Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Big Boobs for Deku-Bae

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of My Hero Academia stories)
Previous Story (Part VIII): [LINK]
Beginning (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part X): [LINK]

“Heeeeey, you’re like, that Deku-bae, right?” asked a cheery, bubbly voice from behind Izuku Midoriya as he sat at one of the tables inside the ballroom of the Busteez Hero Agency building.


“Bae…?” Izuku echoed as he turned around in his seat, his green eyes going wide at the mountain of tit flesh that completely filled his vision!


“Yeah, bae, you know, boyfriend, girlfriend, someone cute that you like, you know? Honestly, people so need to get a modern vocab. I feel’s like I’m speaking a diff lang sometimes.” the tits said before Izuku tilted his head up to see a young woman with shoulder long hair the color of rich caramel. Izuku took a few moments to recognize her as he hadn’t really seen her in more than a year. She was from Shiketsu High, even wore their signature hat, though she’d have to have graduated by now. If he remembered correctly, she was in her second year when he first met her at the Provisional License Exams. Well, it hadn’t really been her as it turned out, but Himiko Toga in disguise, so technically, they’d never really met.


Camie Utsushimi


“Oh uh, I’m sorry, I’d never really heard that term before,” Izuku replied with a lopsided smile, he then blinked, “Hang on, BOYFRIEND!?


“Well yeah, you’re a friend, AND you’re a boy, so it totes applies.” said Camie with a smile as she moved around him and went to sit on the other side of the table. Her gigantic tits could only have been something Rie had done for her, and Izuku couldn’t help it as his eyes followed their jiggling, bouncing motions as she walked. It was only after she sat down across from him that he noticed she was wearing, or rather, not wearing, anything that could be counted as clothes. She had on what looked like a bikini, but it left EVERYTHING completely exposed! The top had holes in the part meant to cover her enormous nipples, allowing the fist sized pink nubs to be clearly seen. And while he hadn’t had long to look, the bottom had not only a hole in the front, exposing the folds of her pussy, but the crotch of the thong also dug into those folds.


When she sat down, Camie moved her hands up and hefted her own gigantic tits, her palms sinking deep into the ultra soft flesh as she lifted them up and set them on the table. Izuku gulped audibly, unable to look away as Camie let out a relieved sigh. She then moved to rest her arms on top of them as she leaned forward.


“Ahh, that’s sooo better! These are great, but oh man are they a strain on my back, for realsies!” she said before resting her head on top of her arms and smiling at him with her plump lips. “So, what’s gotcha all down in the dumpster? I mean like, here you are, surrounded by pretty girls and a license to play with us all you want. You even got’s a big tittied babe right in front of you and all you can do is look?”


“S, s, s, sorry!” Izuku said, “I didn’t mean to!” he said, closing his eyes tight and turning his head upwards.


“Wooooow, you really are stressed out. Like honestly, I for reals don’t mind, I WANT you to look!” Camie said to him. Izuku tentatively opened one eye to see her smiling sweetly at him, then opened the other. “There, now, aren’t these a total dish for your eyes!?” she asked excitedly, lifting her head up and moving her hands to press her tits together.


“Rie-bae is such a sweetie to do this for everyone.” said Camie, “Like, I always was told they were big, but I never really thought so.”


“Re… Really?” Izuku asked.


“Totes! But I’ve seen better, but now, thanks to Rie-bae, I SOO got some titties to DIE for, for reals.” she said with a giggle, bouncing her breasts again. She then fixed him with a glare, “Hey, don’t change the subject! Now gimme the deets on why you’re looking so down!”


I’m not the one who changed the subject,’ Izuku thought lamely, “I just, I learned something the other day, and I’m not sure what to do with that information.” he confessed, remembering how Kyoka had told him that Momo was in love with him, but she was too afraid to confess. Something the dark haired musician could understand, since she felt the same way about Momo, but was equally afraid to tell her! He then looked back at Camie as she rested her arms over her tits again, her limbs sinking deep into the squishy mounds. Her chin resting on top of her arms as she looked at him with her wide eyes.


