Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

Being the Help Needed

(Note: This story is part of an ongoing series of Fairy Tail stories)
Previous Story (Part I): [LINK]
Next Story (Part III): [LINK]

-AND NOT ONLY IS THE ENTIRE GUILD BANNED FROM THE WATER PARK,” Makarov continued to bellow, his Giant magic letting him tower over Natsu and Gajeel, “BUT WE ALSO HAVE A HUGE REPAIR BILL TO PAY! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU TWO THINKING?!


A crowd of Fairy Tail members surrounded Gajeel and Natsu, glaring angrily at them. The only exceptions were Lucy and Levy, who had comic tears of shame rolling down their cheeks, and surprisingly Erza, who was simply watching quietly. After all, she didn’t mind what had happened at all; it had been one of the best orgasms of her life…


Natsu and Gajeel looked up at Markarov, then at their fellow guild members, and then at each other. Simultaneously, they pointed at each other. “IT’S HIS FAULT!” they proclaimed in unison.


“What?! You were the one who wrecked the slide!”


“Bullshit! You did a lot more damage than I did!”


“Aha! So you admit that I’m stronger than you?”


“Like hell! Not only am I stronger, but I’m a better lover as well!”


HA! You wish; I can fuck-”




A pair of dainty but powerful fists slammed into the two Dragon Slayer’s heads, sending them to the ground. Lucy and Levy stood over their respective boyfriends, their faces bright red with mingled embarrassment and rage.


SHUT UP, YOU IDIOTS!” Levy shrieked, looking ready to strangle Gajeel with her bare hands. “THIS WASN’T A COMPETITION EXCEPT IN YOUR STUPID HEADS!


DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW CHILDISH AND EMBARRASSING YOU’RE BEHAVING?!” Lucy shouted, bending over so her mouth was right next to Natsu’s ear, making the Dragon Slayer cringe.


“But Shrimp-”/ ”But Lucy-”


“Don’t you ‘but’ us,” Levy hissed, Lucy nodding her grim agreement. “We’re just getting started with you…”


“Not to mention us,” Cana growled, smacking her fist into her palm as she glowered at them both. “Seriously, I was dead drunk for most of that day and I didn’t do nearly as much damage as you two idiots!”


“Leaving aside Cana’s poor life choices,” Laxus ignored Cana’s indignation in favor of glaring at his fellow Dragon Slayers, sparks dancing across his body, “Fairy Tail’s reputation has once again received a black eye because of your reckless actions.”


“Totally not manly!” Elfman agreed, folding his arms across his chest and regarding Natsu and Gajeel with disappointment.


The pair looked around for an escape, but they were surrounded by their guildmates, all of whom had something to say to them…





“Did you have to yell at me for so long and so loudly, Lucy?” Natsu grumbled, digging a finger in his ear as he trailed behind the still irate blonde. “My entire head is still ringing…”


“Good,” Lucy told him bluntly, before sighing. “Honestly, Natsu, this is not good; the entire guild is going to have to pay back the water park, and since everyone knows that we’re responsible for it being closed, almost no one wants to hire us right now.”


Natsu frowned; he hadn’t realized things were that serious. Looking around, he noticed the various glares of the town people for the first time, but his eyes lit up when he saw a sign in a nearby restaurant:




“Lucy! Look there! Let’s check it out!” Without giving her a chance to reply, Lucy found herself being dragged down the street to the restaurant. It actually looked like a nice place, and Lucy decided to give it a shot; what was the worst that could happen?


Sticking her head in, she looked around, squinting as she went from the sunny outdoors to the more dimly lit interior. “Hello? We saw the sign-”




EEP!” Lucy squealed as she and Natsu were both dragged through the door and down a hallway by a very harried and worn down looking woman with lavender hair.


“Thank god you’re here! Almost all our employees called in sick, and we’ve been so busy! Here are the changing rooms; you get paid hourly, you can keep all your tips, and if you do anything extra with the customers or serve in the VIP room, you can keep everything you make from those as well. Any questions? No? good! Thanks again!”


