Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Breaking the Ice and Bitches

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 45): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 47): [LINK]

Fuyumi Todoroki hated filling out forms, which was odd given that her primary occupation was a teacher. But grading the worksheets of grade schoolers was a far cry from the standard tax forms and legal documents full of Legalese triple speak. On the upside, at least it was all on a tablet and not paper, so if she made a mistake, she could fix it a lot more easily.


The white and red haired young woman was surprised though when she discovered that all of the legal stuff was in plain terms. And easy to understand at that! She was not obligated to do anything sexual that she didn’t want to, a detail that was clearly stated more than a dozen times so far. Her hourly pay only applied to dancing and waitressing. VIP work was calculated at a different rate and she was entitled to 60% of money paid by the client then, and that was AFTER taxes!


Wow, regular waitress work doesn’t pay this well!’ she thought. She was also surprised by how the wages were listed on the application. 50,000 yen per hour was the STARTING pay rate, and that would increase after the first three months. Then twice a year after that depending on performance reviews done by both Midnight, her fellow employees, and customer feedback.


“Jeez, my first job out of university didn’t pay this well, and that was a private school!” Fuyumi said out loud without meaning to.


“Yeah, I hear most regular teachers are barely given a livable wage in the public sector. The private being only a step or two above that.” said Nemuri “Midnight” Kayama, the founder and owner of the Busteez Hero Agency. Shoto had told her a lot about his teacher, and Fuyumi had seen a few of her interviews and commercials. Back then her outfit was risque, but now, it was outright pornographic! She didn’t wear the ultra thin fabric that she tore to use her Quirk anymore, leaving a lot of skin exposed.


She DID however still had on the corset body harness thing, although Fuyumi didn’t know the exact term for it. Only now it had an open crotch, exposing the slit of her vagina. Her tits were over four times as big as they were in photos she’d seen, easily bigger than her entire head! She’d heard from one of the girls that it was because one of the girls who worked here had a body augmenting Quirk she could apply to others. The huge mounds were capped with some sexy pink nipples that were stiff from the cool air of the room.


“Well, that’s partially true. More so in countries that don’t hold public education in high regard.” Fuyumi admitted.


“A certain Blonde dye-job heroine somewhere is sneezing.” said Midnight with a snicker.


“It’s not as bad as it used to be there.” Fuyumi said, knowing exactly who Midnight was referring to. She finished filling out the forms and handed the tablet over to Midnight who accepted it with a smile. The dark haired proprietor tapped a button on the tablet and it beeped.


“Alright, everything there checks out,” she said matter-of-factly, and Fuyumi figured the application and forms were mostly for formality’s sake. “Now, I’m assuming you want to work here just to earn a bit extra? Or, like a handful of heroines here, you need to relieve some pent up urges?” she asked with a sly grin.


Midnight had a point. Women had physical needs too! It’s just society often pushed for them to repress them out of some weird aesthetic that held virgins up as being pure or divine or something like that. Or to be more crude, it was because some men really didn’t like the idea of “Sloppy Seconds” as it was put in more modern terms.


“Bit of both if I’m honest.” Fuyumi finally replied.


Midnight laughed, making her huge knockers bounce and jiggle like out of an ecchi manga or anime, “Well then, you’ll do fine here.” she said, as she then looked Fuyumi up and down, “You have an ice type Quirk, right?”


Fuyumi nodded, “Yes, though it’s not very strong.” she admitted, holding up a hand and making a fist. The air around her hand began misting slightly as it grew cold. When Fuyumi opened her hand again, there was a small cube of ice in it and the air of the room suddenly felt very dry.


“I take in the moisture from the area immediately around me, condense, then freeze it. But unlike other Quirks of a similar nature, I drain the area’s moisture instantly for about four meters in all directions. Before I can use it again, I have to wait for moisture surrounding the affected area to fill the void back in, so it’s not really that useful.” she explained. Her father had given up on her fairly quickly back then, before he’d finally mellowed out. Unlike her brothers, she wasn’t really bitter about it. Actually, it had been a relief when her Quirk turned out to be useless for hero work. Fuyumi hated violence and seeing people get hurt. Even if they deserved it.


“Hmmm, can you do shapes like spheres and stars, stuff like that?” Midnight asked.


“Oh? Well, yeah, that’s easy.” she replied. The moisture in the air had replenished in those few seconds and she used her Quirk again to produce a perfect sphere of ice around the size of a billiard ball.


“I have just the spot for you to start out then!” Midnight said with a bright grin.



“Fuyumi dear, scotch bourbon on the rocks!” called the voice of Inko Midoriya from the other end of the bar.