“Can I ask you something?” he asked her.


“Totes.” she replied.


“If you liked a guy, but were too afraid to tell him, how would you feel if someone had accidentally told him for you?” Izuku asked her.


Camie blinked her dark eyes a couple times, pursing her lips in contemplation, “Hmmmm, that’s a toughie,” she said, “See, if I like a guy, I just tell him, if he’s not into me, then that’s his loss. But then Momo-bae is kinda old fashioned, so I can see why she got nervous.”


“Huh, how did you…?” Izuku said.


“Hmm, oh, Momo-bae has been all Nervous Nelly Welly since this place opened. And Itsy-bae told me that’s what she was up to a little while back.” said Camie. “Word is, she took you up to the VIP room hoping a good romp would get you falling for her ‘n stuff.”


Izuku nodded, Kyoka had told him the same, “I felt like I was taking advantage of her then.” he said solemnly.


Camie let out a snorting laugh, “Oh wow, you’re just as old fashioned as she is!” she said, still snickering. “Honestly, I thought boys thought about getting freaky like, every six seconds or some junk. Any modern girl who isn’t a total cold fish does the same. I mean I’d do it on the first date for realsies if I liked the guy. That’s why I was sooooo bummed that my school wouldn’t let us date. There were like soooo many dicks I wanted to suck at least once!”


“Oh, really…?” Izuku said, laughing nervously.


“For sure! It’s why I signed on with Midnight-bae when she first told us about this place. Oh man, I’ve had my world rocked soooo many times since we opened up.” Camie said with a happy sigh.


“Wait, so, you didn’t feel… I mean, you weren’t…” Izuku stammered, stumbling over his words.


“Like DUH!! No girl is here if she doesn’t WANT to be Deku-bae! I mean, it’s like in everyone’s contract. ‘No Heroine shall be asked, pressured, or convinced to perform any service to which she does not wish to perform.’ It’s like the first line in the job description.” Camie told him, “Wait, did you think we’re doing this because we HAVE to?”


Izuku nodded and Camie shook her head. “Wowzers, you sure you don’t wanna be a priest or monk or something?” she asked.


Izuku chuckled, “No, I’m exactly where I want to be.”


She smiled, “Well, that’s a step in the right direction!” she told him as she sat up and began rubbing her hands all over her breasts, “Wanna feel, you can even suck on them if you want, that’d soooo turn me on and get me all gooey wooey.”


“Huh, what!? No! I mean I’m in the career I wanna be in!” Izuku said, waving his arms in front of him.


“Aww, poo…” said Camie with a pout, “Mina-bae said you were all big ‘n stuff, and I was sooo hoping to get a cuntful of that.” she told him candidly, “But anywhosies, back to what you asked before. If someone told a guy I liked that I liked him before I said so, well, I guess I’d be fine with it. I mean it’s a bit of a time saver. What about you, do YOU like Momo-bae?”


Izuku had to think about that for a moment, he liked Momo of course, as a friend, he’d never really considered anything past that. She was beautiful, kind, brave, and gentle, he’d known her for a while now, and…


He was broken out of his thoughts when Camie flicked his forehead gently, “I’ll take that as an ‘I’m not sure.’ for now.” she said with a smile.


“I don’t even know what I’d say to her.” said Izuku.


“Seriously?” Camie asked, “It’s like, sooo simple, just ask her out!” she told him.


“Really?” asked Izuku, “That’s it?”


“For sure! Just go out, do the whole dinner and a movie thang, maybe check into a Love Hotel after, get busy, and see how it goes from there.” explained Camie.


