Rtenzo & Ero-Enzo – Fanart and Hentai
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Re: Fanfictions and my Writers

I usually don’t like to vent but I feel this time I gotta get something off my chest. When it comes to fanfictions on my site, I see very little benefit from them. They’re mainly for the benefit for my writers. Some writers write because they enjoy it and it gives them something to do, others do it to for money and to use my platform to spread their works to a wider audience. While I get the bonus of people visiting here more, this is mainly for their benefit. I’m not a writer, I’m an artist, people come here primarily for the art. However, as time goes on, the stress of dealing with 1 or 2 of these writers have continually increased.


Every week, I have to manage my writers and coordinate my posts and check on the stories they write. In general, things I don’t like, I won’t let them write or post on here. This is my site after all, I control the content here. This is an understanding I have with each of them, they don’t decide what I post. And if I need them to write for a certain story plot or character, I would HOPE they do it because this interaction is suppose to help us both. These writers are given a lot of freedom to write what they want, so on the times I want something done, I expect them to write whatever given. BUT, in the end of the day, any writer who doesn’t wanna write what is given to them don’t have to. They are free to walk away and do whatever they want. No one is being forced to do anything. DON’T be my writer if you DON’T like the characters/series I draw.


However, lately its been pushback, pushback, pushback. What is suppose to be a quick 5-10 min conversation about the plan for this week or the next two weeks, become an 45-60 minute argument over story plots. I don’t want this. I don’t have time to do this for each of my writers. It’s stressful and my health’s been spotty lately. I got Patreon art I need to draw and people waiting on their pictures. For people who are grateful to me for giving them things to write, they show it by being ungrateful, unreasonable, and very picky about which characters and series they’ll write. It’s maddening.


The purpose of this journal post is not only to just vent and feel better about things, but to put my writers on notice.


TO MY WRITERS, if you do not want to write for me, you don’t have to. However, I won’t be spending an enormous amount of time and energy debating with you guys on what is to happen in these stories. It’s too much. I just want to hand you guys the writing task, we talk about some fun ideas and let you guys get to it. If you insist on arguing with me more and more over these stories, You can’t be my writer anymore.

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2 years ago

I have a feeling I know which writers are being called out by this post, and I’ll admit I’d be disappointed if they stopped their respective storylines or were sent packing altogether…. HOWEVER:

As a content creator, there is nothing more infuriating than having people dictate what/how to create your works. There’s a saying that goes “don’t get married to what’s in your head,” which basically means that sometimes a creation can only reach its max potential with someone else’s contribution; but there needs to be heavy emphasis on “sometimes.” If creative conflict is occurring between you and your writers, then hopefully some compromise is found between you. If push comes to shove though, I’d rather they be taken out of the equation than be allowed to run wild with your work and give you unecessary stress.

My opinions on this issue aside, keep up the good work as always. Looking forward to more art.

Last edited 2 years ago by TropicPanda
2 years ago

Yeah, I can see that being an issue. I know you and I had a similar chat a few months back and it seems as though things have gotten worse. Sorry if I had anything to do with that (Although we both know why I left/you fired me). Again, if you’re having trouble with writers and need someone to help you, I’m more than willing to help you out. Of course you may be privy to having less writers, not that I don’t blame you since there’s a reason why there shouldn’t be multiple leaders. Still, if you want me to help you with editing or from the looks of things organizing and getting people in line, I’m here when you need me.

By the sounds of it that seems to be the problem, you’re giving the writers too much freedom. As much as I hate to admit it, you should clamp down on them. This pressure just can’t be good for you. I can actually relate to where the writers are, so believe me when I say you should be as tough on them as you were on me. Let them write what they want but at the end of the day you have the final say. They can make suggestions, but that’s it. At least that’s how I think you should go about this, if you have a better idea I am all for it.

Have a good one, and look after yourself. You’re only human.

2 years ago

Danm I’m sorry to hear this, hopefully everything works out in the end so you don’t have to stress yourself so much!

2 years ago

I’ll play devils advocate on what I assume the issue is based off your post.

It’s important to remember the story series posted here can get pretty long. If a story is already 30 chapters in and you want to insert a plot element that wasn’t previously set-up or they didn’t plan for you are going to get a lot push back.

To expect anything else is simply unreasonable especially if your expecting it for the next picture.

As for them being picky, why is that an issue? You have a list of what your willing to be paid to draw. Afaik the writers aren’t paid nor commissioned for the stories so why is there an issue with them being picky for what they do for free? Only one of your writers has a Patreon and it’s never advertised her

If you or the person commissioning the piece really wants a story to go with you, I’ve seen enough people ask on here to write for you that you shouldn’t have to much trouble finding people to write a one-shot.

If you want to keep the interactions short each week. You just need to set hard ground rules for each story down to what characters you both are willing to have show up in the series, what plot elements/fetishes/pairings are allowed, etc. That would be the best way to minimize the time spent each week on it.