“On it!” Fuyumi said back, mixing the two liqueurs together after making a tetracontagon block of ice for the wide glass. Midnight wasn’t kidding. Her power was proving itself very useful here! The bar had a mechanism for making specially shaped ice, but it took five minutes per block, and there was a warm-up time for the thing to get back to room temp before it could be used again. For Fuyumi, she just needed a few seconds for the humidity to build back up!


Most popular was the tetracontagon shape that she just made. She just remembered the shape as a D20 die from her days playing tabletop RPG games with her friends. The least popular was the three sided pyramid, mainly because she couldn’t fill the glass enough for it to float, so the tip often ended up poking the drinker’s nose if they weren’t careful.


Seems the customers liked the novelty shaped ice in their drinks. Ladies especially loved her rose shaped cubes. Inko had taken to having her make them regularly to go with a kind of red liquor called Rose Wine, though it wasn’t actually wine in the regular sense. But it did smell like roses oddly enough. It was one of those new fake booze drinks that were seriously popular with the under drinking age crowd now.


The red speckled, platinum haired young woman brought the drink over to Inko. She hadn’t quite mastered sliding glasses across the bar counter yet, the trash bin full of glass shards being a testament to that. The client that ordered the drink was a hero she wasn’t familiar with. He looked like one of the newer ones that had risen out of the rubble after Deku fought Shigaraki. His costume was rather plain, a yellow jumpsuit like those favored by professional bikers with a white stripe going down the arms, legs and sides. When she looked closely, she saw the white stripe was that reflective material for those who liked to ride at night. Honestly, he seemed more like a normal bar goer than a hero. But if he got in here, then he had a license, and those were not easily faked.


“Oh, new girl?” the hero asked as she gave him his drink.


“Yep, this is Snow Cone!” Inko said, “She just started the other day.”


“Snow Cone?” the hero echoed.


“I had to pick something!” Fuyumi said defensively even as she cringed inwardly. Midnight had told her it would be best for her to pick out a Hero Name for herself since everyone who worked here had one. Even Inko shared the Mega MILF title with Mitsuki Bakugo, the mom of that short tempered friend of her brother’s. Fuyumi was too young to fit into the MILF category, due to her barely being in her 20’s and such. And in the moment she couldn’t think of anything that worked with her Quirk well! Did all new heroes go through this?!


The rookie hero seemed to think for a bit, “Eh, I’ve heard worse. Thanks for the drink.” he said, raising his glass to her.


“That’s true.” said a new voice, “Every hero’s Quirk can be useful if applied right! Hi, mom. Fuyumi-san.”


“Oh, hi baby!” Inko said excitedly as she turned to look over at someone walking up to the bar from behind Fuyumi. Fuyumi herself turned to see Izuku “Deku” Midoriya, probably the most famous hero on the planet (Who wasn’t even fully licensed yet), walking up to the bar. He wasn’t alone either, as two of the other Busteez Heroines were with him, each clinging to one of his arms. One was someone Fuyumi was looking forward to meeting. She went by Tetas, the Paizuri Heroine. How she got that nickname was obvious when you looked at her and the way her gigantic tits bounced up and down with an almost audible ‘Boing Boing’ sound.


The other heroine she was familiar with, though she hadn’t directly met her for more than a few seconds. Momo “Creati” Yaoyorozu, the Everything Heroine. She was in Deku and Shoto’s class. Fuyumi had met her while staying in the Shelter when things got BAD. But they barely had time to exchange two words because she was so busy.


All three heroes were in their work clothes. Meaning they’d just come into the building. If Tetas and Creati were “on duty” here, they’d be wearing much more revealing outfits!


Thinking about that, Fuyumi looked down at her own “costume” which was really just a white version of the regular outfit worn by some of the women working here. A leather-like material sports bra and a matching thong. Sometimes they had the girl’s name or hero title written on them, but Fuyumi’s was a quick custom job made by Creati at Midnight’s request, so it was just a plain white version of the get-up.


“Hi Deku!” Fuyumi said, using his hero name. She then looked to Momo, “Thanks for the uniform.” She said, “I look terrible in black.”


The dark haired young woman smiled back at Fuyumi, “It’s no problem.” she said sweetly, “I’m glad it fits well. I still haven’t quite perfected the stretchiness of that material. The structure is rather complicated.”


At Fuyumi’s confused expression, Tetas spoke up, “I think it’s made of the same stuff as mine and Mt. Lady’s costumes.” she said, while stepping away from Deku for a moment and making her already huge tits swell up to each be bigger than her entire body! The material of her costume stretched with her tits, keeping them reasonably covered, though the outlines of her nipples became very prominent. So much that Fuyumi could see the wrinkles and bumps of her areola perfectly detailed in the fabric.


