€œOh, come on…” Mila Rose winced, a minor orgasm rocking her soul just from having her tits squeezed. Though, that was probably just from her still dealing with the aftermath of all her previous mind shattering orgasms. β€œYou fucked me just like you wanted, didn’t you!? I even acted like a depraved whore for you.”


β€œThat’s not what I want to hear.” Yoruichi said, still fondling the two oversized funbags in front of Mila Rose’s chest.


β€œUgh! Fine! You’re a pretty good domme every once in a while too.” She admitted, unable to deny the feelings welling up inside of her. β€œJust don’t let it go to your head! Next time we fuck, I’LL be the one pulling the strings!”


Yoruichi chuckled. β€œWe’ll see about that.” resting her head on Mila Rose’s shoulder, her breathing finally became more even and steady again. β€œThough I wouldn’t mind doing this more often.”


β€œDon’t… don’t I have anything to say about all this?” Yushiro chimed in once he calmed down from cumming an entire year’s worth of dick milk.


β€œNO!” all three women answered at the same time without hesitation.



(Story by: Mr. Akrononym)

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1 month ago

Good job on the new chapter, it was great seeing the return of the double-dildo that Mila used on Yoruichi, long ago.

Can you do a Yuri fic based on this Tsunade & Sakura image: https://rtenzo.net/gallery/naruto-2/#bwg49/4315

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 month ago
Reply to  Cuchilla

Super appreciate that you like this chapter. Unfortunately though, I don’t write Naruto stories anymore. That’s something you’d have to ask Sailor.

1 month ago

Great job on this and I do feel really sorry Yushiro because of him being treated like a butt-monkey by some characters, which makes him relatable and sympathetic to me.

His big sister Yoruichi acts like she doesn’t care about him, but she actually does on the inside and she could try showing it in my opinion.

Again, great job on this story.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 month ago
Reply to  Mad_Max

I dunno about you, but I’m really envious of Yushiro’s position in this relationship. I’m just a huge fan about bossy women dominating their men. But, to ease your mind, I’ll think of something that will show more of Yoruichi’s softer side towards her brother in the future.

1 month ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Hmmm, I see and well, I understand everything that you’re saying.

Good luck to you.

1 month ago

W chapter, Yushiro with Sui-Feng is always peak

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 month ago
Reply to  Fghhx

Their dynamic is really fun to write also. Super happy that you like it.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 month ago

Before I forget to mention it; massive thanks to Tropic_Panda! Not only are they the one who commissioned the Yoruichi X Mila Rose pic here, which was a massive help when it came to coming up with ideas on how to tackle this chapter, but also were they involved with coming up with the general plot of this story! Their commissions are always a big inspiration for my stories and their help with this story was phenomenal.

1 month ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Excellent! Well this certainly explains quite a bit. Not to mention really making it work. πŸ˜ƒ

Not for nothing, but those commissions really did the trick. 🀟

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 month ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Tropic_Panda makes some of the best commissions ever. You know exactly which pic is commissioned by them.

1 month ago

Before I begin to share my usual thoughts on the chapter, allow me to say this first: Bravo!! Excellent work! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ€©

I like to think that this return to this Bleach storyline was more than worth the wait. But this totally exceeded my expectations. So how about we get into it, shall we? πŸ€“

For one thing, it’s great to see not just the chocolate skinned pair of Yoruichi and Mila Rose in action, but also Yushiro and Sui-Feng, who I believe stole the show here. πŸ‘€ Their dynamic was key to this particular chapter, and it worked out better than I expected. πŸ‘

This brings us to the sex for this one. This was really fun to read and visualize. Both Yoruichi and Mila Rose’s newest go around with the double dildo {which was the same one as their much earlier time in the then-unopened building for Urahara’s Busteez Mansion}, but also Sui-Feng having her way with poor Yushiro, who has no real say in this relationship with EITHER of the three ladies. 🀣It doesn’t change the fact that it’s all extremely hot. πŸ₯΅

But seriously, this was a really meaty and well written chapter, from top to bottom. Very well done. πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜Ž

Can’t wait for whatever you write next. 😊

– Hiryu

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 month ago
Reply to  Hiryu

It really helps that I’m absolutely on-board with this kind of relationship between Yoruichi and Mila Rose, and how they treat Yushiro. Massive personal turn-on! Writing these in a dynamic like this never gets old.
Incredibly happy to see that you liked this chapter as much as I seem to do.