Izuku blinked his eyes and turned his head down in thought. Could it really be that simple? He honestly didn’t think it was, but he really didn’t know anything about girls. Until Uraraka, he’d never really talked to them with the exception of his teachers and mother. Since then, he’d made friends with several girls. Ashido, Jiro, Hagakure, Uraraka, Momo, and Asui, all of them he counted among his friends.


“Hey, if you’re gonna stare like that, you can at least play with ‘em too, ya know?” Camie said, snapping Izuku back to the present. He then realized he’d been staring at Camie’s massive breasts as they rested on the table the entire time.


“Woah, sorry!” he said with a bow of his head.


She only smiled and leaned forward, pushing her tits towards him, “Like, for what? I don’t mind, you think I’d wear something this showy if I didn’t WANT you to look?” she asked with a smile. She then stood up, her massive tits bouncing and jiggling so prominently, Izuku couldn’t HELP but look. She then held out her hand to him, “Come on, I’ll help you out.”



“Ah, uh, Utsushimi-san…” Izuku said nervously.


“Oh pahlease, Camie, you know, I never really got that whole family name thing we do here. I sooo like what the American’s do with just calling you by your first name.” said Camie as she pushed him into the room. They were on the second floor of the building, Camie had brought him up to ‘help’ with how nervous he got around girls.


“Girls like it when a guy takes charge sometimes.” she had told him.


The room she brought him to was a plain hotel room, a simple bed, dresser, table, and a chair. The walls were bare but for a TV mounted a few feet from the bed. The TV was one of the kind that displayed a still image in idle mode. It was currently displaying what Izuku guessed was a farm, he couldn’t tell what was being grown, but he saw a small barn in the background.


“Wow, this is boring, just a sec!” said Camie as she made like she was blowing a kiss into the room. When she breathed out, a cloud not unlike a rainbow blew out from her plump lips. The glowing cloud spread over the entire room like a shroud, filling the area with multi-colored lights. The effect was pretty to look at as Izuku looked all around the room. As the lights began to dim, the entire room had changed. They remained in the actual room, Izuku knew that, but it looked as though they were standing outside in a field. Camie had used the painting displayed on the monitor as a base for the setting. He even saw the small barn a ways behind her as she turned around and struck a pose, flashing a V with one hand.


“Why the illusion?” Izuku asked.


“Something Itsy-bae told me.” Camie said, “How guy’s get more nervous out in the open like this. So’s I figured the same could apply here. Like, what better way to help than you getting freakay out here in the open?” she told him as she stipped off the top of her bikini, exposing her breasts fully. Her bikini bottoms quickly followed as she moved over to a pile of hay that was where the bed had once been. She then beckoned him closer with a smile.


Gulping, Izuku walked over to her, again trying not to look at her breasts too much. “Tsk, tsk, tsk, Deku-bae, it’s OKAY to look. I mean seriously, it kinda hurts that you don’t look, ya know? There IS such a thing as being too much of a gentleman.” she explained to him. She then thrust her breasts out to him, “Go on, grab a feelsky!”


Izuku moved over to her, reaching out to lay his right hand on her left tit, it was soft, and smooth, and very warm. He flexed his fingers, digging them into the soft flesh gently. It felt like a big warm marshmallow as he moved his hand over the heavy orb.


Camie gave him a sympathetic look, “Deku-bae, it’s A-OKAY, you can git all up in there!” she told him, grabbing his other hand and moving it to her tit as well, “I’m so not gonna break, and I so want you to enjoy yourself! Don’t be so bashful, squeeeeeze them, man handle them, give ‘em the business! Try to shuffle them around, I mean REALLY get in there! No wrong answers, Deku-bae!”


“Oh, uh, alright…” Izuku said, still finding it hard to believe this was happening AGAIN as he squeezed Camie’s giant soft tits. He really did enjoy the feel of them as he moved his hands around them slowly. Camie let out a soft cooing moan at his touch, leaning back on the hay bale slightly. Izuku heard the springs in the bed creaking softly, reminding him that this entire outdoor scene was just an illusion from her Quirk. No one was going to be walking up on them, they were completely alone. He remembered his encounter with Rie out on patrol and began moving his hands towards her nipples. The stiff nubs were nearly as big as his fists, and the areola around them was firm and bumpy as he ran his fingers around them.