“Oh my!” Inko gasped, and Fuyumi turned back to see her handing the jumpsuit hero a tissue to deal with a sudden intense nosebleed!


Tetas shrank her tits back down and blushed, “I get that a lot.” she said.


She almost sounds smug about that.’ Fuyumi thought. Though honestly, if Fuyumi could do the same, she’d be smug about it too. She glanced down at her own chest, which seemed so small when compared to all the women around her right now. Inko and Momo were both sporting breasts that were at least as big as their own heads! And Tetas, well, her tits were however big she wanted them.


“I got some time right now if you wanna go bigger.” Tetas said, as if reading her mind. The short haired woman then turned to Deku, “We were gonna eat dinner first, right?” she asked, with her question seemingly directed both to him and to Momo.


“I don’t mind,” said Momo, who then looked to Deku, “Izuku?” she asked. It was then that Fuyumi noticed how Momo held onto his arm. Not in the clingy “hostess” method used by the girls playing that role in the bar. Her grip was much more intimate. That and how she completely didn’t use any honorifics while using his first name told her everything she needed to know. She remembered glancing in the tabloids at the supermarket checkout that there were rumors about who he was dating, but the reports seemed as varied as those tabloids.


One showed him in a photo with that Uraraka girl, the daughter of that construction company that had recently grown to be the number one contractor in Japan. Another had him with Froppy, the Rainy Day Hero. While still another showed him walking and flirting with a heroine with green hair and a purple outfit. Fuyumi had missed her name as another magazine covered that part of the front page.


Looked like they were all wrong and he was actively dating Creati. It was a good match really. While she found her father’s motivations and methods abhorrent, it did teach her about strategic marriages. And from a business point of view, they were a REALLY good pairing. Momo’s family had money, and Deku had prestige. Put those two together and he’d probably be #1 for a looooong time.


All that aside though, she could see it in the way Momo looked at him. She’d seen that look more than a couple of times with some of her friends who were already married. She adored him! Silently, Fuyumi wished them a happy life together!


“Oh, let’s get one of those suites with a jacuzzi!” said Tetas, “Fuyumi can use it to help get used to the new size!”


“That’s fine.” agreed Deku.


“Eh?” Fuyumi muttered, with her light gray, almost silver colored eyes going wide as Tetas moved to hug Deku before kissing him full on the mouth, with TONGUE!! And it wasn’t the kind of kissing she’d seen Mt. Lady doing with one guy, with a kind of dispassionate movement like an actress. There was genuine passion in her kiss. All this while Momo watched with a smile as if it were perfectly normal! Her eyes then went as wide as dinner plates as when Tetas was finished kissing him, Momo did the same! Taking Deku’s face in her hands and laying another one on him just as passionately as the other woman.


Fuyumi then heard Inko sighing happily behind her, “Ahhh, so many grandchildren…” she heard the woman muttering to herself.


EEEHHH!?” Fuyumi yelped.



“Six!?” Fuyumi yelped as Momo finished explaining things.


“For now.” Momo and Rie (Tetas’ actual name) said together.


“I was a little shocked too.” Inko said, patting the younger woman’s shoulder.


Fuyumi sent a glare at Deku, but before the look could connect, Rie and Momo intercepted it like a pair of human shields. “This is our choice!” Rie said.


“We all want to be with him.” said Momo, backing her up.


“Lucky stiff.” the hero from before said, focusing on his drink after that.


“I… See…” Fuyumi said weakly.


“Fuyumi, go ahead and take an early break, I got things here.” Inko said, surrendering her to Momo and Rie. The two girls and Deku then took her with them as they went to the front desk area. Rie seemed to work in this area often, as she went to work at the counter computer interface like a seasoned pro who knew her way around.


“512 is open.” said Rie before she began typing again, with the sound of her fingers going across the keys like a machine gun. “Okay, I got your card linked to it, Izu-kun.”


“Alright.” Deku said, pulling out a gold card from his wallet. Midnight had mentioned something about that card while Fuyumi was thinking of a hero name for herself, but she had missed it. When she asked her about it, Midnight had said it wasn’t too big a deal and that she shouldn’t worry about it since the holder didn’t use it for much.


“Midnight-san told me about that card, but I missed what she said. What does it all mean?” Fuyumi decided to ask the other girls about it.


“Oh that?” Rie said.


“It was a promotional thing Midnight did back when she first opened up the agency.” Momo continued. “One in a million lucky shot for Izuku.”


“It grants him unlimited use of all the Busteez facilities and girls, no charge.” Rie then picked up.


