Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai

A-Class Party, S-Class Sex

Next Story (Chapter 02): [LINK]

Yawning widely, Saitama sat up from his futon at the sound of a loud knocking at the front door to his apartment. It was odd, since normally Genos would have answered it on the first knock. Then it clicked in his mind, Genos was seeing that doctor friend of his for repairs from the last monster attack.




“I’m uuuup!” he called out, “Give a guy a moment to get himself oriented.” he muttered lazily as he rubbed a hand over his hairless scalp and walked to the door. Saitama undid the chain on his door and opened the door.


Waiting on the other side was a familiar face. Dark hair cut in a bob, green eyes, dressed in a form fitting black dress with a slitted side. Standing to either side of her were two non-descript men in matching suits wearing sunglasses. Saitama had to suppress the urge to roll his eyes.


“I’m Class A now. You can’t recruit me for your fan club.” he said to Fubuki.


“Hah hah…” Fubuki laughed sarcastically. “I’m not here for that,” she told him, “You own a suit by chance?”


“A suit? What, you mean my costume?” Saitama asked.


“I’ll take that as a ‘no’.” she replied then snapped her fingers. The goon to her right stepped into Saitama’s apartment and pulled out a length of tape measure. In several quick motions, he measured Saitama’s shoulders, arms, and legs before he could even react.


Wow, he’s fast.’ the bald man thought.


When the man was done, he nodded to the other man and made several quick gestures with his hands. Saitama had no idea what the gestures meant, but the other man nodded back and began talking into his wrist. He rattled off several numbers that Saitama figured were the measurements taken by the first man. Fubuki then took a single step back and turned to look down the hallway, holding out one hand, her body glowing slowly before a long black bag like the kind that came from a dry cleaners floated into her hand.


She handed that bag to Saitama, “Here. I went with yellow, white, and red like your costume.”


“Uh-huh, I still don’t know what you’re going on about.” he told her.


“You don’t know about the Heroes Banquet?” Fubuki asked, looking stunned, then exasperated, “No, I don’t think you would.” she said more to herself than anyone else. She then looked at him, “It’s like a big party for the Class A and Upper Class B heroes. Class S can attend if they want, but few ever do. It’s a formal affair where the heroes can meet, greet, and talk. A lot of teams are formed there.” she explained.


“Uuuh-huh, yeah, no.” Saitama said, then tossing the suit back to her, “Sounds boring.”


She caught the bag and held it back out to him, “It’s catered.” she said.



Standing by the buffet wearing the mustard yellow suit with a white shirt and red tie, Saitama munched on some shrimp cocktail. The chatter of dozens of men and women echoed around him. He recognized a few faces here and there. Heroes he’d run into on various occasions. Most were chatting in small groups of three or four. Others were talking to some important looking guys wearing much more expensive looking suits but clearly were not heroes.


As he thought, this was boring.


But the food was good!


“Here you are!” said Fubuki’s voice as she emerged from one crowd. “Don’t go wandering off like that.” she said as she wiped at her forehead with the back of her hand. She was dressed in a sexier outfit than usual. A white dress that just barely covered enough of her, leaving a lot of skin exposed. She couldn’t have been more desperate for attention if she were waving her arms and legs with neon signs flashing all around her.


“Why are you talking like you’re my mother?” Saitama asked her, while munching on another bite of shrimp, “I came wike ewe ashked, ishn’t dat enough?” he said around the mouthful of shrimp.


Fubuki placed her hands on her hips, fixing him with a deathly glare. He just stared back at her nonchalantly. “Hey, I’ll have you know, I have… Ungh!”


“Ungh? Huh?” he echoed as Fubuki’s skin suddenly reddened, like she suddenly came down with a fever. She fell towards him and he caught her easily. She felt warm, and she smelled rather nice.


“Hey, you okay? Hey!” Saitama said to Fubuki


“Nnnnh, I feel… Hot…” Fubuki gasped, her breath heavy and ragged.


“What, did you drink too much?” asked Saitama, “You really should be careful with alcohol if you’re not used to it.”


“You’re… Idiot…” she gasped, leaning on him more heavily. In response, he lifted her up in his arms. She protested slightly, but was too weak to put forth any real resistance as he began carrying her through the ballroom.


“Hey, is there someplace I can take her to lay down?” Saitama asked one man, he was one of the suits who definitely was NOT a hero. His face looked kinda like a frog, and his gray hair was thinning. He sort of gave Saitama a doctor vibe, but he couldn’t be sure. The man looked at Fubuki, who was still panting slightly in his arms, with her face flushed red.


