Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Bimbo for Views (Special Edition)

(Note: This story is part of a series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Chapter 34): [LINK]
Beginning (Chapter 01): [LINK]
Next Story (Chapter 36): [LINK]

“This world is very strange, as are the people, but I won’t comment on that.”


Rebecca rolled her eyes at Homura’s statement, well used to her friend’s quirk of saying whatever passed through her mind, for better or worse.


Usually worse.


“Really? Considering all the planets we’ve been through, what makes Earthland so weird to you?” the nude blonde asked, nudging Homura with her hip as the raven haired swords-woman strode along in just black latex stockings. Since it was a nude beach, they didn’t stand out, but they still got plenty of attention for their curvaceous proportions.


“The way they harness magic without the use of any Ether Gear, their talking cats, how open they are about sex, and of course their prostitution business.” Homura listed, a blush forming on her stoic face at the last couple of comments.


Rebecca giggled. “That was a hell of an opening night our new friends put on, wasn’t it? Hard to believe it’s been week since then; I hear they’re still doing very well, and we’re finally all moved into Fairy Hills! Very kind of them to give us a place to stay as we wait for the Edens Zero.”


Homura nodded, a tiny smile on her face, which quickly faded. “We are still trying to repair our ship though. The materials needed are expensive.”


“Yeah, they are,” Rebecca sighed in agreement, before giving Homura a sidelong look. “And on that subject: how would you like to help me earn some money?”


Homura nodded without hesitation. “Of course; anything to help the crew.”


That actually made Rebecca feel a little guilty, but she consoled herself: the money really was going to the crew and repairs, so it wasn’t as if she was lying. Not to mention that Homura could still refuse her plan, which was, admittedly, a little out there.


“After seeing how much success our Fairy Tail friends are having, I thought: why not jump on the bandwagon? We could make a sex video!”


“…” Homura stared at her for a long moment, long enough to make Rebecca nervous, before the swordswoman finally said, “But we’re both women. How could we have sex?”


Relaxing, Rebecca smirked. “Don’t worry, I have it all planned out! Does that mean you’re in?”


“…yes. What should I do?” Homura asked, her blush darkening.


“Just get down on your hands and knees and leave the rest to me!”


Slowly, Homura did as ordered, a trace of nerves on her usual emotionless face. Craning her neck, she was able to watch as Rebecca put on a massive strap-on. The swordwoman’s eyes widened slightly. “Can that really fit inside of me?”


The snicker Rebecca let out didn’t reassure her. “Lucy had no problems fitting inside me sooooo… We’ll find out!” The dirty blonde woman then activated her B-Cube device.


“Aaaaand recording! Hello, everyone! My name is Rebecca Bluegarden, and my friend here is Homura Kogetsu, but I know you don’t care about that stuff!”


The sudden spank on her butt made Homura squeak uncharacteristically, her face turning bright red. “Rebecca! What are yoOOOOOOHHHHH!” she squealed when her blonde friend pushed the huge strap-on into her pussy! It fit all right, filling her right up, and she couldn’t believe how good it felt!


Hearing Homura’s loud moan, Rebecca grinned wider. “You like that, Homura?~”


“Yes,” she blurted out without thinking about it, making her even more embarrassed, though no less turned on.


“Then you’ll really love this!”


Homura blinked as the strap-on pulled back…before Rebecca slammed it back in, making the purplette gasp! Then Homura was moaning as Rebecca fucked her repeatedly, with fast, hard thrusts; each one made her pussy wetter and hotter, until it was dripping down onto the sand.


“Just look at the huge ass jiggle and wobble! It’s a like gelatin!” Rebecca proclaimed, grabbing hold of Homura’s butt cheeks with both hands and squeezing. “Do you like me playing with your butt?” She spanked Homura again before she could answer…. SMACK!


AHHHH!” Homura did her best to hold her tongue; the truth was too embarrassing! “…yes…”


“Hmm?” SMACK!




Rebecca stared with giant cat eyes, then blinked rapidly, barely able to keep from gaping in shock. ‘Holy crap! I guess it’s true what they say about the quiet ones… I never would have guessed…


Her biggest smirk yet spread across her pretty face. ‘We’re going to get TONS OF VIEWS and make so much money off ad revenue! This will also get me a lot of new subscribers to my channel! And means EVEN MORE money!‘ The dirty blonde let out a mental cheer.


“Then I’ll make sure to keep fucking you hard, you dirty slut!” Rebecca launched into a frenzy of hip thrusts and spanks, making Homura first moan, then shout, and finally shriek with pleasure as she orgasmed. “And if you loved that…”


Homura let out a sound that was both whimper and moan as the strap-on was pulled out of her pussy, equal parts relieved and disappointed that it was over.


Her eyes almost bugged out of her head when it was pushed into her ass! “AAAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!”


Almost jumping out of her skin at Homura’s hair raising scream, Rebecca paused, only to jump again when Homura practically roared, “WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, YOU BLONDE BIMBO!? POUND MY SLUTTY ASS RIGHT NOW!


BIMBO?! Ooooh, I’ll show her who the bimbo is!‘ Rebecca fumed, taking a hard grip on Homura’s hips. Her next thrust slammed her hips against Homura’s round ass, eliciting a yell of satisfaction from her surprisingly hot-blooded friend.




…I really hope I have enough stamina to keep up with her; didn’t think about that. Oh well; Right now, time to make a movie no one will ever forget!

(Story by User: S22132)

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7 months ago

I do love your EZ art works and fanfic chapters, and I definitely hope to see more!