“Aheheh, yeah, it was a bit of a shock for me.” Deku said while rubbing the back of his head. “It’s usually so hard to win anything out of those lottery machines. And I did it with a complimentary free spin.”


That much didn’t really surprise Fuyumi. Those little ball lottery machines were completely random. Well, the honest ones were at least. So, Deku could have all the girls he wanted, anytime he wanted, but from what Momo and Rie were saying, he mostly used it to come here to eat his mother’s cooking!


Was he trying for sainthood or something!?


Fuyumi didn’t exactly have a low opinion of men or anything, but most guys Deku’s age that she knew would have used that card until their balls were spitting out dust! That was just a guy thing after all. She then looked at Momo and Rie again, then thought of how there were SIX girls in this little harem. Maybe he didn’t really NEED to use the card then. With six girls to call on, odds were at any given time, at least ONE of them would be in the mood for a little naughty action. And while most women didn’t like to advertise it, girls could get rather competitive about stuff like that, especially when they really liked the guy. So it was likely more than one at any given time.


Fuyumi herself hadn’t gotten into a mess like that as she’d never really felt that strongly about any one guy. But one of her friends did get a little crazy with her antics on trying to win a guy over. Her craziest scheme involves being naked under a trench coat for a date they went on! She didn’t know much beyond that, but they were engaged now, so it must’ve worked.


The four of them headed over to the elevators. Rie was explaining her Quirk to Fuyumi, about how she could affect the fat cells in her own body in specific ways. And how she could transfer the changes over to another woman, though the effects were only temporary for the most part. It seemed if Fuyumi altered her diet in some ways, she could make the changes semi-permanent to a degree.


“The fat cells that I impart on another get burned really fast for some reason.” she heard Rie say, though Fuyumi only listened to about two thirds of it, she was more busy trying NOT to look at how Momo was hanging all over Deku like a cheap slut! Or how he was taking in her advances like a full-on playboy, but at the same time wasn’t looking smug about it.


They reached the fifth floor soon enough, and room 512 was just a short distance from the elevator.


“So, how big would you like to make them?” Rie asked, “Oh, and I can do your butt too!” she added. “Melissa finally made me a costume that lets me use that part of my Quirk, but my fighting style with that still needs refining, so I haven’t used it for actual work yet.”


“I’m trying to help her come up with a good way to use that.” Deku said, stepping in on the conversation. “There’s an old fighting game that had this blonde princess character who fought with a move involving her butt.”


“I think I know the game you mean, it came out when I was a kid.” Fuyumi said, “Though I don’t know if that move has real world use.”


“It’s a starting point though.” Deku said, “A lot of people forget that a good bit of scientific facts today once were considered science-fiction.”


“Okay, that’s fair.” Fuyumi agreed. She then turned to Rie again, “I don’t wanna go crazy right out of the gate, so maybeee…” she thought for a moment, “Double what I am now?” she suggested while looking down at her own chest. She’d never really been dissatisfied with it, but she had wondered how she’d look if they were bigger.


Rie grinned like the Cheshire Cat, flashing a “V” sign, “Easy peasy!”


When their group reached the correct door, Fuyumi watched while Deku slipped his gold card into the lock reader slot. The door bleeped once, and she could hear the lock coming undone. In a very gentlemanly manner, Deku held the door open for all of them to enter first.


“Wow!” said Fuyumi when she walked into the suite. “And I thought the regular rooms were lavish! This is like something out of a movie.”


“Really?” asked Momo, “This is like one of the guest rooms back home, though the added kitchen is different.”


Fuyumi saw Deku and Rie repress a roll of their eyes. Fuyumi had grown up in similar levels of wealth, but her family heavily leaned on classical Japanese aesthetics for their home. So while big, it wasn’t extremely opulent. The master bedroom was about half the size of this room.


As she looked around, Fuyumi noted the blue-gray carpet and soft gray walls. The walls were decorated with tasteful, if slightly erotic, art. The bed was HUGE, all four of them could fit on it and easily be comfortable. Across from the foot of the bed was a massive 77 inch screen TV with one of those new liquid crystal displays that used yellow as well for an ultra high definition picture. Fuyumi had heard that watching something on this was like looking through a window into whatever was on display.


Deku and Momo moved to the bed instantly, with the dark haired girl giggling happily as she plopped herself onto his lap, her legs straddling his. The two of them kissed immediately, their tongues intertwining vigorously. Momo then began grinding her crotch against his lap, moaning into his mouth softly while Deku’s hands moved to grab her ass firmly.