And the door was slammed shut as the woman hurried away, leaving Natsu and Lucy blinking in surprised bemusement.





“Here’s your order, sir,~” Lucy told her latest customer cheerfully as she bent down to set his plate down. She made sure her breasts, only just contained by her bunny girl top, pressed against his arm.


“You’re the best, Lucy!” he told her feverishly, almost drooling as his eyes darted all around, taking in her voluptuous form.


“Aww, thank you!” she told him with a smile, kissing him on the cheek and squeezing his hand. Before she could straighten up, he pushed his hand between her tits! “EEK!


“I’ll be sure to come again,” he told her with a leer, leaving a very large tip stuffed into her cleavage.


“Oh, you’re so bad!” Lucy huffed, playfully swatting his shoulder as she stood up. She turned to walk away, letting out another small shriek when he smacked her round ass. Lucy gave him a mock glare over her shoulder, ending with a wink, before strutting back to the main serving area.


All along the way, the customers showered her with catcalls, offers, and attempted gropes and spanks. Lucy dodged most of the physical attention, letting just enough graze her or actually land on her to encourage people to keep trying.


Taking the money out of her cleavage, Lucy put it in her tip jar, smiling widely at the nearly overflowing amount of bills and coins. “Which table is next?” she asked the cook.


He huffed in amusement, swinging an arm out to indicate the entire restaurant. “Take your pick; everyone is calling for you. You’re the most popular waitress we’ve ever had!” Looking over Lucy, with her cute face, huge tits, big butt, and long legs, he smirked. “Which is no surprise.”


The abrupt sound of yet another argument breaking out had both Lucy and the cook looking over towards Natsu, who was arguing with yet another customer.


“Too bad your friend isn’t doing as well,” the cook observed dryly, as Lucy sighed.


“Sorry; I don’t think Natsu has the right look or temperament for this kind of work,” she said apologetically. She winced as the manager who had hired them both stormed up to Natsu; even from over here, she could hear the yelling.



(With Natsu…)


“He got my order wrong! I ordered the steak and mashed potatoes, not the fish and chips!”


“You kept changing your mind!” Natsu yelled back, glaring at the customer, who quailed. “It’s no wonder I got confused-”


ENOUGH!” the manager shouted, pushing Natsu back from the customer. “I’m so sorry, ma’am; this is his first time on the job, and mistakes happen,” she said soothingly. “Rest assured, we’ll be happy to make it up to you.”


With the customer reassured and calmed down, the manager rounded on Natsu, actually making him flinch. “Never argue with a customer!” she hissed, glaring angrily up at Natsu. “And you haven’t been taking care of the VIP room you’re supposed to cover! The customer there is getting impatient, so get going!”


“All right,” Natsu muttered; he was glad to get away from all the pushy and noisy customers, but he was also disappointed he wasn’t doing better.


Hopefully the VIP room would go better…


Opening the door and stepping inside, Natsu’s eyes went wide at seeing who was waiting for him. “Juvia?”





(Back to Lucy…)


“Huh, I didn’t expect that,” the cook mused, drumming his fingers thoughtfully on the counter as he watched Natsu head towards a VIP room. “I wonder who requested him?”


“I’m surprised that no one has requested me yet,” Lucy told him, puzzled, only to be caught off-guard by the cook’s chuckles.


“Oh, you’ve had numerous requests from the VIP rooms, both individuals and parties,” he told the buxom blonde. “But we need you out here more; you’re doing a great job keeping everyone happy, and honestly? You’re making more money from tips then you would get from working the VIP rooms. If you keep working here, that’ll probably change, but for right now? You’re better off working on the main floor.”


Lucy blinked and then nodded. “That makes sense. Well,” she flashed the cook a bright smile, “I had better get back to it then!” Taking an ice cream cone in each hand, she was about to head back into the crowd when a customer seated near the counter got her attention.


“Excuse me! But could we please get a picture of you, posing just like that?”


Lucy made a show of thinking it over, before nodding. “Okay, but please, make it quick, okay?~” She struck a pose, standing in front of the sign that read ‘Maid Bunny Cafe,’ along with a listing of some of their unique flavors.