“Mmmmmmh, yeeeah, that feels good…” Camie moaned softly, “Mmmh, squeeze a little harder…” she told him. Izuku did so and was rewarded with another erotic moan from the blonde haired girl. He felt a now familiar discomfort in his pants as his cock began straining against them. Camie’s eyebrows rose as she blinked.


“Oh wow, super nice!” she said, moving her hands under her tits and moving with a skilled ease as she undid his belt and opened his pants. She quickly pushed them down and unleashed his cock. She let out a happy gasp as it rose to full size in the space of three heartbeats, landing neatly between her giant jugs.


“Heheh, if you wanted a boob job, all you had to do was ask!” she told him.


“Wait, I didn’t…” he stopped when Camie leaned her head around his cock to glare at him. She then smiled and pressed her tits around the shaft of his cock. Izuku couldn’t help but groan at the feel of her soft tits pressing around his cock. They felt so warm and smooth as she began rubbing them up and down slowly.


“Mmmmmmmh, such a strong and naughty smell…” she purred, and Izuku felt embarrassed that he hadn’t taken a bath before coming here. He then let out a soft groan as he felt Camie’s wet tongue brushing along the underside of his dick, “Mmmmmh, this taste… I love this taste…” she moaned as she pressed her tits around his cock again.


“So, the size doesn’t frighten you?” Izuku asked after a moment.


Camie leaned her head around his cock to look at him again, “Deku-bae, is THAT what’s got you all in a tizzy with girls?” she asked. Truth be told it wasn’t everything, but he nodded anyway.


Camie giggled and kissed the side of his dick, keeping her eyes locked on him the entire time. “Do I LOOK scared?” she asked after a moment. “Surprised? Totes, but scared, NAH! Just thinking about how this’ll feel inside is totally flipping my horny switch. Not that having you stare at my titties didn’t do that already, but this…” she kissed and licked his cock slowly, “This had got me all wet ‘n juicy! Any girl frightened by this is a totes prude who hasn’t cashed in her V card yet.”


Camie then moved to climb on top of the disguised bed, sitting on her knees and moving to rub her tits up and down closer to the tip of his cock. The sensation made Izuku close his eyes at how good it felt. “Mmmmmhmmm, yeah, I like that expression on you way better!” said Camie. I wonder what kind of face you’ll make when I do, THIS!? HAAAAHMMMMMMMMPH!!!” she said before opening her mouth wide and swallowing his cock like it was nothing! Her neck bulged visibly from the sheer girth of his cock as it moved through her throat! The feel of it in her mouth was incredible, it was different from the girls before, looser, but not in a bad way, and he couldn’t even FEEL her teeth.


MMMMMMMMMMPH, GAWDS, ID PHEELSH WIKE, SHOOOOO GUUUD, AHHHHNNN, MUH MOUPH PUSSHY ISH SHO PHULL!!! SHO BERY PHUULLL… MMMMMMPH, AYE’M SHO GUMMING, AYE’M GUMMING JUSHT PHROM SHUCKING DISH BHIG DHIIICK!!!” Camie moaned, her words even harder to follow now as Izuku watched her take more than half his length into her mouth. She moaned again, deep in her throat, making her neck vibrate around his cock. Izuku groaned again at the feeling, his hands moving towards her head, but he pulled them away at the last second.


Only for Camie to grab his wrists and place them on either side of her head, knocking off her hat. Her hair was unbelievably soft and smooth, it felt almost like silk. “BHAD BHAE…” she slurred, “DHON’T HOLD BHACK, MMMMMPH, PHUCK MUH MOUPH PUSSHY! USHE MEH TA GUUUM…!” she moaned at him.