NMMMMMH!” Momo moaned excitedly, then breaking their kiss for just a few seconds as she moved to touch what looked like a smartwatch on her left wrist. Her entire costume then began glowing a soft red that was just shy of pink before it turned into a flurry of ribbons that whipped around her before retracting into her watch. It was almost like watching a Magical Girl transformation in reverse! Only when it was done, Momo was completely naked save for the watch.


Fuyumi felt herself blushing slightly as Deku went back to kissing and fondling the girl in his lap. They broke their kiss after a few moments and as Deku began kissing and nibbling on Momo’s neck, the girl turned her almond shaped steel gray eyes at Fuyumi. Seeing her blushing, Momo smiled and let out an erotic sounding moan as Deku sucked on a spot of her neck just below her ear! Then, while still watching Fuyumi, Momo began rolling her hips suggestively against Deku.


“Wow, they’re really going at it!” Rie said and Fuyumi yelped in surprise as the other girl grabbed her tit’s from behind. “Mind if I get a better feel first? Thanks.” she then said, pulling Fuyumi’s top up and exposing her tits before grabbing them directly. Fuyumi repressed another yelp, this was gonna be part of the job. Not just wearing skimpy outfits, but showing off her goods on demand.


Besides, Deku wasn’t even looking at her as he kissed his way over to Momo’s huge tits with his eyes closed. For some reason, Fuyumi felt almost offended by that! She wasn’t vain or anything, but she did consider herself objectively beautiful. And here she was, her tits out and getting felt up by another girl, and the only guy in the room wasn’t even looking!


“Hmm, not bad.” Rie told her, “Good shape and some nice muscle underneath, you work out.” she said.


“A liiiittle… Hey, stoooop, that’s a weak spoooot…!” Fuyumi gasped and moaned as Rie began toying with her nipples, which were one of Fuyumi’s more erogenous zones. And with how Deku and Momo were carrying on, they were already stiff as rocks!


“Mmmmmmmmmh…” moaned Momo as she kissed Deku again, her right hand sliding along the length of his left arm, until she touched something at his wrist. With the same whipping flurry of ribbons, Deku was stripped completely naked in seconds.


Fuyumi’s eyes went wide again when she saw his dick simply flop out from under Momo’s curvy ass. The thing was thicker than his leg and nearly as long, and it wasn’t even fully hard yet! And his body… Fuyumi couldn’t help it as she felt her crotch actively heating up now. He had EXACTLY the physique she liked! Super toned, but not bulky like her father was. Fuyumi didn’t like the meathead look, she always felt someone like that would crush her under all those bulking muscles.


“Hoooooooh…” Fuyumi moaned in a shuddery breath as she watched Deku’s cock getting harder and bigger by the second! It rose up beneath Momo, seeming to lift her entire body without any effort. The dark haired girl began grinding herself back and forth over it, moaning again as she did.


“Yeah, we all kind of had that reaction the first time.” Rie said, leaning in close to Fuyumi, close enough that she could feel the other woman’s naked tits against her back. When she’d undressed Fuyumi didn’t know, nor did she care as she watched the couple.


“Ahhhn, Izukuuuu…” Momo moaned, “Hurry! Hurry and take me! I’ve been waiting for all the other girls to have their turn, and I’m so horny right nowww~!” she whined, “Ahhhnmmmmh, I wanna feel that giant dick inside me now!” she panted, her voice thick with real lust and desire.


“Mmmmmh, Momo…” Izuku breathed, while kissing her again passionately, hugging her naked body against his own as his dick reached full erection!


How does that even fit!?’ was the first thing she wondered, ‘And how good would it feel…?’ was her very next thought. “Ahhhhhah…” she gasped as Rie continued playing with her nipples.


“Hmmhmm, you have cute moans.” Rie said teasingly, pinching and tugging on Fuyumi’s nipples, making her moan again. She wanted to tell Rie to cut it out, that she wasn’t really into the yuri stuff. But her voice caught in her throat as she continued watching Momo and Deku as he lifted her up by her waist like she weighed nothing at all. As he lifted her, his massive dick stood straight up without her body to hold it down. Momo reached down with her hands, grabbing the tip of his cock which was now throbbing hard, the veins on the sides twitching. She then guided it to her pussy, where it made a soft SQUISH noise as he began bringing her back down.


MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH!!!” Momo moaned from deep in her throat. Fuyumi watched, unable to tear her eyes away as Deku’s cock sank in, and in, and IN to Momo’s dripping pussy. “SO WIIIIIIDE…!” she moaned loudly, and Fuyumi saw her once flat stomach moving up as Deku’s cock went inside her.


