Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Cumming Back to Konoha (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Naruto stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 74): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 76): [LINK]

So, did you have fun?” Naruto asked as he sensed Konan coming up behind him as he stood naked on the roof of the hotel where he and his wife were staying. A stiff, hot breeze blew across the area, making a soft whistling sound as it ran over the various furniture located here.


“Oh yes, I had a great time!” Konan said with an unseen smile as she approached Naruto from behind, gently wrapping her arms around his neck as she pressed her oversized chest into his back. ‘Seriously, how does he always know when I’m coming?’ thought the lavender haired woman. She was even masking her own presence, but he saw right through it.


And you were just going to ‘thank’ Samui for all those lessons she gave you earlier, right? Nothing else?” he asked in an even tone.


“Of course, of course, nothing else.” she said in a dry, obvious tone.


“I’m sure….” Naruto rolled his eyes at the thinly veiled deceit in the woman’s voice. “So, we only have an hour or so before sunrise, anything else you want to do? Or should we head back inside?”


“Hmm, I don’t really know…” Konan said as she snuggled more into Naruto’s back, making a point of pressing her naked tits against him harder. They hadn’t really talked about what they would do after this. Hell, they hadn’t talked about what Konan would do about anything going forward. Naruto had a life to get back to after all, and he couldn’t just keep chaperoning her around every day. “What… What will you do after this?” she asked quietly.


“Me? Well, I probably need to get back to Hinata and check in with her… We need to discuss a few things about my son’s training going forward. That, and I need to see what my son is up to for myself, he’s been a real hell raiser lately. Oh, and I should drop back into Konoha and see how Himawari and everyone else is doing too, -ttebayo.” Naruto listed, counting off his fingers.


Oh yeah…’ Konan thought as she listened to the man continue. ‘Naruto has kids now. I forgot with all this craziness going on… He really is different from that kid I met all that time ago.’ Back then, she really just saw him as an idealistic fool. But an idealistic fool who could make his ideals reality. Nagato thought so as well, otherwise he’d have finished him off then and there, going on with his own plans.


As Konan stared at the Hokage, she couldn’t help but notice the differences. It wasn’t just that he had changed in body, with him being taller and more sturdy. He had changed in personality as well, becoming much more calm and relaxed with a more mature air to him. The old saying about wisdom coming with age was very true.


Makes me wish I’d had time to know him better back then.’ Konan mused as she thought over her previous situation. She moved her hands around him, gently rubbing the blond’s chest. She knew that as one of the Akatsuki she wouldn’t have had the chance, but that was over now, and she could be more honest with herself. She wished she hadn’t been so stone hearted in the past. “…Wait hold on, what do you mean ‘drop back into Konoha’? I thought there was no way off this island until after this festival thing?”


“Hmm, oh there is, for me anyway. I left seals all over Konoha though so I can just teleport there whenever I need.” Naruto answered casually.


“Wait, what? You can do that?” Konan said with wide eyes. She knew of short range, line of sight teleportation, any shinobi worth calling himself that could do it. But long range transporting, that was something else entirely. Folding space over any major unit of distance was complicated to say the least.


“Yes, it’s a Jutsu my father mastered when he was alive. I learned how to do it from one of his journals a few years before Hinata had Boruto.” Naruto told her as he thought back on reading his father’s journal after he’d finally been given his parents’ belongings. “You really think I’d go on a vacation for this long without having a way to get back to the village if there was an emergency?” he asked rhetorically.


“Hold on, so you could go back to the village right now? Without any difficulty?” Konan asked as an idea began forming in her head.


“Technically, yes.” Naruto affirmed with a raised eyebrow.


“Well, I know what I want to do for the rest of today!” Konan said excitedly, “Teleport us back to that spot you and I last met when I was alive! When I handed you the bouquet of flowers!” she said as she moved around to stand in front of him, her eyes wide and gleeful.


“OK, OK! Gimme a second, dattebayo.” he said as he backed away slightly.



After a brief stop back at his room, (ostensibly to get some clothes and inform Hinata where he was going), Naruto found himself looking around the area he had teleported to. Konan clung tightly to him. In order for him to be able to take someone with him, they had to remain close to him. Samui wanted to come as well, but Hinata wouldn’t allow it, telling the blonde she had other plans for her. The sun was already up here, bathing the forest in late morning light. He was worried for a moment after they first arrived, as Konan got extremely dizzy just for a few seconds. But he chalked that up to going through the teleportation for the first time. It did tend to make you motion sick the first time.


The lavender haired woman was still completely naked, not wanting to bother with any clothing. Naruto didn’t think it was a good idea, but she insisted for some reason. Looking at her beautiful naked body, he opted to just wear a simple pair of shorts as his cock still hadn’t fully gone down. As he took in the environment, the Jinchuriki couldn’t help but reminisce on the battle he had fought with Pain in this same spot all those years ago. The battle had literally reshaped the landscape! There were still obvious signs of the devastation from the fight, but over time nature had reclaimed the area.