Groaning, Izuku nodded and gently gripped her head. Slowly, he pushed her face away from his cock, then pulled her back down. Camie moaned again and Izuku groaned with her at the feeling. He repeated the move and was rewarded with a gurgling, gagging moan from Camie. At first he worried he was choking her, but when he looked down at her face, her expression was one of pure pleasure as she held up both hands in a “Double V” gesture.




Izuku nodded and groaned again, pumping her face up and down on his dick. She gagged and choked, but kept moaning for him to continue. Soon, Izuku was swinging his hips, watching as ropes of her drool flung away from her pouty, puffy lips every time he pulled back.


GAH, GUH, GUG, GWEH, GUUPH, GWEG, GUH, GUG, GUG, GUG, GUMMMMING, AYE’M SHO GUMMING SHO HAWDDDD, MUH MOUPH PUSSHY PHEELSH SHO GUUD, SHO GUUD, GUUUUUUUD… GUG, GUH, GUG, GUH…” moaned Camie as her lips made erotic, lewd slurping noises now as her eyes were almost pure white as they rolled back in her head.




“Uhhnn.. Ca… Camie…” Izuku groaned as he pushed his cock all the way into her mouth. Camie let out another strangled moan as he came in her stomach hard!




Groaning, Izuku held his cock in her mouth for a long moment before finally pulling back. Camie let out a long gagging noise and for the first time he felt her teeth lightly graze the head of his dick as it pulled free.


BLEEERGH…!” Camie gagged as his cock pulled free. He was worried for a moment, but when it was done, the blonde girl sat up on her knees and beamed at him, “That was awesome sauce!!!” she said, “Let’s keep going, I so wanna feel how much this beaut will spread my cunny!” she said, hugging his cock between her tits again and kissing the side.


“Are you okay?” he asked, unable to help it.


She flashed him a V, “I’m totes fine, don’t worry about that, that’s just reflex. I’m good, but no one’s THAT good not to gag a bit from something like this.” she told him, nuzzling her face against his cock like a cat, “Ahhhhn you came like, gallons, and it’s still this hard! I just might hafta steal you away from Momo-bae!” she said, then giggled when she looked up at his face.


“JK Deku-bae, JK!” she told him, she then blinked when she saw the confusion on his face, “Just kidding,” she translated, “Seriously though, I sooooo want to feel this in my womb!” she said, licking the side of his cock slowly. He nodded and she cheered as she spun around, presenting her ass to him like some kind of prize. “And gimme a spank!” she told him, “Doesn’t hafta be hard, just to make a loud slappy noise. It’s a way of showing you like what you see! Though some girls like being told how naughty they are.” she explained.


Izuku nodded again, bringing his left hand down on her ass, watching as it jiggled lightly, “Mmmmh, harder!” she cooed. Izuku spanked her again, and Camie moaned, “Yeeeeah, now call me a dirty little slut!”


“You, dirty, little, slut…” Izuku said.


“Awww, don’t spoil the mood bae! You gots ta sayz it likes ya mean it!” she told him, turning her head to pout at him lightly.


“You dirty little slut…” Izuku repeated, less nervous this time.


“Better, now, rub your cock against my ass and say it, gimme a spank, say it like you wanna hurt my feelings!” she told him, “I like, know you don’t mean it, that’s what makes it fun!”


Moving to place his cock between the cheeks of her ass, Izuku spanked both the cheeks together. He enjoyed the way she moaned and began grinding herself back and forth against his cock. He then pulled his cock back, moving it between her thighs to rub against her pussy.


“Hmmmmmmmmmmmmh, soooo big, I want it so baaaad…” Camie moaned as she began grinding her hot pussy against his cock. Izuku could feel her juices running over the sides of his dick as he moved with her. Izuku pulled his cock back again, pressing the wide tip against the entrance to her pussy. Slowly, Izuku pushed his cock inside, feeling the wet, soft, and very warm tightness wrapping around his dick.