“Ahhh, it’s really going inside her…” gasped Fuyumi, her breaths turning to soft pants. Deku’s cock was stretching Momo’s stomach up in a distinctive outline of his dick as she was lowered completely. The huge lump easily reached up between her huge tits, as she leaned back. She grabbed her own breasts, squishing them around the lump as her legs went around his waist, locking them together.


“Hot, isn’t it?” Rie asked, and Fuyumi felt her stripping off her thong bottoms too, but the platinum haired girl didn’t try to stop her.


AHHNMMMMH! INSIDE!!! YOU’RE SO FAR INSIDE ME IZUKUUUU!!! AHHH, I’VE MISSED THIS FEELING SO MUUUUCH!!!” she moaned as Izuku began moving, thrusting his hips up and down and bouncing Momo on his lap.


HMMMMMH, OOOOOH, OOOH GOD! YES!!! HARDER!!! FUCK ME HARDER IZUKU, PLEASE!!! MAKE ME CUM IN FRONT OF EVERYONE!!!” Momo wailed in wild pleasure, bucking her body into his thrusts roughly.


Fuyumi then gasped again, with her own pussy tingling now as Deku stood up, and Fuyumi couldn’t tell if Momo was being held up by Deku’s hands or his dick! The platinum haired woman then moaned as Deku began thrusting into Momo again, grunting from the exertion, his huge and heavy looking balls slapping against Momo’s ass with a SLAP SLAP SLAP sound.


How would that feel inside me…?’ she thought again as she felt her knees getting weak and she fell back against Rie. The other woman easily supported her, one hand on Fuyumi’s tit, still teasing her nipple, while the other was between her legs! Fuyumi could feel Rie’s slender fingers moving around inside her, touching her in all the right places.


AHHHHHN!!!” Fuyumi moaned as Momo screamed in pleasure, her pussy gushing against Rie’s fingers.


AHHHHHHN, SO DHEEEEEP!!! YOUR DICK, STIRRING ME UP INSIDE, MY WOMB IS BEING ALL STRETCHED OOOOOOUT!!! AHH, HARDER, FUCK ME HARDER, YOU’RE GONNA MAKE ME CUUUMMMMMM!!!!” Momo howled, her head leaning back with a purely lewd expression on her face! Her gray eyes were rolled back in their sockets, mouth hanging open with her tongue flinging about limply.


AHHH, AHHHH, AHHHH, I’M GONNA CUM, I’M GONNA CUM! I’M CUMMING!!! I’M CUMMING IZUKUUUUU!!!!” Momo screamed, and for an instant Fuyumi could see her own face where Momo’s was.


AHHHHHHMMMMMH!!! SO GOOOD!!! SO FULLLL!!!” Fuyumi suddenly found herself screaming as she realized it wasn’t Momo’s face she was looking at, but her own face in the mirror!


What! When did I… When did we…!? Oh god this feels so goood!!!’ thought Fuyumi as wave after wave of what she could only describe as searing pleasure shot through her. She was on the bed with Deku, Momo, and Rie. All four of them were completely naked now. She leaned back against the bed, with her arms keeping her back off the bed just a little as Deku thrust his huge dick into her pussy!


SO WIIIIIIDE! AHHHH, I’VE NEVER HAD A DICK THIS BIG BEFOOOOORE!!! AHHHH, YES, MORE, DO IT HARDER!!!” she screamed, looking at her own distended stomach moving up and down. Deku held up her other end by her waist, his hands were both rough and soft at the same time. And also, while he was pounding his giant dick into her, somehow he was still being gentle with her.


Momo and Rie knelt to Deku’s right and left, both of them hugging their naked bodies against him. Rie was kissing and nibbling on his neck while Momo tugged on the edge of his ear with her teeth.


“You heard her Izuku,” Fuyumi heard Momo say, she then heard a soft slap as Momo grabbed his ass and said firmly, “Fuck her harder!”


“Right! Hold on tight Fuyumi!” he warned and Fuyumi saw red lines of energy all across Deku’s body, they were almost like cracks where red energy seemed to radiate out from within him. Fuyumi didn’t have time to reply before her eyes felt like they might pop out of her head as Deku began POUNDING his dick into her like a jackhammer!


OOOOoooooOOOOOooooOOOOHHH GAAAaaaaaAAAWD!!!!!” she screamed, cumming instantly, then again and again and again from the force of his movements. It as almost like an electric current was being run through her system as she bucked her body against him. “I’M CUMMMMINGH, OH FUUUUCK, I’M CUMMING SO HARD! I’VE NEVER CUM LIKE THIS BEFOOOOOREE!!! YES YES YES, MORE!!! DON’T STOP!!! PLEASE DON’T STOOOOP!!!” Fuyumi screamed, with her pussy gushing both when Deku thrusted in and pulled out. Until just moments ago, she’d never squirted when she climaxed. And now, Fuyumi wondered if she’d ever even had an orgasm before!