“Oh yeah, that’s perfect! Thanks so much; here’s a little extra tip!”


It was, in fact, a very generous tip, and Lucy thanked the customer with a quick little dance and wiggle, getting even more catcalls and pleas for her attention.


And so it went; everyone seemed to want a piece of Lucy, and she did her best to leave them happy.


“You want me to sit on your lap? Okay, but just for a while…ooh, you’re so big…”


AHHH!~ Groping costs extra, especially when you do it that hard!~”


“Oh, not satisfied with a kiss on the cheek? Well, I guess I could give you a proper kiss, if you really want one…”


The day passed by in a blur, and while Lucy was limping slightly as she walked back home with Natsu, she couldn’t stop smiling. She had made so much money! And the manager had all but begged her to come back tomorrow! “I’ll admit it, Natsu: I didn’t think this would work out, but it turned out to be a great idea.” She turned to smile at him, before frowning in concern at the distant look in his eyes. “Natsu? Are you okay?”


“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah! Just fine!” He laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head.


Lucy narrowed her eyes in suspicion. “You looked like you were having a rough time there for a while,” she told her friend, who averted his eyes. “But the manager told me you did a really good job in the VIP room; very high customer satisfaction.” Sensing a juicy story, Lucy leaned in closer to him, a smirk on her face. “So, why don’t you tell me all-”


“Wow, look at the time! I really have to get home and make sure Happy found some fish to eat! Bye Lucy, see you tomorrow!”


Coughing and waving her hand to clear away the dust left by Natsu suddenly sprinting off, Lucy huffed. “Well, it probably wasn’t important anyway,” she muttered to herself, before setting off towards her own home, still smiling. Natsu’s caginess aside, it had been a very good day.


(Story by User: S22132)

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1 year ago

I never realized this, but why is there/ would there be a VIP room with a bed and TV inside within a Hooters-like restaurant? Maybe I’m just overthinking that part, but it got me genuinely thinking lol.

3 years ago

Excellent work!
Would it be possible to have Cana be more “involved” in a future story?

Or maybe can bring back the Edens Zero gang, but with more babes
like Witch?

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan

oooo I didn’t know someone alerts them! this is the first time someone has used that function since i started my website 3-4 years ago lol

No, I have very little interest in giving Cana much involvement in the story. Maybe she’ll have a pic or two but thats it.

SailorIo wants to handle the Edens Zero stuff for his FT story. He has an idea of how he wants it to start.

3 years ago

How do I read previous ones bc every time I press it it takes me to the pictures

3 years ago

Press the link below the image that says “Previous Story” That will take you to the chapter before this one

3 years ago

Fuckin beautiful art!! I think I like seeing Lucy more than any other girl on this site (Other than maybe Satsuki or Nami/Robin) Not much action this chapter but seeing Lucy as a waitress while countless guys grope her tits and ass, as if shes used to that happening regually is a pretty hot thought to have. My own head canon is that shes the most slutty outta the FT girls (intentionally or unintentionally.) Maybe Cana too but seeing her being mentioned in the story gives me hope we’ll eventually get art of her.

Looks like Natsu and Juvia will have a relationship once again. I honestly don’t mind if we see NTR elements again, doesn’t really bother me unless its done too aggressively. If their relationship is purly sex related and not pure love I think most ppl will be able to accept it more. (Though im good either other way)

3 years ago
Reply to  souljamantwn

Ayye! happy you like the Natsu/Juvia stuff. I get requested that a ton so it’s hard to just do away with that. And since the stories are written for the images, gotta include that in the series. I have little motivation to draw Cana tho. Bad experience with a Cana fanboy on deviantart and now I don’t draw her.

3 years ago

If Lucy is working the maid cafe, I’m gonna be a frequent customer!

3 years ago

lol me too

3 years ago

Will you post new previews this month?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

Not the spot to ask!

Recreational Porpoises
Recreational Porpoises
3 years ago

Breast Milk Chocolate.
That is all.