MMMMMMMMMMH, YEAH, STUFF THAT BIG FAT DICK IN MEEE…!” Camie moaned, rocking her entire body back against him. Izuku watched as his cock sank deeper and deeper into her, groaning softly at the sensation moving down his length. She then stopped and rocked her body forward again, and Izuku looked at the way her pussy clung to his dick needily. The pink lips stretched slightly as they held onto the shaft.


“Ohh, ahh…” Izuku groaned, closing his eyes at the feeling as he bucked his hips slightly, shoving his dick back inside.


YEEEEEAH!!!” Camie moaned, “HARDER, DEEPER, MOVE THAT BIG HARD COCK INSIDE ME…!” she screamed as she rolled her hips, her ass jiggling back and forth. “AHHH, I… I SO LOVE THIIISSSS, SO BIG AND THIICK, AHNN, MY PUSSY, MY PUSSY FEELS SO FULL!!!


“Ye… Yeah… it’s so tight… I can feel you squeezing me…” Izuku groaned.


MMMMMH, YEAH? YOU LIKE THAT!?” asked Camie as he felt her already tight pussy getting even tighter around him as she clenched her inner muscles around his cock. “LIKE MY, TIGHT, LITTLE, SLUTTY, CUNT?!” she asked, rocking her body with every word.


“Ye… Yes…” Izuku said, “Yes, it feels so good, Camie… D… Don’t stop…” he said, moving his hands to grab her hips as he slowly began moving his hips more.




“Haaaaah…!” Izuku groaned, moving his hips more, sliding his cock even deeper into her. Camie’s stomach stretched forward with his length, forming a perfect outline of his cock.


HEEEEEEEEK…!” Camie moaned, “SOOOOOO DEEP!!!


The green haired youth pulled back again, watching as the distention in her belly moved with him, then slammed his length inside again! Camie rewarded the action with another erotic moan as she whipped her hips with him, stirring his length inside her.


“Ahhhh, tight, so tight, ahhh…” Izuku groaned again, moving his hips faster now, his balls smacking against her thighs with a wet SMACK SMACK SMACK noise.




“Hurr, hurr, hurr, ahhh, this feels so good… Camie…” Izuku grunted as he began moving his cock in and out faster.




“Haaaaah, yeah… Ahhh, so, goood…!” Izuku groaned, “You… You like that, you dirty, little, sluuut…!?” Izuku said between clenched teeth.


AHHHAAA, YES, YESS, I LOVE IT, I TOTALLY LOVE BEING STUFFED SO FUUULL… DO IT!!! DESTROY MY PUSSY, LIKE POUND IT INTO A MUDDLED MUSHY MESS!!! AAAAHHHHHAAA!!!!” Camie screamed as Izuku brought his hand down on her ass in a hard spank. Her butt jiggled and wobbled like a pudding mold as she howled and moaned in ecstasy. “I’M CUMMING, YOU’RE MAKING ME CUM DEKU-BAAAAE!!!!” she screamed, “PL… PLEEEASE, CUM WITH ME, CUM IN MEEEE, PUMP MY PUSSY FUUULLLLL…!!!” she begged.


Panting and grunting, Izuku continued slamming his dick in and out of her, groaning as he slammed his entire length inside her as he came! The wet ‘BLORP BLORP BLORP’ of his cum pumping into her was audible even over her panting screams!




“Camie… Ahhh, Camieeee…!” Izuku groaned as he thrusted his cock one final time before falling over on top of her, feeling completely spent.


The two of them stayed like that for a long while. Camie rested atop her distended belly and enlarged tits. When they finally had the strength to move again, Izuku got up first, his half erect cock sliding out of her with a wet noise. Huge amounts of cum then poured back out of Camie’s pussy, making her moan again.