“Out the main door, turn left and go down three doors, then take the room on the right. It’s a resting room for the heroes on assignment here. There should be some aspirin or acetaminophen for fevers in the first aid kit inside.” he explained.


“Thanks.” said Saitama, while he began carrying Fubuki through the crowded room. A few heads turned their way, and he heard a few whispers, but didn’t care enough to listen. Let people say what they want. If they had a problem with him, he’d face any challenger!


The room was right where the old man said it would be. It was a simple set up, like one of those military bunk rooms you saw in movies. Bare walls and floor, very sparton decorations. The bed was a simple twin sized one bolted to the wall with blue sheets neatly spread over it and a less than comfortable looking pillow.


Saitama laid Fubuki out on the bed. Her breathing had quickened, she was almost panting as she opened her green eyes and looked up at him. “Hot…” she said, “So, hot…”


“I’ll get you some of the medicine,” Saitama said, “Should I go find a doctor tooOOO?” he asked shocked when she sat up and wrapped her arms around his shoulder and inhaled deeply through her nose.


“Nmmmmh, you smell good…” she said in a husky voice before she moved her hands to grab his face and kiss him full on the lips. Saitama’s brown eyes went wide from the surprise. When he gasped, she took the opportunity to slide her tongue into his mouth!


HMMMNMMPH!! AGUH, VAT AR EWE DEWING!?” he managed to slur out as she thoroughly explored the inside of his mouth with her tongue.


NMMMMMMMH! TASHTE GUUD!!” she slurred back before breaking the kiss and pulling back. Her entire body glowed slightly as she enveloped both of them in her powers.




In a blink, Saitama’s expensive looking new suit, along with Fubuki’s scanty dress were reduced to so many dishrags! Fubuki panted heavily, while looking up at him with a strange look in her green eyes. They almost seemed to shimmer as she jumped from the bed, knocking him back onto the cold floor in the process.


“Nmmmmmh, I can’t hold it back anymore!” she said in that same husky voice, “I need it now!” she moaned.


“Huh, need what, what are… You… Oooooh…” Saitama said haltingly as she straddled his legs, her naked body on full display. Big, full breasts, easily the biggest he’d ever seen outside of a sleazy magazine, both capped with delightfully pink nipples. A slim, healthy waist, well defined hips, and a completely clean shaven pussy! The pink lips around the clit were slick and wet. Being a red blooded man, seeing such a sight caused things to happen.


HAAH AAAH!” Fubuki gasped, sounding like a starving animal who had just been presented with a feast as his dick shot up to full erection. Easily as long as she was tall from her crotch to the top of her head, and as thick as her thigh, Saitama’s cock was something else. It hadn’t always been that big. In fact, were he being honest, he’d place himself neatly on the low end of the average scale. Then, after he began his daily regimen and lost all his hair, it was like puberty hit him and second time! Now, he figured he was maybe on par with… An elephant maybe. He never really thought about it until this very moment.


“Soooo, bhiiiiiig…” Fubuki breathed, hugging her naked body against his dick. Saitama could feel the heat coming off her body. She was like a furnace! He wouldn’t have been surprised if she was running a temp of 40 degrees celsius! Fubuki pressed those big tits around the topmost area of his dick, with her mouth hanging open as she seemed to be thinking something.


AHHMMMPH!” she moaned, opening her mouth wide and wrapping her lips around the head of his dick.


“H, hey, ahhhhh…” Saitama tried to protest, but her warm and wet mouth instantly took the fight out of him as his head fell back on the hard floor, sending out spidery cracks.


HMMMMMMPH!” Fubuki moaned, as if she had just tasted the most delicious thing in her life! She began rubbing her big tits up and down his cock, humping her entire body against him. He could feel the heat and wetness of her pussy drooling all over his balls as he closed his eyes and groaned.


Her mouth felt GOOD! He could feel her nimble tongue swirling around the tip of his cock as she moved her head up and down slowly on the top few inches. Her lips pulled away from her face erotically every time she pulled her head back, making wet slurpy noises.


NMMMMPH!!! ISH HAWT! HAWT AN’ HAWD AN’ BHIIIIG! AHHHGH, MUH VODY ISH ON PHIRE! NMMMMMHP GUH, HRMMMPH, GUG, MMMMPH, GURK, NMMMMMMMPH…!” Fubuki gagged and moaned, working to take more and more of his dick down her tight throat. Her slender neck expanded as his cock slipped through it, and she let out straggled, gagging noises.