It’s your site and as you said you do control the content, but put yourself in the writers shoes and ask yourself how you’d feel if you were asked to alter your plans for a project you’ve spent months working on.

2 years ago

That’s unfortunate but it’s your website so I’ll understand if you don’t want to do it anymore. I the situation gets better I enjoy reading the new stories.

2 years ago

I see where you are coming from, it’s your art and you want these stories to bring your art to life in a way that pictures couldn’t tell the stories that are told in the series in your sites. And I can say as a reader I’m invested in stories of the series I’ve read/watched.

I’m pretty sure the writers you have now have some sort of idea of what you want and don’t want in the stories but maybe you could have a person per certain amount of writers to delegate for you with them. That way they deal with the writers and these middle people just answer to you so you don’t have to have those 45-60 minute conversations you said you have.

Hopefully things get better from here on out and you can have more time for the things you want to do.

2 years ago

So you want the benefits of having people writing on your site but you don’t want the responsibility of coordinating series between writers? Easy, don’t make series with the same plot about Bustezz in every manganime you draw.
Draw, enjoy it and send the pictures as “do whatever you want in a oneshot” (and if they want to keep different pictures as a series later, its their responsability, not yours).

2 years ago

Wish there was a way for me to help

2 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

I’m always here if u need anything dont be afraid to ask, I’ve loved ur stories since the first mha was released, ur work is so inspiring

2 years ago

Your health, your preferences, they’re priority number one. You’re one of my favorite artists so I’d hate to see you unwell or distraught over others basically trying to take control over what is yours.

2 years ago

Sorry to hear this, hope everything gets resolved and well maybe switching to a one-shot system could alleviate some of the stress that comes with more complicated stories, but that’s just my opinion.

The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight
2 years ago

Honestly sad man

Its there anything i could help with

Would like to do the editing

The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight
2 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo


The Dark Knight
The Dark Knight
2 years ago
Reply to  Rtenzo

How can i do it

2 years ago

It’s really unfortunate that this is even happening at all. But at the end of the day, it’s your site and content, so it’s entirely your call. The same can be said for your mental health.

There’s no point in continuing to deal with any of it if it’s only stressing you out or creating this much push back.

All this to say, I really do hope it all improves, but otherwise, do what you have to do and do what’s best for you.

2 years ago

well, I only have this to say, do what you believe is best to do, not only for the site but also for your mental health, if they have to go, then let them go, just like the leaves on the tree, new ones will come and go, but don’t lose any of your roots, they’re most important ones

2 years ago

vaya que les pasa a esos escritores ni que sus historias cachondas fueran canon..rtenzo no tienes que pasar por eso …no es necesario que cada arte subas haya un fic es mas seria genial que subieras una imagen sin ningun escrito..antes solias hacer eso ..cuando empezaste con el sitio.

2 years ago

I hope this situation improves. If not then it is what it is and you gotta do what you gotta do. Sometimes addition by subtraction is needed to fix things. I got your back homie.

2 years ago

I hope you guys can work out a solution, but if not I guess it’d be better for you to do what’s better for yourself, there’s no point of continuing with it if it’s stressing you out

Last edited 2 years ago by xfuski
2 years ago

Well, although I don’t follow most of the series here, there are certain stories that I like and finding a situation like this is a bit complicated, it is understandable that stress and conflict take over people who do not walk in the same direction, don’t give up and go ahead, it will be what it will have to be, but always with your head held high, support as always 👌

2 years ago

Take it easy Enzo… if u have a pet cat or dog try to hug it…talking about problems almost stopped my heart … I think mental and physical health are easily affected by holding discomfort inside…. just take a deep breath then shout out this will help… I guess… when I get mad I just stay away from any human and spend some time with my cat how simple is that.

2 years ago

While I think that the stories give the little extra to your pics,
this is your website you have the last word in what will be posted here.

But I hope you can sort out the differences with your writers,
it would be sad to say goodbye to the stories.

But again this is your website, and the main content of this site are your pictures.

2 years ago

Hopefully everything goes ok love this site and the story’s

Smiling Fiend
2 years ago

I hope this doesn’t mean the departure of any writer or the complete halt of fanfics along the pictures, this format is so unique and as far as I can tell you guys are the only ones who do that. Disagreements are a bitch but if you all need more time or a break to figure things out I’d gladly wait, after all I believe in quality over quantity.
Also, I second what Marorin said, regular exercise and healthier diet did wonders for my physical and mental health.

2 years ago

Don’t wear yourself out Enzo I enjoy your art but not at the expense of yourself.

Have a good day

2 years ago

Ooh, that explains it. I’m sorry that your health’s been spotty lately. I’ve experienced stress myself in those situations myself and I can’t help but feel sometimes that may have affected my health as well. I did try a few things and its helped me a lot, like I know its not my place to suggest but maybe try some exercise? Helped me a bunch….

2 years ago
Reply to  Marorin

Does exercise help that much? I might need it myself.