Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai
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1 year ago

I love how much you do these kinds of size comparisons 🤩 you are the best at doing them

Mr. Akrononym
Mr. Akrononym
1 year ago

Oh, how the mighty fall… then again, Anko will (probably) always stay thicc and sexy in your artworks. For that alone, I can’t thank you enough! You’re doing god’s work!

Connor J O'Carroll
1 year ago

I just got started on watching the Classic Naruto series this month & am on Ep. 84 but while i’m nowhere near Shippuden yet & know nothing about Konan/The Akatsuki is there any chance that Konan artwork might return in one of the 2 Naruto stories?? even if it’s not Naruto/Konan. (given idk anything about her personality yet)

Last edited 1 year ago by Connor J O'Carroll
Connor J O'Carroll
1 year ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

oh ok then I just figured that the lost chapters that went along with the old
Konan / Konan/Naruto artwork might’ve been interesting but u typed (“Probably”) so who knows really :/ & maybe a fresh start would b better & just because she died/got killed in canon it can’t b that hard 2 reintroduce her into 1 of the 2 new NS stories in a similar way 2 the previous NS story with Konan

anyway I’m still looking 4ward 2 when OP/MHA Chapter’s return
& I left another advice comment in the Shinobu post about Fire Force if yur still thinking that over just so u know 😛

Last edited 1 year ago by Connor J O'Carroll