AGURGH, GUH, BWUH, NNNGH, GUUUPH… PHIIIICK! SHO PHIIIIICK! PHEELSH SHO GUUD IN MUH MOUTH, WANNA SHUCK ID MOOOAR!!!” Fubuki gagged and moaned, almost half his cock in her mouth now!


“Ahhh, uuhhh, huuuuh…” groaned Saitama, as he was clearly at a loss for what to do right now. His cock throbbed inside her mouth as she worked to get more and more of it down her throat, shifting positions to make it easier. He then felt himself floating as she telekinetically lifted him up, pushing his cock farther into her mouth, and sitting up on her knees like some twisted sword swallower.


“Whoah-oh-oh-oh-oh…” he groaned as he found his body bobbing up and down in the air. Soon, his entire gigantic length slipped between Fubuki’s lips, with his balls pressing against her chin.


AGUUMMMMMMMMPH!!! YESH!! AYE GUT ID AWW INNNNN! PHEELSH SHO GUUD, GUNNA GUUMM! GUMMING! AYE’M GUUMMMING WIPH JUSHT MUH MOOOUPH!!! AHMMMMMPH!!!” Fubuki chokingly moaned in pleasure. Her green eyes rolled back in her head as she continued moving his entire body up and down. He could actually feel his dick pushing in and out of her very stomach as she let out more choking moans.




Saitama called out in surprise and not a little disappointment as she telekinetically lifted him again, his cock pulling out of her throat slowly. She made another light gagging sound as his dick was extracted from her throat. Fubuki took several panting gasps before she laid back on the bed with her crotch facing towards him. Spreading her legs wide, Fubuki used her fingers to pry open the folds of her dripping pussy.


“Please… Hah, ahh, hah… Stick it in me! I need it so bad, my pussy is screaming for orgasms right now, I can’t even think of anything but having my womb violated by that gigantic dick!” she moaned, with her voice thick with both lust and desperation.


“Hey now, I’m alright with some kinky stuff now and then, but shouldn’t we really get to…” Saitama began to say, but Fubuki looked at him with an annoyed expression and used her powers to grab him again. Before he could think about it, she’d pulled him over, jamming his dick inside herself with a loud howling moan! Her well toned stomach stretched up dramatically, with the phallic lump made by his dick reaching all the way up between her tits. The feel of her pussy clinging to his dick was incredible! Saitama couldn’t hold back the groan of pleasure as he felt the warmth of being inside her.




“Alright then, nevermind.” said Saitama as he moved his hands over her breasts, “Mind if I use these?” he asked.


JUST FUCK ME! FUCK ME NOW! STAND THERE BETWEEN MY LEGS AND FUCK MY PUSSY, UNTIL YOU CAN’T FUCK ME ANYMORE, THEN FUCK ME SOME MORE!” she hissed at him, with her voice sounding annoyed and aroused at the same time. She then bucked herself against his cock, making his dick stir around inside her, “AHHHN, FUCK ME NOW! DO IT, DO IIIT!!!” she begged.


“Okay…” he said, grabbing her big tits and giving them a firm squeeze! Her reaction was instant as she tilted her head back and howled in pleasure. He felt her pussy getting tighter as a spray of juices was released. The stink of sex now filled the room, Saitama had almost forgotten about it as he pulled back his hips, “Hang on!” he told her.


OOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” Fubuki screamed, “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUUUUUUUUUCK!” she shouted as he began pumping his hips back and forth with a loud SMACK SMACK SMACK sound. The frame of the bed creaked in protest as Fubuki stuck her legs high in the air, her toes splayed wide.


DON’T STOP! DON’T STOP! DON’T STOP! DON’T STOP! DON’T STOP! GIMME MOOOORE!!! FUCK FUCK!!! AHHA AHH HAAH AHAAH, SO BIG! YOUR DICK IS DESTROYING MY PUSSSYYYY!!! I’LL NEVER BE ABLE TO HAVE NORMAL SEX AFTER THIIISSS!!! AHH YESSSSSS!!! GIMME MORE, I WANT IT, I WANT YOUR DICK IN MEEEEEE!!!” Fubuki screamed, cursing and moaning like a woman out of an eroge. Her face was even in a full ahegao expression as Saitama squeezed and fondled her big tits, pinching and twisting her nipples.


“Guess it’s time I got serious then.” said Saitama, then putting his face in a serious expression.




The sound of his thigh slamming into the metal frame of the bed was louder than Fubuki’s screams, almost. He squeezed her tits harder, groaning at the feel of her pussy clinging desperately to his dick while welcoming it with a burst of hot and heady smelling juices when he thrusted in. The giant distention in her stomach rose and fell with his movements and Fubuki put both her legs around his waist.