The larger craters and mountains that had been formed by their attacks had been reclaimed by grass and other flora. While the massive cracks in the ground had become small streams and rivers. Animals driven away by the chaos quickly returned as well.


Some of his advisors had even thought of making it a tourist attraction. Something to charge for tours and history walkthroughs and the like. Much to Naruto’s embarrassment. They had already petitioned his office for permits to make roads and the groundwork of structures to be built in the area. However, for the moment, the battleground was still just another part of the forest with nothing man made nearby outside of a crude wooden sign pointing back towards Konoha proper.


OooOooHH… Wow, this is amazing!” Konan cried, interrupting Naruto from his thoughts as her voice echoed around the clearing. There was something very alluring about a naked and beautiful woman surrounded entirely by nature. He could feel his cock stirring at the sight.


Still smiling, Konan turned back to look at him, “Say, use the henge to look like your younger self again!” she told him.


Naruto blinked, “Huh, why?” he asked.


“Just do it!” she told him, walking back over to where he stood. It wasn’t much to ask, so Naruto did just that. Once the change was complete, Konan pounced like a cat!


She hopped up into his arms after shoving down the simple shorts he had on, slinging one leg thrown over his arm as she slid his half erect cock into her pussy hungrily while wrapping her arms around his waist. She squeezed her large, (though recently shrunken) tits against his torso. Konan had used the Jutsu Samui had taught her to shrink her boobs back down to their original size. Something she needed to do to allow the teleport to work safely. A move which, oddly enough, caused her nipple piercings to shrink as well. Now, she looked almost identical to her appearance back when she was a member of the Akatsuki.


With his shorts gone, he stood as naked as Konan, save for the familiar black headband on his forehead as he held Konan close so that the woman wouldn’t fall back. In his teenage body, Naruto was somewhat shorter than he was as an adult. As a result, Konan was almost an inch or so taller than him, forcing her to be held up in a somewhat awkward position as she rocked herself back and forth on his cock. The feel of her warm, wet, soft, and very TIGHT pussy made his cock shoot back to a full erection inside her. She let out an erotic moan and kissed him hard on the mouth as she began rolling her hips against him. His cock stirred around inside her, making wet, lewd, squishing sounds as her juices overflowed and dripped down off his balls.


He kissed her back just as hard, letting her suck on his tongue gently as he moved a hand to squeeze her ass tightly. He then broke the kiss a moment later and said, “So, this is what you wanted to close out the day with? Not that I mind, but we kinda did this whole ‘re-create the past thing’ earlier when you first woke up, didn’t we?” Naruto asked with a grunt as he felt Konan tighten around his dick, causing him to pick up his hip rotations ever so slightly.


“Hmmmmmn, oh yesss!” she hissed softly, “Are you kidding? I wish I had… Mmmmmnh, jumped you… Haaah… The day… We met!” Konan grunted out slowly as she gyrated her hips in an attempt to sync up with Naruto’s own thrusts. “Ahhhn, dheeper! Shove it in dheeper!” she gasped. He grunted, swinging his hips harder.


“Damn, that’s pretty kinky.” Naruto said as he adjusted his position further, bringing Konan’s face even closer to his own. He grunted in pleasure as he thrusted into her again and again, his heavy balls slapping wetly against her thighs. “Well, if it’s any help, I have preferred that to everything else that happened, dattebayo…” he said only half-jokingly. He then gave her ass a loud SLAP, making her let out a moan that echoed over the expanse of forest.


HMMMM, MMMMH, HAH… AHH… Hindsiiiiight’s… Twenty-twenty.” Konan moaned in pleasure with him, “Kiss me!” she panted. Not waiting, Konan took the back of Naruto’s head into her hand, locking lips with the man before hungrily moaning into his mouth. He then felt her grinding herself against him faster, a torrent of juices flowing out of her pussy.


Gently massaging her lips against his own, Konan gently prodded at the man’s teeth with her tongue. Naruto quickly opened his mouth for her, deepening the kiss and allowing Konan to snake her tongue in. The two coiled around one another as they picked up the pace of their thrusts even more until a few strands of drool started falling from their lips. The sound of bugs and birds in the forest was joined by the loud wet sound of body against body. A lewd SMACK SMACK SMACK that echoed through the trees.


Staggering slightly at the unfamiliarity of his old body, Naruto couldn’t help but blush lightly at his lack of ability to support the woman. Instead of maintaining his attempts, Naruto slowly moved them both down onto the ground until they were both in a sitting position. Breaking their kiss, Konan moved her hands down Naruto’s head to his shoulders, before she slowly pushed him back onto the soft grass beneath the two. She straddled his hips and pressed a hand down on his chest.