3 years ago


Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
3 years ago

Yes! Natsu and Juvia screwing is back! (Had to get that out of the way first)

Looks like we have a new ice cream parlor with lewd ladies as the draw in. Now, is the lavender haired manager a reference to someone? I feel like she’s a reference to someone.

We got Lucy in a bunny girl suit with no problem. Might she be more willing to wear those type of things openly this time around? She’s even allowing hard grope and such behavior!

Might we get Juvia in the next chapter? And might we get other surprise customers, maybe even more surprising, in the future?

3 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

Thank you dr pervert! lol this place isn’t the central location of the story tho. It’s just temporary. Lucy has wore similarly revealing outfits in the manga so I don’t see this as being much different to her.

Dr. Pervert
Dr. Pervert
3 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Well, hopefully it be present long enough (Lucy servicing the VIPs who wanted her and such).

And with how far Lucy went for the customers, it seems like Natsu hooking up with Juvia should roll out smoothly with it being something he just realized was a possibility than having to worry about it being a secret. XP

3 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pervert

I would say Lucy is still shy about public nudity and sex with strangers. That would take her building up towards similar to the previous FT series

3 years ago

oh and does we will have a Lucy pic in erza size and maybe pose ? i’m talking about the one with erza giant boobs due to pollen

3 years ago
Reply to  Ikana

Probably not, sorry man >_<

3 years ago

another day of thanking god for a new lucy enzo pic amen

3 years ago
Reply to  Ikana

Thank you Ikana! I appreciate the kind comment!

3 years ago

The owner of the restaurant has it all wrong leave the male customers to Lucy and the female customers to natsu. All you need to give him is a speedo that shows a humongous bulge and sit back and watch the money flow happen.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

lol I think Lucy is more popular than Natsu tho

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago

Man, I really envy you for getting to write for such a beautiful artwork. And you handled it nearly perfect as well. I like the way it started with Natsu and Gajeel getting chided for their behavior in the waterpark and how Erza silently enjoyed it. The reaction of everyone during that scene was just hilarious but I definitely would have liked to have Gray and Juvia at least mentioned, since they were also there (just not as prominent). I like the way they basically stumbled over their new job of the day. Lucy getting the spotlight was to be expected and Natsu’s interaction with the customer was good comedy. But this also brings me to my (somewhat) big nitpick of the story: it jumped from time to time/place to place/character to character quite a bit without really being needed. For example: I felt it executed really well in a Bleach story last year with Sui-Feng on a poker table. There the story had this small jumps from one sex position to the other without focussing on the actual poker game, since that wasn’t really important. Here however those (With Natsu…) and (Back to Lucy…) parts could just be written in one or to paragraphes without really breaking the flow of the story. You know what I mean? Still, glad to have Natsu being requested by Juvia in the VIP room. Although, this also begs the question: every guy in the VIP room seems to request Lucy because she’s hot (obviously. Meaning that they do have a way to see her. All fair and good. BUT, this also would imply that Juvia did see Natsu working here before requesting him, making her surprised “Natsu?!” a bit weird. Maybe I’m reading too much into it and she just didn’t notice him and just wanted any guy (which would be weird, given her affection with Natsu and just slightly out of nowhere, given that we never had any of the other guys being mentioned) OR she did know it was Natsu and her perplexity was only an act to make it seem that she didn’t knew any better (maybe she saw something during the time at the water park that she liked and wanted to confirm it first hand). Either way, nice stuff. And while this chapter didn’t feature any real sex scene, I did quite enjoy the way Lucy worked her way with the many customers.

Phew… this went on for longer than expected! Some of it warranted, some just me rambling over meaningless stuff. You really know how to write Lucy in a way that makes her my favorite girl on this site!

3 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Akrononym

It’s the latter interpretation. Natsu’s responsibilities include serving specific VIP rooms and one of em was waiting awhile without him going to service them, it happened to be the one Juvia was waiting in. She wasn’t calling for Natsu.

I dunno, I think the story reads fine with the jump cuts.

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
3 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Yeah, was probably just me who thought it was a bit off.