“Mmmmmmmh, yeah, feeling your cum wash out of me is making me cum all over againnnn…” she whimpered as she shivered in pleasure. Izuku then fell back onto the floor of the room as the illusion faded away around them. He then blinked in surprise as Camie suddenly stood up, perfectly fine.


“Haaaah, now THAT was fun!” she said, “Just do that and you’ll be fine Deku-bae!” she told him as she got up and redressed before leaving the room. Izuku just sat there on the floor, looking up at the ceiling. Unfortunately, sex wasn’t exactly the problem, it was just TALKING to Momo that he didn’t feel confidant about!



Story by Sailor Io

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3 years ago

Love when you include the massive cumshots in your stories. Keep it up! 👍

3 years ago

Sorry but on Saturday you will do something different or even My hero academia

3 years ago

I can suggest a chapter starring inko in which midnight proposes her to participate in a glory-hole section where they won’t know her identity and the clients are anonymous and then a particular penis would enter that she enjoyed the most and that had something familiar but she doesn’t know describe. I guess you already know who it is (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

We already did that, but I have plans to do THAT pairing, and while set in this series, it will be exclusive to my patreon. As will a couple other chapters featuring it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

when did they do it?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

It’s a chapter without time definition, I need to tweak it for the new series

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

How many exclusive chapters are there on Patreon?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

A couple, there’s more on my discord server, you get an invite to that when you join

3 years ago

Well this would be a very bizarre question, but it’s something that makes me curious so yeah
Is there a canonical or just a reason why all the girls in the story don’t get pregnant?
I know it sounds strange, and well it’s a porn story, but with the amount of cum and the times they haven’t used protection, It’s just something that I would like to know.
Anyway, thank you for the chapter :3

Last edited 3 years ago by Selar
3 years ago
Reply to  Selar

Yeah, birth control. They were all on it in the previous series. I just haven’t had a chance to properly bring it up yet. But all the girls are on a kind of implant that needs to be changed every couple of months. But it’s 100% effective. I do have an option that a few get pregnant later on, and this would introduce a few OC’s for a possible subseries. They all get kidnapped briefly as infants and are aged up to teens. But I have no idea if Enzo would go for it. There’d be no pics of them from him obviously. And they’d only be mentioned or seen every now and again in the main series.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Seria interesante ver a los hijos de Izuku… y quien serian las madres…. nmo digo que hagas una serie sobre ellos… pero seria algo genial ver eso al final o ya avanzada la serie :3

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Hope that you will include pregnancy in your story

Btw are you still writing on your bleach stories?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anna

Not currently, I might again later

3 years ago

10/10 I have always liked these kinds of images. Where a girl is standing there in this specific angle with her tits all stupidly big. I have always wondered if they’re could ever be a male version of this, where a guy is standing there with his dick just casting an unbelievable shadow and a female terrified out of her mind believing that she will get a fucking of a lifetime.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

There is kinda, it’s one of those pics with the girl looking up with a huge cock shadow over her face.

Michael H McFadden
Michael H McFadden
3 years ago

Ooh nice a story with Camie and Izuku, this is great. Cant wait to see some more of these to in the future!

3 years ago

I can promise at least ONE more in the near future, beyond that, up to the prople on his patreon.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

Very happy to see more of Camie. Probably the one girl that deserves more attention. Her interaction with Midoriya was quite refreshing and I’m just happy that she didn’t just gush about how perfect he is. The way she gave him advice on how to deal with girls and that he isn’t “using” them was much needed, although a bit redundant, given that Itsuka already did the exact same thing not even five chapters ago. The sex was quite alright but elevated greatly simply by Camie’s presence. She feels much more experienced compared to the other girls and gets a huge plus from me, simply by having her world view not revolve around Midoriya. I think we need more girls like her.

