Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

A Polar Star Welcome Fuck

“Why do we have to do this!? This is embarrassing…” Erina whined, blushing hard. She really, really wanted to fold her arms over her bare breasts, or better yet, be fully clothed! But…


“It can’t be helped,” Alice sighed, pouting slightly herself, though she wasn’t quite as bothered as her cousin. She liked showing off her body, but even for her, this was a bit much.  “We lost a Shokugeki to the new guy. At least it’s only for a week, and only when we’re in the Polar Star dorm.”


“That’s still way too long and way too many people staring at my boobs!” Erina snapped back, practically glaring at her cousin. Then the main focus of her ire walked into the room, and if looks could kill, Soma would be six feet under. “YOU!”


“Yo,” the redhead replied cheerfully, smirking at her. “You’re both looking lovely today.”


“Shut the hell up, you damn pervert!” Erina yelled back, shaking her fist at him. “This is all your fault!”


“You two are the ones that claimed that there was no way I could win, and if I did, I could ask for anything that I wanted,” Soma reminded her in what he clearly thought was a reasonable tone. It only made Erina seethe even more, the red of her face darkening to dangerous levels.


“Yeah, okay, but why ask for something like this?” Alice quickly interjected, hoping to put off the eruption of Mount Erina until she was out of the blast radius. “I didn’t peg you as the type to go for something like this.” And she liked to think she was a pretty good judge of character.


“Heh.” Soma rubbed the back of his head, grinning. “Honestly, I was just joking. I figured you would both yell at me and refuse; I was just going to enjoy the looks on your faces. But now that you’ve both followed through, I ain’t complaining. You’re both pretty nice to look at.”


Alice narrowed her eyes (just pretty nice?) while Erina scoffed. “And you’ve seen a lot of bare breasts, have you?” she asked snidely, her tone clearly skeptical.


The scruffy ragamuffin had the gall to roll his eyes at her! “I worked in a pretty rough neighborhood, so I’ve seen plenty of people, men and women, drunk and passed out, in all kinds of different states of dress. You’re both bigger than any of them, but other than that? Nothing too special.”


Both women stared at him for a moment before Erina growled. “Nothing…special?!” she finished with a shriek. Soma took a step back, looking startled, but Erina was faster; she tackled him to the ground, pushing her tits into his face. “WHO ARE YOU CALLING NOTHING SPECIAL!?”


Alice gaped before bursting into laughter, watching Soma and Erina squirm and writhe on floor. “Well, I gotta say, I’m a little offended too, Soma. So…” She dived in with a giggle, joining the tangle. “Why don’t we show you how special we are?”


“BAH!” Soma finally managed to get his face free, filling his lungs with air in the process. “Damn, what the hell was that about?!” He gasped when fingers fumbled with his belt, pulling his pants open. “Wait, are you serious?”


“Well, I think my cousin is just too pissed off right now to think straight,” Alice purred, pulling out Soma’s surprisingly large erection. “But me? Yeah, I’m serious; why not? If I’m going to be embarrassed, I might as well have some fun in the process.”


“…I can definitely get behind that!” Soma declared cheerfully, reaching up to grab Erina’s tits, making her gasp as she finally came to her senses and realized what was going on.


“H-HEY! WHAT DO YOU-EEP! ALICE?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Erina demanded, twisting around to yell in her cousin’s face as she reached around to grab at Erina’s breasts as well. The evil smirk that greeted her made her pale. “Don’t get any weird ideas!”


“Too late!~” Alice told her cheerfully, giving Erina a quick kiss and giggling at her gobsmacked look. “You have only yourself to blame, cousin; you’re the one who jumped Soma and glued your boobs to his face.”


“I almost died!” Soma agreed cheerfully, stripping out of his clothes and helping Alice strip off hers and Erina’s while the other girl was flustered and distracted. “And that would have been a shame; I still have to make a meal that you like, after all.”


“HA!” Erina automatically replied, turning back to the current bane of her existence. “Never gonna happ-MPH!” Her eyes flew wide open and her brain short-circuited when she found herself kissing Soma, and not a polite kiss either. No, his tongue was pushing into her mouth and his hands were all over her body!


…wait, where had her clothes gone?


“Just relax,” Alice whispered into her ear, like the devil tempting her. “We can all have some fun, and goodness know you could use some stress relief.”


Erina would have very much liked to fire back with a suitably scathing reply, but found herself increasingly distracted by what was happening to her body.


…screw it, she could murder them both later. Right now…


Lifting her hips and bracing herself, Erina plunged her pussy down onto Soma’s cock, screaming into his mouth. Oh god, it felt amazing! Then she was bouncing, Soma was thrusting in time with her, and Alice was behind her, breasts pressed against her bare back as she planted kisses on her back and neck.


This is almost worth losing the Shokugeki and all the embarrassment. Only almost though; they’re still going to pay for this-OH YES, THAT’S THE SPOT! OOOOOHHHHHH!

(Story by User: S22132)

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5 years ago

Absolutely love it, especially alice. I sure hope we get to see more of her!

5 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Thank you man! There will be more of Alice

5 years ago

I love the new Food wars pic including Alice’s huge sagging tits and Erina’s large tits. Great job Rtenzo! 👍

Also is Alice an exhibitionist in these stories.

5 years ago
Reply to  NamelessR04

Thank you Nameless! To answer your question, kind of, shes definitely more open sexually. Erina is more reserved and normal about it.

5 years ago

Great one shot could you do a Soma x Alice one with Alice having a huge ass due to an experiment gone wrong/right.

5 years ago
Reply to  Blackstriker94

lol maybe shes naturally thicc?

5 years ago

Nice work on the picture and the one shot story. Both Alice and Erina were on point here, even though they were clearly embarrassed because of Soma.

But one just handled it all better than the other. And it showed. XD I guess it’s one reason why I like Alice more than Erina, honestly. Haha.

Looking forward to seeing more. Nice work again, gentlemen.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hiryu

Ohh ya! Alice is my favorite, shes funny. Thanks for your feedback again Hiryu