“Mmmmmh, let me take the lead for once.” Konan whispered to him as she flexed her thighs, gently bouncing herself on top of his cock with renewed speed. “You’re always doing all the work, so now it’s my turn…” she told him. “Besides, I’m gonna be a free to use maid in your house right? I should get in as much practice as I can!”


Grunting, Naruto nodded slowly, still thrusting his hips lightly, driving his thick dick into her sopping wet pussy. “Just don’t push yourself. You’re still pretty new at this.” he said with a concerned smile. He then leaned back, resting on his elbows as he watched Konan begin working herself up and down. His gigantic dick spread her pussy incredibly wide, and its girth making a noticeable distention in her belly, marking its depths. Slowly, the paper woman began working herself up and down even more rapidly with further adventurous movements. While she had initially been grinding her pussy onto his dick with conservative movements, she was now giving it wider strokes, taking six or more inches out at a time before slamming her hips down once again.


OOOOOOH, YEAH! I LOVE THIS, IT FEELS SO GOOD!!!” Konan moaned as she felt Naruto’s enlarged head spearing her womb. His huge cock felt as though it was knocking the wind out of her with every delicious thrust, something that Konan was very happy to repeat over and over. The woman continued bouncing on top of Naruto, enjoying the feel of being in control during sex as she moaned lewdly! Her tongue began lolling out of her mouth at the sheer pleasure of the Hokage’s girthy cock scraping against her walls. Her big tits jiggled and bounced wildly until the blonde haired man reached up to grab them. She moaned at his touch, leaning forward and pressing her tits against his palms. He squeezed them tighter, feeling her nipples sticking out between his fingers.


After a short while, Konan grew accustomed to the motions and gyrated her hips deeper and in different orientations. She quickly found a pace that made her cum again and again! Bouncing Naruto’s length in and out of her with every flex of her thighs. She began rotating her hips in a circular pattern, causing his large dick to stir around inside her! The pleasure was so intense she could barely think anymore.




“Damn… K… Konan… You’re a… quick learner!” Naruto groaned out as he let his hands fall to the ground beneath him, his fingers digging gouges in the dirt. He struggled to match her ever increasing pace as she slammed her pussy down on him again and again. Her unending stream of juices made soft splashing sounds against his pelvis as he felt the pressure building in his balls!


Meanwhile Konan barely heard her partner’s praise as she began attempting to increase the speed of her movements even more as Naruto’s cock pushed in and out of her. The huge distention in her stomach moved up and down with her movements, sticking out prominently every time she took him all the way inside. She was quickly becoming more accurate with her gyrations, causing her pussy to constrict even tighter around his length as it throbbed and pulsed inside! Soon, she felt her own orgasm rising up from deep in her very womb!


AHHHHHHN… OH GOD! CUMMING! I’M CUMMING ON THIS GIANT DIIIICK!!! I CAN’T GET ENOUGH OF IT INSIDE MEEEEE!!!” she screamed in ecstasy as her pussy let loose a torrent of hot and heady scented fluids, her insides constricting as she creamed herself around the huge slab of meat. Sweat covered her body like a second skin that dripped off her with her wild movements.


“Hurr, hurr, huuurrrr…” Naruto groaned beneath her, his hips moving in sync with hers now. He felt his body tensing as well. He groaned again, gripping the ground beneath him as he thrusted his hips with her. He then felt his testicles contracting between his thighs as he let out a loud grunt of release! Hot, thick, and sticky cum blasted into her womb with such force she could hear it splattering inside her.




The two moaned in unison as they felt simultaneous orgasm rocking their bodies. As Naruto came, he finally lifted his hands off the ground as he grabbed Konan’s plump hips and slammed her pussy down until it was flush with his own crotch! He could feel his cum surging through his dick, blasting her womb full of thick sauce. His seed quickly began overflowing from her pussy, and Konan flung her head back in a silent scream of pleasure as the two came together. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth again as she saw stars flicker in her vision.


A few moments later, Naruto tapered off just as Konan lost all the strength in her legs. Like a marionette with its strings cut, Konan collapsed onto the man’s chest, panting heavily. Beneath her, Naruto gasped as well, with the force of his orgasm, Naruto’s henge came undone with a ‘poof’ of smoke. His adult form appeared below Konan just in time for her weight to be supported by his broad chest.


“Haaah…. Haaah…. Haaah…. That… Was… N…nice.” Konan panted out as her head rested against her lover.


“Just nice…?” Naruto asked, sounding almost insulted, “Guess I should work harder then.” he sighed out as well as he looked towards the sky as the sun hung high overhead.


“Naruto… Can we… Just stay like this for a little?” she panted slowly. “I don’t think I can move at all right now…”


“Sure…” Naruto said with a smile as he reached up and patted the woman’s head. “Sure, take as long as you need.”


As the sun moved slowly across the sky, the two snuggled into one another on the cool grass as the sounds of the forest just continued around them.



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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