Michael H McFadden
Michael H McFadden
3 years ago

If I may ask a question will we be get more Fairy Tail soon? I understand if it’s a maybe or a no considering what has happened but hopefully we get to see more Fairy Tail soon

3 years ago

Probably yea

Michael H McFadden
Michael H McFadden
3 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

That’s good, more pics or stories cause I wasn’t being specific lol

3 years ago

10/10 this story is about the pick up speed.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whitis

Thank you Whitis! I’m happy you thought so highly of this one

Firedragon_slayer (nalu)
Firedragon_slayer (nalu)
3 years ago

This was…..ok from a story stand point there wasn’t anything too crazy that happened, classic fairy tale episode as natsu and gajeel getting torn anew by gramps for their actions! And the art is fantastic! Seeing My lucy like this! Oh fuck. It was a good story to set up the next chapter and honestly I really hope this isn’t going to be natsu/Juvia heavy again. There isn’t anything wrong but I really hope lucy and natsu get way more time together. Solid 7/10

3 years ago

Sorry man. This series will have some familiar beats as the previous because I don’t want those stories to be forgotten completely. But a lot will be different with this one

Firedragon_slayer (nalu)
Firedragon_slayer (nalu)
3 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

I see well I’m ok with that as long as lucy and natsu get more time together! I’m fine with them fucking others but they need more chapters together,

Michael H McFadden
Michael H McFadden
3 years ago

The story was hmm, different to say the least but the picture is great. Hopefully we will start getting more fairy tail soon. Natsu and Juvia going at it again I see lol

3 years ago

Here we go agaiiiiiiiiiiiin!

Phil Swift
Phil Swift
3 years ago

Why is every story about a strip club? Like honestly it’s getting kinda boring. And I mean every single story is about it. Look at the last 5 or so. It’s ridiculous.

3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

A lot of these stories are written to fit the images. It gives the writers an easier time to write a story that’s location lend itself to having sexual encounters.

Phil Swift
Phil Swift
3 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

I get that but still. It’s like every story. It’s getting a little weird. Still love it but kinda repetitive

3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

To be fair, the primary location of this story was the restaurant floor/kitchen where Lucy was just serving customers food and interacting with them. Sort of like a Hooter’s restaurant.

Phil Swift
Phil Swift
3 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

I actually like the idea of that. Would have been interesting to see the dynamic change and expand between Lucy and Natsu as they worked together here. But no. Natsu definitely cheated an Lucy will too. How surprising.

3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

lol, where are you when I need to pick my lottery numbers?

Phil Swift
Phil Swift
3 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Your numbers will be real and rational numbers

Phil Swift
Phil Swift
3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

And quite honestly I’m getting tired of everyone cheating on each other. It’s happened before and currently and it’s really annoying. I think it is getting kind of boring in that regard to. This even happened in the last fairytail fic. There hasn’t been a single story where there is no cheating like come on. Can we at least try to be more creative.

3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

You don’t have to read the stories if you don’t agree with the direction.

Michael H McFadden
Michael H McFadden
3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

Natsu x Juvia has been the staple of these stories for a year or two and everyone likes em my dude. It’s fine you dont like them and that’s ok but everyone else does

3 years ago
Reply to  Phil Swift

In fairness, there’s only been 3 stories with a club in the past month with stories taking place in various locations. As a long-time fan and now a new writer, I do also think that variety keeps things fresh.

Though as Rtenzo said, the stories are written with the image in mind, not the other way around, as it makes life easier for both sides in the planning stages.

Phil Swift
Phil Swift
3 years ago
Reply to  Azzlover

Listen I love the stories. I find it interesting. But you have to agree they are kinda repetitive. I mean I feel like I am rereading the old story all over again. Still love it but it is kinda the same. A little twist and it would be different instead of the same thing as always. Doesn’t have to be a new setting but add like more characters being involved or something.

3 years ago

S22132, will you continue any of your previous stories as a reboot? Or do you have Patreon like sailorio?

3 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous

He doesn’t have any sort of online presence and from my understanding, he prefers it that way.

3 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

Hey do you know when the next one piece story is how I miss it I think this fairy tale story was good art amazing