AHHH, AHHH HAAAAH, SO GOOOOOOD!!! CUMMING CUMMING CUMMING!!! I CAN’T STOP! MY BODY JUST KEEP WANTING TO CUM MORE!!!” Fuyumi screamed, her arms giving out as she fell back on the bed, driving Deku’s dick even deeper and making the lump in her belly stand out even more.


Rie and Momo then pulled away from Deku, the two of them each claiming one of her breasts, which she noticed were twice as big as they were before. She didn’t even remember Rie boosting them. But then again, she didn’t remember getting in bed either. The two girls sucked on her tits, making her moan again as she clawed at the bedsheets.


Above her, Deku groaned in pleasure, still slamming his cock into her again and again. She’d never felt her pussy being spread so wide before, or a man’s dick reaching this deep inside her. It was maddening, she could almost feel her sanity slipping away as she let out another howling moan as she came again.


GOOD! GOOD!! FEELS SO GOOOOOOD!!!” she screamed as her pussy clenched every time Deku’s cock buried itself inside, letting go just for a split second before clenching again as he pulled out. Hot juices continuously sprayed from her pussy as she caught her reflection in the mirror. Her face looked so erotic and lewd, like something out of a hentai game. She almost didn’t recognize herself!


“Haah, gonna cummm…” groaned Deku.


She didn’t even think about it when she screamed, “YES! CUM! DO IT INSIDE!! I WANNA FEEL YOUR BALLS BLASTING MY INSIIIIDES!!!


Deku grunted, shoving his cock all the way inside her. Everything then went white for Fuyumi as she felt a kind of liquid heat flowing into her, followed by an orgasm so intense that she couldn’t hold onto consciousness!



Grunting with exertion Izuku “Deku” Midoriya groaned at the feel of Rie’s tight pussy as it clung desperately to his dick! The huge tittied woman was down on all fours in front of him now, howling and moaning as she rocked herself back and forth on his dick! The night had started so normally. It was finally Momo’s turn for a solo date with him. He’d been ready to go to a nice dinner with her or something, spend some time alone somewhere, or something like that.


He didn’t expect her date to be a work date where they went on patrol together. She even invited Rie along to join them. “We never said it HAD to just be us alone.” Momo had told him, “I wanna do a threesome afterwards anyway.” she then said like it was completely normal. His date the other day with Setsuna went fairly well. She’d taken him to meet her parents, where they had dinner and a nice, long chat.


Setsuna’s father was a scary looking man who looked almost like a human/dinosaur hybrid with sharp teeth and claws. His job it seemed was as a tax lawyer who did audits of companies on the naughty list. Setsuna’s mother looked almost EXACTLY like her, only a few years older and with lighter green hair. Her eyes were slitted like a lizard’s and she had a long tongue that was forked at the end.


When everything was done, he spent the night with Setsuna in her bedroom where all she wanted to do was snuggle and cuddle in his arms. Apparently, she’d been so nervous the whole time that when it was over, she was mentally spent!


After they arrived at Busteez and saw Fuyumi speaking with his mother, Momo whispered into his ear, “Let’s have her join us and make it a foursome!” He could see see the look of desire and longing on Fuyumi’s face after he’d finished fucking Momo in front of her. No one even needed to suggest that she join them, as she jumped into bed with him the moment his cock was out of Momo’s pussy.


Fuyumi still lay semi-conscious on the bed a little ways away from him and Rie. After she fainted from cumming so hard, they had laid her there to recover.


OH YES IZU-KUN! MORE! AHHH, IT FEELS SO GOOD, I LOVE HOW WIDE YOUR DICK IS SPREADING MY CUNNNNT!!! AH AHH AHHH AHHHH, CUMMING!!!” Rie screamed, her tits swelling and contracting in rhythm with his thrusts, occasionally pushing her body up off the bed because they were getting so big!


“Mmmmh, Rie… Ahhh, your pussy feels great tooo…” he groaned, while looking down at her sexy ass and giving it a slap. Rie let out another moan at that and began rolling her hips now.




Next to Izuku, Momo giggled, hugging her naked body against his and pulling him into a passionate kiss. She rested one hand on Rie’s ass, squeezing it gently as their tongue’s dueled. When she broke the kiss, she moved to sit in front of Rie with her legs splayed wide. Her pussy was still gaping wide from earlier, and if not for the shadows, Izuku probably could have looked all the way inside her.