“I… I gotta…” he began faltering on how to phrase it without sounding crude.


Fubuki must have read his mind or something, because she knew exactly what he was trying to say. “YES! DO IT! LET IT ALL OUT INSIDE! I WANT IT! GIMME YOUR CUMMMMMM!


Groaning, Saitama nodded, then moved his hips faster again. They became a blur of movement as Fubuki let out a scream so loud it was silent as it went outside of the human range of hearing. Outside the building, a couple of stray dogs began howling as they heard the sound of the esper’s scream of pleasure.


Saitana then grunted as he shoved his entire length inside her, cumming hard. The outline of the top of his cock pulsated repeatedly as his cum shot out in thick gouts. The bald headed man leaned his head back and groaned again, feeling all the cum built up inside flowing through his dick and into Fubuki.


“ooooooOOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUCK!!!” Fubuki’s scream came back down into normal human sound range. Saitama let out a low grunt as he felt his cock slow and finally stop throbbing after several long minutes.


“Hah…” he said, his face back to its usual deadpan expression. “That was a big workout. I actually feel a little warm.” he said.


“Ahehehehe… Heheh… Hehehe…” Fubuki laughed in an almost creepy way as she rubbed at her gravid belly. “I’m so full… I came from having all your cum dumped into my wooomb…”


“Hey, you look like you’re feeling better!” Saitama said. Her skin was still looking flushed, but not in a feverish way, and her breathing was much more even, if not a bit fast.


“Ahehehe, I feel greeaaat…” Fubuki said, still giggling in a creepy way.



Back in the big banquet hall, a man in a deep gray suit wearing an Oni mask stood with a group of five girls. Most assumed he was another hero and his entourage. But none approached him as he put out a subtle aura that kept them from wanting to speak with him. The girls with him all looked to be in their late teens. One was a redhead with a long ponytail and blue eyes. She was dressed in a white dress suit that accentuated her big tits. Standing next to her was another girl with shorter, ginger colored hair and green eyes wearing a white pantsuit and glasses. Those who came close enough would see the facial resemblance that marked them as sisters.


With them was an unrelated girl with long chocolate brown hair that hung loose from her head, though the hair on top of her head had an almost cat ear like shape to it. Of all the girls, she stuck out the most with her nigh impossibly large breasts, each one nearly as big as her entire body apart from her chest. She was dressed in a blue dress that hung on her body almost like a tarp.


The last of the girls was a pair of twins, with the only things that differentiated them was that one had short hair and blue eyes, while the other had long hair and red eyes. These two were both very petite, which made them look younger than they actually were. Both were dressed in schoolgirl uniforms, though no one could identify the school.


“Meioki Goshujin-sama, that bald man took away the girl you were targeting.” said the ginger haired young woman.


“Indeed,” the man called Meioki replied, “Annoying, but the man who took her feels dangerous. I will avoid him for now. That girl isn’t the only one working for the heroes who have strong psychic power.”


“Yes, Goshujin-sama,” the ginger girl replied.


No one at the party knew that this man was in fact not a man at all, but an ancient demon who preyed on the psychic power of women. For centuries, he was sealed away on an island in the equatorial region of the pacific. An earthquake had broken his seal, allowing him to again gather women as his slaves. He would use his demonic penises to steal their powers, becoming stronger and stronger. His intent was to become a true Oni, but in order for that to happen, he needed women with strong spiritual or psychic power. His natural power was to make women aroused to the point they lost all reason. Which he had done to the esper woman when he brushed past her earlier.


Unfortunately, the man with the dangerous aura had taken her out of the room before he could. Meioki had survived for centuries when his fellow demons were all exorcized because he was prudent, and cautious. He would avoid that bald man, for now. When he stole the power of the two esper women, he would finally evolve into a true oni. And then, all the women of the world would belong to him!



(Story by User: SailorIo)

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10 months ago


10 months ago
Reply to  Whitis


10 months ago

Love this, can’t wait to read more! Fubuki should be a breeding slut!

10 months ago
Reply to  Blanche

No spoilers! JK, but that just might be the goal of Meioki… Heh heh heh…

10 months ago

What a great story, keep up the great work!

10 months ago
Reply to  DevilSlayer666

Thanks man! It was fun to write after I got a little more used to writing Saitama.

10 months ago

This was a fun one, great job!

10 months ago
Reply to  Blank

Thank you, I tried my best

A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
A'nohn Ihmus (TBD)
10 months ago

Okay, this is actually kind of an interesting premise considering.

10 months ago

Thank you! I wanted to use the same complicated backstory trope for the villain who will get one punched later.