So yeah, nice chapter. Bit of a shame that a MHA artwork without Midoriya/his dick in it still has him as the sole focus, given that he appears on more than enough other artworks I think.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

Actually, the double advice was planned. You’ll see in a future chapter. I can promise you though that Deku is only briefly mentioned in the next chapter. No spoilers beyond that!

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Small spoiler: I’m actually reading it right now.

3 years ago

Step in the right direction for Izuku to finally stop worrying about taking “advantage” of the girls. Hopefully he takes the advice for reals this time It sorta irks me to still see him act this much of a prude despite all the pussy the man’s getting. But I guess it does make sense with how his personality is overanalyzing everything and such. But still, the moment he starts being more assertive is honestly when I can start enjoying his character a bit more imo

3 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Yeah, Izuku has very low self-esteem when it comes to the ladies right now. Soon, he’s gonna get better advice on how to deal with them.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

So far he’s only been getting advice from the girls but maybe a guy his age would do him some good. Or at least from someone already popular with the ladies. Just a thought I had..

3 years ago

When will you post a chapter with Midnight with izuku

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

I have no clue.

3 years ago

Wow! I wasn’t really expecting the new MHA chapter this soon. Nor was I expecting a Camie focused chapter either.

So I hope you don’t mind if I just cut to the chase this time. 😆

Now then, that being said, this was a good chapter. Nice to see Camie, as ditzy as her ass usually tends to be, get some good time in the spotlight and with Izuku, whose reputation is really beginning to take off, to top it off.

Not only that, aside from the sex, she really gave him some unexpected and very much needed advice! Even if he couldn’t make it all out right away. LOL Still, let’s just hope this will help him be even more comfortable and assertive with the girls.

All this to say, I personally like the overall chapter. Nice job here.

Looking forward to seeing the next part. 😀

3 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Yeah, I wanted to show Camie as WAAAY smarter than she looks and talks. She comes off as a total airhead, but she’s actually very smart, PHD smart. Was thinking of making a joke later about how she’s actually GOT a PHD, she just doesn’t practice in the field she has it in.

Smiling Fiend
3 years ago

I love the dynamic between party girl x shy boy couples and I adore how you write Camie, reminds of how Rangiku was in the Bleach stories you wrote.That one with the pic where she is literally hugging Izuku’s dick is still one of my favorites pics and stories and this one is also pretty high up on that list !
That whole segment with her deepthroating him made me really wish for one of those “3-panel blowjob” Enzo makes but as a series with different girls trying to suck Deku all the way to the base. It’d be cool to see different results like some girl getting too confident but not being able to deepthroat the whole thing, and maybe falling in love with it or girls who really like him and where part of his harem in the previous stories like Uraraka, Tsuyu and Momo doing it effortlesly while also worshipping it and really enjoying themselves.I don’t think it’ll be done but I just thought that’d be amazing, and sorry for rambling about it too much… But long story short, this is a high tier story !

3 years ago
Reply to  Smiling Fiend

Thanks, I’m glad it’s being recieved so well. Those three panel comix are hard to write to, especially when the background changes from panel to panel. I’m thinking of these stories as light novel chapters, with the picture being a freeze frame at one moment in the story. To do a three panel one with different backgrounds makes that very tricky.

3 years ago

Still hot as ever but can’t wait for wait for Tsuyu or Toru turn with Izuku

3 years ago
Reply to  N0bod4

Soon as I get such an image, promise!

3 years ago

I like your series because this is the only harem series in this site

Have nothing against adding other male characters but hope that it will stay this way

3 years ago
Reply to  Yusuf

I’ll do what I can!

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

Glad to hear

Your harem story is fun to read

Hope that more girls will join deku’s harem

3 years ago

Habra capitulo igual el sábado?

3 years ago
Reply to  Evildark


3 years ago

tan rapido es sábado?

3 years ago
Reply to  AL-720

I think this was because Camie won a poll on patreon

3 years ago
Reply to  Sailor_Io

A pos si yo vote por ella jejeje