HAAAAHMMMMMM NMMMMH HMMMMMMH!!!” Rie moaned, instantly stuffing her face between Momo’s legs and licking her pussy, lapping up what remained of his cum from inside her.


“Ahhhn, yeah, lick my pussy more!” Momo moaned, running her fingers through Rie’s short black hair. “Ahhh, so good, my pussy is still so sensitive from earlier! HEEEEEH!!! GONNA CUMMMMMM!


Her words only encouraged Rie, as she moaned into Momo’s pussy as she covered the whole thing with her mouth. Momo then looked at him, her eyes still giving him that lustful look as if asking, ‘You like this?’


He only nodded to her, then leaned over Rie’s body to kiss Momo again.


“Uhhnnn, still going?” asked Fuyumi’s voice as she stirred, “Bonus points for stamina. Most guys are down for the count after just one!”


“Well, there ARE six of us.” Momo said, breaking her kiss with Izuku. “He needs that kind of stamina to keep up.”


“Okay, color me jealous of that.” Fuyumi said as she tried to sit up, but her orgasm weakened body wouldn’t let her. When she finally managed it, a flood of white sticky cum began rushing out of her pussy!


“Geez that’s a lot!” she said, “I’m glad I took that implant Midnight offered. I don’t wanna be a mom just yet.” she told them, pressing on her stomach to try and force out more of his cum.


“We have room for a seventh!” Momo said cheerfully.


EH!?” Izuku yelped, ‘Not this again!’ he thought.


Fuyumi blinked, “You’re serious, aren’t you?” she said to Momo. Izuku knew anything he tried to say would only work against him as he continued pounding his cock into Rie. She had rolled onto her back now and was hugging him tight in between her gigantic tits which had settled on a size so big only his legs were visible to anyone who might have been looking. He kissed her tightly and could hear Momo talking to Fuyumi still, though their voices were muffled.


“Well, we all plan to have children someday. Having a mom who’s also a teacher would be a big help for all of us.” said Momo. “Izuku’s a great guy, and while he might be a bit nervous about it at first, I think he’d be a great guy for you. I know the rest of the girls would welcome you too!” Momo said excitedly.


The wall of titflesh that surrounded Izuku became almost suffocating as Rie screamed in pleasure, her pussy gushing all around his cock as he came inside her at the same time! Thick, hot streams of his cum shot through his dick and into her womb as she held him painfully tight. His lungs screamed for air and he could feel his face turning blue just as the huge mounds around him suddenly vanished as Rie shrunk her tits back down to only three times the size of her own head.


“Hah, ah, hah, ahhh… I don’t mind.” Rie said, apparently having been listening to the conversation as well.


“Hmmmmmmmmm…” Fuyumi said as she got up off the bed, all the cum having drained from inside her. She held a hand to her chin as if in deep thought, and Izuku got a sinking feeling in his stomach. She stood facing away from the bed, giving him a solid view of her naked and now more shapely ass thanks to Rie. She then kissed the tips of her index and middle fingers before turning her head to look at them, flashing a “V” sign.


Momo gasped, with a happy expression on her face.


“No thanks.” Fuyumi said in a sweet, but apologetic voice. “As much as I hate to admit it, I think I’d be the jealous type with a guy I have an actual emotional collection with. I’d wanna keep him all to myself and not share.” she explained. “The offer is VERY tempting though, I won’t lie there. I’m flattered, really.”


“Awww, Mina said pretty much the same thing.” Momo said, now clearly disappointed.


“But hey, if you wanna do something like this again, I’m all for it! But I’ll want the regular rate just to keep some boundaries.” Fuyumi said, still giving a V sign.


Momo sighed, “Haah, I guess there’s still Himiko…” she said, “But that comes with some issues.”


In another part of the Busteez Hero Agency, Himiko Toga sneezed hard!



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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11 months ago

Man, I would’ve loved to see Fuyumi get paired up with Miruko. Not that I ship it myself, but it’s a really interesting ship for it to be so popular.

11 months ago
Reply to  popart

Never heard of that one myself.

11 months ago

Talvez pueda entrar Rei en lugar de Fuyumi, al harem de Izuku :3

11 months ago
Reply to  Kimchui

Depends on artwork there.

11 months ago

Rayos… me emocione cuando Fuyumi lo estaba pensando jeje…. ojala pronto una chica mayor o Milf acepte ser la siguiente chica de Izuku… buen capitulo 9/10

11 months ago
Reply to  Soldadorayan

There WILL be a Milf or two, eventually. 😉

11 months ago

Oh damn. Was nor expecting fuyumi at all

11 months ago
Reply to  Random
